#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ # This is a re-imagining of mkdebian and builddeb from the kernel tree. # We wanna produce Debian/Ubuntu compatible packages so we're able to use their standard tools, like # `flash-kernel`, `u-boot-menu`, `grub2`, and others, so we gotta stick to their conventions. # The main difference is that this is NOT invoked from KBUILD's Makefile, but instead # directly by Armbian, with references to the dirs where KBUILD's # `make install dtbs_install modules_install headers_install` have already successfully been run. # This will create a SET of packages. It should always create these: # image package: vmlinuz and such, config, modules, and dtbs (if exist) in /usr/lib/xxx # linux-headers package: "just" the kernel headers, for building out-of-tree modules, dkms, etc. # linux-dtbs package: only dtbs, if they exist. in /boot/ # So this will handle # - Creating .deb package skeleton dir (mktemp) # - Moving/copying around of KBUILD installed stuff for Debian/Ubuntu/Armbian standard locations, in the correct packages # - Fixing the symlinks to stuff so they fit a target system. # - building the .debs. is_enabled() { grep -q "^$1=y" include/config/auto.conf } if_enabled_echo() { if is_enabled "$1"; then echo -n "$2" elif [ $# -ge 3 ]; then echo -n "$3" fi } function prepare_kernel_packaging_debs() { : "${artifact_version:?artifact_version is not set}" declare kernel_work_dir="${1}" declare kernel_dest_install_dir="${2}" declare kernel_version="${3}" declare -n tmp_kernel_install_dirs="${4}" # nameref to declare -n kernel_install_dirs dictionary declare debs_target_dir="${kernel_work_dir}/.." # Some variables and settings used throughout the script declare kernel_version_family="${kernel_version}-${BRANCH}-${LINUXFAMILY}" # Package version. Affects users upgrading from repo! display_alert "Kernel .deb package version" "${artifact_version}" "info" # show incoming tree #display_alert "Kernel install dir" "incoming from KBUILD make" "debug" #run_host_command_logged tree -C --du -h "${kernel_dest_install_dir}" "| grep --line-buffered -v -e '\.ko' -e '\.h' " # display_alert "tmp_kernel_install_dirs INSTALL_PATH:" "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_PATH]}" "debug" # display_alert "tmp_kernel_install_dirs INSTALL_MOD_PATH:" "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_MOD_PATH]}" "debug" # display_alert "tmp_kernel_install_dirs INSTALL_HDR_PATH:" "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_HDR_PATH]}" "debug" # display_alert "tmp_kernel_install_dirs INSTALL_DTBS_PATH:" "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_DTBS_PATH]}" "debug" # Due to we call `make install` twice, we will get some `.old` files run_host_command_logged rm -rf "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_PATH]}/*.old" || true # package the linux-image (image, modules, dtbs (if present)) display_alert "Packaging linux-image" "${LINUXFAMILY} ${LINUXCONFIG}" "info" create_kernel_deb "linux-image-${BRANCH}-${LINUXFAMILY}" "${debs_target_dir}" kernel_package_callback_linux_image "linux-image" # if dtbs present, package those too separately, for u-boot usage. if [[ -d "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_DTBS_PATH]}" ]]; then display_alert "Packaging linux-dtb" "${LINUXFAMILY} ${LINUXCONFIG}" "info" create_kernel_deb "linux-dtb-${BRANCH}-${LINUXFAMILY}" "${debs_target_dir}" kernel_package_callback_linux_dtb "linux-dtb" fi if [[ "${KERNEL_HAS_WORKING_HEADERS}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "Packaging linux-headers" "${LINUXFAMILY} ${LINUXCONFIG}" "info" create_kernel_deb "linux-headers-${BRANCH}-${LINUXFAMILY}" "${debs_target_dir}" kernel_package_callback_linux_headers "linux-headers" else display_alert "Skipping linux-headers package" "for ${KERNEL_MAJOR_MINOR} kernel version" "info" fi } function create_kernel_deb() { declare package_name="${1}" declare deb_output_dir="${2}" declare callback_function="${3}" declare artifact_deb_id="${4}" declare