/* * FreeRTOS V202212.00 * Copyright (C) 2020 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * https://www.FreeRTOS.org * https://github.com/FreeRTOS * */ /* * Changes from V1.2.3 * + The created tasks now include calls to tskYIELD(), allowing them to be used + with the cooperative scheduler. */ /** * This does the same as flop. c, but uses variables of type long instead of * type double. * * As with flop. c, the tasks created in this file are a good test of the * scheduler context switch mechanism. The processor has to access 32bit * variables in two or four chunks (depending on the processor). The low * priority of these tasks means there is a high probability that a context * switch will occur mid calculation. See the flop. c documentation for * more information. * * \page IntegerC integer.c * \ingroup DemoFiles *
*/ /* * Changes from V1.2.1 * + The constants used in the calculations are larger to ensure the + optimiser does not truncate them to 16 bits. */ #include /* Scheduler include files. */ #include "FreeRTOS.h" #include "task.h" #include "print.h" /* Demo program include files. */ #include "integer.h" #define intgSTACK_SIZE ( ( unsigned short ) 256 ) #define intgNUMBER_OF_TASKS ( 8 ) /* Four tasks, each of which performs a different calculation on four byte * variables. Each of the four is created twice. */ static void vCompeteingIntMathTask1( void * pvParameters ); static void vCompeteingIntMathTask2( void * pvParameters ); static void vCompeteingIntMathTask3( void * pvParameters ); static void vCompeteingIntMathTask4( void * pvParameters ); /* These variables are used to check that all the tasks are still running. If a * task gets a calculation wrong it will stop incrementing its check variable. */ static volatile unsigned short usTaskCheck[ intgNUMBER_OF_TASKS ] = { ( unsigned short ) 0 }; /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ void vStartIntegerMathTasks( unsigned portBASE_TYPE uxPriority ) { xTaskCreate( vCompeteingIntMathTask1, "IntMath1", intgSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &( usTaskCheck[ 0 ] ), uxPriority, NULL ); xTaskCreate( vCompeteingIntMathTask2, "IntMath2", intgSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &( usTaskCheck[ 1 ] ), uxPriority, NULL ); xTaskCreate( vCompeteingIntMathTask3, "IntMath3", intgSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &( usTaskCheck[ 2 ] ), uxPriority, NULL ); xTaskCreate( vCompeteingIntMathTask4, "IntMath4", intgSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &( usTaskCheck[ 3 ] ), uxPriority, NULL ); xTaskCreate( vCompeteingIntMathTask1, "IntMath5", intgSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &( usTaskCheck[ 4 ] ), uxPriority, NULL ); xTaskCreate( vCompeteingIntMathTask2, "IntMath6", intgSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &( usTaskCheck[ 5 ] ), uxPriority, NULL ); xTaskCreate( vCompeteingIntMathTask3, "IntMath7", intgSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &( usTaskCheck[ 6 ] ), uxPriority, NULL ); xTaskCreate( vCompeteingIntMathTask4, "IntMath8", intgSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) &( usTaskCheck[ 7 ] ), uxPriority, NULL ); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vCompeteingIntMathTask1( void * pvParameters ) { long l1, l2, l3, l4; short sError = pdFALSE; volatile unsigned short * pusTaskCheckVariable; const long lAnswer = ( ( long ) 74565L + ( long ) 1234567L ) * ( long ) -918L; const char * const pcTaskStartMsg = "Integer math task 1 started.\r\n"; const char * const pcTaskFailMsg = "Integer math task 1 failed.\r\n"; /* Queue a message for printing to say the task has started. */ vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskStartMsg ); /* The variable this task increments to show it is still running is passed in * as the parameter. */ pusTaskCheckVariable = ( unsigned short * ) pvParameters; /* Keep performing a calculation and checking the result against a constant. */ for( ; ; ) { l1 = ( long ) 74565L; l2 = ( long ) 1234567L; l3 = ( long ) -918L; l4 = ( l1 + l2 ) * l3; taskYIELD(); /* If the calculation does not match the expected constant, stop the * increment of the check variable. */ if( l4 != lAnswer ) { vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg ); sError = pdTRUE; } if( sError == pdFALSE ) { /* If the calculation has always been correct, increment the check * variable so we know this task is still running okay. */ ( *pusTaskCheckVariable )++; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vCompeteingIntMathTask2( void * pvParameters ) { long l1, l2, l3, l4; short sError = pdFALSE; volatile unsigned short * pusTaskCheckVariable; const long lAnswer = ( ( long ) -389000L / ( long ) 329999L ) * ( long ) -89L; const char * const pcTaskStartMsg = "Integer math task 2 started.\r\n"; const char * const pcTaskFailMsg = "Integer math task 2 failed.