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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik,
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
function calculate_image_version() {
declare kernel_version_for_image="unknown"
declare vendor_version_prelude="${VENDOR}_${IMAGE_VERSION:-"${REVISION}"}_"
if [[ "${include_vendor_version:-"yes"}" == "no" ]]; then
[[ $BUILD_DESKTOP == yes ]] && calculated_image_version=${calculated_image_version}_desktop
[[ $BUILD_MINIMAL == yes ]] && calculated_image_version=${calculated_image_version}_minimal
[[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == nfs ]] && calculated_image_version=${calculated_image_version}_nfsboot
display_alert "Calculated image version" "${calculated_image_version}" "debug"
function create_image_from_sdcard_rootfs() {
# create DESTIMG, hooks might put stuff there early.
mkdir -p "${DESTIMG}"
# add a cleanup trap hook do make sure we don't leak it if stuff fails
add_cleanup_handler trap_handler_cleanup_destimg
# calculate image filename, and store it in readonly global variable "version", for legacy reasons.
declare calculated_image_version="undetermined"
declare -r -g version="${calculated_image_version}" # global readonly from here
declare rsync_ea=" -X "
# nilfs2 fs does not have extended attributes support, and have to be ignored on copy
if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == nilfs2 ]]; then rsync_ea=""; fi
if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE != nfs ]]; then
display_alert "Copying files via rsync to" "/ (MOUNT root)"
run_host_command_logged rsync -aHWh $rsync_ea \
--exclude="/boot" \
--exclude="/dev/*" \
--exclude="/proc/*" \
--exclude="/run/*" \
--exclude="/tmp/*" \
--exclude="/sys/*" \
--info=progress0,stats1 $SDCARD/ $MOUNT/
display_alert "Creating rootfs archive" "rootfs.tgz" "info"
tar cp --xattrs --directory=$SDCARD/ --exclude='./boot/*' --exclude='./dev/*' --exclude='./proc/*' --exclude='./run/*' --exclude='./tmp/*' \
--exclude='./sys/*' . |
pv -p -b -r -s "$(du -sb "$SDCARD"/ | cut -f1)" \
-N "$(logging_echo_prefix_for_pv "create_rootfs_archive") rootfs.tgz" |
gzip -c > "$DEST/images/${version}-rootfs.tgz"
# stage: rsync /boot
display_alert "Copying files to" "/boot (MOUNT /boot)"
if [[ $(findmnt --noheadings --output FSTYPE --target "$MOUNT/boot" --uniq) == vfat ]]; then
# FAT filesystems can't have symlinks; rsync, below, will replace them with copies (-L)...
# ... unless they're dangling symlinks, in which case rsync will fail.
# Find dangling symlinks in "$MOUNT/boot", warn, and remove them.
display_alert "Checking for dangling symlinks" "in FAT32 /boot" "info"
declare -a dangling_symlinks=()
while IFS= read -r -d '' symlink; do
done < <(find "$SDCARD/boot" -xtype l -print0)
if [[ ${#dangling_symlinks[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
display_alert "Dangling symlinks in /boot" "$(printf '%s ' "${dangling_symlinks[@]}")" "warning"
run_host_command_logged rm -fv "${dangling_symlinks[@]}"
run_host_command_logged rsync -rLtWh --info=progress0,stats1 "$SDCARD/boot" "$MOUNT" # fat32
run_host_command_logged rsync -aHWXh --info=progress0,stats1 "$SDCARD/boot" "$MOUNT" # ext4
call_extension_method "pre_update_initramfs" "config_pre_update_initramfs" <<- 'PRE_UPDATE_INITRAMFS'
*allow config to hack into the initramfs create process*
Called after rsync has synced both `/root` and `/root` on the target, but before calling `update_initramfs`.
# stage: create final initramfs
[[ -n $KERNELSOURCE ]] && {
update_initramfs "$MOUNT"
# DEBUG: print free space @TODO this needs work, grepping might not be ideal here
local freespace
freespace=$(LC_ALL=C df -h || true) # don't break on failures
display_alert "Free SD cache" "$(echo -e "$freespace" | awk -v mp="${SDCARD}" '$6==mp {print $5}')" "info"
display_alert "Mount point" "$(echo -e "$freespace" | awk -v mp="${MOUNT}" '$6==mp {print $5}')" "info"
# stage: write u-boot, unless BOOTCONFIG=none
declare -g -A image_artifacts_debs_reversioned
if [[ "${BOOTCONFIG}" != "none" ]]; then
write_uboot_to_loop_image "${LOOP}" "${DEB_STORAGE}/${image_artifacts_debs_reversioned["uboot"]}"
# fix wrong / permissions
chmod 755 "${MOUNT}"
call_extension_method "pre_umount_final_image" "config_pre_umount_final_image" <<- 'PRE_UMOUNT_FINAL_IMAGE'
*allow config to hack into the image before the unmount*
Called before unmounting both `/root` and `/boot`.