cleanup_id="" package_directory="" prepare_temp_dir_in_workdir_and_schedule_cleanup "deb-k-${package_name}" cleanup_id package_directory # namerefs declare package_DEBIAN_dir="${package_directory}/DEBIAN" # DEBIAN dir mkdir -p "${package_DEBIAN_dir}" # maintainer scripts et al # Generate copyright file mkdir -p "${package_directory}/usr/share/doc/${package_name}" cat <<- COPYRIGHT > "${package_directory}/usr/share/doc/${package_name}/copyright" This is a packaged Armbian patched version of the Linux kernel. The sources may be found at most Linux archive sites, including: https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel Copyright: 1991 - 2018 Linus Torvalds and others. The git repository for mainline kernel development is at: git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License version 2 can be found in \`/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'. COPYRIGHT # Run the callback. # display_alert "Running callback" "callback: ${callback_function}" "debug" "${callback_function}" "${@}" run_host_command_logged chown -R root:root "${package_directory}" # Fix ownership and permissions run_host_command_logged chmod -R go-w "${package_directory}" # Fix ownership and permissions run_host_command_logged chmod -R a+rX "${package_directory}" # in case we are in a restrictive umask environment like 0077 run_host_command_logged chmod -R ug-s "${package_directory}" # in case we build in a setuid/setgid directory cd "${package_directory}" || exit_with_error "major failure 774 for ${package_name}" # create md5sums file # sh -c "cd '${package_directory}'; find . -type f ! -path './DEBIAN/*' -printf '%P\0' | xargs -r0 md5sum > DEBIAN/md5sums" declare unpacked_size unpacked_size="$(du -h -s "${package_directory}" | awk '{print $1}')" display_alert "Unpacked ${package_name} tree" "${unpacked_size}" "debug" # Show it #display_alert "Package dir" "for package ${package_name}" "debug" #run_host_command_logged tree -C -h -d --du "${package_directory}" fakeroot_dpkg_deb_build "${package_directory}" "${artifact_deb_id}" done_with_temp_dir "${cleanup_id}" # changes cwd to "${SRC}" and fires the cleanup function early } function kernel_package_hook_helper() { declare script="${1}" declare contents="${2}" cat >> "${package_DEBIAN_dir}/${script}" <<- EOT #!/bin/bash echo "Armbian '${package_name}' for '${kernel_version_family}': '${script}' starting." set -e # Error control function is_boot_dev_vfat() { # When installing these packages during image build, /boot is not mounted, and will most definitely not be vfat. # Use an environment variable to signal that it _will_ be a fat32, so symlinks are not created. # This is passed by install_deb_chroot() explicitly via the runners. if [[ "\${ARMBIAN_IMAGE_BUILD_BOOTFS_TYPE:-"unknown"}" == "fat" ]]; then echo "Armbian: ARMBIAN_IMAGE_BUILD_BOOTFS_TYPE: '\${ARMBIAN_IMAGE_BUILD_BOOTFS_TYPE:-"not set"}'" return 0 fi if ! mountpoint -q /boot; then return 1 fi local boot_partition bootfstype boot_partition=\$(findmnt --nofsroot -n -o SOURCE /boot) bootfstype=\$(blkid -s TYPE -o value \$boot_partition) if [[ "\$bootfstype" == "vfat" ]]; then return 0 fi return 1 } #set -x # Debugging $(cat "${contents}") set +x # Disable debugging echo "Armbian '${package_name}' for '${kernel_version_family}': '${script}' finishing." true EOT chmod 775 "${package_DEBIAN_dir}/${script}" # produce log asset for script LOG_ASSET="deb-${package_name}-${script}.sh" do_with_log_asset run_host_command_logged cat "${package_DEBIAN_dir}/${script}" } function kernel_package_callback_linux_image() { display_alert "linux-image deb packaging" "${package_directory}" "debug" # @TODO: we expect _all_ kernels to produce this, which is... not true. declare kernel_pre_package_path="${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_PATH]}" declare kernel_image_pre_package_path="${kernel_pre_package_path}/vmlinuz-${kernel_version_family}" declare installed_image_path="boot/vmlinuz-${kernel_version_family}" # using old mkdebian terminology here for compatibility display_alert "Showing contents of Kbuild produced /boot" "linux-image" "debug" run_host_command_logged tree -C --du -h "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_PATH]}" display_alert "Kernel-built image filetype" "vmlinuz-${kernel_version_family}: $(file --brief "${kernel_image_pre_package_path}")" "info" declare image_name="Image" # "Image" for arm64. or, "zImage" for arm, or "vmlinuz" for others. 