#!/usr/bin/env bash # This runs *after* user_config. Don't change anything not coming from other variables or meant to be configured by the user. function extension_prepare_config__prepare_flash_kernel() { # Configuration defaults, or lack thereof. declare -g FK__TOOL_PACKAGE="${FK__TOOL_PACKAGE:-flash-kernel}" declare -g FK__PUBLISHED_KERNEL_VERSION="${FK__PUBLISHED_KERNEL_VERSION:-undefined-flash-kernel-version}" declare -g FK__EXTRA_PACKAGES="${FK__EXTRA_PACKAGES:-undefined-flash-kernel-kernel-package}" declare -g FK__KERNEL_PACKAGES="${FK__KERNEL_PACKAGES:-}" declare -g FK__MACHINE_MODEL="${FK__MACHINE_MODEL:-Undefined Flash-Kernel Machine}" # Override certain variables. A case of "this extension knows better and modifies user configurable stuff". declare -g BOOTCONFIG="none" # To try and convince lib/ to not build or install u-boot. unset BOOTSOURCE # To try and convince lib/ to not build or install u-boot. declare -g UEFISIZE=256 # in MiB. Not really UEFI, but partition layout is the same. declare -g BOOTSIZE=0 # No separate /boot, flash-kernel will "flash" the kernel+initrd to the firmware part. declare -g UEFI_MOUNT_POINT="/boot/firmware" # mount uefi partition at /boot/firmware declare -g CLOUD_INIT_CONFIG_LOCATION="/boot/firmware" # use /boot/firmware for cloud-init as well declare -g IMAGE_INSTALLED_KERNEL_VERSION="${FK__PUBLISHED_KERNEL_VERSION}" # For the VERSION declare -g EXTRA_BSP_NAME="${EXTRA_BSP_NAME}-fk${FK__PUBLISHED_KERNEL_VERSION}" # Unique bsp name. } function post_install_kernel_debs__install_kernel_and_flash_packages() { declare -g INSTALL_ARMBIAN_FIRMWARE="no" # Disable Armbian-firmware install, which would happen after this method. if [[ "${FK__EXTRA_PACKAGES}" != "" ]]; then display_alert "Installing flash-kernel extra packages" "${FK__EXTRA_PACKAGES}" chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install "${FK__EXTRA_PACKAGES}" || { display_alert "Failed to install flash-kernel's extra packages." "${EXTENSION}" "err" exit 28 } fi if [[ "${FK__KERNEL_PACKAGES}" != "" ]]; then display_alert "Installing flash-kernel kernel packages" "${FK__KERNEL_PACKAGES}" chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install "${FK__KERNEL_PACKAGES}" || { display_alert "Failed to install flash-kernel's kernel packages." "${EXTENSION}" "err" exit 28 } fi display_alert "Installing flash-kernel package" "${FK__TOOL_PACKAGE}" # Create a fake /sys/firmware/efi directory so that flash-kernel does not try to do anything when installed # @TODO: this might or not work after flash-kernel 3.104 or later umount "${SDCARD}"/sys mkdir -p "${SDCARD}"/sys/firmware/efi chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install "${FK__TOOL_PACKAGE}" || { display_alert "Failed to install flash-kernel package." "${EXTENSION}" "err" exit 28 } # Remove fake /sys/firmware (/efi) directory rm -rf "${SDCARD}"/sys/firmware return 0 # prevent future shortcircuits exiting with error } # @TODO: extract u-boot into an extension, so that core bsps don't have this stuff in there to begin with. # @TODO: this code is duplicated in grub.sh extension, so another reason to refactor the root of the evil post_family_tweaks_bsp__remove_uboot_flash_kernel() { display_alert "Removing uboot from BSP" "${EXTENSION}" "info" # Simply remove everything with 'uboot' or 'u-boot' in their filenames from the BSP package. # shellcheck disable=SC2154 # $destination is the target dir of the bsp building function find "$destination" -type f | grep -e "uboot" -e "u-boot" | xargs rm } pre_umount_final_image__remove_uboot_initramfs_hook_flash_kernel() { # even if BSP still contained this (cached .deb), make sure by removing from ${MOUNT} [[ -f "$MOUNT"/etc/initramfs/post-update.d/99-uboot ]] && rm -v "$MOUNT"/etc/initramfs/post-update.d/99-uboot return 0 # shortcircuit above } function pre_update_initramfs__setup_flash_kernel() { local chroot_target=$MOUNT deploy_qemu_binary_to_chroot "${chroot_target}" mount_chroot "$chroot_target/" # this already handles /boot/firmware which is required for it to work. chroot_custom "$chroot_target" chmod -v -x "/etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools" chroot_custom "$chroot_target" chmod -v -x "/etc/initramfs/post-update.d/flash-kernel" declare -g FIRMWARE_DIR="${MOUNT}"/boot/firmware call_extension_method "pre_initramfs_flash_kernel" <<- 'PRE_INITRAMFS_FLASH_KERNEL' *prepare to update-initramfs before flashing kernel via flash_kernel* A good spot to write firmware config to ${FIRMWARE_DIR} (/boot/firmware) before flash-kernel actually runs. PRE_INITRAMFS_FLASH_KERNEL local update_initramfs_cmd="update-initramfs -c -k all" display_alert "Updating flash-kernel initramfs..." "$update_initramfs_cmd" "" chroot_custom "$chroot_target" "$update_initramfs_cmd" || { display_alert "Failed to run '$update_initramfs_cmd'" "Check logs" "err" exit 29 } # hack, umount the chroot's /sys, otherwise flash-kernel tries to EFI flash due to the build host (!) being EFI umount "$chroot_target/sys" call_extension_method "pre_flash_kernel" <<- 'PRE_FLASH_KERNEL' *run before running flash-kernel* Each board might need different stuff for flash-kernel to work. Implement it here. Write to `${MOUNT}`, eg: `"${MOUNT}"/etc/flash-kernel` PRE_FLASH_KERNEL local flash_kernel_cmd="FK_FORCE=yes flash-kernel --machine '${FK__MACHINE_MODEL}'" # FK_FORCE=yes is required since flash-kernel 3.104ubuntu14 / 3.106ubuntu7 display_alert "flash-kernel" "${FK__MACHINE_MODEL}" "info" chroot_custom "$chroot_target" "${flash_kernel_cmd}" || { display_alert "Failed to run '${flash_kernel_cmd}'" "Check logs" "err" exit 29 } display_alert "Re-enabling" "initramfs-tools/flash-kernel hook for kernel" chroot_custom "$chroot_target" chmod -v +x "/etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools" chroot_custom "$chroot_target" chmod -v +x "/etc/initramfs/post-update.d/flash-kernel" umount_chroot "${chroot_target}/" undeploy_qemu_binary_from_chroot "${chroot_target}" display_alert "Disabling Armbian-core update_initramfs, was already done above." "${EXTENSION}" unset KERNELSOURCE # ugly. sorry. we'll have better mechanism for this soon. this is tested at lib/debootstrap.sh:844 }