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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2023 Ricardo Pardini <>
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
from common import armbian_utils
# Prepare logging
log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("outdated-artifact-image-reducer")
# read the outdated-artifacts json file passed as first argument as a json object
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
artifacts = json.load(f)
# read the full images info json file passed as second argument as a json object
with open(sys.argv[2]) as f:
images = json.load(f)
# give an id to each artifact, store in dict (which is also an output)
artifacts_by_id = {}
counter = 1
for artifact in artifacts:
# id is the counter left-padded with zeros to 10 digits
artifact["id"] = str(counter).zfill(10)
counter = counter + 1
artifacts_by_id[artifact["id"]] = artifact
# lets find artifacts that have the same name, but different versions
tags_by_oci_name: dict[str, list] = {}
for artifact in artifacts:
artifact_full_oci_target = artifact["out"]["artifact_full_oci_target"]
# split at the colon (:)
oci_split = artifact_full_oci_target.split(":")
oci_name = oci_split[0]
oci_tag = oci_split[1]
log.debug(f"OCI name '{oci_name}' has tag '{oci_tag}'")
# add it to the dict
if oci_name not in tags_by_oci_name:
tags_by_oci_name[oci_name] = []
# loop over the dict, and warn if any have more than one instance
for oci_name in tags_by_oci_name:
tags = tags_by_oci_name[oci_name]
if len(tags) > 1:
list_tags_escaped_quoted = ', '.join([f"'{tag}'" for tag in tags])
f"Artifact '{oci_name}' has {len(tags)} different tags: {list_tags_escaped_quoted}")
# map images to in.target_id
images_by_target_id = {}
for image in images:
if "config_ok" not in image or not image["config_ok"]:
log.warning(f"Image {image['in']['target_id']} did not config OK, skipping")
if "out" not in image:
log.warning(f"Image {image['in']['target_id']} has no out field, skipping")
if "IMAGE_FILE_ID" not in image["out"]:
log.warning(f"Image {image['in']['target_id']} has no IMAGE_FILE_ID field, skipping")
image["image_file_id"] = image["out"]["IMAGE_FILE_ID"]
images_by_target_id[image["in"]["target_id"]] = image
# map artifacts to in.wanted_by_targets array
artifacts_by_target_id = {}
for artifact in artifacts:
# optional: if the artifact is up-to-date, skip?
artifact_wanted_targets = artifact["in"]["wanted_by_targets"]
for linked_to_target in artifact_wanted_targets:
if linked_to_target not in artifacts_by_target_id:
artifacts_by_target_id[linked_to_target] = []
artifacts_by_artifact_name = {}
for artifact in artifacts:
if artifact["in"]["artifact_name"] not in artifacts_by_artifact_name:
artifacts_by_artifact_name[artifact["in"]["artifact_name"]] = []
outdated_artifacts_by_artifact_name = {}
for artifact in artifacts:
if artifact["oci"]["up-to-date"]:
if artifact["in"]["artifact_name"] not in outdated_artifacts_by_artifact_name:
outdated_artifacts_by_artifact_name[artifact["in"]["artifact_name"]] = []
images_with_artifacts = {}
for target_id, image in images_by_target_id.items():
# skip the images with such pipeline config. only their artifacts are relevant.
if "pipeline" in image["in"]:
if "build-image" in image["in"]["pipeline"]:
if not image["in"]["pipeline"]["build-image"]:
log.debug(f"Image {image['in']['target_id']} has a pipeline build-image false, skipping")
log.debug(f"Image {image['in']['target_id']} has a pipeline build-image true, processing")
if target_id not in artifacts_by_target_id:
image_artifacts = artifacts_by_target_id[target_id]
image["artifact_ids"] = []
for artifact in artifacts_by_target_id[target_id]:
image["outdated_artifacts_count"] = 0
image["outdated_artifact_ids"] = []
for artifact in image_artifacts:
if not artifact["oci"]["up-to-date"]:
image["outdated_artifacts_count"] = image["outdated_artifacts_count"] + 1
images_with_artifacts[target_id] = image
# images with outdated artifacts
images_with_outdated_artifacts = []
for target_id, image in images_with_artifacts.items():
if image["outdated_artifacts_count"] > 0:
result = {"images": images_with_artifacts, "artifacts": artifacts_by_id,
"artifacts_by_artifact_name": artifacts_by_artifact_name,
"outdated_artifacts_by_artifact_name": outdated_artifacts_by_artifact_name,
"images_with_outdated_artifacts": images_with_outdated_artifacts}
print(json.dumps(result, indent=4, sort_keys=False))