'image_name' is for easy mkdebian compat # If NAME_KERNEL is set (usually in arch config file), warn and use that instead. if [[ -n "${NAME_KERNEL}" ]]; then display_alert "NAME_KERNEL is set" "using '${NAME_KERNEL}' instead of '${image_name}'" "debug" image_name="${NAME_KERNEL}" fi # allow hook to do stuff here. Some (legacy/vendor/weird) kernels spit out a vmlinuz that needs manual conversion to uImage, etc. run_host_command_logged ls -la "${kernel_pre_package_path}" "${kernel_image_pre_package_path}" call_extension_method "pre_package_kernel_image" <<- 'PRE_PACKAGE_KERNEL_IMAGE' *fix Image/uImage/zImage before packaging kernel* Some (legacy/vendor) kernels need preprocessing of the produced Image/uImage/zImage before packaging. Use this hook to do that, by modifying the file in place, in `${kernel_pre_package_path}` directory. The final file that will be used is stored in `${kernel_image_pre_package_path}` -- which you shouldn't change. PRE_PACKAGE_KERNEL_IMAGE display_alert "Kernel image filetype after pre_package_kernel_image" "vmlinuz-${kernel_version_family}: $(file --brief "${kernel_image_pre_package_path}")" "info" unset kernel_pre_package_path # be done with var after hook unset kernel_image_pre_package_path # be done with var after hook run_host_command_logged cp -rp "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_PATH]}" "${package_directory}/" # /boot stuff run_host_command_logged cp -rp "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_MOD_PATH]}/lib" "${package_directory}/" # so "lib" stuff sits at the root # Clean up symlinks in lib/modules/${kernel_version_family}/build and lib/modules/${kernel_version_family}/source; will be in the headers package run_host_command_logged rm -v -f "${package_directory}/lib/modules/${kernel_version_family}/build" "${package_directory}/lib/modules/${kernel_version_family}/source" if [[ -d "${package_directory}/lib/modules/${kernel_version_family}/kernel" ]]; then display_alert "Showing contents of Kbuild produced modules" "linux-image" "debug" run_host_command_logged tree -C --du -h -d -L 1 "${package_directory}/lib/modules/${kernel_version_family}/kernel" "|| true" # do not fail fi if [[ -d "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_DTBS_PATH]}" ]]; then # /usr/lib/linux-image-${kernel_version_family} is wanted by flash-kernel, u-boot-menu, and other standard Debian/Ubuntu utilities display_alert "DTBs present on kernel output" "DTBs ${package_name}: /usr/lib/linux-image-${kernel_version_family}" "debug" mkdir -p "${package_directory}/usr/lib" run_host_command_logged cp -rp "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_DTBS_PATH]}" "${package_directory}/usr/lib/linux-image-${kernel_version_family}" fi # Generate a control file cat <<- CONTROL_FILE > "${package_DEBIAN_dir}/control" Package: ${package_name} Version: ${artifact_version} Source: linux-${kernel_version} Armbian-Kernel-Version: ${kernel_version} Armbian-Kernel-Version-Family: ${kernel_version_family} Architecture: ${ARCH} Maintainer: ${MAINTAINER} <${MAINTAINERMAIL}> Section: kernel Priority: optional Provides: linux-image, linux-image-armbian, armbian-$BRANCH Description: Armbian Linux $BRANCH kernel image $kernel_version_family This package contains the Linux kernel, modules and corresponding other files. ${artifact_version_reason:-"${kernel_version_family}"} CONTROL_FILE # Install the maintainer scripts # Note: hook scripts under /etc/kernel are also executed by official Debian # kernel packages, as well as kernel packages built using make-kpkg. # make-kpkg sets $INITRD to indicate whether an initramfs is wanted, and # so do we; recent versions of dracut and initramfs-tools will