\r\n"; /* Queue a message for printing to say the task has started. */ vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskStartMsg ); /* The variable this task increments to show it is still running is passed in * as the parameter. */ pusTaskCheckVariable = ( unsigned short * ) pvParameters; /* Keep performing a calculation and checking the result against a constant. */ for( ; ; ) { l1 = -389000L; l2 = 329999L; l3 = -89L; l4 = ( l1 / l2 ) * l3; taskYIELD(); /* If the calculation does not match the expected constant, stop the * increment of the check variable. */ if( l4 != lAnswer ) { vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg ); sError = pdTRUE; } if( sError == pdFALSE ) { /* If the calculation has always been correct, increment the check * variable so we know this task is still running okay. */ ( *pusTaskCheckVariable )++; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vCompeteingIntMathTask3( void * pvParameters ) { long * plArray, lTotal1, lTotal2; short sError = pdFALSE; volatile unsigned short * pusTaskCheckVariable; const unsigned short usArraySize = ( unsigned short ) 250; unsigned short usPosition; const char * const pcTaskStartMsg = "Integer math task 3 started.\r\n"; const char * const pcTaskFailMsg = "Integer math task 3 failed.\r\n"; /* Queue a message for printing to say the task has started. */ vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskStartMsg ); /* The variable this task increments to show it is still running is passed in * as the parameter. */ pusTaskCheckVariable = ( unsigned short * ) pvParameters; /* Create the array we are going to use for our check calculation. */ plArray = ( long * ) pvPortMalloc( ( size_t ) 250 * sizeof( long ) ); /* Keep filling the array, keeping a running total of the values placed in the * array. Then run through the array adding up all the values. If the two totals * do not match, stop the check variable from incrementing. */ for( ; ; ) { lTotal1 = ( long ) 0; lTotal2 = ( long ) 0; for( usPosition = 0; usPosition < usArraySize; usPosition++ ) { plArray[ usPosition ] = ( long ) usPosition + ( long ) 5; lTotal1 += ( long ) usPosition + ( long ) 5; } taskYIELD(); for( usPosition = 0; usPosition < usArraySize; usPosition++ ) { lTotal2 += plArray[ usPosition ]; } if( lTotal1 != lTotal2 ) { vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg ); sError = pdTRUE; } taskYIELD(); if( sError == pdFALSE ) { /* If the calculation has always been correct, increment the check * variable so we know this task is still running okay. */ ( *pusTaskCheckVariable )++; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ static void vCompeteingIntMathTask4( void * pvParameters ) { long * plArray, lTotal1, lTotal2; short sError = pdFALSE; volatile unsigned short * pusTaskCheckVariable; const unsigned short usArraySize = 250; unsigned short usPosition; const char * const pcTaskStartMsg = "Integer math task 4 started.\r\n"; const char * const pcTaskFailMsg = "Integer math task 4 failed.\r\n"; /* Queue a message for printing to say the task has started. */ vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskStartMsg ); /* The variable this task increments to show it is still running is passed in * as the parameter. */ pusTaskCheckVariable = ( unsigned short * ) pvParameters; /* Create the array we are going to use for our check calculation. */ plArray = ( long * ) pvPortMalloc( ( size_t ) 250 * sizeof( long ) ); /* Keep filling the array, keeping a running total of the values placed in the * array. Then run through the array adding up all the values. If the two totals * do not match, stop the check variable from incrementing. */ for( ; ; ) { lTotal1 = ( long ) 0; lTotal2 = ( long ) 0; for( usPosition = 0; usPosition < usArraySize; usPosition++ ) { plArray[ usPosition ] = ( long ) usPosition * ( long ) 12; lTotal1 += ( long ) usPosition * ( long ) 12; } taskYIELD(); for( usPosition = 0; usPosition < usArraySize; usPosition++ ) { lTotal2 += plArray[ usPosition ]; } if( lTotal1 != lTotal2 ) { vPrintDisplayMessage( &pcTaskFailMsg ); sError = pdTRUE; } taskYIELD(); if( sError == pdFALSE ) { /* If the calculation has always been correct, increment the check * variable so we know this task is still running okay. */ ( *pusTaskCheckVariable )++; } } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This is called to check that all the created tasks are still running. */ portBASE_TYPE xAreIntegerMathsTaskStillRunning( void ) { /* Keep a history of the check variables so we know if they have been incremented * since the last call. */ static unsigned short usLastTaskCheck[ intgNUMBER_OF_TASKS ] = { ( unsigned short ) 0 }; portBASE_TYPE xReturn = pdTRUE, xTask; /* Check the maths tasks are still running by ensuring their check variables * are still incrementing. */ for( xTask = 0; xTask < intgNUMBER_OF_TASKS; xTask++ ) { if( usTaskCheck[ xTask ] == usLastTaskCheck[ xTask ] ) { /* The check has not incremented so an error exists. */ xReturn = pdFALSE; } usLastTaskCheck[ xTask ] = usTaskCheck[ xTask ]; } return xReturn; }