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2024-04-14 18:38:39 +08:00
* FreeRTOS V202212.00
* Copyright (C) 2020 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* https://www.FreeRTOS.org
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* Tests the behaviour of timers. Some timers are created before the scheduler
* is started, and some after.
/* Standard includes. */
#include <string.h>
/* Scheduler include files. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "timers.h"
/* Demo program include files. */
#include "TimerDemo.h"
#if ( configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY < 1 )
#error configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY must be set to at least 1 for this test/demo to function correctly.
#define tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK ( ( TickType_t ) 0 )
#define tmrdemoONE_SHOT_TIMER_PERIOD ( xBasePeriod * ( TickType_t ) 3 )
#define tmrdemoNUM_TIMER_RESETS ( ( uint8_t ) 10 )
/* The callback functions used by the timers. These each increment a counter
* to indicate which timer has expired. The auto-reload timers that are used by
* the test task (as opposed to being used from an ISR) all share the same
* prvAutoReloadTimerCallback() callback function, and use the ID of the
* pxExpiredTimer parameter passed into that function to know which counter to
* increment. The other timers all have their own unique callback function and
* simply increment their counters without using the callback function parameter. */
static void prvAutoReloadTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxExpiredTimer );
static void prvOneShotTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxExpiredTimer );
static void prvTimerTestTask( void * pvParameters );
static void prvISRAutoReloadTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxExpiredTimer );
static void prvISROneShotTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxExpiredTimer );
/* The test functions used by the timer test task. These manipulate the auto
* reload and one-shot timers in various ways, then delay, then inspect the timers
* to ensure they have behaved as expected. */
static void prvTest1_CreateTimersWithoutSchedulerRunning( void );
static void prvTest2_CheckTaskAndTimersInitialState( void );
static void prvTest3_CheckAutoReloadExpireRates( void );
static void prvTest4_CheckAutoReloadTimersCanBeStopped( void );
static void prvTest5_CheckBasicOneShotTimerBehaviour( void );
static void prvTest6_CheckAutoReloadResetBehaviour( void );
static void prvTest7_CheckBacklogBehaviour( void );
static void prvResetStartConditionsForNextIteration( void );
/* Flag that will be latched to pdFAIL should any unexpected behaviour be
* detected in any of the demo tests. */
static volatile BaseType_t xTestStatus = pdPASS;
/* Flag indicating whether the testing includes the backlog demo. The backlog
* demo can be disruptive to other demos because the timer backlog is created by
* calling xTaskCatchUpTicks(). */
static uint8_t ucIsBacklogDemoEnabled = ( uint8_t ) pdFALSE;
/* Counter that is incremented on each cycle of a test. This is used to
* detect a stalled task - a test that is no longer running. */
static volatile uint32_t ulLoopCounter = 0;
/* A set of auto-reload timers - each of which use the same callback function.
