#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function uboot_main_patching_python() { prepare_python_and_pip # outer scope variable: uboot_work_dir temp_file_for_output="$(mktemp)" # Get a temporary file for the output. # array with all parameters; will be auto-quoted by bash's @Q modifier below declare -a params_quoted=( "${PYTHON3_VARS[@]}" # Default vars, from prepare_python_and_pip "LOG_DEBUG=${SHOW_DEBUG}" # Logging level for python. "SRC=${SRC}" # Armbian root "OUTPUT=${temp_file_for_output}" # Output file for the python script. "ASSET_LOG_BASE=$(print_current_asset_log_base_file)" # base file name for the asset log; to write .md summaries. "PATCH_TYPE=u-boot" # or, u-boot, or, atf "PATCH_DIRS_TO_APPLY=${BOOTPATCHDIR}" # A space-separated list of directories to apply... "BOARD=${BOARD}" # BOARD is needed for the patchset selection logic; mostly for u-boot. "TARGET=${target_patchdir}" # TARGET is need for u-boot's SPI/SATA etc selection logic "USERPATCHES_PATH=${USERPATCHES_PATH}" # Needed to find the userpatches. # For table generation to fit into the screen, or being large when in GHA. "COLUMNS=${COLUMNS}" "GITHUB_ACTIONS=${GITHUB_ACTIONS}" # Needed so git can find the global .gitconfig, and Python can parse the PATH to determine which git to use. "PATH=${PATH}" "HOME=${HOME}" # What to do? "APPLY_PATCHES=yes" # Apply the patches to the filesystem. Does not imply git commiting. If no, still exports the hash. "PATCHES_TO_GIT=${PATCHES_TO_GIT:-no}" # Commit to git after applying the patches. "REWRITE_PATCHES=${REWRITE_PATCHES:-no}" # Rewrite the original patch files after git commiting. # Git dir, revision, and target branch "GIT_WORK_DIR=${uboot_work_dir}" # "Where to apply patches?" "BASE_GIT_REVISION=${uboot_git_revision}" # The revision we're building/patching. Python will reset and clean to this. "BRANCH_FOR_PATCHES=u-boot-${BRANCH}-${BOARD}" # When applying patches-to-git, use this branch. # Lenience: allow problematic patches to be applied. "ALLOW_RECREATE_EXISTING_FILES=yes" # Allow patches to recreate files that already exist. "GIT_ARCHEOLOGY=${GIT_ARCHEOLOGY:-no}" # Allow git to do some archaeology to find the original patch's owners; used when patching to git/rewriting. "FAST_ARCHEOLOGY=${FAST_ARCHEOLOGY:-yes}" # Does archeology even further by looking for history from other patch files with the same name # Pass the maintainer info, used for commits. "MAINTAINER_NAME=${MAINTAINER}" # Name of the maintainer "MAINTAINER_EMAIL=${MAINTAINERMAIL}" # Email of the maintainer ) display_alert "Calling Python patching script" "for u-boot target" "info" # "raw_command" is only for logging purposes. raw_command="[...shortened u-boot patching...] ${PYTHON3_INFO[BIN]} ${SRC}/lib/tools/patching.py" \ run_host_command_logged env -i "${params_quoted[@]@Q}" "${PYTHON3_INFO[BIN]}" "${SRC}/lib/tools/patching.py" run_host_command_logged cat "${temp_file_for_output}" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "${temp_file_for_output}" # SOURCE IT! run_host_command_logged rm -f "${temp_file_for_output}" return 0 }