#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function artifact_uboot_config_dump() { artifact_input_variables[BOOTSOURCE]="${BOOTSOURCE}" artifact_input_variables[BOOTBRANCH]="${BOOTBRANCH}" artifact_input_variables[BOOTPATCHDIR]="${BOOTPATCHDIR}" artifact_input_variables[BOARD]="${BOARD}" artifact_input_variables[BRANCH]="${BRANCH}" artifact_input_variables[ARCH]="${ARCH}" } function artifact_uboot_prepare_version() { artifact_version="undetermined" # outer scope artifact_version_reason="undetermined" # outer scope # Prepare the version, "sans-repos": just the armbian/build repo contents are available. # It is OK to reach out to the internet for a curl or ls-remote, but not for a git clone/fetch. # - Given BOOTSOURCE and BOOTBRANCH, get: # - SHA1 of the commit (this is generic... and used for other pkgs) # - The first 10 lines of the root Makefile at that commit (cached lookup, same SHA1=same Makefile) # - This gives us the full version plus codename. # - Get the u-boot patches hash. (could just hash the BOOTPATCHDIR non-disabled contents, or use Python patching proper?) # - Hash of the relevant lib/ bash sources involved, say compilation/uboot*.sh etc # All those produce a version string like: # 2023.11-<4-digit-SHA1>_<4_digit_patches> debug_var BOOTSOURCE debug_var BOOTBRANCH debug_var BOOTPATCHDIR debug_var BOARD debug_var BRANCH declare short_hash_size=4 declare -A GIT_INFO_UBOOT=([GIT_SOURCE]="${BOOTSOURCE}" [GIT_REF]="${BOOTBRANCH}") run_memoized GIT_INFO_UBOOT "git2info" memoized_git_ref_to_info "include_makefile_body" debug_dict GIT_INFO_UBOOT # Sanity check, the SHA1 gotta be sane. [[ "${GIT_INFO_UBOOT[SHA1]}" =~ ^[0-9a-f]{40}$ ]] || exit_with_error "SHA1 is not sane: '${GIT_INFO_UBOOT[SHA1]}'" declare short_sha1="${GIT_INFO_UBOOT[SHA1]:0:${short_hash_size}}" # get the uboot patches hash... # @TODO: why not just delegate this to the python patching, with some "dry-run" / hash-only option? # @TODO: this is even more grave in case of u-boot: v2022.10 has patches for many boards inside, gotta resolve. declare patches_hash="undetermined" declare hash_files="undetermined" declare -a uboot_patch_dirs=() for patch_dir in ${BOOTPATCHDIR}; do uboot_patch_dirs+=("${SRC}/patch/u-boot/${patch_dir}" "${USERPATCHES_PATH}/u-boot/${patch_dir}") done if [[ -n "${ATFSOURCE}" && "${ATFSOURCE}" != "none" ]]; then uboot_patch_dirs+=("${SRC}/patch/atf/${ATFPATCHDIR}" "${USERPATCHES_PATH}/atf/${ATFPATCHDIR}") fi if [[ -n "${CRUSTCONFIG}" ]]; then uboot_patch_dirs+=("${SRC}/patch/crust/${CRUSTPATCHDIR}" "${USERPATCHES_PATH}/crust/${CRUSTPATCHDIR}") fi calculate_hash_for_all_files_in_dirs "${uboot_patch_dirs[@]}" patches_hash="${hash_files}" declare uboot_patches_hash_short="${patches_hash:0:${short_hash_size}}" # Hash the extension hooks declare -a extension_hooks_to_hash=( "post_uboot_custom_postprocess" "fetch_custom_uboot" "build_custom_uboot" "pre_config_uboot_target" "post_uboot_custom_postprocess" "post_uboot_custom_postprocess" "post_config_uboot_target" ) declare -a extension_hooks_hashed=("$(dump_extension_method_sources_functions "${extension_hooks_to_hash[@]}")") declare hash_hooks="undetermined" hash_hooks="$(echo "${extension_hooks_hashed[@]}" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)" # Hash the old-timey hooks declare hash_functions="undetermined" calculate_hash_for_function_bodies "write_uboot_platform" "write_uboot_platform_mtd" "setup_write_uboot_platform" declare hash_uboot_functions="${hash_functions}" # Hash those two together declare hash_hooks_and_functions="undetermined" hash_hooks_and_functions="$(echo "${hash_hooks}" "${hash_uboot_functions}" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)" declare hash_hooks_and_functions_short="${hash_hooks_and_functions:0:${short_hash_size}}" # Hash variables that affect the build and package of u-boot declare -a vars_to_hash=( "${BOOTDELAY}" "${UBOOT_DEBUGGING}" "${UBOOT_TARGET_MAP}" # general for all families "${BOOT_SCENARIO}" "${BOOT_SUPPORT_SPI}" "${BOOT_SOC}" # rockchip stuff, sorry. "${DDR_BLOB}" "${BL31_BLOB}" "${MINILOADER_BLOB}" # More rockchip stuff, even more sorry. "${ATF_COMPILE}" "${ATFBRANCH}" "${ATFPATCHDIR}" # arm-trusted-firmware stuff "${CRUSTCONFIG}" "${CRUSTBRANCH}" "${CRUSTPATCHDIR}" # crust stuff ) declare hash_variables="undetermined" # will be set by calculate_hash_for_variables(), which