
115 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2023 Ricardo Pardini <>
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
from common import armbian_utils
# Prepare logging
log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("artifact-reducer")
# read the targets.json file passed as first argument as a json object
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
build_infos = json.load(f)
all_artifacts: list[dict] = []
# loop over the build infos. for each, construct a structure with the artifacts.
for build_info in build_infos:
if build_info["config_ok"] is False:
if ("target_not_supported" in build_info) and (build_info["target_not_supported"] is True):
log.debug(f"Skipping 'target not supported' config '{build_info['in']}'...")
log.warning(f"Skipping *failed* config '{build_info['in']}'...")
outvars = build_info["out"]
want_uppercase: list[str] = outvars["WANT_ARTIFACT_ALL_ARRAY"]
want_names: list[str] = outvars["WANT_ARTIFACT_ALL_NAMES_ARRAY"]
# create a dict with uppercase keys and names for values
want_dict: dict[str, str] = dict(zip(want_uppercase, want_names))
# loop over the uppercases
for uppercase in want_uppercase:
# if uppercase != "KERNEL":
# log.warning(f"Skipping artifact '{uppercase}'...")
# continue
inputs_keyname = f"WANT_ARTIFACT_{uppercase}_INPUTS_ARRAY"
inputs_raw_array = outvars[inputs_keyname]
artifact_name = want_dict[uppercase]
# check the pipeline config for artifacts...
if "pipeline" in build_info["in"]:
pipeline = build_info["in"]["pipeline"]
if "build-artifacts" in pipeline:
if pipeline["build-artifacts"] == False:
log.debug(f"Skipping artifact '{artifact_name}' (pipeline build-artifacts '{pipeline['build-artifacts']}' config)...")
log.debug(f"Keeping artifact '{artifact_name}' (pipeline build-artifacts '{pipeline['build-artifacts']}' config)...")
if "only-artifacts" in pipeline:
only_artifacts = pipeline["only-artifacts"]
if artifact_name not in only_artifacts:
log.debug(f"Skipping artifact '{artifact_name}' (pipeline only-artifacts '{','.join(only_artifacts)}' config)...")
log.debug(f"Keeping artifact '{artifact_name}' (pipeline only-artifacts '{','.join(only_artifacts)}' config)...")
inputs: dict[str, str] = {}
for input_raw in inputs_raw_array:
# de-quote the value. @TODO: fragile
input = input_raw[1:-1]
# split the input into a tuple
(key, value) = input.split("=", 1)
inputs[key] = value
# sort by key, join k=v again
inputs_sorted = "&".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in sorted(inputs.items())])
artifact_build_key = f"{artifact_name}?{inputs_sorted}"
all_artifacts.append({"artifact_name": artifact_name, "key": artifact_build_key, "inputs": inputs, "original_inputs": build_info["in"]})"Found {len(all_artifacts)} total artifacts... reducing...")
# deduplicate each artifact; keep a reference to the original input of one of the duplicates
deduplicated_artifacts: dict[str, dict] = {}
for artifact in all_artifacts:
artifact_build_key = artifact["key"]
if artifact_build_key not in deduplicated_artifacts:
deduplicated_artifacts[artifact_build_key] = artifact
deduplicated_artifacts[artifact_build_key]["needed_by"] = 0
deduplicated_artifacts[artifact_build_key]["wanted_by_targets"] = []
deduplicated_artifacts[artifact_build_key]["needed_by"] += 1
deduplicated_artifacts[artifact_build_key]["wanted_by_targets"].append(artifact["original_inputs"]["target_id"])"Found {len(deduplicated_artifacts)} unique artifacts combinations... reducing...")
# get a list of all the artifacts, sorted by how many needed_by
deduplicated_artifacts_sorted = sorted(deduplicated_artifacts.values(), key=lambda x: x["needed_by"], reverse=True)
# group again, this time by artifact name
artifacts_by_name: dict[str, list[dict]] = {}
for artifact in deduplicated_artifacts_sorted:
artifact_name = artifact["artifact_name"]
if artifact_name not in artifacts_by_name:
artifacts_by_name[artifact_name] = []
artifacts_by_name[artifact_name].append(artifact)"Found {len(artifacts_by_name)} unique artifacts... reducing...")
for artifact_name, artifacts in artifacts_by_name.items():"Reduced '{artifact_name}' artifact to: {len(artifacts)} instances.")
# dump as json
print(json.dumps(deduplicated_artifacts_sorted, indent=4, sort_keys=True))