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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik,
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# The whole of this is Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Ricardo Pardini <>
# This file is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2. This program is licensed "as is" without any
# warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.
function extension_manager_declare_globals() {
# global variables managing the state of the extension manager. treat as private.
declare -g -A extension_function_info # maps a function name to a string with KEY=VALUEs information about the defining extension
declare -g -i initialize_extension_manager_counter=0 # how many times has the extension manager initialized?
declare -g -A defined_hook_point_functions # keeps a map of hook point functions that were defined and their extension info
declare -g -A hook_point_function_trace_sources # keeps a map of hook point functions that were actually called and their source
declare -g -A hook_point_function_trace_lines # keeps a map of hook point functions that were actually called and their source
declare -g extension_manager_cleanup_file # this is a file used to cleanup the manager's produced functions, for build_all_ng
declare -g -i enable_extension_recurse_counter=0
declare -g -a enable_extension_recurse_stack
# This is a helper function for calling hooks.
# It follows the pattern long used in the codebase for hook-like behaviour:
# [[ $(type -t name_of_hook_function) == function ]] && name_of_hook_function
# but with the following added behaviors:
# 1) it allows for many arguments, and will treat each as a hook point.
# this allows for easily kept backwards compatibility when renaming hooks, for example.
# 2) it will read the stdin and assume it's (Markdown) documentation for the hook point.
# combined with heredoc in the call site, it allows for "inline" documentation about the hook
# notice: this is not involved in how the hook functions came to be. read below for that.
function call_extension_method() {
# First, consume the stdin and write metadata about the call.
write_hook_point_metadata "$@"
# @TODO: hack to handle stdin again, possibly with '< /dev/tty'
# Then a sanity check, hook points should only be invoked after the manager has initialized.
if [[ ${initialize_extension_manager_counter} -lt 1 ]]; then
display_alert "Extension problem" "Call to call_extension_method() ($*: in ${BASH_SOURCE[1]- $(get_extension_hook_stracktrace "${BASH_SOURCE[*]}" "${BASH_LINENO[*]}")}) before extension manager is initialized." "err"
# Log the hook call. Users might be wondering what/when is a good hook point to use, and this is visual aid.
display_alert "Extension Method '${1}' being called from" "$(get_extension_hook_stracktrace "${BASH_SOURCE[*]}" "${BASH_LINENO[*]}")" "extensions"
# Then call the hooks, if they are defined.
declare hook_name
for hook_name in "$@"; do
display_alert "Extension Method being called: ${hook_name}" "hook: ${hook_name}" "extensions"
if [[ $(type -t ${hook_name} || true) == function ]]; then
function dump_extension_method_sources_functions() {
declare hook_name="${1}"
declare dump_source_hook_function="dump_custom_sources_extension_hooks_${hook_name}"
function dump_function_declaration_and_braces() {
declare function_name="${1}"
echo -e "\t# Begin of function declaration '${function_name}'"
declare -f "${function_name}" | sed -e '2d' -e '1d' -e '$d'
echo -e "\t# End of function declaration '${function_name}'"
echo ""
display_alert "Extension Method source custom dump: ${hook_name}" "hook: ${hook_name} via dump_function_declaration_and_braces" "extensions"
if [[ $(type -t ${dump_source_hook_function} || true) == function ]]; then
display_alert "Dumping extensions hooks with function declaration and braces" "${dump_source_hook_function}" "debug"
echo "# Begin of all custom functions for hook '${hook_name}'"
"${dump_source_hook_function}" dump_function_declaration_and_braces
echo "# End of all custom functions for hook '${hook_name}'"
echo ""
display_alert "Extension Method source custom dump: ${hook_name}" "not found hook: ${dump_source_hook_function}: '$(type -t ${dump_source_hook_function} || true)'" "debug"
unset dump_body_sans_function_header_or_trailer
return 0 # always success
function dump_extension_method_sources_body() {
declare hook_name="${1}"
declare dump_source_hook_function="dump_custom_sources_extension_hooks_${hook_name}"
function dump_body_sans_function_header_or_trailer() {
declare function_name="${1}"
echo -e "\t# Begin of function body '${function_name}'"
declare -f "${function_name}" | sed -e '2d' -e '1d' -e '$d'
echo -e "\t# End of function body '${function_name}'"
echo ""
display_alert "Extension Method source custom dump: ${hook_name}" "hook: ${hook_name} via dump_body_sans_function_header_or_trailer" "extensions"
if [[ $(type -t ${dump_source_hook_function} || true) == function ]]; then
display_alert "Dumping extension source via custom method" "${dump_source_hook_function}" "debug"
echo "# Begin of all custom sources for '${hook_name}'"
"${dump_source_hook_function}" dump_body_sans_function_header_or_trailer
echo "# End of all custom sources for '${hook_name}'"
echo ""
display_alert "Extension Method source custom dump: ${hook_name}" "not found hook: ${dump_source_hook_function}: '$(type -t ${dump_source_hook_function} || true)'" "debug"
