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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik,
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
# All those runner helper functions have a particular non-quoting style.
# callers might need to force quote with bash's @Q modifier.
# shortcut
function chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install() {
chroot_sdcard_apt_get --no-install-recommends install "$@"
function chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install_download_only() {
chroot_sdcard_apt_get --no-install-recommends --download-only install "$@"
function chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install_dry_run() {
local logging_filter=""
if [[ "${SHOW_DEBUG}" != "yes" ]]; then
logging_filter="2>&1 | { grep --line-buffered -v -e '^Conf ' -e '^Inst ' || true; }"
# do it twice if it fails once; second time with more logging (default is "-qq")
chroot_sdcard_apt_get --no-install-recommends --dry-run install "$@" "${logging_filter}" ||
apt_logging="-q" chroot_sdcard_apt_get --no-install-recommends --dry-run install "$@" "${logging_filter}"
function chroot_sdcard_apt_get_update() {
apt_logging="-q" chroot_sdcard_apt_get update
function chroot_sdcard_apt_get_remove() {
DONT_MAINTAIN_APT_CACHE="yes" chroot_sdcard_apt_get remove "$@"
function chroot_sdcard_apt_get() {
acng_check_status_or_restart # make sure apt-cacher-ng is running OK.
declare default_apt_logging="-qq"
if [[ "${SHOW_DEBUG}" == "yes" ]]; then
local -a apt_params=("-y" "${apt_logging:-"$default_apt_logging"}") # super quiet by default, but can be tweaked up, for update for example
if [[ "${MANAGE_ACNG}" == "yes" ]]; then
display_alert "Using managed apt-cacher-ng" "http://localhost:3142" "debug"
-o "Acquire::http::Proxy=\"http://${APT_PROXY_ADDR:-"localhost:3142"}\""
-o "Acquire::http::Proxy::localhost=\"DIRECT\""
elif [[ -n "${APT_PROXY_ADDR}" ]]; then
display_alert "Using unmanaged apt mirror" "http://${APT_PROXY_ADDR}" "debug"
-o "Acquire::http::Proxy=\"http://${APT_PROXY_ADDR}\""
-o "Acquire::http::Proxy::localhost=\"DIRECT\""
display_alert "Not using apt-cacher-ng, nor proxy" "no proxy/acng" "debug"
apt_params+=(-o "Dpkg::Use-Pty=0") # Please be quiet
# --list-cleanup
# This option is on by default; use --no-list-cleanup to turn it off. When it is on, apt-get will
# automatically manage the contents of /var/lib/apt/lists to ensure that obsolete files are erased. The only
# reason to turn it off is if you frequently change your sources list. Configuration Item:
# APT::Get::List-Cleanup.
apt_params+=(-o "APT::Get::List-Cleanup=0") # Armbian frequently changes ours sources list; it's dynamic via aggregation
if [[ "${DONT_MAINTAIN_APT_CACHE:-no}" == "yes" ]]; then
# Configure Clean-Installed to off
display_alert "Configuring APT to not clean up the cache" "APT will not clean up the cache" "debug"
apt_params+=(-o "APT::Clean-Installed=0")
# Allow for clean-environment apt-get
local -a prelude_clean_env=()
if [[ "${use_clean_environment:-no}" == "yes" ]]; then
display_alert "Running with clean environment" "$*" "debug"
prelude_clean_env=("env" "-i")
local_apt_deb_cache_prepare "before 'apt-get $*'" # sets LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO
if [[ "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[USE]}" == "yes" ]]; then
