#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function install_distribution_agnostic() { display_alert "Installing distro-agnostic part of rootfs" "install_distribution_agnostic" "debug" # Bail if $ROOTFS_TYPE not set [[ -z $ROOTFS_TYPE ]] && exit_with_error "ROOTFS_TYPE not set" "install_distribution_agnostic" # add dummy fstab entry to make mkinitramfs happy echo "/dev/mmcblk0p1 / $ROOTFS_TYPE defaults 0 1" >> "${SDCARD}"/etc/fstab # required for initramfs-tools-core on Stretch since it ignores the / fstab entry echo "/dev/mmcblk0p2 /usr $ROOTFS_TYPE defaults 0 2" >> "${SDCARD}"/etc/fstab # create modules file local modules=MODULES_${BRANCH^^} if [[ -n "${!modules}" ]]; then tr ' ' '\n' <<< "${!modules}" > "${SDCARD}"/etc/modules elif [[ -n "${MODULES}" ]]; then tr ' ' '\n' <<< "${MODULES}" > "${SDCARD}"/etc/modules fi # create blacklist files local blacklist=MODULES_BLACKLIST_${BRANCH^^} if [[ -n "${!blacklist}" ]]; then tr ' ' '\n' <<< "${!blacklist}" | sed -e 's/^/blacklist /' > "${SDCARD}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-${BOARD}.conf" elif [[ -n "${MODULES_BLACKLIST}" ]]; then tr ' ' '\n' <<< "${MODULES_BLACKLIST}" | sed -e 's/^/blacklist /' > "${SDCARD}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-${BOARD}.conf" fi # configure MIN / MAX speed for cpufrequtils cat <<- EOF > "${SDCARD}"/etc/default/cpufrequtils ENABLE=${CPUFREQUTILS_ENABLE:-false} MIN_SPEED=$CPUMIN MAX_SPEED=$CPUMAX GOVERNOR=$GOVERNOR EOF # remove default interfaces file if present # before installing board support package rm -f "${SDCARD}"/etc/network/interfaces # disable selinux by default mkdir -p "${SDCARD}"/selinux [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/etc/selinux/config ]] && sed "s/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/selinux/config # remove Ubuntu's legal text [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/etc/legal ]] && rm "${SDCARD}"/etc/legal # Prevent loading paralel printer port drivers which we don't need here. # Suppress boot error if kernel modules are absent if [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/etc/modules-load.d/cups-filters.conf ]]; then sed "s/^lp/#lp/" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/modules-load.d/cups-filters.conf sed "s/^ppdev/#ppdev/" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/modules-load.d/cups-filters.conf sed "s/^parport_pc/#parport_pc/" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/modules-load.d/cups-filters.conf fi # console fix due to Debian bug # @TODO: rpardini: still needed? sed -e 's/CHARMAP=".*"/CHARMAP="'$CONSOLE_CHAR'"/g' -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/default/console-setup # add the /dev/urandom path to the rng config file echo "HRNGDEVICE=/dev/urandom" >> "${SDCARD}"/etc/default/rng-tools # @TODO: security problem? # ping needs privileged action to be able to create raw network socket # this is working properly but not with (at least) Debian Buster chroot_sdcard chmod u+s /bin/ping # change time zone data echo "${TZDATA}" > "${SDCARD}"/etc/timezone chroot_sdcard dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata # set root password. it is written to the log, of course. Escuse the escaping needed here. display_alert "Setting root password" "" "info" chroot_sdcard "(" echo "'${ROOTPWD}'" ";" echo "'${ROOTPWD}'" ";" ")" "|" passwd root # enable automated login to console(s) if [[ $CONSOLE_AUTOLOGIN == yes ]]; then mkdir -p "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/system/getty@.service.d/ mkdir -p "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service.d/ # @TODO: check why there was a sleep 10s in ExecStartPre cat <<- EOF > "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service.d/override.conf [Service] ExecStart= ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --noissue --autologin root %I \$TERM Type=idle EOF cp "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service.d/override.conf "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/system/getty@.service.d/override.conf fi # force change root password at first login #chroot "${SDCARD}" /bin/bash -c "chage -d 0 root" # change console welcome text echo -e "${VENDOR} ${IMAGE_VERSION:-"${REVISION}"} ${RELEASE^} \\l \n" > "${SDCARD}"/etc/issue echo "${VENDOR} ${IMAGE_VERSION:-"${REVISION}"} ${RELEASE^}" > "${SDCARD}"/etc/issue.net # PRETTY_NAME changing