#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function apt_purge_unneeded_packages_and_clean_apt_caches() { # remove packages that are no longer needed. rootfs cache + uninstall might have leftovers. display_alert "No longer needed packages" "purge" "info" chroot_sdcard_apt_get autoremove declare dir_var_lib_apt_lists="/var/lib/apt/lists" declare dir_var_cache_apt="/var/cache/apt" declare -i dir_var_cache_apt_file_count dir_var_lib_apt_lists_file_count # Now, let's list what is under ${SDCARD}/var/cache/apt -- it should be empty. If it isn't, warn, and clean it up. dir_var_cache_apt_file_count="$(find "${SDCARD}${dir_var_cache_apt}" -type f | wc -l)" if [[ "${dir_var_cache_apt_file_count}" -gt 1 ]]; then # there is sometimes at least one file, the lock file display_alert "SDCARD ${dir_var_cache_apt} is not empty" "${dir_var_cache_apt} :: ${dir_var_cache_apt_file_count} files" "wrn" run_host_command_logged ls -lahtR "${SDCARD}${dir_var_cache_apt}" wait_for_disk_sync "after listing ${SDCARD}${dir_var_cache_apt}" else display_alert "SDCARD ${dir_var_cache_apt} is empty" "${dir_var_cache_apt} :: ${dir_var_cache_apt_file_count} files" "debug" fi # attention: this is _very different_ from `chroot_sdcard_apt_get clean` (which would clean the cache) chroot_sdcard apt-get clean wait_for_disk_sync "after apt-get clean" # Also clean ${SDCARD}/var/lib/apt/lists; this is where the package lists are stored. dir_var_lib_apt_lists_file_count="$(find "${SDCARD}${dir_var_lib_apt_lists}" -type f | wc -l)" if [[ "${dir_var_lib_apt_lists_file_count}" -gt 1 ]]; then # there is sometimes at least one file, the lock file display_alert "SDCARD ${dir_var_lib_apt_lists} is not empty" "${dir_var_lib_apt_lists} :: ${dir_var_lib_apt_lists_file_count} files" "wrn" run_host_command_logged ls -lahtR "${SDCARD}${dir_var_lib_apt_lists}" wait_for_disk_sync "after listing ${SDCARD}${dir_var_cache_apt}" else display_alert "SDCARD ${dir_var_lib_apt_lists} is empty" "${dir_var_lib_apt_lists} :: ${dir_var_lib_apt_lists_file_count} files" "debug" fi # Either way, clean it away, we don't wanna ship those lists on images or rootfs. run_host_command_logged rm -rf "${SDCARD}${dir_var_lib_apt_lists}" wait_for_disk_sync "after cleaning ${SDCARD}${dir_var_lib_apt_lists}" } function apt_lists_copy_from_host_to_image_and_update() { display_alert "Copying host-side apt list cache into image" "apt-get update and clean image-side" "info" declare -i local_apt_cache_lists_count if [[ "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[USE]}" == "yes" ]]; then # If using a host-side local cache, copy the lists into the image... run_host_command_logged mkdir -pv "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_LISTS_DIR]}" display_alert "Copying host-side local apt list cache dir" "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_LISTS_DIR]}" "debug" run_host_command_logged cp -pr "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[HOST_LISTS_DIR]}"/* "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_LISTS_DIR]}"/ # Count how many files we have in the lists dir. local_apt_cache_lists_count="$(ls -1 "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_LISTS_DIR]}" | wc -l)" display_alert "After copying host-side cache into image" "${local_apt_cache_lists_count} files" "info" fi # ...and update the lists in the image; this makes sure we're not shipping stale lists. also clean. # Attention: this is NOT using `chroot_sdcard_apt_get_update` or any `chroot_sdcard_apt_get` variant, # since would actually mount the lists from the host, which is not what we want. display_alert "Updating apt lists in image" "apt-get update and clean" "info" chroot_sdcard apt-get -y -o "APT::Get::List-Cleanup=1" -o "APT::Clean-Installed=1" update chroot_sdcard apt-get -y -o "APT::Get::List-Cleanup=1" -o "APT::Clean-Installed=1" clean local_apt_cache_lists_count="$(ls -1 "${LOCAL_APT_CACHE_INFO[SDCARD_LISTS_DIR]}" | wc -l)" display_alert "After updating and cleaning image apt list cache" "${local_apt_cache_lists_count} files" "info" } # this is called: # 1) install_deb_chroot "${DEB_STORAGE}/somethingsomething.deb" (yes, it's always ${DEB_STORAGE}) function install_deb_chroot() { local package="$1" local variant="$2" local transfer="$3" local install_target="${package}" local log_extra=" from repository" local package_filename package_filename="$(basename "${package}")" # For the local case. if [[ "${variant}" != "remote" ]]; then log_extra="" fi display_alert "Installing${log_extra}: ${package}" "${package_filename}" "debinstall" # This needs its own level if [[ "${variant}" != "remote" ]]; then # @TODO: this can be sped up significantly by mounting debs readonly directly in chroot /root/debs and installing from there # also won't require cleanup later install_target="/root/${package_filename}" if [[ ! -f "${SDCARD}${install_target}" ]]; then display_alert "Copying ${package_filename}" "'${package}' -> '${SDCARD}${install_target}'" "debug" run_host_command_logged cp -pv "${package}" "${SDCARD}${install_target}" fi fi # install in chroot via apt-get, not dpkg, so dependencies are also installed from repo if needed. declare -g if_error_detail_message="Installation of $install_target failed ${BOARD} ${RELEASE} ${BUILD_DESKTOP} ${LINUXFAMILY}" declare -a extra_apt_envs=() extra_apt_envs+=("ARMBIAN_IMAGE_BUILD_BOOTFS_TYPE=${BOOTFS_TYPE:-"unset"}") # used by package postinst scripts to bevahe DONT_MAINTAIN_APT_CACHE="yes" chroot_sdcard_apt_get --no-install-recommends install "${install_target}" # don't auto-maintain apt cache when installing from packages. unset extra_apt_envs # IMPORTANT! Do not use short-circuit above as last statement in a function, since it determines the result of the function. return 0 } function install_artifact_deb_chroot() { declare deb_name="$1" declare -A -g image_artifacts_debs_reversioned # global associative array declare revisioned_deb_rel_path="${image_artifacts_debs_reversioned["${deb_name}"]}" if [[ -z "${revisioned_deb_rel_path}" ]]; then exit_with_error "No revisioned deb path found for '${deb_name}'" fi display_alert "Installing artifact deb" "${deb_name} :: ${revisioned_deb_rel_path}" "debug" install_deb_chroot "${DEB_STORAGE}/${revisioned_deb_rel_path}" # Mark the deb as installed in the global associative array. declare -A -g image_artifacts_debs_installed image_artifacts_debs_installed["${deb_name}"]="yes" debug_dict image_artifacts_debs_installed }