#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function build_rootfs_and_image() { display_alert "Checking for rootfs cache" "$(echo "${BRANCH} ${BOARD} ${RELEASE} ${DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED} ${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT} ${BUILD_MINIMAL}" | tr -s " ")" "info" # get a basic rootfs, either from cache or from scratch get_or_create_rootfs_cache_chroot_sdcard # only occurrence of this; has its own logging sections # stage: with a basic rootfs available, we mount the chroot and work on it LOG_SECTION="mount_chroot_sdcard" do_with_logging mount_chroot "${SDCARD}" call_extension_method "pre_install_distribution_specific" "config_pre_install_distribution_specific" <<- 'PRE_INSTALL_DISTRIBUTION_SPECIFIC' *give config a chance to act before install_distribution_specific* Called after `create_rootfs_cache` (_prepare basic rootfs: unpack cache or create from scratch_) but before `install_distribution_specific` (_install distribution and board specific applications_). PRE_INSTALL_DISTRIBUTION_SPECIFIC # stage: install kernel and u-boot packages # install distribution and board specific applications LOG_SECTION="install_distribution_specific_${RELEASE}" do_with_logging install_distribution_specific LOG_SECTION="install_distribution_agnostic" do_with_logging install_distribution_agnostic # install locally built packages # @TODO: armbian-nextify this eventually #[[ $EXTERNAL_NEW == compile ]] && LOG_SECTION="packages_local" do_with_logging chroot_installpackages_local [[ $EXTERNAL_NEW == compile ]] && display_alert "Not running" "NOT armbian-next ported yet: chroot_installpackages_local" "warn" # install from apt.armbian.com # @TODO: armbian-nextify this eventually #[[ $EXTERNAL_NEW == prebuilt ]] && LOG_SECTION="packages_prebuilt" do_with_logging chroot_installpackages "yes" [[ $EXTERNAL_NEW == prebuilt ]] && display_alert "Not running" "NOT armbian-next ported yet: chroot_installpackages 'yes'" "warn" # stage: user customization script # NOTE: installing too many packages may fill tmpfs mount LOG_SECTION="customize_image" do_with_logging customize_image # Deploy the full apt lists, including the Armbian repo. create_sources_list_and_deploy_repo_key "image-late" "${RELEASE}" "${SDCARD}/" # remove packages that are no longer needed. rootfs cache + uninstall might have leftovers. LOG_SECTION="apt_purge_unneeded_packages_and_clean_apt_caches" do_with_logging apt_purge_unneeded_packages_and_clean_apt_caches # for IMAGES (not the rootfs cache!), we wanna ship a valid /var/lib/apt/lists. # copy it over from the host-side cache into the image, and run a final apt-get update+clean, to clean off what is not needed for this specific image. LOG_SECTION="apt_lists_copy_from_host_to_image_and_update" do_with_logging apt_lists_copy_from_host_to_image_and_update # creating xapian index that synaptic runs faster if [[ "${BUILD_DESKTOP}" == yes && -f "${SDCARD}/usr/sbin/update-apt-xapian-index" ]]; then display_alert "Recreating Synaptic search index" "Please wait - updating Xapian index for image" "info" chroot_sdcard "/usr/sbin/update-apt-xapian-index -u" fi # for reference, debugging / sanity checking LOG_SECTION="list_installed_packages" do_with_logging list_installed_packages LOG_SECTION="post_debootstrap_tweaks" do_with_logging post_debootstrap_tweaks # clean up / prepare for making the image LOG_SECTION="umount_chroot_sdcard" do_with_logging umount_chroot "${SDCARD}" # obtain the size, in MiB, of "${SDCARD}" at this point. declare -i rootfs_size_mib rootfs_size_mib=$(du --apparent-size -sm "${SDCARD}" | awk '{print $1}') display_alert "Actual rootfs size" "${rootfs_size_mib}MiB" "" # warn if rootfs_size_mib is higher than the tmpfs_estimated_size if [[ ${rootfs_size_mib} -gt ${tmpfs_estimated_size} ]]; then display_alert "Rootfs post-tweaks size is larger than estimated tmpfs size" "${rootfs_size_mib}MiB > ${tmpfs_estimated_size}MiB" "wrn" fi # ------------------------------------ UP HERE IT's 'rootfs' stuff ------------------------------- #------------------------------------ DOWN HERE IT's 'image' stuff ------------------------------- LOG_SECTION="prepare_partitions" do_with_logging prepare_partitions LOG_SECTION="create_image_from_sdcard_rootfs" do_with_logging create_image_from_sdcard_rootfs # Completely and recursively unmount the directory. --> This will remove the tmpfs mount too <-- umount_chroot_recursive "${SDCARD}" "SDCARD rootfs finished" # Remove the dir [[ -d "${SDCARD}" ]] && rm -rf --one-file-system "${SDCARD}" # Run the cleanup handler. @TODO: this already does the above, so can be simpler. @TODO: don't forget to split MOUNT/SDCARD trap execute_and_remove_cleanup_handler trap_handler_cleanup_rootfs_and_image return 0 } function list_installed_packages() { display_alert "Recording list of installed packages" "asset log" "debug" LOG_ASSET="installed_packages.txt" do_with_log_asset chroot_sdcard dpkg --get-selections "| grep -v deinstall | awk '{print \$1}' | cut -f1 -d':'" # Loop over dict image_artifacts_packages_version (package_name -> package version), and warn if any installed versions don't match. # This is a sanity check, to make sure that the packages we installed are the ones we expected to install. # Things that might disrupt this: apt repos containing random versions that are then apt upgraded, forced install, crazy customize, wrong pinning, etc. declare -g -A image_artifacts_packages_version # global scope, set in main_default_build_packages() declare -g -A image_artifacts_debs_installed # global scope, set in main_default_build_packages() declare -g -A image_artifacts_packages # global scope, set in main_default_build_packages() declare artifact_deb_id pkg_name pkg_wanted_version for artifact_deb_id in "${!image_artifacts_debs_installed[@]}"; do declare deb_is_installed_in_image="${image_artifacts_debs_installed["${artifact_deb_id}"]}" if [[ "${deb_is_installed_in_image}" != "yes" ]]; then continue # skip packages that are not actually installed (eg: kernel-headers, transitional bsp-cli, etc) fi pkg_name="${image_artifacts_packages["${artifact_deb_id}"]}" pkg_wanted_version="${image_artifacts_packages_version[${pkg_name}]}" # this is the hash-version display_alert "Checking installed version of package" "${pkg_name}=${pkg_wanted_version}" "debug" declare actual_version actual_version=$(chroot "${SDCARD}" dpkg-query -W -f='${Status} ${Package} ${Armbian-Original-Hash}\n' "${pkg_name}" | grep " ok installed" | cut -d " " -f 5) if [[ "${actual_version}" != "${pkg_wanted_version}" ]]; then declare dpkg_status dpkg_status=$(chroot "${SDCARD}" dpkg-query -W -f='${Status} ${Package} ${Armbian-Original-Hash}\n' "${pkg_name}" || true) display_alert "Installed hash of package does not match wanted hash. Check for inconsistent repo, customize.sh/hooks, extensions, or upgrades installing wrong version" "${pkg_name} :: actual:'${actual_version}' wanted:'${pkg_wanted_version}'; status: '${dpkg_status}'" "warn" else display_alert "Image installed package hash" "✅ ${pkg_name} = ${actual_version}" "info" fi done }