in os-release is now done in armbian-base-files directly. # enable few bash aliases enabled in Ubuntu by default to make it even sed "s/#alias ll='ls -l'/alias ll='ls -l'/" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/skel/.bashrc sed "s/#alias la='ls -A'/alias la='ls -A'/" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/skel/.bashrc sed "s/#alias l='ls -CF'/alias l='ls -CF'/" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/skel/.bashrc # root user is already there. Copy bashrc there as well cp "${SDCARD}"/etc/skel/.bashrc "${SDCARD}"/root # display welcome message at first root login @TODO: what reads this? touch "${SDCARD}"/root/.not_logged_in_yet if [[ ${DESKTOP_AUTOLOGIN} == yes ]]; then # set desktop autologin touch "${SDCARD}"/root/.desktop_autologin fi # NOTE: this needs to be executed before family_tweaks local bootscript_src=${BOOTSCRIPT%%:*} local bootscript_dst=${BOOTSCRIPT##*:} # create extlinux config file @TODO: refactor into extensions u-boot, extlinux if [[ $SRC_EXTLINUX == yes ]]; then display_alert "Using extlinux, SRC_EXTLINUX: ${SRC_EXTLINUX}" "$NAME_KERNEL - $NAME_INITRD" "info" mkdir -p "$SDCARD"/boot/extlinux local bootpart_prefix if [[ -n $BOOTFS_TYPE ]]; then bootpart_prefix=/ else bootpart_prefix=/boot/ fi cat <<- EOF > "$SDCARD/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf" label ${VENDOR} kernel ${bootpart_prefix}$NAME_KERNEL initrd ${bootpart_prefix}$NAME_INITRD EOF if [[ -n $BOOT_FDT_FILE ]]; then if [[ $BOOT_FDT_FILE != "none" ]]; then echo " fdt ${bootpart_prefix}dtb/$BOOT_FDT_FILE" >> "$SDCARD/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf" fi else echo " fdtdir ${bootpart_prefix}dtb/" >> "$SDCARD/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf" fi else # ... not extlinux ... if [[ -n "${BOOTSCRIPT}" ]]; then # @TODO: && "${BOOTCONFIG}" != "none" display_alert "Deploying boot script" "$bootscript_src" "info" if [ -f "${USERPATCHES_PATH}/bootscripts/${bootscript_src}" ]; then run_host_command_logged cp -pv "${USERPATCHES_PATH}/bootscripts/${bootscript_src}" "${SDCARD}/boot/${bootscript_dst}" else run_host_command_logged cp -pv "${SRC}/config/bootscripts/${bootscript_src}" "${SDCARD}/boot/${bootscript_dst}" fi fi if [[ -n $BOOTENV_FILE ]]; then if [[ -f $USERPATCHES_PATH/bootenv/$BOOTENV_FILE ]]; then run_host_command_logged cp -pv "$USERPATCHES_PATH/bootenv/${BOOTENV_FILE}" "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt elif [[ -f $SRC/config/bootenv/$BOOTENV_FILE ]]; then run_host_command_logged cp -pv "${SRC}/config/bootenv/${BOOTENV_FILE}" "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt fi fi # TODO: modify $bootscript_dst or armbianEnv.txt to make NFS boot universal # instead of copying sunxi-specific template if [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE == nfs ]]; then display_alert "Copying NFS boot script template" if [[ -f $USERPATCHES_PATH/nfs-boot.cmd ]]; then run_host_command_logged cp -pv "$USERPATCHES_PATH"/nfs-boot.cmd "${SDCARD}"/boot/boot.cmd else run_host_command_logged cp -pv "${SRC}"/config/templates/nfs-boot.cmd.template "${SDCARD}"/boot/boot.cmd fi fi if [[ -n $OVERLAY_PREFIX && -f "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt ]]; then display_alert "Adding to armbianEnv.txt" "overlay_prefix=$OVERLAY_PREFIX" "debug" run_host_command_logged echo "overlay_prefix=$OVERLAY_PREFIX" ">>" "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt fi if [[ -n $DEFAULT_OVERLAYS && -f "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt ]]; then display_alert "Adding to armbianEnv.txt" "overlays=${DEFAULT_OVERLAYS//,/ }" "debug" run_host_command_logged echo "overlays=${DEFAULT_OVERLAYS//,/ }" ">>" "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt fi if [[ -n $BOOT_FDT_FILE && -f "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt ]]; then display_alert "Adding to armbianEnv.txt" "fdtfile=${BOOT_FDT_FILE}" "debug" run_host_command_logged echo "fdtfile=${BOOT_FDT_FILE}" ">>" "${SDCARD}/boot/armbianEnv.txt" fi fi # initial date for fake-hwclock date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' > "${SDCARD}"/etc/fake-hwclock.data echo "${HOST}" > "${SDCARD}"/etc/hostname # set hostname in hosts file cat <<- EOF > "${SDCARD}"/etc/hosts localhost $HOST ::1 localhost $HOST ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters EOF cd "${SRC}" || exit_with_error "cray-cray