obey this. declare debian_kernel_hook_dir="/etc/kernel" for script in "postinst" "postrm" "preinst" "prerm"; do mkdir -p "${package_directory}${debian_kernel_hook_dir}/${script}.d" # create kernel hook dir, make sure. kernel_package_hook_helper "${script}" <( # Common for all of postinst/postrm/preinst/prerm cat <<- KERNEL_HOOK_DELEGATION # Reference: linux-image-6.1.0-7-amd64.postinst from Debian export DEB_MAINT_PARAMS="\$*" # Pass maintainer script parameters to hook scripts export INITRD=$(if_enabled_echo CONFIG_BLK_DEV_INITRD Yes No) # Tell initramfs builder whether it's wanted # Run the same hooks Debian/Ubuntu would for their kernel packages. test -d ${debian_kernel_hook_dir}/${script}.d && run-parts --arg="${kernel_version_family}" --arg="/${installed_image_path}" ${debian_kernel_hook_dir}/${script}.d KERNEL_HOOK_DELEGATION if [[ "${script}" == "preinst" ]]; then cat <<- HOOK_FOR_REMOVE_VFAT_BOOT_FILES if is_boot_dev_vfat; then rm -f /boot/System.map* /boot/config* /boot/vmlinuz* /boot/$image_name /boot/uImage fi HOOK_FOR_REMOVE_VFAT_BOOT_FILES fi # @TODO: only if u-boot, only for postinst. Gotta find a hook scheme for these... if [[ "${script}" == "postinst" ]]; then cat <<- HOOK_FOR_LINK_TO_LAST_INSTALLED_KERNEL # image_name="${NAME_KERNEL}", above touch /boot/.next if is_boot_dev_vfat; then echo "Armbian: FAT32 /boot: move last-installed kernel to '$image_name'..." mv -v /${installed_image_path} /boot/${image_name} else echo "Armbian: update last-installed kernel symlink to '$image_name'..." ln -sfv $(basename "${installed_image_path}") /boot/$image_name fi HOOK_FOR_LINK_TO_LAST_INSTALLED_KERNEL # Reference: linux-image-6.1.0-7-amd64.postinst from Debian cat <<- HOOK_FOR_DEBIAN_COMPAT_SYMLINK # call debian helper, for compatibility. this symlinks things according to /etc/kernel-img.conf # "install" or "upgrade" are decided in a very contrived way by Debian (".fresh-install" file) # do NOT do this if /boot is a vfat, though. if ! is_boot_dev_vfat; then echo "Armbian: Debian compat: linux-update-symlinks install ${kernel_version_family} ${installed_image_path}" linux-update-symlinks install "${kernel_version_family}" "${installed_image_path}" || true fi HOOK_FOR_DEBIAN_COMPAT_SYMLINK fi ) done } function kernel_package_callback_linux_dtb() { display_alert "linux-dtb packaging" "${package_directory}" "debug" display_alert "Showing tree of Kbuild produced DTBs" "linux-dtb" "debug" run_host_command_logged tree -C --du -h -L 2 "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_DTBS_PATH]}" mkdir -p "${package_directory}/boot/" run_host_command_logged cp -rp "${tmp_kernel_install_dirs[INSTALL_DTBS_PATH]}" "${package_directory}/boot/dtb-${kernel_version_family}" # Generate a control file cat <<- CONTROL_FILE > "${package_DEBIAN_dir}/control" Version: ${artifact_version} Maintainer: ${MAINTAINER} <${MAINTAINERMAIL}> Section: kernel Package: ${package_name} Architecture: ${ARCH} Priority: optional Provides: linux-dtb, linux-dtb-armbian, armbian-$BRANCH Description: Armbian Linux $BRANCH DTBs in /boot/dtb-${kernel_version_family} This package contains device tree blobs from the Linux kernel, version ${kernel_version_family} ${artifact_version_reason:-"${kernel_version_family}"} CONTROL_FILE kernel_package_hook_helper "preinst" <( cat <<- EOT rm -rf /boot/dtb rm -rf /boot/dtb-${kernel_version_family} EOT ) kernel_package_hook_helper "postinst" <( cat <<- EOT cd /boot if ! is_boot_dev_vfat; then echo "Armbian: DTB: symlinking /boot/dtb to /boot/dtb-${kernel_version_family}..." ln -sfTv "dtb-${kernel_version_family}" dtb else echo "Armbian: DTB: FAT32: moving /boot/dtb-${kernel_version_family} to /boot/dtb ..." mv -v "dtb-${kernel_version_family}" dtb fi EOT ) } function kernel_package_callback_linux_headers() { display_alert "linux-headers packaging" "${package_directory}" "debug" # targets. local headers_target_dir="${package_directory}/usr/src/linux-headers-${kernel_version_family}" # headers/tools etc local modules_target_dir="${package_directory}/lib/modules/${kernel_version_family}" # symlink