* The callback function uses the timer ID to index into, and then increment, a
* counter in the ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[] array. The callback function stops
* xAutoReloadTimers[0] during its callback if ucIsStopNeededInTimerZeroCallback is
* pdTRUE. The auto-reload timers referenced from xAutoReloadTimers[] are used by
* the prvTimerTestTask task. */
static TimerHandle_t xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH + 1 ] = { 0 };
static uint8_t ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH + 1 ] = { 0 };
static uint8_t ucIsStopNeededInTimerZeroCallback = ( uint8_t ) pdFALSE;
/* The one-shot timer is configured to use a callback function that increments
* ucOneShotTimerCounter each time it gets called. */
static TimerHandle_t xOneShotTimer = NULL;
static uint8_t ucOneShotTimerCounter = ( uint8_t ) 0;
/* The ISR reload timer is controlled from the tick hook to exercise the timer
* API functions that can be used from an ISR. It is configured to increment
* ucISRReloadTimerCounter each time its callback function is executed. */
static TimerHandle_t xISRAutoReloadTimer = NULL;
static uint8_t ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter = ( uint8_t ) 0;
/* The ISR one-shot timer is controlled from the tick hook to exercise the timer
* API functions that can be used from an ISR. It is configured to increment
* ucISRReloadTimerCounter each time its callback function is executed. */
static TimerHandle_t xISROneShotTimer = NULL;
static uint8_t ucISROneShotTimerCounter = ( uint8_t ) 0;
/* The period of all the timers are a multiple of the base period. The base
* period is configured by the parameter to vStartTimerDemoTask(). */
static TickType_t xBasePeriod = 0;
void vStartTimerDemoTask( TickType_t xBasePeriodIn )
/* Start with the timer and counter arrays clear - this is only necessary
* where the compiler does not clear them automatically on start up. */
memset( ucAutoReloadTimerCounters, 0x00, sizeof( ucAutoReloadTimerCounters ) );
memset( xAutoReloadTimers, 0x00, sizeof( xAutoReloadTimers ) );
/* Store the period from which all the timer periods will be generated from
* (multiples of). */
xBasePeriod = xBasePeriodIn;
/* Create a set of timers for use by this demo/test. */
/* Create the task that will control and monitor the timers. This is
* created at a lower priority than the timer service task to ensure, as
* far as it is concerned, commands on timers are acted on immediately
* (sending a command to the timer service task will unblock the timer service
* task, which will then preempt this task). */
if( xTestStatus != pdFAIL )
xTaskCreate( prvTimerTestTask, "Tmr Tst", tmrTIMER_TEST_TASK_STACK_SIZE, NULL, configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY - 1, NULL );
void vTimerDemoIncludeBacklogTests( BaseType_t includeBacklogTests )
ucIsBacklogDemoEnabled = ( uint8_t ) includeBacklogTests;
static void prvTimerTestTask( void * pvParameters )
( void ) pvParameters;
/* Create a one-shot timer for use later on in this test. For test purposes it
* is created as an auto-reload timer then converted to a one-shot timer. */
xOneShotTimer = xTimerCreate( "Oneshot Timer", /* Text name to facilitate debugging. The kernel does not use this itself. */
tmrdemoONE_SHOT_TIMER_PERIOD, /* The period for the timer. */
pdFALSE, /* Autoreload is false, so created as a one-shot timer. */
( void * ) 0, /* The timer identifier. Initialise to 0, then increment each time it is called. */
prvOneShotTimerCallback ); /* The callback to be called when the timer expires. */
if( xOneShotTimer == NULL )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Purely for test coverage purposes - change and query the reload mode to
* auto-reload then back to one-shot. */
/* Change timer to auto-reload. */
vTimerSetReloadMode( xOneShotTimer, pdTRUE );
/* Timer should now be auto-reload. */
configASSERT( uxTimerGetReloadMode( xOneShotTimer ) == pdTRUE );
/* Change timer to one-shot, which is what is needed for this test. */
vTimerSetReloadMode( xOneShotTimer, pdFALSE );
/* Check change to one-shot was successful. */
configASSERT( uxTimerGetReloadMode( xOneShotTimer ) == pdFALSE );
/* Ensure all the timers are in their expected initial state. This
* depends on the timer service task having a higher priority than this task. */
for( ; ; )
/* Check the auto-reload timers expire at the expected/correct rates. */
/* Check the auto-reload timers can be stopped correctly, and correctly
* report their state. */
/* Check the one-shot timer only calls its callback once after it has been
* started, and that it reports its state correctly. */
/* Check timer reset behaviour. */
/* Check timer behaviour when the timer task gets behind in its work. */
if( ucIsBacklogDemoEnabled == ( uint8_t ) pdTRUE )
/* Start the timers again to restart all the tests over again. */
/* This is called to check that the created task is still running and has not
* detected any errors. */
BaseType_t xAreTimerDemoTasksStillRunning( TickType_t xCycleFrequency )
static uint32_t ulLastLoopCounter = 0UL;
TickType_t xMaxBlockTimeUsedByTheseTests, xLoopCounterIncrementTimeMax;
static TickType_t xIterationsWithoutCounterIncrement = ( TickType_t ) 0, xLastCycleFrequency;