about ${SRC}" # LOGGING: we're running under the logger framework here. # LOGGING: so we just log directly to stdout and let it handle it. # LOGGING: redirect commands' stderr to stdout so it goes into the log, not screen. display_alert "Temporarily disabling" "initramfs-tools hook for kernel" chroot_sdcard chmod -v -x /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools # Only clean if not using local cache. Otherwise it would be cleaning the cache, not the chroot. if [[ "${USE_LOCAL_APT_DEB_CACHE}" != "yes" ]]; then display_alert "Cleaning" "package lists and apt cache" "warn" chroot_sdcard_apt_get clean fi display_alert "Updating" "apt package lists" do_with_retries 3 chroot_sdcard_apt_get_update # install image packages; AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE is produced by aggregation.py # and includes the old PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD and PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY if [[ ${#AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then display_alert "Installing AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE packages" "${AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE[*]}" # dry-run, make sure everything can be installed. chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install_dry_run "${AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE[@]}" # retry 3 times download-only to counter apt-cacher-ng failures. do_with_retries 3 chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install_download_only "${AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE[@]}" chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install "${AGGREGATED_PACKAGES_IMAGE[@]}" fi # remove family packages if [[ -n ${PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY_REMOVE} ]]; then _pkg_list=${PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY_REMOVE} display_alert "Removing PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY_REMOVE packages" "${_pkg_list}" chroot_sdcard_apt_get_remove --auto-remove ${_pkg_list} fi # @TODO check if this still necessary or not. ## remove board packages. loop over the list to remove, check if they're actually installed, then remove individually. #if [[ -n ${PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD_REMOVE} ]]; then # _pkg_list=${PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD_REMOVE} # declare -a currently_installed_packages # # shellcheck disable=SC2207 # I wanna split, thanks. # currently_installed_packages=($(chroot_sdcard_with_stdout dpkg-query --show --showformat='${Package} ')) # for PKG_REMOVE in ${_pkg_list}; do # # shellcheck disable=SC2076 # I wanna match literally, thanks. # if [[ " ${currently_installed_packages[*]} " =~ " ${PKG_REMOVE} " ]]; then # display_alert "Removing PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD_REMOVE package" "${PKG_REMOVE}" # chroot_sdcard_apt_get_remove --auto-remove "${PKG_REMOVE}" # fi # done # unset currently_installed_packages #fi # install u-boot # @TODO: add install_bootloader() extension method, refactor into u-boot extension declare -g image_artifacts_packages image_artifacts_debs_reversioned debug_dict image_artifacts_packages debug_dict image_artifacts_debs_reversioned if [[ "${BOOTCONFIG}" != "none" ]]; then install_artifact_deb_chroot "uboot" fi call_extension_method "pre_install_kernel_debs" <<- 'PRE_INSTALL_KERNEL_DEBS' *called before installing the Armbian-built kernel deb packages* It is not too late to `unset KERNELSOURCE` here and avoid kernel install. PRE_INSTALL_KERNEL_DEBS # default IMAGE_INSTALLED_KERNEL_VERSION, will be parsed from Kernel version in the installed deb package. IMAGE_INSTALLED_KERNEL_VERSION="generic" # install kernel: image/dtb/headers if [[ -n $KERNELSOURCE ]]; then install_artifact_deb_chroot "linux-image" if [[ "${KERNEL_BUILD_DTBS:-"yes"}" == "yes" ]]; then install_artifact_deb_chroot "linux-dtb" fi if [[ "${KERNEL_HAS_WORKING_HEADERS:-"no"}" == "yes" ]]; then if [[ $INSTALL_HEADERS == yes ]]; then # @TODO remove? might be a good idea to always install headers. install_artifact_deb_chroot "linux-headers" fi fi # Determine "IMAGE_INSTALLED_KERNEL_VERSION" for compatiblity with legacy update-initramfs code. @TODO get rid of this one day IMAGE_INSTALLED_KERNEL_VERSION=$(dpkg --info "${DEB_STORAGE}/${image_artifacts_debs_reversioned["linux-image"]}" | grep "^ Source:" | sed -e 's/ Source: linux-//') display_alert "Parsed kernel version from local package" "${IMAGE_INSTALLED_KERNEL_VERSION}" "debug" fi call_extension_method "post_install_kernel_debs" <<- 'POST_INSTALL_KERNEL_DEBS' *allow config to do more with the installed kernel/headers* Called after packages, u-boot, kernel and headers installed in the chroot, but before the BSP is installed. POST_INSTALL_KERNEL_DEBS # install armbian-firmware by default. Set BOARD_FIRMWARE_INSTALL="-full" to install full firmware variant if [[ "${INSTALL_ARMBIAN_FIRMWARE:-yes}" == "yes" ]]; then if [[ ${BOARD_FIRMWARE_INSTALL:-""} == "-full" ]]; then install_artifact_deb_chroot "armbian-firmware-full" else install_artifact_deb_chroot "armbian-firmware" fi fi # install board support packages install_artifact_deb_chroot "armbian-bsp-cli" # install armbian-desktop if [[ $BUILD_DESKTOP == yes ]]; then install_artifact_deb_chroot "armbian-desktop" install_artifact_deb_chroot "armbian-bsp-desktop" # install display manager and PACKAGE_LIST_DESKTOP_FULL packages if enabled per board desktop_postinstall fi # install armbian-config if [[ "${PACKAGE_LIST_RM}" != *armbian-config* ]]; then if [[ $BUILD_MINIMAL != yes ]]; then install_artifact_deb_chroot "armbian-config" fi fi # install armbian-zsh if [[ "${PACKAGE_LIST_RM}" != *armbian-zsh* ]]; then if [[ $BUILD_MINIMAL != yes ]]; then install_artifact_deb_chroot "armbian-zsh" fi fi # install armbian-plymouth-theme if [[ $PLYMOUTH == yes ]]; then install_artifact_deb_chroot "armbian-plymouth-theme" else chroot_sdcard_apt_get_remove --auto-remove plymouth fi # install wireguard tools if [[ $WIREGUARD == yes ]]; then install_deb_chroot "wireguard-tools" "remote" # @TODO: move this to some image pkg list in config fi # freeze armbian packages if [[ "${BSPFREEZE:-"no"}" == yes ]]; then display_alert "Freezing Armbian packages" "$BOARD" "info" declare -g -A image_artifacts_debs_installed # global scope, set in main_default_build_packages() declare -g -A image_artifacts_packages # global scope, set in main_default_build_packages() declare -a package_names_to_hold=() declare artifact_deb_id pkg_name pkg_wanted_version for artifact_deb_id in "${!image_artifacts_debs_installed[@]}"; do declare deb_is_installed_in_image="${image_artifacts_debs_installed["${artifact_deb_id}"]}" if [[ "${deb_is_installed_in_image}" != "yes" ]]; then continue fi pkg_name="${image_artifacts_packages["${artifact_deb_id}"]}" package_names_to_hold+=("${pkg_name}") done chroot_sdcard apt-mark hold "${package_names_to_hold[@]}" fi # remove deb files run_host_command_logged rm -fv "${SDCARD}"/root/*.deb # copy boot splash images run_host_command_logged cp -v "${SRC}"/packages/blobs/splash/armbian-u-boot.bmp "${SDCARD}"/boot/boot.bmp # execute $LINUXFAMILY-specific tweaks if [[ $(type -t family_tweaks) == function ]]; then display_alert "Applying family" " tweaks: $BOARD :: $LINUXFAMILY" family_tweaks display_alert "Done with family_tweaks" "$BOARD :: $LINUXFAMILY" "debug" fi call_extension_method "post_family_tweaks" <<- 'FAMILY_TWEAKS' *customize the tweaks made by $LINUXFAMILY-specific family_tweaks* It is run after packages are installed in the rootfs, but before enabling additional services. It allows implementors access to the rootfs (`${SDCARD}`) in its pristine state after packages are installed. FAMILY_TWEAKS # enable additional services, if they exist. display_alert "Enabling Armbian services" "systemd" "info" [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/lib/systemd/system/armbian-firstrun.service ]] && chroot_sdcard systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-firstrun.service [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/lib/systemd/system/armbian-firstrun-config.service ]] && chroot_sdcard systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-firstrun-config.service [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/lib/systemd/system/armbian-zram-config.service ]] && chroot_sdcard systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-zram-config.service [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/lib/systemd/system/armbian-hardware-optimize.service ]] && chroot_sdcard systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-hardware-optimize.service [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/lib/systemd/system/armbian-ramlog.service ]] && chroot_sdcard systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-ramlog.service [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/lib/systemd/system/armbian-resize-filesystem.service ]] && chroot_sdcard systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-resize-filesystem.service [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/lib/systemd/system/armbian-hardware-monitor.service ]] && chroot_sdcard systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-hardware-monitor.service [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/lib/systemd/system/armbian-led-state.service ]] && chroot_sdcard systemctl --no-reload enable armbian-led-state.service # copy "first run automated config, optional user configured" run_host_command_logged cp -v "${SRC}"/packages/bsp/armbian_first_run.txt.template "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbian_first_run.txt.template # switch to beta repository at this stage if building nightly images if [[ $IMAGE_TYPE == nightly && -f "${SDCARD}"/etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list ]]; then sed -i 's/apt/beta/' "${SDCARD}"/etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list fi # fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blueman/+bug/1542723 @TODO: from ubuntu 15. maybe gone? chroot_sdcard chown root:messagebus /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper chroot_sdcard chmod u+s /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper # disable samba NetBIOS over IP name service requests since it hangs when no network is present at boot # @TODO: rpardini: still needed? people might want working Samba disable_systemd_service_sdcard nmbd # disable low-level kernel messages for non betas if [[ -z $BETA ]]; then sed -i "s/^#kernel.printk*/kernel.printk/" "${SDCARD}"/etc/sysctl.conf fi # disable repeated messages due to xconsole not being installed. [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf ]] && sed '/daemon\.\*\;mail.*/,/xconsole/ s/.*/#&/' -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf # disable deprecated parameter [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/etc/rsyslog.conf ]] && sed '/.*$KLogPermitNonKernelFacility.*/,// s/.*/#&/' -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/rsyslog.conf # enable getty on multiple serial consoles # and adjust the speed if it is defined and different than 115200 # # example: SERIALCON="ttyS0:15000000,ttyGS1" # ifs=$IFS for i in $(echo "${SERIALCON:-'ttyS0'}" | sed "s/,/ /g"); do IFS=':' read -r -a array <<< "$i" [[ "${array[0]}" == "tty1" ]] && continue # Don't enable tty1 as serial console. display_alert "Enabling serial console" "${array[0]}" "info" # add serial console to secure tty list [ -z "$(grep -w '^${array[0]}' "${SDCARD}"/etc/securetty 2> /dev/null)" ] && echo "${array[0]}" >> "${SDCARD}"/etc/securetty if [[ ${array[1]} != "115200" && -n ${array[1]} ]]; then # make a copy, fix speed and enable cp "${SDCARD}"/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service \ "${SDCARD}/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@${array[0]}.service" sed -i "s/--keep-baud 115200/--keep-baud ${array[1]},115200/" \ "${SDCARD}/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@${array[0]}.service" fi chroot_sdcard systemctl daemon-reload chroot_sdcard systemctl --no-reload enable "serial-getty@${array[0]}.service" if [[ "${array[0]}" == "ttyGS0" && $LINUXFAMILY == sun8i && $BRANCH == default ]]; then mkdir -p "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@ttyGS0.service.d cat <<- EOF > "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@ttyGS0.service.d/10-switch-role.conf [Service] ExecStartPre=-/bin/sh -c "echo 2 > /sys/bus/platform/devices/sunxi_usb_udc/otg_role" EOF fi done IFS=$ifs [[ $LINUXFAMILY == sun*i ]] && mkdir -p "${SDCARD}"/boot/overlay-user # to prevent creating swap file on NFS (needs specific kernel options) # and f2fs/btrfs (not recommended or needs specific kernel options) [[ $ROOTFS_TYPE != ext4 ]] && touch "${SDCARD}"/var/swap # install initial asound.state if defined mkdir -p "${SDCARD}"/var/lib/alsa/ if [[ -n ${ASOUND_STATE} ]]; then display_alert "Installing initial asound.state" "${ASOUND_STATE} for board ${BOARD}" "info" run_host_command_logged cp -v "${SRC}/packages/blobs/asound.state/${ASOUND_STATE}" "${SDCARD}"/var/lib/alsa/asound.state fi # save initial armbian-release state cp "${SDCARD}"/etc/armbian-release "${SDCARD}"/etc/armbian-image-release # DNS fix. package resolvconf is not available everywhere if [ -d "${SDCARD}"/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d ] && [ -n "$NAMESERVER" ]; then echo "nameserver $NAMESERVER" > "${SDCARD}"/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head fi # permit root login via SSH for the first boot sed -i 's/#\?PermitRootLogin .