unset dump_body_sans_function_header_or_trailer
return 0 # always success
# what this does is a lot of bash mumbo-jumbo to find all board-,family-,config- or user-defined hook points.
# the meat of this is 'compgen -A function', which is bash builtin that lists all defined functions.
# it will then compose a full hook point (function) that calls all the implementing hooks.
# this centralized function will then be called by the regular Armbian build system, which is oblivious to how
# it came to be. (although it is encouraged to call hook points via call_extension_method() above)
# to avoid hard coding the list of hook-points (eg: user_config, image_tweaks_pre_customize, etc) we use
# a marker in the function names, namely "__" (two underscores) to determine the hook point.
function initialize_extension_manager() {
# before starting, auto-add extensions specified (eg, on the command-line) via the ENABLE_EXTENSIONS or EXT env var. Do it only once.
[[ ${initialize_extension_manager_counter} -lt 1 ]] && [[ "${ENABLE_EXTENSIONS:-"${EXT}"}" != "" ]] && {
local auto_extension
for auto_extension in $(echo "${ENABLE_EXTENSIONS:-"${EXT}"}" | tr "," " "); do
ENABLE_EXTENSION_TRACE_HINT="ENABLE_EXTENSIONS/EXT -> " enable_extension "${auto_extension}"
# This marks the manager as initialized, no more extensions are allowed to load after this.
declare -g initialize_extension_manager_counter=$((initialize_extension_manager_counter + 1))
# Extensions has its own work/tmp directory, defined by do_main_configuration, with build UUID. We just create it here, unless told not to.
display_alert "Initializing EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR" "${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}" "debug"
# Metadata about hook_point_calls. This is used to generate the documentation / example extensions
[[ "${WRITE_EXTENSIONS_METADATA:-yes}" == "no" ]] && echo -n "" > "${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/hook_point_calls.txt"
# Add trap handler to cleanup and not leave garbage behind when exiting.
add_cleanup_handler cleanup_handler_extensions
# log whats happening; extensions has its own log level. enable with SHOW_EXTENSIONS=yes
display_alert "Initializing EXTENSION_MANAGER" "initializing extension manager" "extensions"
# this is the all-important separator.
local hook_extension_delimiter="__"
# list all defined functions. filter only the ones that have the delimiter. get only the part before the delimiter.
# sort them, and make them unique. the sorting is required for uniq to work, and does not affect the ordering of execution.
# get them on a single line, space separated.
local all_hook_points
all_hook_points="$(compgen -A function | grep "${hook_extension_delimiter}" | awk -F "${hook_extension_delimiter}" '{print $1}' | sort | uniq | xargs echo -n)"
declare -i hook_points_counter=0 hook_functions_counter=0 hook_point_functions_counter=0
# initialize the function declarations(init) file.
local temp_source_file_for_hook_point="${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/"
echo "# extension function definitions: " > "${temp_source_file_for_hook_point}"
# initialize the cleanups file.
echo "# cleanups: " > "${extension_manager_cleanup_file}"
local tab=" " newline="" # for indentation/readability...
newline=$'\n' # ... of generated code
local FUNCTION_SORT_OPTIONS="--general-numeric-sort --ignore-case" # --random-sort could be used to introduce chaos
local hook_point=""
# now loop over the hook_points.
for hook_point in ${all_hook_points}; do
display_alert "Extensions hook point" "${hook_point}" "extensions"