normalizes the input calculate_hash_for_variables "${vars_to_hash[@]}" declare vars_config_hash="${hash_variables}" declare var_config_hash_short="${vars_config_hash:0:${short_hash_size}}" # get the hashes of the lib/ bash sources involved... declare hash_files="undetermined" calculate_hash_for_bash_deb_artifact "${SRC}"/lib/functions/compilation/uboot*.sh # expansion declare bash_hash="${hash_files}" declare bash_hash_short="${bash_hash:0:${short_hash_size}}" # outer scope artifact_version="${GIT_INFO_UBOOT[MAKEFILE_VERSION]}-S${short_sha1}-P${uboot_patches_hash_short}-H${hash_hooks_and_functions_short}-V${var_config_hash_short}-B${bash_hash_short}" declare -a reasons=( "version \"${GIT_INFO_UBOOT[MAKEFILE_FULL_VERSION]}\"" "git revision \"${GIT_INFO_UBOOT[SHA1]}\"" "patches hash \"${patches_hash}\"" "Extension hooks hash \"${hash_hooks}\"" "uboot functions hash \"${hash_uboot_functions}\"" "variables hash \"${vars_config_hash}\"" "framework bash hash \"${bash_hash}\"" ) artifact_deb_repo="global" artifact_deb_arch="${ARCH}" artifact_version_reason="${reasons[*]}" # outer scope artifact_map_packages=(["uboot"]="linux-u-boot-${BOARD}-${BRANCH}") artifact_name="uboot-${BOARD}-${BRANCH}" artifact_type="deb" return 0 } function artifact_uboot_build_from_sources() { LOG_SECTION="fetch_and_build_host_tools" do_with_logging fetch_and_build_host_tools if [[ -n "${ATFSOURCE}" && "${ATFSOURCE}" != "none" ]]; then if [[ "${ARTIFACT_BUILD_INTERACTIVE:-"no"}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "Running ATF build in interactive mode" "log file will be incomplete" "info" compile_atf if [[ "${CREATE_PATCHES_ATF:-"no"}" == "yes" ]]; then return 0 # stop here, otherwise it would build u-boot below... fi else LOG_SECTION="compile_atf" do_with_logging compile_atf fi fi if [[ -n "${CRUSTCONFIG}" ]]; then if [[ "${ARTIFACT_BUILD_INTERACTIVE:-"no"}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "Running crust build in interactive mode" "log file will be incomplete" "info" compile_crust if [[ "${CREATE_PATCHES_CRUST:-"no"}" == "yes" ]]; then return 0 # stop here, otherwise it would build u-boot below... fi else LOG_SECTION="compile_crust" do_with_logging compile_crust fi fi declare uboot_git_revision="not_determined_yet" LOG_SECTION="uboot_prepare_git" do_with_logging_unless_user_terminal uboot_prepare_git # Hack, if ARTIFACT_BUILD_INTERACTIVE=yes, don't run under logging manager. Emit a warning about it. if [[ "${ARTIFACT_BUILD_INTERACTIVE:-"no"}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "Running uboot build in interactive mode" "log file will be incomplete" "info" compile_uboot else LOG_SECTION="compile_uboot" do_with_logging compile_uboot fi } function artifact_uboot_cli_adapter_pre_run() { declare -g ARMBIAN_COMMAND_REQUIRE_BASIC_DEPS="yes" # Require prepare_host_basic to run before the command. # "gimme root on a Linux machine" cli_standard_relaunch_docker_or_sudo } function artifact_uboot_cli_adapter_config_prep() { # Sanity check / cattle guard # If UBOOT_CONFIGURE=yes, or CREATE_PATCHES=yes, user must have used the correct CLI commands, and only add those params. if [[ "${UBOOT_CONFIGURE}" == "yes" && ("${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}" != "uboot-config") ]]; then exit_with_error "UBOOT_CONFIGURE=yes is not supported anymore. Please use the new 'uboot-config' CLI command. Current command: '${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}'" fi if [[ "${CREATE_PATCHES}" == "yes" && "${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}" != "uboot-patch" ]]; then exit_with_error "CREATE_PATCHES=yes is not supported anymore. Please use the new 'uboot-patch' CLI command. Current command: '${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}'" fi use_board="yes" prep_conf_main_minimal_ni < /dev/null # no stdin for this, so it bombs if tries to be interactive. } function artifact_uboot_get_default_oci_target() { artifact_oci_target_base="${GHCR_SOURCE}/armbian/os/" } function artifact_uboot_is_available_in_local_cache() { is_artifact_available_in_local_cache } function artifact_uboot_is_available_in_remote_cache() { is_artifact_available_in_remote_cache } function artifact_uboot_obtain_from_remote_cache() { obtain_artifact_from_remote_cache } function artifact_uboot_deploy_to_remote_cache() { upload_artifact_to_oci }