*/PermitRootLogin yes/' "${SDCARD}"/etc/ssh/sshd_config # enable PubkeyAuthentication sed -i 's/#\?PubkeyAuthentication .*/PubkeyAuthentication yes/' "${SDCARD}"/etc/ssh/sshd_config if [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf ]]; then # configure network manager sed "s/managed=\(.*\)/managed=true/g" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf ## remove network manager defaults to handle eth by default @TODO: why? rm -f "${SDCARD}"/usr/lib/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf # `systemd-networkd.service` will be enabled by `/lib/systemd/system-preset/90-systemd.preset` during first-run. # Mask it to avoid conflict chroot_sdcard systemctl mask systemd-networkd.service # most likely we don't need to wait for nm to get online chroot_sdcard systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service # Just regular DNS and maintain /etc/resolv.conf as a file @TODO: this does not apply as of impish at least sed "/dns/d" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf sed "s/\[main\]/\[main\]\ndns=default\nrc-manager=file/g" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf if [[ -n $NM_IGNORE_DEVICES ]]; then mkdir -p "${SDCARD}"/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ cat <<- EOF > "${SDCARD}"/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-ignore-interfaces.conf [keyfile] unmanaged-devices=$NM_IGNORE_DEVICES EOF fi elif [ -d "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/network ]; then # enable services chroot_sdcard systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service chroot_sdcard systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service || display_alert "Failed to enable systemd-resolved.service" "" "wrn" # Mask `NetworkManager.service` to avoid conflict chroot_sdcard systemctl mask NetworkManager.service if [ -e "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf ]; then chroot_sdcard systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd.service fi umask 022 cat > "${SDCARD}"/etc/systemd/network/eth0.network <<- __EOF__ [Match] Name=eth0 [Network] #MACAddress= DHCP=ipv4 LinkLocalAddressing=ipv4 #Address= #Gateway= #DNS= #Domains=example.com NTP=0.pool.ntp.org 1.pool.ntp.org __EOF__ fi # avahi daemon defaults if exists [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/usr/share/doc/avahi-daemon/examples/sftp-ssh.service ]] && cp "${SDCARD}"/usr/share/doc/avahi-daemon/examples/sftp-ssh.service "${SDCARD}"/etc/avahi/services/ [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/usr/share/doc/avahi-daemon/examples/ssh.service ]] && cp "${SDCARD}"/usr/share/doc/avahi-daemon/examples/ssh.service "${SDCARD}"/etc/avahi/services/ # nsswitch settings for sane DNS behavior: remove resolve, assure libnss-myhostname support sed "s/hosts\:.*/hosts: files mymachines dns myhostname/g" -i "${SDCARD}"/etc/nsswitch.conf # build logo in any case boot_logo # Show logo if [[ $PLYMOUTH == yes ]]; then if [[ $BOOT_LOGO == yes || $BOOT_LOGO == desktop && $BUILD_DESKTOP == yes ]]; then [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt ]] && grep -q '^bootlogo' "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt && sed -i 's/^bootlogo.*/bootlogo=true/' "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt || echo 'bootlogo=true' >> "${SDCARD}"/boot/armbianEnv.txt [[ -f "${SDCARD}"/boot/boot.ini ]] && sed -i 's/^setenv bootlogo.*/setenv bootlogo "true"/' "${SDCARD}"/boot/boot.ini fi fi # disable MOTD for first boot - we want as clean 1st run as possible chmod -x "${SDCARD}"/etc/update-motd.d/* return 0 # make sure to exit with success } install_rclocal() { cat <<- EOF > "${SDCARD}"/etc/rc.local #!/bin/sh -e # # rc.local # # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel. # Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other # value on error. # # In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution # bits. # # By default this script does nothing. exit 0 EOF chmod +x "${SDCARD}"/etc/rc.local }