if( xLastCycleFrequency != xCycleFrequency )
/* The cycle frequency has probably become much faster due to an error
* elsewhere. Start counting Iterations again. */
xIterationsWithoutCounterIncrement = ( TickType_t ) 0;
xLastCycleFrequency = xCycleFrequency;
/* Calculate the maximum number of times that it is permissible for this
* function to be called without ulLoopCounter being incremented. This is
* necessary because the tests in this file block for extended periods, and the
* block period might be longer than the time between calls to this function. */
xMaxBlockTimeUsedByTheseTests = ( ( TickType_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH ) * xBasePeriod;
xLoopCounterIncrementTimeMax = ( xMaxBlockTimeUsedByTheseTests / xCycleFrequency ) + 1;
/* If the demo task is still running then the loop counter is expected to
* have incremented every xLoopCounterIncrementTimeMax calls. */
if( ulLastLoopCounter == ulLoopCounter )
if( xIterationsWithoutCounterIncrement > xLoopCounterIncrementTimeMax )
/* The tests appear to be no longer running (stalled). */
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
/* ulLoopCounter changed, so the count of times this function was called
* without a change can be reset to zero. */
xIterationsWithoutCounterIncrement = ( TickType_t ) 0;
ulLastLoopCounter = ulLoopCounter;
/* Errors detected in the task itself will have latched xTestStatus
* to pdFAIL. */
return xTestStatus;
static void prvTest1_CreateTimersWithoutSchedulerRunning( void )
TickType_t xTimer;
for( xTimer = 0; xTimer < configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH; xTimer++ )
/* As the timer queue is not yet full, it should be possible to both
* create and start a timer. These timers are being started before the
* scheduler has been started, so their block times should get set to zero
* within the timer API itself. */
xAutoReloadTimers[ xTimer ] = xTimerCreate( "FR Timer", /* Text name to facilitate debugging. The kernel does not use this itself. */
( ( xTimer + ( TickType_t ) 1 ) * xBasePeriod ), /* The period for the timer. The plus 1 ensures a period of zero is not specified. */
pdTRUE, /* Auto-reload is set to true. */
( void * ) xTimer, /* An identifier for the timer as all the auto-reload timers use the same callback. */
prvAutoReloadTimerCallback ); /* The callback to be called when the timer expires. */
if( xAutoReloadTimers[ xTimer ] == NULL )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
configASSERT( strcmp( pcTimerGetName( xAutoReloadTimers[ xTimer ] ), "FR Timer" ) == 0 );
/* The scheduler has not yet started, so the block period of
* portMAX_DELAY should just get set to zero in xTimerStart(). Also,
* the timer queue is not yet full so xTimerStart() should return
* pdPASS. */
if( xTimerStart( xAutoReloadTimers[ xTimer ], portMAX_DELAY ) != pdPASS )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* The timers queue should now be full, so it should be possible to create
* another timer, but not possible to start it (the timer queue will not get
* drained until the scheduler has been started. */
xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH ] = xTimerCreate( "FR Timer", /* Text name to facilitate debugging. The kernel does not use this itself. */
( configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH * xBasePeriod ), /* The period for the timer. */
pdTRUE, /* Auto-reload is set to true. */
( void * ) xTimer, /* An identifier for the timer as all the auto-reload timers use the same callback. */
prvAutoReloadTimerCallback ); /* The callback executed when the timer expires. */
if( xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH ] == NULL )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( xTimerStart( xAutoReloadTimers[ xTimer ], portMAX_DELAY ) == pdPASS )
/* This time it would not be expected that the timer could be
* started at this point. */
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Create the timers that are used from the tick interrupt to test the timer
* API functions that can be called from an ISR. */
xISRAutoReloadTimer = xTimerCreate( "ISR AR", /* The text name given to the timer. */
0xffff, /* The timer is not given a period yet - this will be done from the tick hook, but a period of 0 is invalid. */
pdTRUE, /* This is an auto-reload timer. */
( void * ) NULL, /* The identifier is not required. */
prvISRAutoReloadTimerCallback ); /* The callback that is executed when the timer expires. */
xISROneShotTimer = xTimerCreate( "ISR OS", /* The text name given to the timer. */
0xffff, /* The timer is not given a period yet - this will be done from the tick hook, but a period of 0 is invalid. */
pdFALSE, /* This is a one-shot timer. */
( void * ) NULL, /* The identifier is not required. */
prvISROneShotTimerCallback ); /* The callback that is executed when the timer expires. */
if( ( xISRAutoReloadTimer == NULL ) || ( xISROneShotTimer == NULL ) )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
static void prvTest2_CheckTaskAndTimersInitialState( void )
uint8_t ucTimer;
/* Ensure all the timers are in their expected initial state. This depends
* on the timer service task having a higher priority than this task.
