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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2023 Ricardo Pardini <>
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
from common import armbian_utils
from common import gha
# Prepare logging
log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("output-gha-matrix")
class BuildJob(gha.BaseWorkflowJob):
def __init__(self, id: str, name: str):
super().__init__(id, name)
def add_default_envs(self):
self.envs["OCI_TARGET_BASE"] = "${{ github.repository }}/" # This is picked up by the Docker launcher automatically
self.envs["DOCKER_ARMBIAN_BASE_COORDINATE_PREFIX"] = "${{ github.repository }}:armbian-next-" # Use Docker image in same repo
"DOCKER_SKIP_UPDATE"] = "yes" # Do not apt update/install/requirements/etc during Dockerfile build, trust DOCKER_ARMBIAN_BASE_COORDINATE_PREFIX's images are up-to-date
def add_ghcr_login_step(self):
# Login to, we're gonna do a lot of OCI lookups.
login_step = self.add_step("docker-login-ghcr", "Docker Login to GitHub Container Registry")
login_step.uses = "docker/login-action@v2"
login_step.withs["registry"] = ""
login_step.withs["username"] = "${{ github.repository_owner }}" # GitHub username or org
login_step.withs["password"] = "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" # GitHub actions builtin token. repo has to have pkg access.
# # Login to, we're gonna do a lot of OCI lookups.
# - name: Docker Login to GitHub Container Registry
# uses: docker/login-action@v2
# with:
# registry:
# username: ${{ github.repository_owner }} # GitHub username or org
# password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # GitHub actions builtin token. repo has to have pkg access.
class ArtifactJob(BuildJob):
def __init__(self, id: str, name: str):
super().__init__(id, name)
class ImageJob(BuildJob):
def __init__(self, id: str, name: str):
super().__init__(id, name)
class PrepareJob(BuildJob):
def __init__(self, id: str, name: str):
super().__init__(id, name)
def add_initial_checkout(self):
# Checkout the build repo
checkout_step = self.add_step("checkout-build-repo", "Checkout build repo")
checkout_step.uses = "actions/checkout@v3"
checkout_step.withs["repository"] = "${{ github.repository_owner }}/armbian-build"
checkout_step.withs["ref"] = "extensions"
checkout_step.withs["fetch-depth"] = 1
checkout_step.withs["clean"] = "false"
# Now grab the SHA1 from the checked out copy
grab_sha1_step = self.add_step("git-info", "Grab SHA1") = 'echo "sha1=$(git rev-parse HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT'
self.add_job_output_from_step(grab_sha1_step, "sha1")
def add_cache_restore_step(self):
# Restore the cache
restore_cache_step = self.add_step("restore-cache", "Restore cache")
restore_cache_step.uses = "actions/cache@v3"
restore_cache_step.withs["path"] = "cache/memoize\ncache/oci/positive"
restore_cache_step.withs["key"] = '${{ runner.os }}-cache-${{ github.sha }}-${{ steps.git-info.outputs.sha1 }}'
restore_cache_step.withs["restore-keys"] = '${{ runner.os }}-matrix-cache-'
def add_cache_chown_step(self):
# chown the cache back to normal user
chown_cache_step = self.add_step("chown-cache", "Chown cache") = 'sudo chown -R $USER:$USER cache/memoize cache/oci/positive'
def prepare_gh_releases_step(self):
# @TODO this is outdated, needs replacement. Also it deletes the release if it already exists, which is not what we want. Might be necessary to move the tag.
gh_releases_step = self.add_step("gh-releases", "Prepare GitHub Releases")
gh_releases_step.uses = "marvinpinto/action-automatic-releases@latest"
gh_releases_step.withs["repo_token"] = "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
gh_releases_step.withs["automatic_release_tag"] = "latest-images"
gh_releases_step.withs["prerelease"] = "false"
gh_releases_step.withs["title"] = "Latest images"
# read the outdated artifacts+imaes json file passed as first argument as a json object
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
info = json.load(f)
# Create a WorkflowFactory
wfFactory: gha.WorkflowFactory = gha.WorkflowFactory()
# Create prepare job
pJob: PrepareJob = PrepareJob(f"prepare", f"prepare all")
pJob.set_runs_on(["self-hosted", "Linux", "matrix-prepare"]) # @TODO: de-hardcode?