# prepare and mount apt cache dir at /var/cache/apt/archives in the SDCARD.
skip_error_info="yes" run_host_command_logged mkdir -pv "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_DEBS_DIR]}" "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_LISTS_DIR]}"
display_alert "Mounting local apt deb cache dir" "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_DEBS_DIR]}" "debug"
skip_error_info="yes" run_host_command_logged mount --bind "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[HOST_DEBS_DIR]}" "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_DEBS_DIR]}"
display_alert "Mounting local apt list cache dir" "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_LISTS_DIR]}" "debug"
skip_error_info="yes" run_host_command_logged mount --bind "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[HOST_LISTS_DIR]}" "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_LISTS_DIR]}"
declare -a extra_envs=("DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive")
# shellcheck disable=SC2154 # extra_apt_envs is defined in the caller
if [[ "${#extra_apt_envs[@]}" -gt 0 ]]; then
display_alert "No extra envs for apt" "none" "debug"
display_alert "Extra envs for apt:" "${extra_envs[*]@Q}" "debug"
local chroot_apt_result=1
chroot_sdcard "${prelude_clean_env[@]}" "${extra_envs[@]}" apt-get "${apt_params[@]}" "$@" && chroot_apt_result=0
local_apt_deb_cache_prepare "after 'apt-get $*'" # sets LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO
if [[ "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[USE]}" == "yes" ]]; then
display_alert "Unmounting apt deb cache dir" "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_DEBS_DIR]}" "debug"
run_host_command_logged umount "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_DEBS_DIR]}"
display_alert "Unmounting apt list cache dir" "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_LISTS_DIR]}" "debug"
run_host_command_logged umount "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_LISTS_DIR]}"
return $chroot_apt_result
# please, please, unify around this function.
function chroot_sdcard() {
raw_command="$*" raw_extra="chroot_sdcard" TMPDIR="" \
run_host_command_logged_raw chroot "${SDCARD}" /usr/bin/env bash -e -o pipefail -c "$*"
# please, please, unify around this function.
function chroot_mount() {
raw_command="$*" raw_extra="chroot_mount" TMPDIR="" \
run_host_command_logged_raw chroot "${MOUNT}" /usr/bin/env bash -e -o pipefail -c "$*"
# This should be used if you need to capture the stdout produced by the command. It is NOT logged, and NOT run thru bash, and NOT quoted.
function chroot_sdcard_with_stdout() {
TMPDIR="" chroot "${SDCARD}" "$@"
function chroot_custom_long_running() { # any pipe causes the left-hand side to subshell and caos ensues. it's just like chroot_custom()
local target=$1
raw_command="$*" raw_extra="chroot_custom_long_running" TMPDIR="" run_host_command_logged_raw chroot "${target}" /usr/bin/env bash -e -o pipefail -c "$*"
function chroot_custom() {
local target=$1
raw_command="$*" raw_extra="chroot_custom" TMPDIR="" run_host_command_logged_raw chroot "${target}" /usr/bin/env bash -e -o pipefail -c "$*"
# For installing packages host-side. Not chroot!
function host_apt_get_install() {
host_apt_get --no-install-recommends install "$@"
# For running apt-get stuff host-side. Not chroot!
function host_apt_get() {
local -a apt_params=("-y" "-qq")
apt_params+=(-o "Dpkg::Use-Pty=0") # Please be quiet
run_host_command_logged DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get "${apt_params[@]}" "$@"
# For host-side invocations of binaries we _know_ are x86-only.
# Determine if we're building on non-amd64, and if so, which qemu binary to use.
function run_host_x86_binary_logged() {
local -a qemu_invocation target_bin_arch
target_bin_arch="unknown - file util missing"
if [[ -f /usr/bin/file ]]; then
target_bin_arch="$(file -b "$1" | cut -d "," -f 1,2 | xargs echo -n)" # obtain the ELF name from the binary using 'file'
qemu_invocation=("$@") # Default to calling directly, without qemu.
if [[ "$(uname -m)" != "x86_64" ]]; then # If we're NOT on x86...
if [[ -f /usr/bin/qemu-x86_64-static ]]; then
display_alert "Using qemu-x86_64-static for running on $(uname -m)" "$1 (${target_bin_arch})" "debug"
qemu_invocation=("/usr/bin/qemu-x86_64-static" "-L" "/usr/x86_64-linux-gnu" "$@")
elif [[ -f /usr/bin/qemu-x86_64 ]]; then
display_alert "Using qemu-x86_64 (non-static) for running on $(uname -m)" "$1 (${target_bin_arch})" "debug"
qemu_invocation=("/usr/bin/qemu-x86_64" "-L" "/usr/x86_64-linux-gnu" "$@")
exit_with_error "Can't find appropriate qemu binary for running '$1' on $(uname -m), missing packages?"