* auto-reload timers 0 to ( configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ) should now be active,
* and auto-reload timer configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH should not yet be active (it
* could not be started prior to the scheduler being started when it was
* created). */
for( ucTimer = 0; ucTimer < ( uint8_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH; ucTimer++ )
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ ucTimer ] ) == pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH ] ) != pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
static void prvTest3_CheckAutoReloadExpireRates( void )
uint8_t ucMaxAllowableValue, ucMinAllowableValue, ucTimer;
TickType_t xBlockPeriod, xTimerPeriod, xExpectedNumber;
UBaseType_t uxOriginalPriority;
/* Check the auto-reload timers expire at the expected rates. Do this at a
* high priority for maximum accuracy. This is ok as most of the time is spent
* in the Blocked state. */
uxOriginalPriority = uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL );
vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1 ) );
/* Delaying for configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH * xBasePeriod ticks should allow
* all the auto-reload timers to expire at least once. */
xBlockPeriod = ( ( TickType_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH ) * xBasePeriod;
vTaskDelay( xBlockPeriod );
/* Check that all the auto-reload timers have called their callback
* function the expected number of times. */
for( ucTimer = 0; ucTimer < ( uint8_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH; ucTimer++ )
/* The expected number of expires is equal to the block period divided
* by the timer period. */
xTimerPeriod = ( ( ( TickType_t ) ucTimer + ( TickType_t ) 1 ) * xBasePeriod );
xExpectedNumber = xBlockPeriod / xTimerPeriod;
ucMaxAllowableValue = ( ( uint8_t ) xExpectedNumber );
ucMinAllowableValue = ( uint8_t ) ( ( uint8_t ) xExpectedNumber - ( uint8_t ) 1 ); /* Weird casting to try and please all compilers. */
if( ( ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[ ucTimer ] < ucMinAllowableValue ) ||
( ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[ ucTimer ] > ucMaxAllowableValue )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Return to the original priority. */
vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, uxOriginalPriority );
if( xTestStatus == pdPASS )
/* No errors have been reported so increment the loop counter so the
* check task knows this task is still running. */
static void prvTest4_CheckAutoReloadTimersCanBeStopped( void )
uint8_t ucTimer;
/* Check the auto-reload timers can be stopped correctly, and correctly
* report their state. */
/* Stop all the active timers. */
for( ucTimer = 0; ucTimer < ( uint8_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH; ucTimer++ )
/* The timer has not been stopped yet! */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ ucTimer ] ) == pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Now stop the timer. This will appear to happen immediately to
* this task because this task is running at a priority below the
* timer service task. */
xTimerStop( xAutoReloadTimers[ ucTimer ], tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
/* The timer should now be inactive. */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ ucTimer ] ) != pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* The timer in array position configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH should not
* be active. The critical section is used to ensure the timer does
* not call its callback between the next line running and the array
* being cleared back to zero, as that would mask an error condition. */
if( ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH ] != ( uint8_t ) 0 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Clear the timer callback count. */
memset( ( void * ) ucAutoReloadTimerCounters, 0, sizeof( ucAutoReloadTimerCounters ) );
/* The timers are now all inactive, so this time, after delaying, none
* of the callback counters should have incremented. */
vTaskDelay( ( ( TickType_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH ) * xBasePeriod );
for( ucTimer = 0; ucTimer < ( uint8_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH; ucTimer++ )
if( ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[ ucTimer ] != ( uint8_t ) 0 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( xTestStatus == pdPASS )
/* No errors have been reported so increment the loop counter so
* the check task knows this task is still running. */
static void prvTest5_CheckBasicOneShotTimerBehaviour( void )
/* Check the one-shot timer only calls its callback once after it has been
* started, and that it reports its state correctly. */
