Desktop configuration

Please use lowercase letters for all config / folder files ``` ├──${RELEASE} The name of the distribution │   ├──environments DE packages lists and scripts │   │   ├──${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT} The name of the DE (xfce, gnome, kde, ...) │   │   │  |──${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME} Different configuration name prefixed with "config_" (config_basic, config_full, ... ) │   │──appgroups Application groups packages lists and scripts │   │   ├──${DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED} Appgroups names (editors, programming, ...) ``` In each directory representing a desktop environment, a desktop environment configuration or an appgroup, the following files can be present : * `packages` If present, the content of the file will be added to the list of packages 'required' by the Armbian desktop package. * `debian/postinst` If present, the content of the file will be added to the `postinst` script of the Armbian desktop package, which will be executed after installing it. * `armbian/` If present the content of this script will be executed, by the build script, just before actually creating the Armbian Desktop `.deb` package. Any variable recognized and function defined by the build script, at that point, can be used. * `sources/apt` If present, the directory will be scanned for `.source` files, which should contain APT URL, in a form that `add-apt-repository` understand. The system is restricted to ONLY ONE APT URL per file, since it's basically calling : `add-apt-repository $(cat "/that/apt/file.source")` For each `.source` file parsed, if there's a corresponding `.source.gpg` file, the file will be considered as a package signing key and will be passed to `apt-key`. For this one, the file is copied into `${SDCARD}/tmp` and then **apt-key** is called like this : `apt-key "/tmp/file.source.gpg"`. Then in each directory representing a desktop environment, a desktop environment configuration or an appgroup, you can add : * `custom/boards/${BOARD}/` For example `custom/orangepipc`. A Board (odroidc4, tinkerboard, bananapi, ...) specific directory where you can provide additional`packages`, `debian/postinst` and `armbian/`. The files, if present, will be parsed accordingly when building for that specific board, if the element (desktop environment, appgroup, ...) is selected. Then in each appgroup, you can add : * `custom/desktops/${DESTKOP_ENVIRONMENT}/` For example `custom/desktops/xfce`. A desktop environment specific directory where you can provide additional `packages`, `debian/postinst` and `armbian/`. The files, if present, will be parsed accordingly if the appgroup AND that desktop environment are both selected during a build. * `custom/boards/${BOARD}/custom/desktops/${DESTKOP_ENVIRONMENT}/` For example `custom/boards/tinkerboard/custom/desktops/kde`. A Board AND desktop environment specific directory where you can provided additional `packages`, `debian/postinst` and `armbian/`. The files, if present, will be parsed accordingly if the appgroup, that specific board and that specific desktop environments are all selected during a build. ### Adding a desktop environment > Currently, only official repositories are supported. Let's say that you want to add that new desktop environment "superduperde", that is now available on official on Debian/Ubuntu repositories. First, focus on one specific distribution like `focal` (Ubuntu) or `buster` (Debian). In our example, will take `focal`. We'll create our first configuration 'full', which should provide the DE along with all its specific apps, widgets and the kitchen sink. * Create the directory `config/desktop/focal/environments/superduperde/config_full` * Create the file `config/desktop/focal/environments/superduperde/config_full/packages` * Open the `packages` file, add the list of packages for `apt`. Then select it in the configuration menu, or pass the following variables to `./` : ```bash BUILD_DESKTOP="yes" RELEASE="focal" DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT="superduperde" DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME="config_full" ``` Then test the resulting image ! ### Tips Keep most complete configuration in latest stable versions (Ubuntu Focal and Ubuntu Buster) and link their sub-components / directories. The same goes for DE. We keep XFCE as a base and others linked to it - where this make sense.