# check if the hook point is already defined as a function.
# that can happen for example with user_config(), that can be implemented itself directly by a userpatches config.
# for now, just warn, but we could devise a way to actually integrate it in the call list.
# or: advise the user to rename their user_config() function to something like user_config__make_it_awesome()
local existing_hook_point_function
existing_hook_point_function="$(compgen -A function | grep "^${hook_point}\$" || true)"
if [[ "${existing_hook_point_function}" == "${hook_point}" ]]; then
display_alert "Extensions final sorted realnames" "${hook_point_functions}" "extensionstrace"
display_alert "Extension conflict" "function ${hook_point} already defined! ignoring functions: $(compgen -A function | grep "^${hook_point}${hook_extension_delimiter}")" "wrn"
# for each hook_point, obtain the list of implementing functions.
# the sort order here is (very) relevant, since it determines final execution order.
# so the name of the functions actually determine the ordering.
local hook_point_functions hook_point_functions_pre_sort hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id
# Sorting. Multiple extensions (or even the same extension twice) can implement the same hook point
# as long as they have different function names (the part after the double underscore __).
# the order those will be called depends on the name; eg:
# 'hook_point__033_be_awesome()' would be caller sooner than 'hook_point__799_be_even_more_awesome()'
# independent from where they were defined or in which order the extensions containing them were added.
# since requiring specific ordering could hamper portability, we reward extension authors who
# don't mind ordering for writing just: 'hook_point__be_just_awesome()' which is automatically rewritten
# as 'hook_point__500_be_just_awesome()'.
# extension authors who care about ordering can use the 3-digit number, and use the context variables
# HOOK_ORDER and HOOK_POINT_TOTAL_FUNCS to confirm in which order they're being run.
# gather the real names of the functions (after the delimiter).
hook_point_functions_pre_sort="$(compgen -A function | grep "^${hook_point}${hook_extension_delimiter}" | awk -F "${hook_extension_delimiter}" '{print $2}' | xargs echo -n)"
display_alert "Extensions hook_point_functions_pre_sort" "${hook_point_functions_pre_sort}" "extensionstrace"
# add "500_" to the names of function that do NOT start with a number.
# keep a reference from the new names to the old names (we'll sort on the new, but invoke the old)
declare -A hook_point_functions_sortname_to_realname
declare -A hook_point_functions_realname_to_sortname
declare hook_point_function_realname
for hook_point_function_realname in ${hook_point_functions_pre_sort}; do
local sort_id="${hook_point_function_realname}"
[[ ! $sort_id =~ ^[0-9] ]] && sort_id="500_${sort_id}"
# actually sort the sort_id's...
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id="$(echo "${hook_point_functions_realname_to_sortname[*]}" | tr " " "\n" | LC_ALL=C sort ${FUNCTION_SORT_OPTIONS} | xargs echo -n)"
display_alert "Extensions hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id" "${hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id}" "extensionstrace"
# then map back to the real names, keeping the order..
declare hook_point_function_sortname
for hook_point_function_sortname in ${hook_point_functions_sorted_by_sort_id}; do
hook_point_functions="${hook_point_functions} ${hook_point_functions_sortname_to_realname[${hook_point_function_sortname}]}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
hook_point_functions="$(echo -n ${hook_point_functions})"
display_alert "Extensions hook_point_functions (final sorted realnames)" "${hook_point_functions}" "extensionstrace"
hook_points_counter=$((hook_points_counter + 1))
# determine the variables we'll pass to the hook function during execution.
# this helps the extension author create extensions that are portable between userpatches and official Armbian.
# shellcheck disable=SC2089
local common_function_vars="HOOK_POINT=\"${hook_point}\""
# loop over the functions for this hook_point (keep a total for the hook point and a grand running total)
declare hook_point_function
for hook_point_function in ${hook_point_functions}; do
hook_point_functions_counter=$((hook_point_functions_counter + 1))
hook_functions_counter=$((hook_functions_counter + 1))
common_function_vars="${common_function_vars} HOOK_POINT_TOTAL_FUNCS=\"${hook_point_functions_counter}\""
display_alert "Extensions hook_point: ${hook_point} will run ${hook_point_functions_counter} functions" "${hook_point_functions_counter}" "extensions"
declare hook_point_functions_loop_counter=0
# prepare the cleanup for the function, so we can remove our mess at the end of the build.
cat <<- FUNCTION_CLEANUP_FOR_HOOK_POINT >> "${extension_manager_cleanup_file}"
