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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2023 Ricardo Pardini <>
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
# This converts the output image to the Khadas OOWOW format.
# This format is already compressed with special xz parameters, so COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE is forced to "none".
function extension_prepare_config__prepare_oowow_config() {
display_alert "Preparing config" "${EXTENSION}" "info"
# Disable compression, but keep sha sum if specified;
if [[ "${COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE}" == *sha* ]]; then
declare -g COMPRESS_OUTPUTIMAGE="none"
# make sure we have the board parameters needed to convert to oowow
if [[ "${KHADAS_OOWOW_BOARD_ID}" == "" ]]; then
exit_with_error "KHADAS_OOWOW_BOARD_ID is not set, can't use ${EXTENSION}"
display_alert "Configured" "${EXTENSION} for Khadas board ID '${KHADAS_OOWOW_BOARD_ID}'" "info"
return 0
function post_build_image__900_convert_to_oowow() {
[[ -z $version ]] && exit_with_error "version is not set"
declare original_image_file="${DESTIMG}/${version}.img"
declare oowow_final_output_file="${DESTIMG}/${version}.oowow.img.xz" # Can't change ${version} prefix
# Get xze script from Khadas.
declare xze_revision="e24a30d2780f3c772ae80ac9495d91273d63b95e" # update this if/when Khadas releases new version
declare xze_raw_url="${xze_revision}/tools/xze"
declare xze_tool_dir="${SRC}/cache/khadas-xze"
declare xze_tool="${xze_tool_dir}/xze-${xze_revision}"
if [[ ! -f "${xze_tool}" ]]; then
display_alert "Downloading xze tool" "from Khadas" "info"
run_host_command_logged mkdir -p "${xze_tool_dir}"
run_host_command_logged wget -O "${xze_tool}" "${xze_raw_url}"
run_host_command_logged chmod +x "${xze_tool}"
declare xze_params=(
"date=$(LANG=C TZ='' date)"
"desc=Armbian ${BOARD} ${RELEASE} ${BRANCH} ${REVISION}"
display_alert "Converting image to Khadas OOWOW format" "${EXTENSION} :: ${KHADAS_OOWOW_BOARD_ID}" "info"
cd "${DESTIMG}" || exit_with_error "Could not cd to ${DESTIMG}"
# xze is pretty confused about fd 1, so we need to pass "IN" and "OUT" env vars
run_host_command_logged "IN=${original_image_file}" "OUT=${oowow_final_output_file}" bash "${xze_tool}" "-3" "${original_image_file}" "${xze_params[@]@Q}" # @Q to double escape for runner; -3 for fast compression
cd "${SRC}" || exit_with_error "Could not cd to ${SRC}"
if [[ ! -f "${oowow_final_output_file}" ]]; then
exit_with_error "xze did not produce the expected output file: ${oowow_final_output_file}"
# Remove the original, uncompressed file.
display_alert "Discarding original .img image after" "conversion to oowow" "info"
run_host_command_logged rm -vf "${original_image_file}"
# Show the final metadata and compression info.
display_alert "Final produced oowow image" "compression and meta info" "info"
run_host_command_logged bash "${xze_tool}" "${oowow_final_output_file}"
# Alert about the prefix requirement for removable media.
display_alert "To use oowow with removable media" "rename file on media to '${KHADAS_OOWOW_BOARD_ID,,}-${version}.oowow.img.xz'"
return 0