#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ais.h" #include "conf.h" //#define DEBUG 1 #define BUF_SIZE 8192 #define READ 0 #define WRITE 1 #define DEFAULT_LOCAL_PORT 8080 #define DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT 8081 #define SERVER_SOCKET_ERROR -1 #define SERVER_SETSOCKOPT_ERROR -2 #define SERVER_BIND_ERROR -3 #define SERVER_LISTEN_ERROR -4 #define CLIENT_SOCKET_ERROR -5 #define CLIENT_RESOLVE_ERROR -6 #define CLIENT_CONNECT_ERROR -7 #define CREATE_PIPE_ERROR -8 #define BROKEN_PIPE_ERROR -9 #define HEADER_BUFFER_FULL -10 #define BAD_HTTP_PROTOCOL -11 #define MAX_HEADER_SIZE 8192 #if defined(OS_ANDROID) #include #define LOG(fmt...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG,__FILE__,##fmt) #else #define LOG(fmt...) do { fprintf(stderr,"%s %s ",__DATE__,__TIME__); fprintf(stderr, ##fmt); } while(0) #endif char remote_host[128]; int remote_port; int local_port; int server_sock; int server_sock6; int client_sock; int client_sock6; int remote_sock; char *header_buffer; int sslEncodeCode; enum { FLG_NONE = 0, /* 正常数据流不进行编解码 */ R_C_DEC = 1, /* 读取客户端数据仅进行解码 */ W_S_ENC = 2 /* 发送到服务端进行编码 */ }; static int io_flag; /* 网络io的一些标志位 */ static int m_pid; /* 保存主进程id */ void server_loop(int signal, char *conffile); void stop_server(); void handle_client(int client_sock, struct sockaddr_in client_addr); void forward_header(int destination_sock); void forward_data(int source_sock, int destination_sock); void rewrite_header(); int send_data(int socket, char *buffer, int len); int receive_data(int socket, char *buffer, int len); void hand_mproxy_info_req(int sock, char *header_buffer); void get_info(char *output); const char *get_work_mode(); int create_connection6(char *remote_host, int remote_port); int _main(int argc, char *argv[]); ssize_t readLine(int fd, void *buffer, size_t n) { ssize_t numRead; size_t totRead; char *buf; char ch; if (n <= 0 || buffer == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } buf = buffer; totRead = 0; for (;;) { numRead = receive_data(fd, &ch, 1); if (numRead == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; else return -1; /* 未知错误 */ } else if (numRead == 0) { /* EOF */ if (totRead == 0) /* No bytes read; return 0 */ return 0; else /* Some bytes read; add '\0' */ break; } else { if (totRead < n - 1) { /* Discard > (n - 1) bytes */ totRead++; *buf++ = ch; } if (ch == '\n') break; } } *buf = '\0'; return totRead; } int read_header(int fd, void *buffer) { // bzero(header_buffer,sizeof(MAX_HEADER_SIZE)); memset(header_buffer, 0, MAX_HEADER_SIZE); char line_buffer[2048]; char *base_ptr = header_buffer; for (;;) { memset(line_buffer, 0, 2048); int total_read = readLine(fd, line_buffer, 2048); if (total_read <= 0) { return CLIENT_SOCKET_ERROR; } //防止header缓冲区蛮越界 if (base_ptr + total_read - header_buffer <= MAX_HEADER_SIZE) { strncpy(base_ptr, line_buffer, total_read); base_ptr += total_read; } else { return HEADER_BUFFER_FULL; } //读到了空行,http头结束 if (strcmp(line_buffer, "\r\n") == 0 || strcmp(line_buffer, "\n") == 0) { break; } } return 0; } void extract_server_path(const char *header, char *output) { char *p = strstr(header, "GET /"); if (p) { char *p1 = strchr(p + 4, ' '); strncpy(output, p + 4, (int)(p1 - p - 4)); } } int extract_host(const char *header) { char *_p = strstr(header, "CONNECT"); /* 在 CONNECT 方法中解析 隧道主机名称及端口号 */ if (_p) { char *_p1 = strchr(_p, ' '); char *_p2 = strchr(_p1 + 1, ':'); char *_p3 = strchr(_p1 + 1, ' '); if (_p2) { char s_port[10]; bzero(s_port, 10); strncpy(remote_host, _p1 + 1, (int)(_p2 - _p1) - 1); strncpy(s_port, _p2 + 1, (int)(_p3 - _p2) - 1); remote_port = atoi(s_port); } else { strncpy(remote_host, _p1 + 1, (int)(_p3 - _p1) - 1); remote_port = 80; } return 0; } char *p = strstr(header, "Host:"); if (!p) { return BAD_HTTP_PROTOCOL; } char *p1 = strchr(p, '\n'); if (!p1) { return BAD_HTTP_PROTOCOL; } char *p2 = strchr(p + 5, ':'); /* 5是指'Host:'的长度 */ if (p2 && p2 < p1) { int p_len = (int)(p1 - p2 - 1); char s_port[p_len]; strncpy(s_port, p2 + 1, p_len); s_port[p_len] = '\0'; remote_port = atoi(s_port); int h_len = (int)(p2 - p - 5 - 1); strncpy(remote_host, p + 5 + 1, h_len); //Host: //assert h_len < 128; remote_host[h_len] = '\0'; } else { int h_len = (int)(p1 - p - 5 - 1 - 1); strncpy(remote_host, p + 5 + 1, h_len); //assert h_len < 128; remote_host[h_len] = '\0'; remote_port = 80; } return 0; } /* 响应隧道连接请求 */ int send_tunnel_ok(int client_sock) { char *resp = "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established\r\n\r\n"; int len = strlen(resp); char buffer[len + 1]; strcpy(buffer, resp); if (send_data(client_sock, buffer, len) < 0) { perror("Send http tunnel response failed\n"); return -1; } return 0; } //返回mproxy的运行基本信息 void hand_mproxy_info_req(int sock, char *header) { char server_path[255]; char response[8192]; extract_server_path(header, server_path); LOG("server path:%s\n", server_path); char info_buf[1024]; get_info(info_buf); sprintf(response, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nServer: AIS/0.1\n\ Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n\ \
\ \n", info_buf); write(sock, response, strlen(response)); } /* 获取运行的基本信息输出到指定的缓冲区 */ void get_info(char *output) { int pos = 0; char line_buffer[512]; sprintf(line_buffer, "======= AIS (v0.1) ========\n"); int len = strlen(line_buffer); memcpy(output, line_buffer, len); pos += len; sprintf(line_buffer, "%s\n", get_work_mode()); len = strlen(line_buffer); memcpy(output + pos, line_buffer, len); pos += len; if (strlen(remote_host) > 0) { sprintf(line_buffer, "start server on %d and next hop is %s:%d\n", local_port, remote_host, remote_port); } else { sprintf(line_buffer, "start server on %d\n", local_port); } len = strlen(line_buffer); memcpy(output + pos, line_buffer, len); pos += len; output[pos] = '\0'; } const char *get_work_mode() { if (strlen(remote_host) == 0) { if (io_flag == FLG_NONE) { return "start as normal http proxy"; } else if (io_flag == R_C_DEC) { return "start as remote forward proxy and do decode data when recevie data"; } } else { if (io_flag == FLG_NONE) { return "start as remote forward proxy"; } else if (io_flag == W_S_ENC) { return "start as forward proxy and do encode data when send data"; } } return "unknow"; } /* 处理客户端的连接 */ void handle_client(int client_sock, struct sockaddr_in client_addr) { int is_http_tunnel = 0; if (strlen(remote_host) == 0) { /* 未指定远端主机名称从http 请求 HOST 字段中获取 */ #ifdef DEBUG LOG(" ============ handle new client ============\n"); LOG(">>>Header:%s\n", header_buffer); #endif if (read_header(client_sock, header_buffer) < 0) { LOG("Read Http header failed\n"); return; } else { char *p = strstr(header_buffer, "CONNECT"); /* 判断是否是http 隧道请求 */ if (p) { LOG("receive CONNECT request\n"); is_http_tunnel = 1; } if (strstr(header_buffer, "GET /AIS") > 0) { LOG("====== hand AIS info request ===="); hand_mproxy_info_req(client_sock, header_buffer); return; } if (extract_host(header_buffer) < 0) { LOG("Cannot extract host field,bad http protrotol"); return; } LOG("Host:%s port: %d io_flag:%d\n", remote_host, remote_port, io_flag); } } // 打印HTTP header printf("%s", header_buffer); if ((remote_sock = create_connection6(remote_host, remote_port)) < 0) { LOG("Cannot connect to host [%s:%d]\n", remote_host, remote_port); return; } if (fork() == 0) { // 创建子进程用于从客户端转发数据到远端socket接口 if (strlen(header_buffer) > 0 && !is_http_tunnel) { forward_header(remote_sock); //普通的http请求先转发header } forward_data(client_sock, remote_sock); exit(0); } if (fork() == 0) { // 创建子进程用于转发从远端socket接口过来的数据到客户端 if (io_flag == W_S_ENC) { io_flag = R_C_DEC; //发送请求给服务端进行编码,读取服务端的响应则进行解码 } else if (io_flag == R_C_DEC) { io_flag = W_S_ENC; //接收客户端请求进行解码,那么响应客户端请求需要编码 } if (is_http_tunnel) { send_tunnel_ok(client_sock); } forward_data(remote_sock, client_sock); exit(0); } close(remote_sock); close(client_sock); } void forward_header(int destination_sock) { rewrite_header(); #ifdef DEBUG LOG("================ The Forward HEAD ================="); LOG("%s\n", header_buffer); #endif int len = strlen(header_buffer); send_data(destination_sock, header_buffer, len); } int send_data(int socket, char *buffer, int len) { if (io_flag == W_S_ENC) { int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { buffer[i] ^= sslEncodeCode; } } return send(socket, buffer, len, 0); } int receive_data(int socket, char *buffer, int len) { int n = recv(socket, buffer, len, 0); if (io_flag == R_C_DEC && n > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { buffer[i] ^= sslEncodeCode; // printf("%d => %d\n",c,buffer[i]); } } return n; } /* 代理中的完整URL转发前需改成 path 的形式 */ void rewrite_header() { char *p = strstr(header_buffer, "http://"); char *p0 = strchr(p, '\0'); char *p5 = strstr(header_buffer, "HTTP/"); /* "HTTP/" 是协议标识 如 "HTTP/1.1" */ int len = strlen(header_buffer); if (p) { char *p1 = strchr(p + 7, '/'); if (p1 && (p5 > p1)) { //转换url到 path memcpy(p, p1, (int)(p0 - p1)); int l = len - (p1 - p); header_buffer[l] = '\0'; } else { char *p2 = strchr(p, ' '); //GET http://3g.sina.com.cn HTTP/1.1 // printf("%s\n",p2); memcpy(p + 1, p2, (int)(p0 - p2)); *p = '/'; //url 没有路径使用根 int l = len - (p2 - p) + 1; header_buffer[l] = '\0'; } } } void forward_data(int source_sock, int destination_sock) { char buffer[BUF_SIZE]; int n; while ((n = receive_data(source_sock, buffer, BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { send_data(destination_sock, buffer, n); } shutdown(destination_sock, SHUT_RDWR); shutdown(source_sock, SHUT_RDWR); } /* Check for valid IPv4 or Iv6 string. Returns AF_INET for IPv4, AF_INET6 for IPv6 */ int check_ipversion(char *address) { struct in6_addr bindaddr; if (inet_pton(AF_INET, address, &bindaddr) == 1) { return AF_INET; } else { if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, address, &bindaddr) == 1) { return AF_INET6; } } return 0; } int create_connection6(char *remote_host, int remote_port) { struct addrinfo hints, *res = NULL; int sock; int validfamily = 0; char portstr[12]; memset(&hints, 0x00, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_flags = AI_NUMERICSERV; /* numeric service number, not resolve */ hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; sprintf(portstr, "%d", remote_port); /* check for numeric IP to specify IPv6 or IPv4 socket */ if ((validfamily = check_ipversion(remote_host)) != 0) { hints.ai_family = validfamily; hints.ai_flags |= AI_NUMERICHOST; /* remote_host是有效的数字ip,跳过解析 */ } /* 检查指定的主机是否有效。 