/* The one-shot timer should not be active yet. */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xOneShotTimer ) != pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucOneShotTimerCounter != ( uint8_t ) 0 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Start the one-shot timer and check that it reports its state correctly. */
xTimerStart( xOneShotTimer, tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xOneShotTimer ) == pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Delay for three times as long as the one-shot timer period, then check
* to ensure it has only called its callback once, and is now not in the
* active state. */
vTaskDelay( tmrdemoONE_SHOT_TIMER_PERIOD * ( TickType_t ) 3 );
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xOneShotTimer ) != pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucOneShotTimerCounter != ( uint8_t ) 1 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Reset the one-shot timer callback count. */
ucOneShotTimerCounter = ( uint8_t ) 0;
if( xTestStatus == pdPASS )
/* No errors have been reported so increment the loop counter so the
* check task knows this task is still running. */
static void prvTest6_CheckAutoReloadResetBehaviour( void )
uint8_t ucTimer;
/* Check timer reset behaviour. */
/* Restart the one-shot timer and check it reports its status correctly. */
xTimerStart( xOneShotTimer, tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xOneShotTimer ) == pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Restart one of the auto-reload timers and check that it reports its
* status correctly. */
xTimerStart( xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ], tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ] ) == pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
for( ucTimer = 0; ucTimer < tmrdemoNUM_TIMER_RESETS; ucTimer++ )
/* Delay for half as long as the one-shot timer period, then reset it.
* It should never expire while this is done, so its callback count should
* never increment. */
vTaskDelay( tmrdemoONE_SHOT_TIMER_PERIOD / 2 );
/* Check both running timers are still active, but have not called their
* callback functions. */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xOneShotTimer ) == pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucOneShotTimerCounter != ( uint8_t ) 0 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ] ) == pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ] != ( uint8_t ) 0 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Reset both running timers. */
xTimerReset( xOneShotTimer, tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
xTimerReset( xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ], tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
if( xTestStatus == pdPASS )
/* No errors have been reported so increment the loop counter so
* the check task knows this task is still running. */
/* Finally delay long enough for both running timers to expire. */
vTaskDelay( ( ( TickType_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH ) * xBasePeriod );
/* The timers were not reset during the above delay period so should now
* both have called their callback functions. */
if( ucOneShotTimerCounter != ( uint8_t ) 1 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ] == 0 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* The one-shot timer should no longer be active, while the auto-reload
* timer should still be active. */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ] ) == pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xOneShotTimer ) == pdTRUE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Stop the auto-reload timer again. */
xTimerStop( xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ], tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ] ) != pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Clear the timer callback counts, ready for another iteration of these
* tests. */
ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[ configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH - 1 ] = ( uint8_t ) 0;
ucOneShotTimerCounter = ( uint8_t ) 0;
if( xTestStatus == pdPASS )
/* No errors have been reported so increment the loop counter so the check
* task knows this task is still running. */
static void prvTest7_CheckBacklogBehaviour( void )
UBaseType_t uxOriginalPriority;
/* Use the first auto-reload timer to test stopping a timer from a
* backlogged callback. */
/* The timer has not been started yet! */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ 0 ] ) != pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Prompt the callback function to stop the timer. */
ucIsStopNeededInTimerZeroCallback = ( uint8_t ) pdTRUE;
/* Now start the timer. This will appear to happen immediately to
* this task because this task is running at a priority below the timer
* service task. Use a timer period of one tick so the call to
* xTaskCatchUpTicks() below has minimal impact on other tests that might
* be running. */
#define tmrdemoBACKLOG_TIMER_PERIOD ( ( TickType_t ) 1 )