unset ${hook_point}
# now compose a function definition. notice the heredoc. it will be written to tmp file, logged, then sourced.
# theres a lot of opportunities here, but for now I keep it simple:
# - execute functions in the order defined by ${hook_point_functions} above
# - define call-specific environment variables, to help extension authors to write portable extensions (eg: EXTENSION_DIR)
cat <<- FUNCTION_DEFINITION_HEADER >> "${temp_source_file_for_hook_point}"
function ${hook_point}() {
${tab}display_alert "Extension-managed hook starting '${hook_point}': will run ${hook_point_functions_counter} functions" "${hook_point_functions}" "extensionstrace"
# keep a list of the called functions. we'll use it to generate the source-dumping function, below.
declare -a list_of_called_functions=()
for hook_point_function in ${hook_point_functions}; do
hook_point_functions_loop_counter=$((hook_point_functions_loop_counter + 1))
# store the full name in a hash, so we can track which were actually called later.
defined_hook_point_functions["${hook_point}${hook_extension_delimiter}${hook_point_function}"]="DEFINED=yes ${extension_function_info["${hook_point}${hook_extension_delimiter}${hook_point_function}"]}"
# prepare the call context
local hook_point_function_variables="${common_function_vars}" # start with common vars... (eg: HOOK_POINT_TOTAL_FUNCS)
# add the contextual extension info for the function (eg, EXTENSION_DIR)
hook_point_function_variables="${hook_point_function_variables} ${extension_function_info["${hook_point}${hook_extension_delimiter}${hook_point_function}"]}"
# add the current execution counter, so the extension author can know in which order it is being actually called
hook_point_function_variables="${hook_point_function_variables} HOOK_ORDER=\"${hook_point_functions_loop_counter}\""
# add it to our (not the call site!) environment. if we export those in the call site, the stack is corrupted.
eval "${hook_point_function_variables}"
# output the call, passing arguments, and also logging the output to the extensions log.
# attention: don't pipe here (eg, capture output), otherwise hook function cant modify the environment (which is mostly the point)
cat <<- FUNCTION_DEFINITION_CALLSITE >> "${temp_source_file_for_hook_point}"
${tab}display_alert "Extension Method ${hook_point}" "${hook_point_functions_loop_counter}/${hook_point_functions_counter} (ext:${EXTENSION:-built-in}) ${hook_point_function}" "extensionstrace"
${tab}display_alert "Extension-managed hook starting ${hook_point_functions_loop_counter}/${hook_point_functions_counter}" "${hook_point}${hook_extension_delimiter}${hook_point_function}" "extensionstrace"
${tab}${hook_point_function_variables} ${hook_point}${hook_extension_delimiter}${hook_point_function} "\$@"
${tab}display_alert "Extension-managed hook finished ${hook_point_functions_loop_counter}/${hook_point_functions_counter}" "${hook_point}${hook_extension_delimiter}${hook_point_function}" "extensionstrace"
# feed the list of called functions for the source-dumping function.
# output the cleanup for the implementation as well.
cat <<- FUNCTION_CLEANUP_FOR_HOOK_POINT_IMPLEMENTATION >> "${extension_manager_cleanup_file}"
${tab}unset ${hook_point}${hook_extension_delimiter}${hook_point_function}
# unset extension vars for the next loop.
cat <<- FUNCTION_DEFINITION_FOOTER >> "${temp_source_file_for_hook_point}"
${tab}display_alert "Extension-managed hook ending '${hook_point}': completed" "${hook_point}" "extensionstrace"
} # end ${hook_point}() function${newline}
# Extra function, running over the implementations and calling the arguments passed with each as parameter.
# Useful for getting the source code of the implementations, for example, or the list of called functions
# in a given hook. See dump_extension_method_sources_body() and dump_extension_method_sources_functions().
cat <<- FUNCTION_DUMP_SOURCE_CUSTOM_START >> "${temp_source_file_for_hook_point}"
function dump_custom_sources_extension_hooks_${hook_point}() {
declare function_name
for function_name in "${list_of_called_functions[@]}"; do
# call the arguments as function, passing the function name as argument
echo "${tab}\"\${@}\" \"${function_name}\" " >> "${temp_source_file_for_hook_point}"
cat <<- FUNCTION_DUMP_SOURCE_CUSTOM_END >> "${temp_source_file_for_hook_point}"
} # end dump_source_extension_hooks_${hook_point}() function${newline}
# unsets, lest the next loop inherits them
unset hook_point_functions hook_point_functions_sortname_to_realname hook_point_functions_realname_to_sortname list_of_called_functions
# Extra debug, show the generated source and cleanup.
if [[ "${SHOW_EXTENSIONS}" == "yes" ]]; then
display_alert "Showing" "extensions initialization generated code" "info"
run_tool_batcat --file-name "" "${temp_source_file_for_hook_point}"
display_alert "Showing" "extensions cleanup generated code" "info"
run_tool_batcat --file-name "" "${extension_manager_cleanup_file}"
# source the generated function.
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
source "${temp_source_file_for_hook_point}"
rm -f "${temp_source_file_for_hook_point}"
# Dont show any output until we have more than 1 hook function (we implement one already, below)
[[ ${hook_functions_counter} -gt 0 ]] &&
display_alert "Extension manager" "processed ${hook_points_counter} Extension Methods calls and ${hook_functions_counter} Extension Method implementations" "info"
return 0 # exit with success, short-circuit above.