to above later mkdir -p "${headers_target_dir}" "${modules_target_dir}" # create both dirs run_host_command_logged ln -v -s "/usr/src/linux-headers-${kernel_version_family}" "${modules_target_dir}/build" # Symlink in modules so builds find the headers run_host_command_logged cp -vp "${kernel_work_dir}"/.config "${headers_target_dir}"/.config # copy .config manually to be where it's expected to be # gather stuff from the linux source tree: ${kernel_work_dir} (NOT the make install destination) # those can be source files or object (binary/compiled) stuff # how to get SRCARCH? only from the makefile itself. ARCH=amd64 then SRCARCH=x86. How to we know? @TODO local SRC_ARCH="${ARCH}" [[ "${SRC_ARCH}" == "amd64" ]] && SRC_ARCH="x86" [[ "${SRC_ARCH}" == "armhf" ]] && SRC_ARCH="arm" [[ "${SRC_ARCH}" == "riscv64" ]] && SRC_ARCH="riscv" # @TODO: added KERNEL_SRC_ARCH to each arch'es .config file; let's make sure they're sane. Just use KERNEL_SRC_ARCH after confirmed. # Lets check and warn if it isn't. If warns don't popup over time we remove and just use ARCHITECTURE later. if [[ "${SRC_ARCH}" != "${KERNEL_SRC_ARCH}" ]]; then display_alert "WARNING: KERNEL_SRC_ARCH and SRC_ARCH don't match during kernel build." "KERNEL_SRC_ARCH=${ARCHITECTURE} SRC_ARCH=${SRC_ARCH}" "wrn" fi # Create a list of files to include, path-relative to the kernel tree local temp_file_list="${WORKDIR}/tmp_file_list_${kernel_version_family}.kernel.headers" # Find the files we want to include in the package. Those will be later cleaned, etc. ( cd "${kernel_work_dir}" || exit 2 find . -name Makefile\* -o -name Kconfig\* -o -name \*.pl find arch/*/include include scripts -type f -o -type l find security/*/include -type f [[ -d "arch/${SRC_ARCH}" ]] && { find "arch/${SRC_ARCH}" -name module.lds -o -name Kbuild.platforms -o -name Platform # shellcheck disable=SC2046 # I need to expand. Thanks. find $(find "arch/${SRC_ARCH}" -name include -o -name scripts -type d) -type f find arch/${SRC_ARCH}/include -type f } find Module.symvers include scripts -type f find . -name "bitsperlong.h" -type f # tools/include/tools has the byteshift utilities shared between kernel proper and the build scripts/tools. # This replaces 'headers-debian-byteshift.patch' which was used for years in Armbian. find tools -type f # all tools; will trim a bit later find arch/x86/lib/insn.c # required by objtool stuff... if is_enabled CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS; then find scripts/gcc-plugins -name gcc-common.h # @TODO something else here too? fi ) > "${temp_file_list}" # Now include/copy those, using tar as intermediary. Just like builddeb does it. tar -c -f - -C "${kernel_work_dir}" -T "${temp_file_list}" | tar -xf - -C "${headers_target_dir}" # ${temp_file_list} is left at WORKDIR for later debugging, will be removed by WORKDIR cleanup trap # Small detour: in v6.3-rc1, in commit https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/799fb82aa132fa3a3886b7872997a5a84e820062, # the tools/vm dir was renamed to tools/mm. Unfortunately tools/Makefile still expects it to exist, # and "make clean" in the "/tools" dir fails. Drop in a fake Makefile there to work around this. if [[ ! -f "${headers_target_dir}/tools/vm/Makefile" ]]; then display_alert "Creating fake tools/vm/Makefile" "6.3+ hackfix" "debug" run_host_command_logged mkdir -p "${headers_target_dir}/tools/vm" echo -e "clean:\n\techo fake clean for tools/vm" > "${headers_target_dir}/tools/vm/Makefile" fi # Hack for 6.5-rc1: create include/linux dir so the 'clean' step below doesn't fail. I've reported upstream... display_alert "Creating fake counter/include/linux" "6.5-rc1 hackfix" "debug" run_host_command_logged mkdir -p "${headers_target_dir}/tools/counter/include/linux" # Now, make the script dirs clean. # This is run in our _target_ dir, NOT the source tree, so we're free to make clean as we wish without invalidating the next build's cache. # Understand: I'm sending the logs of this to the bitbucket ON PURPOSE: "clean" tries to use clang, ALSA, etc, which are not available. # The logs produced during this step throw off developers casually looking at the logs. # Important: if the steps _fail_ here, you'll have to enable DEBUG=yes to see what's going on. declare make_bitbucket="&> /dev/null" [[ "${DEBUG}" == "yes" ]] && make_bitbucket="" run_host_command_logged cd "${headers_target_dir}" "&&" make "ARCH=${SRC_ARCH}" "M=scripts" clean "${make_bitbucket}" run_host_command_logged cd "${headers_target_dir}/tools" "&&" make "ARCH=${SRC_ARCH}" clean "${make_bitbucket}" # Trim down on the tools dir a bit after cleaning. rm -rf "${headers_target_dir}/tools/perf" "${headers_target_dir}/tools/testing" # Hack: after cleaning, copy over the scripts/module.lds file from the source tree. It will only exist on 5.10+ # See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1906131 [[ -f "${kernel_work_dir}/scripts/module.lds" ]] && run_host_command_logged cp -v "${kernel_work_dir}/scripts/module.lds" "${headers_target_dir}/scripts/module.lds" if [[ "${DEBUG}" == "yes" ]]; then # Check that no binaries are included by now. Expensive... @TODO: remove after me make sure. display_alert "Checking for binaries in kernel headers" "${headers_target_dir}" "debug" ( cd "${headers_target_dir}" || exit 33 find . -type f | grep -v -e "include/config/" -e "\.h$" -e ".c$" -e "Makefile$" -e "Kconfig$" -e "Kbuild$" -e "\.cocci$" | xargs file | grep -v -e "ASCII" -e "script text" -e "empty" -e "Unicode text" -e "symbolic link" -e "CSV text" -e "SAS 7+" || true ) fi # Generate a control file # TODO: libssl-dev is only required if we're signing modules, which is a kernel .config option. cat <<- CONTROL_FILE > "${package_DEBIAN_dir}/control" Version: ${artifact_version} Maintainer: ${MAINTAINER} <${MAINTAINERMAIL}> Section: devel Package: ${package_name} Architecture: ${ARCH} Priority: optional Provides: linux-headers, linux-headers-armbian, armbian-$BRANCH Depends: make, gcc, libc6-dev, bison, flex, libssl-dev, libelf-dev Description: Armbian Linux $BRANCH headers ${kernel_version_family} This package provides kernel header files for ${kernel_version_family} . This is useful for DKMS and building of external modules. ${artifact_version_reason:-"${kernel_version_family}"} CONTROL_FILE # Make sure the target dir is clean/not-existing before installing. kernel_package_hook_helper "preinst" <( cat <<- EOT_PREINST if [[ -d "/usr/src/linux-headers-${kernel_version_family}" ]]; then echo "Cleaning pre-existing directory /usr/src/linux-headers-${kernel_version_family} ..." rm -rf "/usr/src/linux-headers-${kernel_version_family}" fi EOT_PREINST ) # Make sure the target dir is removed before removing the package; that way we don't leave eventual compilation artifacts over there. kernel_package_hook_helper "prerm" <( cat <<- EOT_PRERM if [[ -d "/usr/src/linux-headers-${kernel_version_family}" ]]; then echo "Cleaning directory /usr/src/linux-headers-${kernel_version_family} ..." rm -rf "/usr/src/linux-headers-${kernel_version_family}" fi EOT_PRERM ) kernel_package_hook_helper "postinst" <( cat <<- EOT_POSTINST cd "/usr/src/linux-headers-${kernel_version_family}" NCPU=\$(grep -c 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo) echo "Compiling kernel-headers tools (${kernel_version_family}) using \$NCPU CPUs - please wait ..." yes "" | make ARCH="${SRC_ARCH}" oldconfig make ARCH="${SRC_ARCH}" -j\$NCPU scripts make ARCH="${SRC_ARCH}" -j\$NCPU M=scripts/mod/ # make ARCH="${SRC_ARCH}" -j\$NCPU modules_prepare # depends on too much other stuff. echo "Done compiling kernel-headers tools (${kernel_version_family})." EOT_POSTINST if [[ "${ARCH}" == "amd64" ]]; then # This really only works on x86/amd64; @TODO revisit later cat <<- EOT_POSTINST_OBJTOOL echo "Compiling kernel-header objtool (${kernel_version_family})." make ARCH="${SRC_ARCH}" -j\$NCPU tools/objtool echo "Done compiling kernel-header objtool (${kernel_version_family})." EOT_POSTINST_OBJTOOL fi cat <<- EOT_POSTINST_FINISH echo "Done compiling kernel-headers tools (${kernel_version_family})." EOT_POSTINST_FINISH ) }