display_alert "Not using qemu for running x86 binary on $(uname -m)" "$1 (${target_bin_arch})" "debug"
run_host_command_logged "${qemu_invocation[@]}" # Exit with this result code
# Run simple and exit with it's code. Exactly the same as run_host_command_logged(). Used to have pv pipe, but that causes chaos.
function run_host_command_logged_long_running() {
raw_command="${raw_command:-"$*"}" run_host_command_logged_raw /usr/bin/env bash -e -o pipefail -c "$*"
# run_host_command_logged is the very basic, should be used for everything, but, please use helpers above, this is very low-level.
function run_host_command_logged() {
raw_command="${raw_command:-"$*"}" run_host_command_logged_raw /usr/bin/env bash -e -o pipefail -c "$*"
# for interactive, dialog-like host-side invocations. no redirections performed, but same bash usage and expansion, for consistency.
function run_host_command_dialog() {
/usr/bin/env bash -e -o pipefail -c "$*"
# do NOT use directly, it does NOT expand the way it should (through bash)
function run_host_command_logged_raw() {
# Log the command to the current logfile, so it has context of what was run.
# The real command might be very long, so, if raw_command is defined, log that instead.
display_alert "${raw_command:-"$*"}" "" "command" # A special 'command' level.
# In this case I wanna KNOW exactly what failed, thus disable errexit, then re-enable immediately after running.
set +e
local exit_code=666
local seconds_start=${SECONDS} # Bash has a builtin SECONDS that is seconds since start of script
"$@" 2>&1 # redirect stderr to stdout. $* is NOT $@!
set -e
if [[ ${exit_code} != 0 ]]; then
if [[ -f "${CURRENT_LOGFILE}" ]]; then # echo -e "\033[91mBright Red\033[0m"
echo -e "${bright_red_color:-}-->--> command failed with error code ${exit_code} after $((SECONDS - seconds_start)) seconds${normal_color:-}" >> "${CURRENT_LOGFILE}"
# send these _ONLY_ to logfile. there's enough on screen already...
display_alert_skip_screen=1 display_alert "stacktrace for failed command" "exit code ${exit_code}:$*\n$(stack_color="${magenta_color:-}" show_caller_full)" "wrn"
# Obtain extra info about error, eg, log files produced, extra messages set by caller, etc.
if [[ "${skip_error_info:-"no"}" != "yes" ]]; then
if [[ "${skip_error_info:-"no"}" != "yes" ]]; then
logging_clear_run_command_error_info # clear the error info vars, always, otherwise they'll leak into the next invocation.
return ${exit_code} # exiting with the same error code as the original error
function logging_clear_run_command_error_info() {
# Unset those globals; they're only valid for the first invocation of a runner helper function after they're set.
unset if_error_detail_message
declare -ag if_error_find_files_sdcard=() # declare as global, empty array
function logging_enrich_run_command_error_info() {
declare -a found_files=()
for path in "${if_error_find_files_sdcard[@]}"; do
display_alert "Searching for if_error_find_files_sdcard files" "${SDCARD}/${path}" "debug"
declare -a sdcard_files
# shellcheck disable=SC2086 # I wanna expand, thank you...
mapfile -t sdcard_files < <(find ${SDCARD}/${path} -type f)
display_alert "Found if_error_find_files_sdcard files" "${sdcard_files[@]}" "debug"
found_files+=("${sdcard_files[@]}") # add to result
for found_file in "${found_files[@]}"; do
# Log to asset, so it's available in the HTML log
LOG_ASSET="chroot_error_context__$(basename "${found_file}")" do_with_log_asset cat "${found_file}"
display_alert "File contents for error context" "${found_file}" "err"
cat "${found_file}" 1>&2 # to stderr
### if_error_detail_message, array: messages to display if the command failed.
if [[ -n ${if_error_detail_message} ]]; then
display_alert "Error context msg" "${if_error_detail_message}" "err"