#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ # import os.path # Let's use GitPython to query and manipulate the git repo from git import Repo, GitCmdObjectDB import common.armbian_utils as armbian_utils import common.patching_utils as patching_utils # Show the environment variables we've been called with armbian_utils.show_incoming_environment() # Parse env vars. SRC = armbian_utils.get_from_env_or_bomb("SRC") GIT_WORK_DIR = armbian_utils.get_from_env_or_bomb("GIT_WORK_DIR") GIT_BRANCH = armbian_utils.get_from_env_or_bomb("GIT_BRANCH") GIT_TARGET_REPLACE = armbian_utils.get_from_env("GIT_TARGET_REPLACE") GIT_TARGET_SEARCH = armbian_utils.get_from_env("GIT_TARGET_SEARCH") git_repo = Repo(GIT_WORK_DIR, odbt=GitCmdObjectDB) BASE_GIT_REVISION = armbian_utils.get_from_env("BASE_GIT_REVISION") BASE_GIT_TAG = armbian_utils.get_from_env("BASE_GIT_TAG") if BASE_GIT_REVISION is None: if BASE_GIT_TAG is None: raise Exception("BASE_GIT_REVISION or BASE_GIT_TAG must be set") else: BASE_GIT_REVISION = git_repo.tags[BASE_GIT_TAG].commit.hexsha print(f"Found BASE_GIT_REVISION={BASE_GIT_REVISION} for BASE_GIT_TAG={BASE_GIT_TAG}") # Using GitPython, get the list of commits between the HEAD of the branch and the base revision # (which is either a tag or a commit) git_commits = list(git_repo.iter_commits(f"{BASE_GIT_REVISION}..{GIT_BRANCH}")) class ParsedPatch: def __init__(self, original_patch: str, sha1, title): self.sha1: str = sha1 self.title: str = title self.original_patch: str = original_patch self.patch_diff: str | None = None self.original_header: str | None = None self.final_desc: str | None = None self.final_patch: str | None = None self.tags: dict[str, str] | None = None self.target_dir_fn: str | None = None self.target_dir: str | None = None self.target_filename: str | None = None self.target_counter: int | None = None def parse(self): # print(f"Patch: {patch}") self.original_header, self.patch_diff = patching_utils.PatchFileInDir.split_description_and_patch( self.original_patch) self.final_desc, self.tags = self.remove_tags_from_description(self.original_header) self.final_patch = self.final_desc + "\n---\n" + self.patch_diff # print(f"Description: ==={desc}===") # print(f"Diff: ==={diff}===") # print(f"Tags: {self.tags}") self.target_dir = self.tags.get("Patch-Rel-Directory", None) self.target_filename = self.tags.get("Patch-File", None) self.target_counter = int(self.tags.get("Patch-File-Counter", "0")) def remove_tags_from_description(self, desc: str) -> (str, dict[str, str]): tag_prefix = "X-Armbian: " ret_desc = [] ret_tags = {} lines: list[str] = desc.splitlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith(tag_prefix): # remove the prefix line = line[len(tag_prefix):] tag, value = line.split(":", 1) ret_tags[tag.strip()] = value.strip() else: ret_desc.append(line) return "\n".join(ret_desc), ret_tags def prepare_target_dir_fn(self, search: "str | None", replace: "str | None"): if search is not None and replace is not None: self.target_dir = self.target_dir.replace(search, replace) self.target_dir_fn = self.target_dir + "/" + self.target_filename parsed_patches: list[ParsedPatch] = [] for commit in git_commits: patch = patching_utils.export_commit_as_patch(git_repo, commit.hexsha) parsed = ParsedPatch(patch, commit.hexsha, commit.message.splitlines()[0]) parsed.parse() parsed.prepare_target_dir_fn(GIT_TARGET_SEARCH, GIT_TARGET_REPLACE) parsed_patches.append(parsed) # Now we have a list of parsed patches, each with its target dir, filename and counter. for patch in parsed_patches: print(f"- Patch: target_dir_fn: {patch.target_dir_fn} counter: {patch.target_counter}") # Now we need to sort the patches by target_dir_fn and counter # We'll use a dict of lists, where the key is the target_dir_fn and the value is a list of patches # with that target_dir_fn patches_by_target_dir_fn: dict[str, list[ParsedPatch]] = {} for patch in parsed_patches: if patch.target_dir_fn not in patches_by_target_dir_fn: patches_by_target_dir_fn[patch.target_dir_fn] = [] patches_by_target_dir_fn[patch.target_dir_fn].append(patch) # sort the patches by counter for patches in patches_by_target_dir_fn.values(): patches.sort(key=lambda p: p.target_counter) # Show the stuff; write it to files, replacing for target_dir_fn, patches in patches_by_target_dir_fn.items(): print(f"Target dir/fn: {target_dir_fn}") full_target_file = os.path.join(SRC, f"{target_dir_fn}.patch") print(f"Writing to {full_target_file}") full_target_dir = os.path.dirname(full_target_file) if not os.path.exists(full_target_dir): os.makedirs(full_target_dir) with open(full_target_file, "w") as f: for patch in patches: print(f" - Patch: {patch.target_counter}: '{patch.title}'") f.write(patch.final_patch)