# `cryptroot` / LUKS support is no longer included by default in prepare-host.sh. # Enable this extension to include the required dependencies for building. # This is automatically enabled if CRYPTROOT_ENABLE is set to yes in main-config.sh. function add_host_dependencies__add_cryptroot_tooling() { display_alert "Adding cryptroot to host dependencies" "cryptsetup LUKS" "debug" EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS="${EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS} cryptsetup openssh-client" # @TODO: convert to array later display_alert "Adding rootfs encryption related packages" "cryptsetup cryptsetup-initramfs" "info" add_packages_to_rootfs cryptsetup cryptsetup-initramfs if [[ $CRYPTROOT_SSH_UNLOCK == yes ]]; then display_alert "Adding rootfs encryption related packages" "dropbear-initramfs" "info" add_packages_to_rootfs dropbear-initramfs fi } function pre_install_kernel_debs__adjust_dropbear_configuration() { # Adjust initramfs dropbear configuration # Needs to be done before kernel installation, else it won't be in the initrd image if [[ $CRYPTROOT_SSH_UNLOCK == yes ]]; then declare dropbear_dir="${SDCARD}/etc/dropbear-initramfs" declare dropbear_config="config" if [[ -d "${SDCARD}/etc/dropbear/initramfs" ]]; then dropbear_dir="${SDCARD}/etc/dropbear/initramfs" dropbear_config="dropbear.conf" fi # Set the port of the dropbear ssh daemon in the initramfs to a different one if configured # this avoids the typical 'host key changed warning' - `WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!` [[ -f "${dropbear_dir}/${dropbear_config}" ]] && sed -i 's/^#DROPBEAR_OPTIONS=/DROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-j -k -p '"${CRYPTROOT_SSH_UNLOCK_PORT}"' -s -c cryptroot-unlock"/' \ "${dropbear_dir}/${dropbear_config}" # setup dropbear authorized_keys, either provided by userpatches or generated if [[ -f $USERPATCHES_PATH/dropbear_authorized_keys ]]; then cp "$USERPATCHES_PATH"/dropbear_authorized_keys "${dropbear_dir}"/authorized_keys else # generate a default ssh key for login on dropbear in initramfs # this key should be changed by the user on first login display_alert "Generating a new SSH key pair for dropbear (initramfs)" "" "" # Generate the SSH keys ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f "${dropbear_dir}"/id_ecdsa \ -N '' -O force-command=cryptroot-unlock -C 'AUTOGENERATED_BY_ARMBIAN_BUILD' 2>&1 # /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/dropbear will automatically add 'id_ecdsa.pub' to authorized_keys file # during mkinitramfs of update-initramfs #cat "${dropbear_dir}"/id_ecdsa.pub > "${SDCARD}"/etc/dropbear-initramfs/authorized_keys CRYPTROOT_SSH_UNLOCK_KEY_NAME="${VENDOR}_${REVISION}_${BOARD^}_${RELEASE}_${BRANCH}_${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT}".key # copy dropbear ssh key to image output dir for convenience cp "${dropbear_dir}"/id_ecdsa "${DEST}/images/${CRYPTROOT_SSH_UNLOCK_KEY_NAME}" display_alert "SSH private key for dropbear (initramfs) has been copied to:" \ "$DEST/images/$CRYPTROOT_SSH_UNLOCK_KEY_NAME" "info" fi fi }