#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function artifact_rootfs_config_dump() { artifact_input_variables[ARCH]="${ARCH}" artifact_input_variables[RELEASE]="${RELEASE}" artifact_input_variables[SELECTED_CONFIGURATION]="${SELECTED_CONFIGURATION}" # should be represented below anyway artifact_input_variables[BUILD_MINIMAL]="${BUILD_MINIMAL}" artifact_input_variables[DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT]="${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT:-"no_DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_set"}" artifact_input_variables[DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME]="${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME:-"no_DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME_set"}" artifact_input_variables[DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED]="${DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED:-"no_DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED_set"}" # Hash of the packages added/removed by extensions declare pkgs_hash="undetermined" pkgs_hash="$(echo "${REMOVE_PACKAGES[*]} ${EXTRA_PACKAGES_ROOTFS[*]} ${PACKAGE_LIST_BOARD_REMOVE} ${PACKAGE_LIST_FAMILY_REMOVE}" | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)" artifact_input_variables[EXTRA_PKG_ADD_REMOVE_HASH]="${pkgs_hash}" } function artifact_rootfs_prepare_version() { artifact_version="undetermined" # outer scope artifact_version_reason="undetermined" # outer scope assert_requires_aggregation # Bombs if aggregation has not run declare -g rootfs_cache_id="none_yet" calculate_rootfs_cache_id # sets rootfs_cache_id display_alert "rootfs version" "packages_hash: '${packages_hash:-}' cache_type: '${cache_type:-}' rootfs_cache_id: '${rootfs_cache_id}'" "info" declare -a reasons=( "arch \"${ARCH}\"" "release \"${RELEASE}\"" "type \"${cache_type}\"" "cache_id \"${rootfs_cache_id}\"" ) # add more reasons for desktop stuff if [[ "${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT}" != "" ]]; then reasons+=("desktop_environment \"${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT}\"") reasons+=("desktop_environment_config_name \"${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME}\"") reasons+=("desktop_appgroups_selected \"${DESKTOP_APPGROUPS_SELECTED}\"") fi # we use YYYYMM to make a new rootfs cache version per-month, even if nothing else changes. declare yyyymm="undetermined" yyyymm="$(date +%Y%m)" # outer scope artifact_version="${yyyymm}-${rootfs_cache_id}" artifact_version_reason="${reasons[*]}" artifact_name="rootfs-${ARCH}-${RELEASE}-${cache_type}" artifact_type="tar.zst" artifact_base_dir="${SRC}/cache/rootfs" artifact_final_file="${SRC}/cache/rootfs/${artifact_name}_${artifact_version}.tar.zst" return 0 } function artifact_rootfs_build_from_sources() { debug_var artifact_final_file debug_var artifact_final_file_basename # Creates a cleanup handler 'trap_handler_cleanup_rootfs_and_image' LOG_SECTION="prepare_rootfs_build_params_and_trap" do_with_logging prepare_rootfs_build_params_and_trap debug_var artifact_final_file debug_var artifact_final_file_basename # validate that tmpfs_estimated_size is set and higher than zero, or exit_with_error [[ -z ${tmpfs_estimated_size} ]] && exit_with_error "tmpfs_estimated_size is not set" [[ ${tmpfs_estimated_size} -le 0 ]] && exit_with_error "tmpfs_estimated_size is not higher than zero" # "rootfs" CLI skips over a lot goes straight to create the rootfs. It doesn't check cache etc. LOG_SECTION="create_new_rootfs_cache" do_with_logging create_new_rootfs_cache debug_var artifact_final_file debug_var artifact_final_file_basename debug_var cache_name debug_var cache_fname if [[ ! -f "${artifact_final_file}" ]]; then exit_with_error "Rootfs cache file '${artifact_final_file}' does not exist after create_new_rootfs_cache()." else display_alert "Rootfs cache file '${artifact_final_file}' exists after create_new_rootfs_cache()." "YESSS" "debug" fi # obtain the size, in MiB, of "${SDCARD}" at this point. declare -i rootfs_size_mib rootfs_size_mib=$(du -sm "${SDCARD}" | awk '{print $1}') display_alert "Actual rootfs size" "${rootfs_size_mib}MiB after basic/cache" "" # warn if rootfs_size_mib is higher than the tmpfs_estimated_size if [[ ${rootfs_size_mib} -gt ${tmpfs_estimated_size} ]]; then display_alert "Rootfs actual size is larger than estimated tmpfs size after basic/cache" "${rootfs_size_mib}MiB > ${tmpfs_estimated_size}MiB" "wrn" fi # Run the cleanup handler. execute_and_remove_cleanup_handler trap_handler_cleanup_rootfs_and_image return 0 } function artifact_rootfs_cli_adapter_pre_run() { declare -g ARMBIAN_COMMAND_REQUIRE_BASIC_DEPS="yes" # Require prepare_host_basic to run before the command. # "gimme root on a Linux machine" cli_standard_relaunch_docker_or_sudo } function artifact_rootfs_cli_adapter_config_prep() { declare -g artifact_version_requires_aggregation="yes" declare -g ROOTFS_COMPRESSION_RATIO="${ROOTFS_COMPRESSION_RATIO:-"15"}" # default to Compress stronger when we make rootfs cache # If BOARD is set, use it to convert to an ARCH. if [[ -n ${BOARD} ]]; then display_alert "BOARD is set, converting to ARCH for rootfs building" "'BOARD=${BOARD}'" "info" # Convert BOARD to ARCH; source the BOARD and FAMILY stuff LOG_SECTION="config_source_board_file" do_with_conditional_logging config_source_board_file LOG_SECTION="source_family_config_and_arch" do_with_conditional_logging source_family_config_and_arch display_alert "Done sourcing board file" "'${BOARD}' - arch: '${ARCH}'" "info" fi declare -a vars_need_to_be_set=("RELEASE" "ARCH") # loop through all vars and check if they are not set and bomb out if so for var in "${vars_need_to_be_set[@]}"; do if [[ -z ${!var} ]]; then exit_with_error "Param '${var}' is not set but needs to be set for rootfs CLI." fi done declare -r __wanted_rootfs_arch="${ARCH}" declare -g -r RELEASE="${RELEASE}" # make readonly for finding who tries to change it declare -g -r NEEDS_BINFMT="yes" # make sure binfmts are installed during prepare_host_interactive # prep_conf_main_only_rootfs_ni is prep_conf_main_only_rootfs_ni() + mark_aggregation_required_in_default_build_start() prep_conf_main_only_rootfs_ni < /dev/null # no stdin for this, so it bombs if tries to be interactive. declare -g -r ARCH="${ARCH}" # make readonly for finding who tries to change it if [[ "${ARCH}" != "${__wanted_rootfs_arch}" ]]; then exit_with_error "Param 'ARCH' is set to '${ARCH}' after config, but different from wanted '${__wanted_rootfs_arch}'" fi } function artifact_rootfs_get_default_oci_target() { artifact_oci_target_base="${GHCR_SOURCE}/armbian/os/" } function artifact_rootfs_is_available_in_local_cache() { is_artifact_available_in_local_cache } function artifact_rootfs_is_available_in_remote_cache() { is_artifact_available_in_remote_cache } function artifact_rootfs_obtain_from_remote_cache() { obtain_artifact_from_remote_cache } function artifact_rootfs_deploy_to_remote_cache() { upload_artifact_to_oci }