#----------------------------------------------------------------- # Armbian first run configuration # Set optional end user configuration # - Rename this file from /boot/armbian_first_run.txt.template to /boot/armbian_first_run.txt # - Settings below will be applied only on 1st run of Armbian #----------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------- # General: # 1 = delete this file, after first run setup is completed. FR_general_delete_this_file_after_completion=1 #----------------------------------------------------------------- #Networking: # Change default network settings # Set to 1 to apply any network related settings below FR_net_change_defaults=0 # Enable WiFi or Ethernet. # NB: If both are enabled, WiFi will take priority and Ethernet will be disabled. FR_net_ethernet_enabled=1 FR_net_wifi_enabled=0 #Enter your WiFi creds # SECURITY WARN: Your wifi keys will be stored in plaintext, no encryption. FR_net_wifi_ssid='MySSID' FR_net_wifi_key='MyWiFiKEY' # Country code to enable power ratings and channels for your country. eg: GB US DE | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 FR_net_wifi_countrycode='GB' #If you want to use a static ip, set it here FR_net_use_static=0 FR_net_static_ip='' FR_net_static_mask='' FR_net_static_gateway='' FR_net_static_dns='' #2 entries max, seperated by a space. #-----------------------------------------------------------------