# Armbian virtual ARM64 image for qemu # # # produces a single partition VM image in qcow2 format. # how to use # the resulting cache/sources/u-boot/v22021.04/u-boot.bin will need to be copied.. that is your bios # how to run on linux ##!/bin/bash # #declare -g image=armbian.img #smp=4 #rams=1000M #bios=u-boot.bin #/usr/bin/qemu-system-aarch64 -name ArmbianVirtualTest -m ${rams} -smp ${smp} -drive file=${image} -nographic -enable-kvm -M virt -cpu host -bios ${bios} -netdev user,id=user.0,hostfwd=udp::31783-:22,hostfwd=tcp::31783-:22 -device virtio-net,netdev=user.0 -machine gic-version=3 # #how to run on mac... i'm using utm and making a custom config... # #/Applications/UTM.app/Contents/XPCServices/QEMUHelper.xpc/Contents/MacOS/QEMULauncher /Applications/UTM.app/Contents/Frameworks/libqemu-aarch64-softmmu.utm.dylib -L /Applications/UTM.app/Contents/Resources/qemu -S -qmp tcp:,server,nowait -vga none -spice port=4001,addr=,disable-ticketing,image-compression=off,playback-compression=off,streaming-video=off -device virtio-ramfb -cpu host -smp cpus=8,sockets=1,cores=8,threads=1 -machine none,highmem=off -accel hvf -accel tcg,tb-size=1024 -boot menu=on -m 4096 -name armbian -usb -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive0,bootindex=0 -drive if=none,media=disk,id=drive0,file=/Users/lane/Library/Containers/com.utmapp.UTM/Data/Documents/armbian.utm/Images/armbian.img,cache=writethrough -device virtio-net-device,mac=AE:C6:BD:B0:F1:33,netdev=net0 -netdev user,id=net0 -uuid 3952DB60-A50E-4838-BAAE-BD13C526CC7A -rtc base=localtime -M virt -cpu host -accel hvf -bios u-boot.bin -device virtio-mouse -device virtio-keyboard # BOARD_NAME="Virtual QEMU" BOARDFAMILY="virtual" BOARD_MAINTAINER="" KERNEL_TARGET="current" SERIALCON="ttyS0" FULL_DESKTOP="no" BOOT_LOGO="yes" BOOTCONFIG="qemu_arm64_defconfig" ATF_COMPILE="no" BOOTBRANCH='tag:v2021.04' USE_OVERLAYFS='no' BOOT_SCENARIO="blobless" BOOT_SOC=qemu EXTRAWIFI='no' ROOTFS_TYPE="ext4" PACKAGE_LIST_DESKTOP_BOARD="spice-vdagent" post_build_image_modify() { if [[ ${BOARD} == "virtual-qemu" ]]; then local IMAGE_PATH=${1} ##fixme put this where it belongs apt install -y qemu-utils display_alert "converting image to qcow2 format" "$(qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 ${IMAGE_PATH} ${IMAGE_PATH}.qcow2)" "info" display_alert "resizing qcow2 image to 50G" "$(qemu-img resize ${IMAGE_PATH}.qcow2 50G)" "info" display_alert "shuffling image files" "$(mv -vf ${IMAGE_PATH}.qcow2 ${IMAGE_PATH})" "info" display_alert "check img format" "$(qemu-img info ${IMAGE_PATH} | fgrep qcow2)" "info" else display_alert "failsafe applied" "This post_build_image_modify function should not have been executed" "warn" fi }