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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2023 Ricardo Pardini <>
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
import datetime
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
import oras.client
import oras.logger
import sys
from common import armbian_utils
# Prepare logging
log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("mapper-oci-up-to-date")
# Extra logging for ORAS library
oras.logger.setup_logger(quiet=(not armbian_utils.is_debug()), debug=(armbian_utils.is_debug()))
# Prepare Armbian cache
armbian_paths = armbian_utils.find_armbian_src_path()
cache_dir = armbian_paths["armbian_src_path"] + "/cache"
oci_cache_dir_positive = cache_dir + "/oci/positive"
os.makedirs(oci_cache_dir_positive, exist_ok=True)
oci_cache_dir_positive = os.path.abspath(oci_cache_dir_positive)
oci_cache_dir_negative = cache_dir + "/oci/negative"
os.makedirs(oci_cache_dir_negative, exist_ok=True)
oci_cache_dir_negative = os.path.abspath(oci_cache_dir_negative)
client = oras.client.OrasClient(insecure=False)"OCI client version: {client.version()}")
# the cutoff time for missed cache files; keep it low. positive hits are cached forever
cutoff_mtime = ( - 60 * 5) # 5 minutes ago
# global counters for final stats
stats = {"lookups": 0, "skipped": 0, "hits": 0, "misses": 0, "hits_positive": 0, "hits_negative": 0, "late_misses": 0, "miss_positive": 0,
"miss_negative": 0}
def check_oci_up_to_date_cache(oci_target: str, really_check: bool = False):
# increment the stats counter
stats["lookups"] += 1
if not really_check:
# we're not really checking, so just return a positive hit
stats["skipped"] += 1
return {"up-to-date": False, "reason": "oci-check-not-performed"}"Checking if '{oci_target}' is up-to-date...")
# init the returned obj
ret = {"up-to-date": False, "reason": "undetermined"}
# md5 hash of the oci_target. don't use any utils, just do it ourselves with standard python
md5_hash = hashlib.md5(oci_target.encode()).hexdigest()
cache_file_positive = f"{oci_cache_dir_positive}/{md5_hash}.json"
cache_file_negative = f"{oci_cache_dir_negative}/{md5_hash}.json"
cache_hit = False
if os.path.exists(cache_file_positive):
# increment the stats counter
stats["hits_positive"] += 1
cache_hit = True
log.debug(f"Found positive cache file for '{oci_target}'.")
with open(cache_file_positive) as f:
ret = json.load(f)
elif os.path.exists(cache_file_negative):
# increment the stats counter
stats["hits_negative"] += 1
cache_file_mtime = os.path.getmtime(cache_file_negative)
log.debug(f"Cache mtime: {cache_file_mtime} / Cutoff time: {cutoff_mtime}")
if cache_file_mtime > cutoff_mtime:
cache_hit = True
log.debug(f"Found still-valid negative cache file for '{oci_target}'.")
with open(cache_file_negative) as f:
ret = json.load(f)
# increment the stats counter
stats["late_misses"] += 1
# remove the cache file
log.debug(f"Removing old negative cache file for '{oci_target}'.")
# increment the stats counter
stats["hits" if cache_hit else "misses"] += 1
if not cache_hit:
log.debug(f"No cache file for '{oci_target}'")
container = client.remote.get_container(oci_target)
manifest = client.remote.get_manifest(container)
log.debug(f"Got manifest for '{oci_target}'.")
ret["up-to-date"] = True
ret["reason"] = "manifest_exists"
ret["manifest"] = manifest
except Exception as e:
message: str = str(e)
ret["up-to-date"] = False
ret["reason"] = "exception"
ret["exception"] = message # don't store ValueError(e) as it's not json serializable
# A known-good cache miss.
if ": Not Found" in message:
ret["reason"] = "not_found"
# log warning so we implement handling above. @TODO: some "unauthorized" errors pop up sometimes
log.warning(f"Failed to get manifest for '{oci_target}': {e}")
# increment stats counter
stats["miss_positive" if ret["up-to-date"] else "miss_negative"] += 1
# stamp it with milliseconds since epoch
ret["cache_timestamp"] =
# write to cache, positive or negative.
cache_file = cache_file_positive if ret["up-to-date"] else cache_file_negative
with open(cache_file, "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(ret, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
return ret
# read the targets.json file passed as first argument as a json object
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
targets = json.load(f)
# Second argument is CHECK_OCI=yes/no, default no
check_oci = sys.argv[2] == "yes" if len(sys.argv) > 2 else False
# massage the targets into their full info invocations (sans-command)
uptodate_artifacts = []
oci_target_map = {}
for target in targets:
if not target["config_ok"]:
log.warning(f"Failed config up-to-date check target, ignoring: '{target}'")
# @TODO this probably should be a showstopper
oci_target = target["out"]["artifact_full_oci_target"]
if oci_target in oci_target_map:
log.warning(f"Duplicate oci_target: {oci_target}")
oci_target_map[oci_target] = target
# run through the targets and see if they are up-to-date.
oci_infos = []
for oci_target in oci_target_map:
orig_target = oci_target_map[oci_target]
orig_target["oci"] = {}
orig_target["oci"] = check_oci_up_to_date_cache(oci_target, check_oci)
# Go, Copilot!
f"OCI cache stats 1: lookups={stats['lookups']} skipped={stats['skipped']} hits={stats['hits']} misses={stats['misses']} hits_positive={stats['hits_positive']} hits_negative={stats['hits_negative']} late_misses={stats['late_misses']} miss_positive={stats['miss_positive']} miss_negative={stats['miss_negative']}")
f"OCI cache stats 2: hit_pct={stats['hits'] / stats['lookups'] * 100:.2f}% miss_pct={stats['misses'] / stats['lookups'] * 100:.2f}% late_miss_pct={stats['late_misses'] / stats['lookups'] * 100:.2f}%")
print(json.dumps(oci_infos, indent=4, sort_keys=True))