#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ # a-kind-of-hook, called by install_distribution_agnostic() if it's a desktop build function desktop_postinstall() { # disable display manager for the first run disable_systemd_service_sdcard lightdm.service disable_systemd_service_sdcard gdm3.service # @TODO: why? display_alert "Updating package lists" "for desktop" "info" do_with_retries 3 chroot_sdcard_apt_get_update # @TODO: rpardini: this is... missing from aggregation...? it is used by 2 boards. # install per board packages, desktop-only, packages. if [[ -n ${PACKAGE_LIST_DESKTOP_BOARD} ]]; then chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install "$PACKAGE_LIST_DESKTOP_BOARD" fi # install per family packages (desktop only) if [[ -n ${PACKAGE_LIST_DESKTOP_FAMILY} ]]; then # @TODO: used by 0 boards chroot_sdcard_apt_get_install "$PACKAGE_LIST_DESKTOP_FAMILY" fi }