pJobUpToDateStep = pJob.add_step(f"check-up-to-date", f"Check up to date") = f'rm -rfv output/info; bash ./ workflow rpardini-generic # DEBUG=yes'
# The outputs are added later, for each artifact.
all_artifact_jobs = {}
u2date_artifact_outputs = {}
for artifact_id in info["artifacts"]:
artifact = info["artifacts"][artifact_id]
skip = not not artifact["oci"]["up-to-date"]
# if skip:
# continue
artifact_name = artifact['in']['artifact_name']
# desc = f"{artifact['out']['artifact_final_file_basename']}"
desc = f"{artifact['out']['artifact_name']}"
# runs_in = ["self-hosted", "Linux", 'armbian', f"artifact-{artifact_name}"]
runs_on = "fast"
# @TODO: externalize this logic.
# rootfs's fo arm64 are built on self-hosted runners tagged with "rootfs-<arch>"
if artifact_name in ["rootfs"]:
rootfs_arch = artifact['in']['inputs']['ARCH'] # @TODO we should resolve arch _much_ ealier in the pipeline and make it standard
if rootfs_arch in ["arm64"]: # (future: add armhf)
runs_on = ["self-hosted", "Linux", f"rootfs-{rootfs_arch}"]
# all kernels are built on self-hosted runners.
if artifact_name in ["kernel"]:
runs_on = ["self-hosted", "Linux", "alfa"]
inputs = artifact['in']['original_inputs']
cmds = (["artifact"] + armbian_utils.map_to_armbian_params(inputs["vars"], True) + inputs["configs"])
invocation = " ".join(cmds)
item = {"desc": desc, "runs_on": runs_on, "invocation": invocation}
aJob: ArtifactJob = ArtifactJob(f"artifact-{artifact_id}", f"{desc}")
build_step = aJob.add_step(f"build-artifact", f"Build artifact {desc}") = f'echo "fake artifact: {invocation}"'
# Add output to prepare job... & set the GHA output, right here. Hey us, it's us from the future. We're so smart.
# write to a github actions output variable. use the filesystem.
gha.set_gha_output(f"u2d-{artifact_id}", ("yes" if skip else "no"))
output: gha.WorkflowJobOutput = pJob.add_job_output_from_step(pJobUpToDateStep, f"u2d-{artifact_id}")
input: gha.WorkflowJobInput = aJob.add_job_input_from_needed_job_output(output)
aJob.add_condition_from_input(input, "== 'no'")
u2date_output: gha.WorkflowJobOutput = aJob.add_job_output_from_input(f"up-to-date-artifact", input)
all_artifact_jobs[artifact_id] = aJob
u2date_artifact_outputs[artifact_id] = u2date_output
# Ok now the images...
for image_id in info["images"]:
image = info["images"][image_id]
# skip = image["outdated_artifacts_count"] == 0
# if skip:
# continue
desc = f"{image['image_file_id']} {image_id}"
runs_on = "fast"
image_arch = image['out']['ARCH']
if image_arch in ["arm64"]: # , "armhf"
runs_on = ["self-hosted", "Linux", f"image-{image_arch}"]
inputs = image['in']
cmds = (armbian_utils.map_to_armbian_params(inputs["vars"], True) + inputs["configs"]) # image build is "build" command, omitted here
invocation = " ".join(cmds)
iJob: ImageJob = ImageJob(f"image-{image_id}", f"{desc}")
build_step = iJob.add_step(f"build-image", f"Build image {desc}") = f'echo "fake image: {invocation}"'
# Make it use the outputs from the artifacts needed for this image
for artifact_id in image["artifact_ids"]:"Image {image_id} wants artifact {artifact_id}")
aJob = all_artifact_jobs[artifact_id]
aJobU2dOutput = u2date_artifact_outputs[artifact_id]
u2dinput = iJob.add_job_input_from_needed_job_output(aJobU2dOutput)
iJob.add_condition_from_input(u2dinput, "== 'no'")
# Convert gha_workflow to YAML
gha_workflow_yaml = armbian_utils.to_yaml(wfFactory.render_yaml())
# Write the YAML the target file
with open(sys.argv[2], "w") as f: