#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function start_logging_section() { # Sanity check: if this is called, but CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION is not empty, then something is wrong. if [[ -n "${CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION}" && "${CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION}" != "entrypoint" ]]; then exit_with_error "ERROR: start_logging_section() called, but CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION is not empty: current: '${CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION}' trying to enter '${LOG_SECTION}'" return 1 fi declare -g logging_section_counter=$((logging_section_counter + 1)) # increment counter, used in filename declare -g CURRENT_LOGGING_COUNTER CURRENT_LOGGING_COUNTER="$(printf "%03d" "$logging_section_counter")" declare -g CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION=${LOG_SECTION:-early} # default to "early", should be overwritten soon enough declare -g CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION_START=${SECONDS} declare -g CURRENT_LOGGING_DIR="${LOGDIR}" # set in cli-entrypoint.sh declare -g CURRENT_LOGFILE="${CURRENT_LOGGING_DIR}/${CURRENT_LOGGING_COUNTER}.000.${CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION}.log" mkdir -p "${CURRENT_LOGGING_DIR}" touch "${CURRENT_LOGFILE}" # Touch it, make sure it's writable. # Markers for CI (GitHub Actions); CI env var comes predefined as true there. if [[ "${CI}" == "true" ]]; then # On CI, this has special meaning. echo "::group::[🥑] Group ${CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION}" else display_alert "" "<${CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION}>" "group" fi return 0 } function finish_logging_section() { # Close opened CI group. if [[ "${CI}" == "true" ]]; then echo "Section '${CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION}' took $((SECONDS - CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION_START))s to execute." 1>&2 # write directly to stderr echo "::endgroup::" else display_alert "" " in $((SECONDS - CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION_START))s" "group" fi unset CURRENT_LOGGING_SECTION # clear this var, so we can detect if we're in a section or not later. } function do_with_logging() { [[ -z "${DEST}" ]] && exit_with_error "DEST is not defined. Can't start logging." # @TODO: check we're not currently logging (eg: this has been called 2 times without exiting) start_logging_section # Important: no error control is done here. # Called arguments are run with set -e in effect. # We now execute whatever was passed as parameters, in some different conditions: # In both cases, writing to stderr will display to terminal. # So whatever is being called, should prevent rogue stuff writing to stderr. # this is mostly handled by redirecting stderr to stdout: 2>&1 # global var to store the pid of spawned logging process. declare -g -i global_tee_pid=0 if [[ "${SHOW_LOG}" == "yes" ]]; then local prefix_sed_contents prefix_sed_contents="$(logging_echo_prefix_for_pv "tool") $(echo -n -e "${tool_color}")" # spaces are significant local prefix_sed_cmd="s/^/${prefix_sed_contents}/;" # Create a 13rd file descriptor sending it to sed. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/174849/redirecting-stdout-to-terminal-and-file-without-using-a-pipe # Also terrible: don't hold a reference to cwd by changing to SRC always # There's handling of this fd 13 in check_and_close_fd_13() exec 13> >( cd "${SRC}" || exit 2 # First, log to file, then add prefix via sed for what goes to screen. tee -a "${CURRENT_LOGFILE}" | sed -u -e "${prefix_sed_cmd}" ) # get the pid of the spawned process, so we can kill it later. global_tee_pid=$! "$@" >&13 exec 13>&- # close the file descriptor, lest sed keeps running forever. else # If not showing the log, just send stdout to logfile. stderr will flow to screen. "$@" >> "${CURRENT_LOGFILE}" fi finish_logging_section return 0 } function do_with_logging_unless_user_terminal() { # Is user on a terminal? If so, don't log, just show on screen. if [[ -t 1 ]]; then display_alert "User is on a terminal, not logging output" "do_with_logging_unless_user_terminal" "debug" "$@" else display_alert "User is not on a terminal, logging output" "do_with_logging_unless_user_terminal" "debug" do_with_logging "$@" fi } function do_with_conditional_logging() { # if "do_logging=no", just run the command, otherwise, log it. if [[ "${do_logging:-"yes"}" == "no" ]]; then display_alert "do_logging=no, not starting logging section" "do_with_conditional_logging" "debug" "$@" else display_alert "normally logging output" "do_with_conditional_logging" "debug" do_with_logging "$@" fi }