if [[ "${SHOW_DEBUG}" == "yes" ]]; then
# Check the partition table after the uboot code has been written
display_alert "Partition table after write_uboot" "$LOOP" "debug"
run_host_command_logged sfdisk -l "${LOOP}" # @TODO: use asset..
wait_for_disk_sync "before umount MOUNT"
umount_chroot_recursive "${MOUNT}" "MOUNT"
[[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]] && cryptsetup luksClose "$ROOT_MAPPER"
call_extension_method "post_umount_final_image" "config_post_umount_final_image" <<- 'POST_UMOUNT_FINAL_IMAGE'
*allow config to hack into the image after the unmount*
Called after unmounting both `/root` and `/boot`.
free_loop_device_insistent "${LOOP}"
unset LOOP # unset so cleanup handler does not try it again
# We're done with ${MOUNT} by now, remove it.
rm -rf --one-file-system "${MOUNT}"
# unset MOUNT # don't unset, it's readonly now
mkdir -p "${DESTIMG}"
# @TODO: misterious cwd, who sets it?
run_host_command_logged mv -v "${SDCARD}.raw" "${DESTIMG}/${version}.img"
# custom post_build_image_modify hook to run before fingerprinting and compression
[[ $(type -t post_build_image_modify) == function ]] && display_alert "Custom Hook Detected" "post_build_image_modify" "info" && post_build_image_modify "${DESTIMG}/${version}.img"
# Previously, post_build_image passed the .img path as an argument to the hook. Now its an ENV var.
declare -g FINAL_IMAGE_FILE="${DESTIMG}/${version}.img"
call_extension_method "post_build_image" <<- 'POST_BUILD_IMAGE'
*custom post build hook*
Called after the final .img file is built, before it is (possibly) written to an SD writer.
- *NOTE*: this hook used to take an argument ($1) for the final image produced.
- Now it is passed as an environment variable `${FINAL_IMAGE_FILE}`
It is the last possible chance to modify `$CARD_DEVICE`.
# Before compressing or moving, write it to SD card if such was requested and image was produced.
if [[ -f "${DESTIMG}/${version}.img" ]]; then
display_alert "Done building" "${version}.img" "info"
fingerprint_image "${DESTIMG}/${version}.img.txt" "${version}"
write_image_to_device_and_run_hooks "${DESTIMG}/${version}.img"
declare compression_type # set by image_compress_and_checksum
output_images_compress_and_checksum "${DESTIMG}/${version}" # this compressed on-disk, and removes the originals.
# Move all files matching the prefix from source to dest. Custom hooks might generate more than one img.
declare source_dir="${DESTIMG}"
declare destination_dir="${FINALDEST}"
declare source_files_prefix="${version}"
return 0
function write_image_to_device_and_run_hooks() {
if [[ ! -f "${1}" ]]; then
exit_with_error "Image file not found '${1}'"
declare built_image_file="${1}"
# write image to SD card
write_image_to_device "${built_image_file}" "${CARD_DEVICE}"
# Hook: post_build_image_write
call_extension_method "post_build_image_write" <<- 'POST_BUILD_IMAGE_WRITE'
*custom post build hook*
Called after the final .img file is ready, and possibly written to an SD card.
The full path to the image is available in `${built_image_file}`.
unset built_image_file
function move_images_to_final_destination() {
# validate that source_dir and destination_dir exist
[[ ! -d "${source_dir}" ]] && return 1
[[ ! -d "${destination_dir}" ]] && return 2
declare -a source_files=("${source_dir}/${source_files_prefix}."*)
if [[ ${#source_files[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then
display_alert "No files to deploy" "${source_dir}/${source_files_prefix}.*" "wrn"
# if source_dir and destination_dir are on the same filesystem. use stat to get the device number
declare source_dir_device
declare destination_dir_device
source_dir_device=$(stat -c %d "${source_dir}")
destination_dir_device=$(stat -c %d "${destination_dir}")
display_alert "source_dir_device/destination_dir_device" "${source_dir_device}/${destination_dir_device}" "debug"
if [[ "${source_dir_device}" == "${destination_dir_device}" ]]; then
# loop over source_files, display the size of each file, and move it
for source_file in "${source_files[@]}"; do
declare base_name_source="${source_file##*/}" source_size_human=""
source_size_human=$(stat -c %s "${source_file}" | numfmt --to=iec-i --suffix=B --format="%.2f")
display_alert "Fast-moving file to output/images" "-> ${base_name_source} (${source_size_human})" "info"
run_host_command_logged mv "${source_file}" "${destination_dir}"
display_alert "Moving artefacts using rsync to final destination" "${version}" "info"
run_host_command_logged rsync -av --no-owner --no-group --remove-source-files "${DESTIMG}/${version}"* "${FINALDEST}"
run_host_command_logged rm -rfv --one-file-system "${DESTIMG}"
return 0
function trap_handler_cleanup_destimg() {
[[ ! -d "${DESTIMG}" ]] && return 0
display_alert "Cleaning up temporary DESTIMG" "${DESTIMG}" "debug"
rm -rf --one-file-system "${DESTIMG}"