function cleanup_extension_manager() {
if [[ -f "${extension_manager_cleanup_file}" ]]; then
display_alert "Cleaning up" "extension manager" "debug"
# shellcheck disable=SC1090 # dynamic source, thanks, shellcheck
source "${extension_manager_cleanup_file}" # this will unset all the functions.
rm -f "${extension_manager_cleanup_file}" # also remove the file.
unset extension_manager_cleanup_file # and unset the var.
# reset/unset the variables used
unset extension_function_info defined_hook_point_functions hook_point_function_trace_sources hook_point_function_trace_lines extension_manager_cleanup_file
function cleanup_handler_extensions() {
display_alert "yeah the extensions trap handler..." "cleanup_handler_extensions" "cleanup"
# cleanup our tmpdir.
if [[ -d "${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}" ]]; then
# unset EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR # -- no, it's readonly now.
# why not eat our own dog food?
# process everything that happened during extension related activities
# and write it to the log. also, move the log from the .tmp dir to its
# final location. this will make run_after_build() "hot" (eg, emit warnings)
function run_after_build__999_finish_extension_manager() {
# export these maps, so the hook can access them and produce useful stuff.
declare -g defined_hook_point_functions hook_point_function_trace_sources
# eat our own dog food, pt2.
call_extension_method "extension_metadata_ready" <<- 'EXTENSION_METADATA_READY'
*meta-Meta time!*
Implement this hook to work with/on the meta-data made available by the extension manager.
Interesting stuff to process:
- `"${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/hook_point_calls.txt"` contains a list of all hook points called, in order.
- For each hook_point in the list, more files will have metadata about that hook point.
- `${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/` contains the hook documentation at the call site (inline docs), hopefully in Markdown format.
- `${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/hook_point.compat` contains the compatibility names for the hooks.
- `${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/hook_point.exports` contains _exported_ environment variables.
- `${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/hook_point.vars` contains _all_ environment variables.
- `${defined_hook_point_functions}` is a map of _all_ the defined hook point functions and their extension information.
- `${hook_point_function_trace_sources}` is a map of all the hook point functions _that were really called during the build_ and their BASH_SOURCE information.
- `${hook_point_function_trace_lines}` is the same, but BASH_LINENO info.
After this hook is done, the `${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}` will be removed.
# This is called by call_extension_method(). To say the truth, this should be in an extension. But then it gets too meta for anyone's head.
function write_hook_point_metadata() {
# Dont do anything if told not to.
[[ "${WRITE_EXTENSIONS_METADATA:-yes}" == "no" ]] && return 0
local main_hook_point_name="$1"
cat - > "${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/${main_hook_point_name}" # Write the hook point documentation received via stdin to a tmp file for later processing.
echo -n "$@" > "${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/${main_hook_point_name}.compat" # log the 2nd+ arguments too (those are the alternative/compatibility names), separate file.
compgen -A export > "${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/${main_hook_point_name}.exports" # capture the exported env vars.
compgen -A variable > "${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/${main_hook_point_name}.vars" # capture all env vars.
# add to the list of hook points called, in order.
echo "${main_hook_point_name}" >> "${EXTENSION_MANAGER_TMP_DIR}/hook_point_calls.txt"