xTimerChangePeriod( xAutoReloadTimers[ 0 ], tmrdemoBACKLOG_TIMER_PERIOD, tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
/* The timer should now be active. */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ 0 ] ) == pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Arrange for the callback to execute late enough that it will execute
* twice, back-to-back. The timer must handle the stop request properly
* in spite of the backlog of callbacks. */
#define tmrdemoEXPECTED_BACKLOG_EXPIRES ( ( TickType_t ) 2 )
/* The timer should now be inactive. */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ 0 ] ) != pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Restore the standard timer period, and leave the timer inactive. */
xTimerChangePeriod( xAutoReloadTimers[ 0 ], xBasePeriod, tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
xTimerStop( xAutoReloadTimers[ 0 ], tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
/* Clear the reload count for the timer used in this test. */
ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[ 0 ] = ( uint8_t ) 0;
/* Verify a one-shot timer is marked as inactive if the timer task processes
* the start or reset request after the expiration time has passed. */
/* The timer has not been started yet! */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xOneShotTimer ) != pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Use the timer period specific to backlogged timers because it reduces
* the impact on other tests that might be running when xTaskCatchUpTicks()
* creates the backlog, below. */
xTimerChangePeriod( xOneShotTimer, tmrdemoBACKLOG_TIMER_PERIOD, tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
/* Temporarily give this task maximum priority so it can cause the timer
* task to delay its processing of the reset request below. */
uxOriginalPriority = uxTaskPriorityGet( NULL );
vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1 ) );
/* Reset the timer. The timer service won't process this request right
* away as noted above. */
xTimerReset( xOneShotTimer, tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
/* Cause the timer period to elapse without giving an opportunity for the
* timer service task to process the reset request. */
xTaskCatchUpTicks( tmrdemoBACKLOG_TIMER_PERIOD );
/* Return this task to its original priority. The timer service task will
* process the reset request immediately. The timer task must handle the reset
* request as if it were processed at the time of the request even though in
* this test the processing occurs after the intended expiration time. */
vTaskPrioritySet( NULL, uxOriginalPriority );
/* The timer should now be inactive. */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xOneShotTimer ) != pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Restore the standard timer period, and leave the timer inactive. */
xTimerChangePeriod( xOneShotTimer, tmrdemoONE_SHOT_TIMER_PERIOD, tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
xTimerStop( xOneShotTimer, tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
/* Clear the counter for the timer used in this test. */
ucOneShotTimerCounter = ( uint8_t ) 0;
if( xTestStatus == pdPASS )
/* No errors have been reported so increment the loop counter so the check
* task knows this task is still running. */
static void prvResetStartConditionsForNextIteration( void )
uint8_t ucTimer;
/* Start the timers again to start all the tests over again. */
/* Start the timers again. */
for( ucTimer = 0; ucTimer < ( uint8_t ) configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH; ucTimer++ )
/* The timer has not been started yet! */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ ucTimer ] ) != pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Now start the timer. This will appear to happen immediately to
* this task because this task is running at a priority below the timer
* service task. */
xTimerStart( xAutoReloadTimers[ ucTimer ], tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
/* The timer should now be active. */
if( xTimerIsTimerActive( xAutoReloadTimers[ ucTimer ] ) == pdFALSE )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( xTestStatus == pdPASS )
/* No errors have been reported so increment the loop counter so the
* check task knows this task is still running. */
void vTimerPeriodicISRTests( void )
static TickType_t uxTick = ( TickType_t ) -1;
#if ( configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY != ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1 ) )
/* The timer service task is not the highest priority task, so it cannot
* be assumed that timings will be exact. Timers should never call their
* callback before their expiry time, but a margin is permissible for calling
* their callback after their expiry time. If exact timing is required then
* configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY must be set to ensure the timer service task
* is the highest priority task in the system.
