#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function assert_requires_aggregation() { if [[ ${aggregation_has_already_run:-0} -lt 1 ]]; then exit_with_error "assert_requires_aggregation: Aggregation has not been run. This is a bug in armbian-next code. Please report!" fi } function mark_aggregation_required_in_default_build_start() { declare -i -g -r aggregation_required_in_default_build_start=1 # global, readonly. } function aggregate_packages_in_logging_section() { # Aggregate packages, in its own logging section # We need aggregation to be able to build bsp packages, which contain scripts coming from the aggregation. LOG_SECTION="aggregate_packages" do_with_logging aggregate_packages } # This used to be called from config (main-config), but now it's moved default-build, after prepare_host, so Python hostdeps are available. # So the aggregation results (hash, etc) are not available for config-dump. function aggregate_packages() { if [[ ${aggregation_has_already_run:-0} -gt 0 ]]; then exit_with_error "aggregate_packages: Aggregation has already run" fi display_alert "Aggregating packages" "rootfs" "info" aggregate_all_packages_python call_extension_method "post_aggregate_packages" "user_config_post_aggregate_packages" <<- 'POST_AGGREGATE_PACKAGES' *After all aggregations are done* Called after aggregating all package lists. Packages will still be installed after this is called. It is not possible to change anything, though. POST_AGGREGATE_PACKAGES declare -i -g -r aggregation_has_already_run=1 # global, readonly. } function aggregate_all_packages_python() { prepare_python_and_pip # Get a temporary file for the output. This is not WORKDIR yet, since we're still in configuration phase. temp_file_for_aggregation="$(mktemp)" # array with all parameters; will be auto-quoted by bash's @Q modifier below declare -a aggregation_params_quoted=( "${PYTHON3_VARS[@]}" # Default vars, from prepare_python_and_pip "LOG_DEBUG=${SHOW_DEBUG}" # Logging level for python. "SRC=${SRC}" "OUTPUT=${temp_file_for_aggregation}" "ASSET_LOG_BASE=$(print_current_asset_log_base_file)" # base file name for the asset log; to write .md summaries. # For the main packages, and others; main packages are not mixed with BOARD or DESKTOP packages. # Results: # - AGGREGATED_DEBOOTSTRAP_COMPONENTS # - AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_DEBOOTSTRAP # - AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_ROOTFS # - AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE "ARCH=${ARCH}" "RELEASE=${RELEASE}" "LINUXFAMILY=" # empty. Important: LINUXFAMILY is no longer considered for package aggregation. "BOARD=" # empty. Important: BOARD is no longer considered for package aggregation "USERPATCHES_PATH=${USERPATCHES_PATH}" "SELECTED_CONFIGURATION=${SELECTED_CONFIGURATION}" "BUILD_MINIMAL=${BUILD_MINIMAL}" # if yes, it does not include packages.additional, on top of differences of SELECTED_CONFIGURATION # Removals. Will remove from all lists. "REMOVE_PACKAGES=${REMOVE_PACKAGES[*]}" "REMOVE_PACKAGES_REFS=${REMOVE_PACKAGES_REFS[*]}" # Extra packages in rootfs (cached) "EXTRA_PACKAGES_ROOTFS=${EXTRA_PACKAGES_ROOTFS[*]}" "EXTRA_PACKAGES_ROOTFS_REFS=${EXTRA_PACKAGES_ROOTFS_REFS[*]}" # Extra packages, in image (not cached) "EXTRA_PACKAGES_IMAGE=${EXTRA_PACKAGES_IMAGE[*]}" "EXTRA_PACKAGES_IMAGE_REFS=${EXTRA_PACKAGES_IMAGE_REFS[*]}" # Desktop stuff; results are not mixed into main packages. Results in AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_DESKTOP. "BUILD_DESKTOP=${BUILD_DESKTOP}" "DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT=${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT}" "DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME=${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME}" "DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED=${DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED}" # Those are processed by Python, but not part of rootfs / main packages; results in AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE_INSTALL # These two vars are made readonly after sourcing the board / family config, so can't be used in extensions and such. "PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY=${PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY}" "PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD=${PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD}" # Those are processed by Python, but not part of rootfs / main packages; results in AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE_UNINSTALL # TODO: rpardini: the above statement is untrue; those result in removal _from the rootfs_ and not the image. See also artifact_rootfs_config_dump() # These two vars are made readonly after sourcing the board / family config, so can't be used in extensions and such. "PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD_REMOVE=${PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD_REMOVE}" "PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY_REMOVE=${PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY_REMOVE}" ) # "raw_command" is only for logging purposes. raw_command="[...shortened...] ${PYTHON3_INFO[BIN]} ${SRC}/lib/tools/aggregation.py" \ run_host_command_logged env -i "${aggregation_params_quoted[@]@Q}" "${PYTHON3_INFO[BIN]}" "${SRC}/lib/tools/aggregation.py" if [[ "${SHOW_DEBUG}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "Showing aggregation results" "below" "debug" run_tool_batcat --file-name "aggregation_results/aggregation_results.sh" "${temp_file_for_aggregation}" fi # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "${temp_file_for_aggregation}" # SOURCE IT! run_host_command_logged rm -f "${temp_file_for_aggregation}" }