如果remote_host是主机名,尝试解析地址 */ if (getaddrinfo(remote_host, portstr, &hints, &res) != 0) { errno = EFAULT; return CLIENT_RESOLVE_ERROR; } if ((sock = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol)) < 0) { return CLIENT_SOCKET_ERROR; } if (connect(sock, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) < 0) { return CLIENT_CONNECT_ERROR; } if (res != NULL) freeaddrinfo(res); return sock; } /* 处理僵尸进程 */ void sigchld_handler(int signal) { while (waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0) ; } // IP段白名单 int whitelist(char *client_ip, char (*whitelist_ip)[WHITELIST_IP_NUM]) { int i; for (i = 1; i < WHITELIST_IP_NUM - 1; i++) { if (strcmp(whitelist_ip[i], "\0") == 0) { // 如果字符串为空就跳出循环 break; } if ((strncmp(client_ip, whitelist_ip[i], strlen(whitelist_ip[i]))) == 0) { // 对比client_ip长度, return 1; } } return 0; } void server_loop(int signal, char *conffile) { int i; char ipstr[WHITELIST_IP_NUM]; char client_ip[WHITELIST_IP_NUM]; // 客户端IP struct sockaddr_in client_addr; socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(client_addr); struct sockaddr_in6 client_addr6; socklen_t addrlen6 = sizeof(client_addr6); char whitelist_ip[WHITELIST_IP_NUM][WHITELIST_IP_NUM] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; conf *configure = (struct CONF *)malloc(sizeof(struct CONF)); read_conf(conffile, configure); printf("%s\n", configure->IP_SEGMENT); split_string(configure->IP_SEGMENT, " ", whitelist_ip); for (i = 1; i <= WHITELIST_IP_NUM - 1; i++) { if (*whitelist_ip[i] != '\0') printf("%s\n", whitelist_ip[i]); } while (1) { if (signal == 4) { client_sock = accept(server_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &addrlen); if (client_sock > 0) { LOG("Client Ip %s Client Port %d\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET, &client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr)), ntohs(client_addr.sin_port)); strcpy(client_ip, inet_ntop(AF_INET, &client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr))); // 复制客户端IP到client_ip if (configure->IP_RESTRICTION == 1) { if (whitelist(client_ip, whitelist_ip) == 0) { LOG("非法IPV4客户端, 拒绝连接\n"); continue; } } if (fork() == 0) { // 创建子进程处理客户端连接请求 close(server_sock); handle_client(client_sock, client_addr); exit(0); } } //close(client_sock); } if (signal == 6) { client_sock6 = accept(server_sock6, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr6, &addrlen6); if (client_sock6 > 0) { LOG("Client Ip %s Client Port %d\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &client_addr6.sin6_addr, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr)), ntohs(client_addr6.sin6_port)); strcpy(client_ip, inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &client_addr6.sin6_addr, ipstr, sizeof(ipstr))); // 复制客户端IP到client_ip if (configure->IP_RESTRICTION == 1) { if (whitelist(client_ip, whitelist_ip) == 0) { LOG("非法IPV6客户端, 拒绝连接\n"); continue; } } if (fork() == 0) { // 创建子进程处理客户端连接请求 close(server_sock6); handle_client(client_sock6, client_addr); exit(0); } } //close(client_sock6); } } free_conf(configure); } void stop_server() { kill(m_pid, SIGKILL); } void usage(void) { printf("Usage:\n"); printf(" -l specifyed local listen port \n"); printf(" -h specifyed next hop server name\n"); printf(" -d run as daemon\n"); printf(" -c Specify configuration file\n"); printf(" -E <0-128> encode data when forwarding data\n"); printf(" -D <0-128> decode data when receiving data\n"); exit(8); } int