# can be called by board, family, config or user to make sure an extension is included.
# single argument is the extension name.
# will look for it in /userpatches/extensions first.
# if not found there will look in /extensions
# if not found will exit 17
function enable_extension() {
local extension_name="$1"
local extension_dir extension_file extension_file_in_dir extension_floating_file
local stacktrace
if [[ "${SHOW_DEBUG}" == "yes" ]]; then
stacktrace="${ENABLE_EXTENSION_TRACE_HINT}$(get_extension_hook_stracktrace "${BASH_SOURCE[*]}" "${BASH_LINENO[*]}")"
display_alert "Enabling extension" "${extension_name} :: added by ${stacktrace}" "debug"
[[ "${enable_extension_quiet:-no}" != "yes" ]] && display_alert "Enabling extension" "${extension_name}" ""
# first a check, has the extension manager already initialized? then it is too late to enable_extension(). bail.
if [[ ${initialize_extension_manager_counter} -gt 0 ]]; then
stacktrace="${ENABLE_EXTENSION_TRACE_HINT}$(get_extension_hook_stracktrace "${BASH_SOURCE[*]}" "${BASH_LINENO[*]}")"
display_alert "Extension problem" "already initialized -- too late to add '${extension_name}' (trace: ${stacktrace})" "err"
exit 2
# check the counter. if recurring, add to the stack and return success
if [[ $enable_extension_recurse_counter -gt 1 ]]; then
return 0
# increment the counter
enable_extension_recurse_counter=$((enable_extension_recurse_counter + 1))
# there are many opportunities here. too many, actually. let userpatches override just some functions, etc.
for extension_base_path in "${SRC}/userpatches/extensions" "${SRC}/extensions"; do
if [[ -d "${extension_dir}" ]] && [[ -f "${extension_file_in_dir}" ]]; then
elif [[ -f "${extension_floating_file}" ]]; then
extension_dir="${extension_base_path}" # this is misleading. only directory-based extensions should have this.
# After that, we should either have extension_file and extension_dir, or throw.
if [[ ! -f "${extension_file}" ]]; then
echo "ERR: Extension problem -- cant find extension '${extension_name}' anywhere - called by ${BASH_SOURCE[1]}"
exit 17 # exit, forcibly. no way we can recover from this, and next extensions will get bogus errors as well.
local before_function_list after_function_list new_function_list
# store a list of existing functions at this point, before sourcing the extension.
before_function_list="$(compgen -A function)"
# shellcheck disable=SC1090
source "${extension_file}"
# decrement the recurse counter, so calls to this method are allowed again.
enable_extension_recurse_counter=$((enable_extension_recurse_counter - 1))
# get a new list of functions after sourcing the extension
after_function_list="$(compgen -A function)"
# compare before and after, thus getting the functions defined by the extension.
# comm is oldskool. we like it. go "man comm" to understand -13 below
new_function_list="$(comm -13 <(echo "$before_function_list" | sort) <(echo "$after_function_list" | sort))"
# iterate over defined functions, store them in global associative array extension_function_info
for newly_defined_function in ${new_function_list}; do
#echo "func: ${newly_defined_function} has DIR: ${extension_dir}"
extension_function_info["${newly_defined_function}"]="EXTENSION=\"${extension_name}\" EXTENSION_DIR=\"${extension_dir}\" EXTENSION_FILE=\"${extension_file}\" EXTENSION_ADDED_BY=\"${stacktrace}\""
# snapshot, then clear, the stack
local -a stack_snapshot=("${enable_extension_recurse_stack[@]}")
# process the stacked snapshot, finally enabling the extensions
for stacked_extension in "${stack_snapshot[@]}"; do
ENABLE_EXTENSION_TRACE_HINT="RECURSE ${stacktrace} ->" enable_extension "${stacked_extension}"
# This looks up and enables _all_ existing extensions.
# The reasoning is simple: during Dockerfile build, we wanna have all the hostdeps defined, even if we're not gonna use them.
function enable_all_extensions_builtin_and_user() {
declare -a extension_list=()
declare -a ext_dirs=("${SRC}/extensions" "${SRC}/userpatches/extensions")
declare -a ignore_extensions=("sample-extension")
# Extensions are files of the format <dir>/ or <dir>/extension_name/
for ext_dir in "${ext_dirs[@]}"; do
if [[ -d "${ext_dir}" ]]; then
declare -a ext_list_dir=()
mapfile -t ext_list_dir < <(find "${ext_dir}" -maxdepth 2 -type f -name "*.sh")
# loop over the files found; remove the prefix
for extension_file in "${extension_list[@]}"; do
# skip, if extension_name is in the ignore_extensions array
if [[ " ${ignore_extensions[*]} " == *" ${extension_name} "* ]]; then
# enable the extensions, quietly.
enable_extension_quiet="yes" enable_extension "${extension_name}"
# Fancy placeholder for future ideas. allow any core function to be hooked. maybe with "voters" infrastructure?
function do_with_hooks() {