#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ # update_initramfs # # this should be invoked as late as possible for any modifications by # customize_image (userpatches) and prepare_partitions to be reflected in the # final initramfs # # especially, this needs to be invoked after /etc/crypttab has been created # for cryptroot-unlock to work: # https://serverfault.com/questions/907254/cryproot-unlock-with-dropbear-timeout-while-waiting-for-askpass # # since Debian buster, it has to be called within create_image() on the $MOUNT # path instead of $SDCARD (which can be a tmpfs and breaks cryptsetup-initramfs). # see: https://github.com/armbian/build/issues/1584 update_initramfs() { local chroot_target=$1 target_dir target_dir="$(find "${chroot_target}/lib/modules"/ -maxdepth 1 -type d -name "*${IMAGE_INSTALLED_KERNEL_VERSION}*")" # @TODO: rpardini: this will break when we add multi-kernel images local initrd_kern_ver initrd_file initrd_cache_key initrd_cache_file_path initrd_hash local initrd_cache_current_manifest_filepath initrd_cache_last_manifest_filepath initrd_files_to_hash local initrd_debug="" update_initramfs_cmd local logging_filter="" if [[ "${SHOW_DEBUG}" == "yes" ]]; then initrd_debug="v" logging_filter="2>&1 | { grep --line-buffered -v -e '.xz' -e 'ORDER ignored' -e 'Adding binary ' -e 'Adding module ' -e 'Adding firmware ' -e 'microcode bundle' -e ', pf_mask' || true ; }" fi if [ "$target_dir" != "" ]; then initrd_kern_ver="$(basename "$target_dir")" initrd_file="${chroot_target}/boot/initrd.img-${initrd_kern_ver}" update_initramfs_cmd="TMPDIR=/tmp update-initramfs -u${initrd_debug} -k ${initrd_kern_ver}" # @TODO: why? TMPDIR=/tmp else display_alert "Can't find kernel for version, here's what is in /lib/modules" "IMAGE_INSTALLED_KERNEL_VERSION: ${IMAGE_INSTALLED_KERNEL_VERSION}" "wrn" SHOW_LOG=yes run_host_command_logged find "${chroot_target}/lib/modules"/ -maxdepth 1 exit_with_error "No kernel installed for the version" "${IMAGE_INSTALLED_KERNEL_VERSION}" fi # Caching. # Find all modules and all firmware in the target. # Find all initramfs configuration in /etc # Find all bash, cpio and gzip binaries in /bin # Hash the contents of them all. # If there's a match, use the cache. display_alert "computing initrd cache hash" "${chroot_target}" "debug" mkdir -p "${SRC}/cache/initrd" initrd_cache_current_manifest_filepath="${WORKDIR}/initrd.img-${initrd_kern_ver}.${ARMBIAN_BUILD_UUID}.manifest" initrd_cache_last_manifest_filepath="${SRC}/cache/initrd/initrd.manifest-${initrd_kern_ver}.last.manifest" initrd_files_to_hash=("${chroot_target}/usr/bin/bash" "${chroot_target}/etc/initramfs") initrd_files_to_hash+=("${chroot_target}/etc/initramfs-tools" "${chroot_target}/usr/share/initramfs-tools/") if [[ $CRYPTROOT_ENABLE == yes ]]; then if [[ $CRYPTROOT_SSH_UNLOCK == yes ]]; then [[ -d "${chroot_target}/etc/dropbear-initramfs/" ]] && initrd_files_to_hash+=("${chroot_target}/etc/dropbear-initramfs/") [[ -d "${chroot_target}/etc/dropbear/initramfs/" ]] && initrd_files_to_hash+=("${chroot_target}/etc/dropbear/initramfs/") fi fi # Find all the affected files; parallel md5sum sum them; invert hash and path, and remove chroot prefix. find "${target_dir}" "${initrd_files_to_hash[@]}" -type f | parallel -X md5sum | awk '{print $2 " - " $1}' | sed -e "s|^${chroot_target}||g" | LC_ALL=C sort > "${initrd_cache_current_manifest_filepath}" initrd_hash="$(cat "${initrd_cache_current_manifest_filepath}" | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" # hash of the hashes. initrd_cache_key="initrd.img-${initrd_kern_ver}-${initrd_hash}" initrd_cache_file_path="${SRC}/cache/initrd/${initrd_cache_key}" display_alert "initrd cache hash" "${initrd_hash}" "debug" display_alert "Mounting chroot for update-initramfs" "update-initramfs" "debug" deploy_qemu_binary_to_chroot "${chroot_target}" mount_chroot "$chroot_target/" if [[ -f "${initrd_cache_file_path}" ]]; then display_alert "initrd cache hit" "${initrd_cache_key}" "cachehit" run_host_command_logged cp -v "${initrd_cache_file_path}" "${initrd_file}" # don't (-p)reserve, otherwise fat32 /boot gags touch "${initrd_cache_file_path}" # touch cached file timestamp; LRU bump. if [[ -f "${initrd_cache_last_manifest_filepath}" ]]; then touch "${initrd_cache_last_manifest_filepath}" # touch the manifest file timestamp; LRU bump. fi # Convert to bootscript expected format, by calling into the script manually. if [[ -f "${chroot_target}"/etc/initramfs/post-update.d/99-uboot ]]; then chroot_custom "$chroot_target" /etc/initramfs/post-update.d/99-uboot "${initrd_kern_ver}" "/boot/initrd.img-${initrd_kern_ver}" fi else display_alert "Cache miss for initrd cache" "${initrd_cache_key}" "debug" # Show the differences between the last and the current, so we realize why it isn't hit (eg; what changed). if [[ -f "${initrd_cache_last_manifest_filepath}" ]]; then if [[ "${SHOW_DEBUG}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "Showing diff between last and current initrd cache manifests" "initrd" "debug" run_host_command_logged diff -u --color=always "${initrd_cache_last_manifest_filepath}" "${initrd_cache_current_manifest_filepath}" "|| true" # no errors please fi fi display_alert "Updating initramfs..." "$update_initramfs_cmd" "" chroot_custom_long_running "$chroot_target" "$update_initramfs_cmd" "${logging_filter}" display_alert "Updated initramfs." "${update_initramfs_cmd}" "info" display_alert "Storing initrd in cache" "${initrd_cache_key}" "debug" # notice there's no -p here: no need to touch LRU run_host_command_logged cp -v "${initrd_file}" "${initrd_cache_file_path}" # store the new initrd in the cache. run_host_command_logged cp -v "${initrd_cache_current_manifest_filepath}" "${initrd_cache_last_manifest_filepath}" # store the current contents in the last file. # clean old cache files so they don't pile up forever. if [[ "${SHOW_DEBUG}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "Showing which initrd caches would be removed/expired" "initrd" "debug" # 60: keep the last 30 initrd + manifest pairs. this should be higher than the total number of kernels we support, otherwise churn will be high find "${SRC}/cache/initrd" -type f -printf "%T@ %p\\n" | sort -n -r | sed "1,60d" | xargs rm -fv fi fi display_alert "Re-enabling" "initramfs-tools hook for kernel" chroot_custom "$chroot_target" chmod -v +x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools display_alert "Unmounting chroot" "update-initramfs" "debug" umount_chroot "${chroot_target}/" undeploy_qemu_binary_from_chroot "${chroot_target}" # no need to remove ${initrd_cache_current_manifest_filepath} manually, since it's under ${WORKDIR} return 0 # avoid future short-circuit problems }