create_server_socket(int port) { int server_sock, optval; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; optval = 1; if ((server_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { return SERVER_SOCKET_ERROR; } if (setsockopt(server_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof(optval)) < 0) { return SERVER_SETSOCKOPT_ERROR; } memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr)); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_port = htons(port); server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (bind(server_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) != 0) { return SERVER_BIND_ERROR; } if (listen(server_sock, 128) < 0) { return SERVER_LISTEN_ERROR; } return server_sock; } int create_server_socket6(int port) { int server_sock; int optval = SO_REUSEADDR; struct sockaddr_in6 server_addr; if ((server_sock = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { perror("socket"); return -1; } if (setsockopt(server_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &optval, sizeof(optval)) < 0) { return SERVER_SETSOCKOPT_ERROR; } if (setsockopt(server_sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, &optval, sizeof(optval)) < 0) { perror("setsockopt"); return -1; } memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr)); server_addr.sin6_family = AF_INET6; server_addr.sin6_port = htons(port); server_addr.sin6_addr = in6addr_any; if (bind(server_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) != 0) { perror("bind"); return -1; } if (listen(server_sock, 128) < 0) { perror("listen"); return -1; } return server_sock; } void start_server(int SIGNAL, char *conffile) { //初始化全局变量 header_buffer = (char *)malloc(MAX_HEADER_SIZE); signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler); // 防止子进程变成僵尸进程 if (SIGNAL == 4) { if ((server_sock = create_server_socket(local_port)) < 0) { // start server LOG("Cannot run server on %d\n", local_port); exit(server_sock); } } if (SIGNAL == 6) { if ((server_sock6 = create_server_socket6(local_port)) < 0) { // start server LOG("Cannot run server on %d\n", local_port); exit(server_sock); } } server_loop(SIGNAL, conffile); } int _main(int argc, char *argv[]) { local_port = DEFAULT_LOCAL_PORT; io_flag = FLG_NONE; sslEncodeCode = 1; int DAEMON = 0; char info_buf[2048]; int opt; char optstrs[] = ":l:f:dc:E:D:h?"; char *p = NULL; char *conffile = "./ais.conf"; while (-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, optstrs))) { switch (opt) { case 'l': local_port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': p = strchr(optarg, ':'); if (p) { strncpy(remote_host, optarg, p - optarg); remote_port = atoi(p + 1); } else { strncpy(remote_host, optarg, strlen(remote_host)); } break; case 'd': DAEMON = 1; break; case 'c': conffile = optarg; break; case 'E': io_flag = W_S_ENC; sslEncodeCode = atoi(optarg); break; case 'D': io_flag = R_C_DEC; sslEncodeCode = atoi(optarg); break; case ':': printf("\nMissing argument after: -%c\n", optopt); usage(); case 'h': case '?': printf("\nInvalid argument: %c\n", optopt); usage(); default: usage(); } } if (DAEMON == 1) { // 守护进程 if(daemon(1, 1)) { perror("daemon"); return -1; } } printf("sslEncodeCode: %d\n", sslEncodeCode); get_info(info_buf); LOG("%s\n", info_buf); if (fork() == 0) { // IPV4 进程 start_server(4, conffile); } if(fork() == 0) { // IPV6 进程 start_server(6, conffile); } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return _main(argc, argv); }