* This function is called from the tick hook. The tick hook is called
* even when the scheduler is suspended. Therefore it is possible that the
* uxTick count maintained in this function is temporarily ahead of the tick
* count maintained by the kernel. When this is the case a message posted from
* this function will assume a time stamp in advance of the real time stamp,
* which can result in a timer being processed before this function expects it
* to. For example, if the kernel's tick count was 100, and uxTick was 102,
* then this function will not expect the timer to have expired until the
* kernel's tick count is (102 + xBasePeriod), whereas in reality the timer
* will expire when the kernel's tick count is (100 + xBasePeriod). For this
* reason xMargin is used as an allowable margin for premature timer expires
* as well as late timer expires. */
#ifdef _WINDOWS_
/* Windows is not real real time. */
const TickType_t xMargin = 20;
const TickType_t xMargin = 6;
#endif /* _WINDOWS_ */
#ifdef _WINDOWS_
/* Windows is not real real time. */
const TickType_t xMargin = 20;
const TickType_t xMargin = 4;
#endif /* _WINDOWS_ */
#endif /* if ( configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY != ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1 ) ) */
if( uxTick == 0 )
/* The timers will have been created, but not started. Start them now
* by setting their period. */
ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter = 0;
ucISROneShotTimerCounter = 0;
/* It is possible that the timer task has not yet made room in the
* timer queue. If the timers cannot be started then reset uxTick so
* another attempt is made later. */
uxTick = ( TickType_t ) -1;
/* Try starting first timer. */
if( xTimerChangePeriodFromISR( xISRAutoReloadTimer, xBasePeriod, NULL ) == pdPASS )
/* First timer was started, try starting the second timer. */
if( xTimerChangePeriodFromISR( xISROneShotTimer, xBasePeriod, NULL ) == pdPASS )
/* Both timers were started, so set the uxTick back to its
* proper value. */
uxTick = 0;
/* Second timer could not be started, so stop the first one
* again. */
xTimerStopFromISR( xISRAutoReloadTimer, NULL );
else if( uxTick == ( xBasePeriod - xMargin ) )
/* Neither timer should have expired yet. */
if( ( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 0 ) || ( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 0 ) )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
else if( uxTick == ( xBasePeriod + xMargin ) )
/* Both timers should now have expired once. The auto-reload timer will
* still be active, but the one-shot timer should now have stopped. */
if( ( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 1 ) || ( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 1 ) )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
else if( uxTick == ( ( 2 * xBasePeriod ) - xMargin ) )
/* The auto-reload timer will still be active, but the one-shot timer
* should now have stopped - however, at this time neither of the timers
* should have expired again since the last test. */
if( ( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 1 ) || ( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 1 ) )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
else if( uxTick == ( ( 2 * xBasePeriod ) + xMargin ) )
/* The auto-reload timer will still be active, but the one-shot timer
* should now have stopped. At this time the auto-reload timer should have
* expired again, but the one-shot timer count should not have changed. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 2 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 1 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
else if( uxTick == ( ( 2 * xBasePeriod ) + ( xBasePeriod >> ( TickType_t ) 2U ) ) )
/* The auto-reload timer will still be active, but the one-shot timer
* should now have stopped. Again though, at this time, neither timer call
* back should have been called since the last test. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 2 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 1 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
else if( uxTick == ( 3 * xBasePeriod ) )
/* Start the one-shot timer again. */
xTimerStartFromISR( xISROneShotTimer, NULL );
else if( uxTick == ( ( 3 * xBasePeriod ) + xMargin ) )
/* The auto-reload timer and one-shot timer will be active. At
* this time the auto-reload timer should have expired again, but the one
* shot timer count should not have changed yet. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 1 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Now stop the auto-reload timer. The one-shot timer was started
* a few ticks ago. */
xTimerStopFromISR( xISRAutoReloadTimer, NULL );
else if( uxTick == ( 4 * ( xBasePeriod - xMargin ) ) )
/* The auto-reload timer is now stopped, and the one-shot timer is
