#include "WIFI.h" #if 0 static void dump_bytes(const uint8_t *bptr, uint32_t len) { unsigned int i = 0; printf("dump_bytes %d", len); for (i = 0; i < len;) { if ((i & 0x0f) == 0) { printf("\n"); } else if ((i & 0x07) == 0) { printf(" "); } printf("%02x ", bptr[i++]); } printf("\n"); } #define DUMP_BYTES dump_bytes // 调试用的字节转储函数 #else #define DUMP_BYTES(A,B) #endif typedef struct TCP_CLIENT_T_ { struct tcp_pcb *tcp_pcb; // TCP控制块指针 ip_addr_t remote_addr; // 远程地址 uint8_t buffer[BUF_SIZE]; // 接收缓冲区 int buffer_len; // 缓冲区当前长度 int sent_len; // 已发送的数据长度 bool complete; // 是否完成测试 int run_count; // 运行次数 bool connected; // 是否已连接 } TCP_CLIENT_T; static err_t tcp_client_close(void *arg) { TCP_CLIENT_T *state = (TCP_CLIENT_T*)arg; err_t err = ERR_OK; if (state->tcp_pcb != NULL) { tcp_arg(state->tcp_pcb, NULL); // 清除回调参数 tcp_poll(state->tcp_pcb, NULL, 0); // 清除轮询回调 tcp_sent(state->tcp_pcb, NULL); // 清除发送回调 tcp_recv(state->tcp_pcb, NULL); // 清除接收回调 tcp_err(state->tcp_pcb, NULL); // 清除错误回调 err = tcp_close(state->tcp_pcb); // 关闭TCP连接 if (err != ERR_OK) { DEBUG_printf("close failed %d, calling abort\n", err); // 如果关闭失败,调用abort tcp_abort(state->tcp_pcb); err = ERR_ABRT; } state->tcp_pcb = NULL; // 清除TCP控制块指针 } return err; } // 操作结果回调 static err_t tcp_result(void *arg, int status) { TCP_CLIENT_T *state = (TCP_CLIENT_T*)arg; if (status == 0) { DEBUG_printf("test success\n"); // 测试成功 } else { DEBUG_printf("test failed %d\n", status); // 测试失败 } state->complete = true; // 标记测试完成 return tcp_client_close(arg); // 关闭连接 } // 轮询回调 static err_t tcp_client_poll(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb) { DEBUG_printf("tcp_client_poll\n"); return tcp_result(arg, -1); // 无响应视为错误 } // 错误处理回调 static void tcp_client_err(void *arg, err_t err) { if (err != ERR_ABRT) { DEBUG_printf("tcp_client_err %d\n", err); // 打印错误信息 tcp_result(arg, err); } } // 连接建立回调 static err_t tcp_client_connected(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, err_t err) { TCP_CLIENT_T *state = (TCP_CLIENT_T*)arg; if (err != ERR_OK) { printf("connect failed %d\n", err); // 连接失败 return tcp_result(arg, err); } state->connected = true; // 标记已连接 DEBUG_printf("连接成功,准备发送消息!!!\n"); // 连接成功,准备发送消息 // 定义要发送的字符串 const char *message = "PICO W\n"; state->buffer_len = strlen(message); // 设置要发送的字符串长度 memcpy(state->buffer, message, state->buffer_len); // 将字符串复制到缓冲区 // 发送字符串到服务器 err = tcp_write(tpcb, state->buffer, state->buffer_len, TCP_WRITE_FLAG_COPY); if (err != ERR_OK) { DEBUG_printf("发送失败: %d\n", err); // 发送失败 return tcp_result(arg, -1); } DEBUG_printf("发送数据: %s\n", message); // 打印发送的消息 memset(state->buffer, 0, state->buffer_len); state->buffer_len = 0; return ERR_OK; } err_t tcp_client_recv(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err) { TCP_CLIENT_T *state = (TCP_CLIENT_T*)arg; if (!p) { DEBUG_printf("接收数据失败,p 为 NULL\n"); // 添加调试信息 return tcp_result(arg, -1); } // this method is callback from lwIP, so cyw43_arch_lwip_begin is not required, however you // can use this method to cause