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enable_extension "image-output-qcow2"
#### *allow extensions to prepare their own config, after user config is done*
function extension_prepare_config__prepare_utm_config() {
declare -g UTM_VM_CPUS="${UTM_VM_CPUS:-4}" # Number of CPUs
declare -g UTM_VM_RAM_GB="${UTM_VM_RAM_GB:-16}" # RAM in Gigabytes
declare -g UTM_KEEP_QCOW2="${UTM_KEEP_QCOW2:-no}" # keep the qcow2 image after conversion to UTM
declare -g UTM_KEEP_IMG="${UTM_KEEP_IMG:-no}" # keep the .img image after conversion to UTM
function user_config__metadata_cloud_config() {
display_alert "Preparing UTM config" "${EXTENSION}" "info"
declare -g SERIALCON="ttyS0" # UTM's serial at ttyS0, for x86 @TODO: arm64? ttyAML0?
display_alert "Prepared UTM config" "${EXTENSION}: SERIALCON: '${SERIALCON}'" "debug"
#### *custom post build hook*
function post_build_image__920_create_utm_plist() {
local UTM_VM_NAME="${UTM_VM_NAME:-${version}}" # The name of the VM when imported into Fusion/Player/Workstation; no spaces please
local original_qcow2_image="${QCOW2_IMAGE_FILE}" # Original from qcow2 output extension
local temp_qcow2_image="${DESTIMG}/${version}_temp.qcow2" # shadow qcow2 for resize
local base_utm_dirname="${UTM_VM_NAME}.utm" # directory for vmx format, name only
local full_utm_dirname="${DESTIMG}/${base_utm_dirname}" # directory for vmx format, full path
local full_plist_filename="${full_utm_dirname}/config.plist" # vmx in vmx format dir
local base_file_rootdisk="${UTM_VM_NAME}-disk1-efi-rootfs.qcow2" # target temp vmdk (filename)
local dir_file_rootdisk="${full_utm_dirname}/Images" # "Images" is for UTM 3.x, and "Data" for 4.x
local full_file_rootdisk="${dir_file_rootdisk}/${base_file_rootdisk}" # target temp vmdk (full path)
local final_plist_zip_file="${DESTIMG}/${UTM_VM_NAME}" # final vmx zip artifact - defaults to UEFI boot
mkdir -p "${full_utm_dirname}" "${dir_file_rootdisk}" # pre-create it
display_alert "Converting image to UTM VM format" "${EXTENSION}" "info"
run_host_command_logged qemu-img create -f qcow2 -F qcow2 -b "${original_qcow2_image}" "${temp_qcow2_image}" # create a new, temporary, qcow2 with the original as backing image
run_host_command_logged qemu-img resize "${temp_qcow2_image}" +92G # resize the temporary
run_host_command_logged qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O qcow2 "${temp_qcow2_image}" "${full_file_rootdisk}" # convert the big temp to vmdk
run_host_command_logged rm -vf "${temp_qcow2_image}" # remove the temporary large qcow2, free space
if [[ "${UTM_KEEP_QCOW2}" != "yes" ]]; then # check if told to keep the qcow2 image
display_alert "Discarding qcow2 image after" "conversion to UTM VM" "debug" # debug
run_host_command_logged rm -vf "${original_qcow2_image}" # remove the original qcow2, free space
fi # /check
if [[ "${UTM_KEEP_IMG}" != "yes" ]]; then # check if told to keep the qcow2 image
display_alert "Discarding .img image after" "conversion to UTM VM" "debug" # debug
run_host_command_logged rm -vf "${DESTIMG}/${version}.img" "${DESTIMG}/${version}.img.txt" # remove the original .img and .img.txt if there
fi # /check
run_host_command_logged qemu-img info "${full_file_rootdisk}" # show info
case "${ARCH}" in
display_alert "Creating UTM 3.x config.plist file" "${EXTENSION} - amd64" "info"
display_alert "Creating UTM 3.x config.plist file" "${EXTENSION} - arm64" "info"
# @TODO: this is for UTM 3.x
cat <<- UTM_3X_CONFIG_PLIST > "${full_plist_filename}"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<integer>$((UTM_VM_RAM_GB * 1024))</integer>
# Now wrap the .vmx in a zip, with minimal compression. (release will .zst it later)
display_alert "Zipping/storing UTM VM" "${EXTENSION}" "info"
cd "${DESTIMG}" || false
run_host_command_logged tree -h .
run_host_command_logged zip -r -0 "${final_plist_zip_file}" "${base_utm_dirname}"/*
cd - || false
display_alert "Done, cleaning up" "${EXTENSION}" "info"
rm -rf "${full_utm_dirname}"
return 0