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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik,
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
## Prepare/cleanup pair @TODO needs to be split between SDCARD and MOUNT, no sense doing both in rootfs trap anymore
# called by artifact-rootfs::artifact_rootfs_prepare_version()
function prepare_rootfs_build_params_and_trap() {
# add handler to cleanup when done or if something fails or is interrupted.
add_cleanup_handler trap_handler_cleanup_rootfs_and_image
# stage: clean and create directories
run_host_command_logged rm -rfv "${SDCARD}" "${MOUNT}"
run_host_command_logged mkdir -pv "${SDCARD}" "${MOUNT}" "${SRC}/cache/rootfs" "${DEST}/images" # @TODO images needs its own trap
# stage: verify tmpfs configuration and mount
# CLI needs ~2GiB, desktop ~5GiB
# vs 60% of "available" RAM (free + buffers + magic)
declare -i available_physical_memory_mib
available_physical_memory_mib=$(($(awk '/MemAvailable/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo) * 6 / 1024 / 10)) # MiB
# @TODO: well those are very... arbitrary numbers. At least when using cached rootfs, we can be more precise.
# predicting the size of tmpfs is hard/impossible, so would be nice to show the used size at the end so we can tune.
declare -i tmpfs_estimated_size=2300 # MiB - bumped from 2000, empirically
[[ $BUILD_DESKTOP == yes ]] && tmpfs_estimated_size=5000 # MiB
declare use_tmpfs=no # by default
if [[ ${FORCE_USE_RAMDISK} == no ]]; then # do not use, even if it fits
display_alert "Not using tmpfs for rootfs" "due to FORCE_USE_RAMDISK=no" "info"
elif [[ ${FORCE_USE_RAMDISK} == yes || ${available_physical_memory_mib} -gt ${tmpfs_estimated_size} ]]; then # use, either force or fits
display_alert "Using tmpfs for rootfs build" "RAM available: ${available_physical_memory_mib}MiB > ${tmpfs_estimated_size}MiB estimated" "info"
display_alert "Not using tmpfs for rootfs" "RAM available: ${available_physical_memory_mib}MiB < ${tmpfs_estimated_size}MiB estimated" "info"
declare -g -i tmpfs_estimated_size="${tmpfs_estimated_size}"
declare -g -i available_physical_memory_mib="${available_physical_memory_mib}"
if [[ $use_tmpfs == yes ]]; then
mount -t tmpfs -o "size=99%" tmpfs "${SDCARD}" # size=50% is the Linux default, but we need more.
# this cleaned up by trap_handler_cleanup_rootfs_and_image, configured above
function trap_handler_cleanup_rootfs_and_image() {
display_alert "Cleanup for rootfs and image" "trap_handler_cleanup_rootfs_and_image" "cleanup"
debug_tmpfs_show_usage "before cleanup of rootfs"
cd "${SRC}" || echo "Failed to cwd to ${SRC}" # Move pwd away, so unmounts work
# those will loop until they're unmounted.
umount_chroot_recursive "${SDCARD}" "SDCARD" || true
umount_chroot_recursive "${MOUNT}" "MOUNT" || true
# unmount tmpfs mounted on SDCARD if it exists. #@TODO: move to new tmpfs-utils scheme
mountpoint -q "${SDCARD}" && umount "${SDCARD}"
[[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]] && cryptsetup luksClose "${ROOT_MAPPER}"
if [[ "${PRESERVE_SDCARD_MOUNT}" == "yes" ]]; then
display_alert "Preserving SD card mount" "trap_handler_cleanup_rootfs_and_image" "warn"
return 0
# shellcheck disable=SC2153 # global var.
if [[ -b "${LOOP}" ]]; then
display_alert "Freeing loop" "trap_handler_cleanup_rootfs_and_image ${LOOP}" "wrn"
free_loop_device_insistent "${LOOP}" || true
[[ -d "${SDCARD}" ]] && rm -rf --one-file-system "${SDCARD}"
[[ -d "${MOUNT}" ]] && rm -rf --one-file-system "${MOUNT}"
[[ -f "${SDCARD}".raw ]] && rm -f "${SDCARD}".raw
return 0 # short-circuit above, so exit clean here