an assertion in debug mode, if this method is called when // cyw43_arch_lwip_begin IS needed cyw43_arch_lwip_check(); if (p->tot_len > 0) { DEBUG_printf("recv %d err %d\n", p->tot_len, err); for (struct pbuf *q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next) { DUMP_BYTES(q->payload, q->len); } // Receive the buffer const uint16_t buffer_left = BUF_SIZE - state->buffer_len; state->buffer_len += pbuf_copy_partial(p, state->buffer + state->buffer_len, p->tot_len > buffer_left ? buffer_left : p->tot_len, 0); tcp_recved(tpcb, p->tot_len); } // 打印当前缓冲区内容 printf("接收数据: %s", state->buffer); pbuf_free(p); memset(state->buffer, 0, state->buffer_len); state->buffer_len = 0; return ERR_OK; } // 发送数据回调 static err_t tcp_client_sent(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, u16_t len) { TCP_CLIENT_T *state = (TCP_CLIENT_T*)arg; DEBUG_printf("tcp_client_sent %u\n", len); // 打印发送的数据长度 state->sent_len += len; // 更新已发送的数据长度 if (state->sent_len >= BUF_SIZE) { state->run_count++; // 增加运行次数 if (state->run_count >= TEST_ITERATIONS) { tcp_result(arg, 0); // 达到迭代次数,测试成功 return ERR_OK; } // 准备接收新的数据缓冲区 state->buffer_len = 0; state->sent_len = 0; DEBUG_printf("Waiting for buffer from server\n"); } return ERR_OK; } // 打开TCP连接 static bool tcp_client_open(void *arg) { TCP_CLIENT_T *state = (TCP_CLIENT_T*)arg; DEBUG_printf("Connecting to %s port %u\n", ip4addr_ntoa(&state->remote_addr), TCP_PORT); state->tcp_pcb = tcp_new_ip_type(IP_GET_TYPE(&state->remote_addr)); // 创建TCP控制块 if (!state->tcp_pcb) { DEBUG_printf("failed to create pcb\n"); // 创建失败 return false; } tcp_arg(state->tcp_pcb, state); // 设置回调参数 tcp_poll(state->tcp_pcb, tcp_client_poll, POLL_TIME_S * 2); // 设置轮询回调 tcp_sent(state->tcp_pcb, tcp_client_sent); // 设置发送回调 tcp_recv(state->tcp_pcb, tcp_client_recv); // 设置接收回调 tcp_err(state->tcp_pcb, tcp_client_err); // 设置错误回调 state->buffer_len = 0; // 初始化缓冲区长度 // 使用cyw43_arch_lwip_begin/end确保正确锁定 cyw43_arch_lwip_begin(); err_t err = tcp_connect(state->tcp_pcb, &state->remote_addr, TCP_PORT, tcp_client_connected); // 尝试连接 cyw43_arch_lwip_end(); return err == ERR_OK; } // 初始化TCP客户端 static TCP_CLIENT_T* tcp_client_init(void) { TCP_CLIENT_T *state = calloc(1, sizeof(TCP_CLIENT_T)); // 分配内存 if (!state) { DEBUG_printf("failed to allocate state\n"); // 分配失败 return NULL; } ip4addr_aton(TEST_TCP_SERVER_IP, &state->remote_addr); // 解析服务器IP地址 return state; } // 运行TCP客户端测试 void run_tcp_client_test(void) { TCP_CLIENT_T *state = tcp_client_init(); // 初始化客户端 if (!state) { return; } if (!tcp_client_open(state)) { // 打开连接 tcp_result(state, -1); // 连接失败 return; } while(!state->complete) { // 循环等待测试完成 #if PICO_CYW43_ARCH_POLL // 如果使用pico_cyw43_arch_poll,需要定期调用cyw43_arch_poll cyw43_arch_poll(); // 可以选择休眠直到有工作需要做 cyw43_arch_wait_for_work_until(make_timeout_time_ms(1000)); #else cyw43_arch_poll(); // 可以选择休眠直到有工作需要做 cyw43_arch_wait_for_work_until(make_timeout_time_ms(1000)); // 如果不使用pico_cyw43_arch_poll,可以通过中断在后台处理 //sleep_ms(1000); // 示例中的阻塞操作 #endif } free(state); // 释放内存 }