* active, but at this time neither timer should have expired since the
* last test. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 1 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
else if( uxTick == ( ( 4 * xBasePeriod ) + xMargin ) )
/* The auto-reload timer is now stopped, and the one-shot timer is
* active. The one-shot timer should have expired again, but the auto
* reload timer should not have executed its callback. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 2 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
else if( uxTick == ( 8 * xBasePeriod ) )
/* The auto-reload timer is now stopped, and the one-shot timer has
* already expired and then stopped itself. Both callback counters should
* not have incremented since the last test. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 2 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
/* Now reset the one-shot timer. */
xTimerResetFromISR( xISROneShotTimer, NULL );
else if( uxTick == ( ( 9 * xBasePeriod ) - xMargin ) )
/* Only the one-shot timer should be running, but it should not have
* expired since the last test. Check the callback counters have not
* incremented, then reset the one-shot timer again. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 2 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
xTimerResetFromISR( xISROneShotTimer, NULL );
else if( uxTick == ( ( 10 * xBasePeriod ) - ( 2 * xMargin ) ) )
/* Only the one-shot timer should be running, but it should not have
* expired since the last test. Check the callback counters have not
* incremented, then reset the one-shot timer again. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 2 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
xTimerResetFromISR( xISROneShotTimer, NULL );
else if( uxTick == ( ( 11 * xBasePeriod ) - ( 3 * xMargin ) ) )
/* Only the one-shot timer should be running, but it should not have
* expired since the last test. Check the callback counters have not
* incremented, then reset the one-shot timer once again. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 2 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
xTimerResetFromISR( xISROneShotTimer, NULL );
else if( uxTick == ( ( 12 * xBasePeriod ) - ( 2 * xMargin ) ) )
/* Only the one-shot timer should have been running and this time it
* should have expired. Check its callback count has been incremented.
* The auto-reload timer is still not running so should still have the same
* count value. This time the one-shot timer is not reset so should not
* restart from its expiry period again. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
else if( uxTick == ( 15 * xBasePeriod ) )
/* Neither timer should be running now. Check neither callback count
* has incremented, then go back to the start to run these tests all
* over again. */
if( ucISRAutoReloadTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
if( ucISROneShotTimerCounter != 3 )
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
uxTick = ( TickType_t ) -1;
/*** Timer callback functions are defined below here. ***/
static void prvAutoReloadTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxExpiredTimer )
size_t uxTimerID;
uxTimerID = ( size_t ) pvTimerGetTimerID( pxExpiredTimer );
if( uxTimerID <= ( configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH + 1 ) )
( ucAutoReloadTimerCounters[ uxTimerID ] )++;
/* Stop timer ID 0 if requested. */
if( ( uxTimerID == ( size_t ) 0 ) && ( ucIsStopNeededInTimerZeroCallback == ( uint8_t ) pdTRUE ) )
xTimerStop( pxExpiredTimer, tmrdemoDONT_BLOCK );
ucIsStopNeededInTimerZeroCallback = ( uint8_t ) pdFALSE;
/* The timer ID appears to be unexpected (invalid). */
xTestStatus = pdFAIL;
configASSERT( xTestStatus );
static void prvOneShotTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxExpiredTimer )
/* A count is kept of the number of times this callback function is executed.
* The count is stored as the timer's ID. This is only done to test the
* vTimerSetTimerID() function. */
static size_t uxCallCount = 0;
size_t uxLastCallCount;
/* Obtain the timer's ID, which should be a count of the number of times
* this callback function has been executed. */
uxLastCallCount = ( size_t ) pvTimerGetTimerID( pxExpiredTimer );
configASSERT( uxLastCallCount == uxCallCount );
/* Increment the call count, then save it back as the timer's ID. This is
* only done to test the vTimerSetTimerID() API function. */
vTimerSetTimerID( pxExpiredTimer, ( void * ) uxLastCallCount );
static void prvISRAutoReloadTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxExpiredTimer )
/* The parameter is not used in this case as only one timer uses this
* callback function. */
( void ) pxExpiredTimer;
static void prvISROneShotTimerCallback( TimerHandle_t pxExpiredTimer )
/* The parameter is not used in this case as only one timer uses this
* callback function. */
( void ) pxExpiredTimer;