#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ # bsp-desktop should be like bsp-cli # it is keyed by RELEASE/BOARD/BRANCH, thus "a common package for all desktops with the same board/branch in a given release" # # @TODO: it should NOT be dependendent on a specific (xfce/mate/etc) desktop environment # but right now it is, since aggregation depends on it, and needs further changes @TODO: we should split. # main use case to include vendor wallpaper, etc function compile_armbian-bsp-desktop() { : "${artifact_name:?artifact_name is not set}" : "${artifact_version:?artifact_version is not set}" : "${RELEASE:?RELEASE is not set}" : "${BOARD:?BOARD is not set}" : "${BRANCH:?BRANCH is not set}" : "${DISTRIBUTION:?DISTRIBUTION is not set}" : "${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT:?DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT is not set}" : "${DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME:?DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_CONFIG_NAME is not set}" assert_requires_aggregation # this requires aggregation to have been run : "${AGGREGATED_DESKTOP_BSP_PREPARE:?AGGREGATED_DESKTOP_BSP_PREPARE is not set}" : "${AGGREGATED_DESKTOP_BSP_POSTINST:?AGGREGATED_DESKTOP_BSP_POSTINST is not set}" # @TODO: this is not true, as you can see; this is specific per-desktop due to aggregation display_alert "Creating bsp-desktop for release '${RELEASE}' common to all desktops on board '${BOARD}' branch '${BRANCH}'" "${artifact_name} :: ${artifact_version}" "info" declare cleanup_id="" destination="" prepare_temp_dir_in_workdir_and_schedule_cleanup "bsp-desktop" cleanup_id destination # namerefs mkdir -p "${destination}"/etc/armbian mkdir -p "${destination}"/DEBIAN copy_all_packages_files_for "bsp-desktop" # set up control file cat <<- EOF > "${destination}"/DEBIAN/control Package: ${artifact_name} Version: ${artifact_version} Architecture: $ARCH Maintainer: $MAINTAINER <$MAINTAINERMAIL> Section: xorg Priority: optional Provides: armbian-bsp-desktop, armbian-bsp-desktop-${BOARD} Description: Armbian bsp-desktop for release ${RELEASE}, common for all desktop environments on ${ARCH} ${BOARD} machines on ${BRANCH} branch EOF # postinst. generated script, gathered from scripts in files in configuration. # @TODO: extensions could do this much better generic_artifact_package_hook_helper "postinst" "${AGGREGATED_DESKTOP_BSP_POSTINST}" # @TODO: error information? This is very likely to explode, and a bad implementation of extensibility. display_alert "Running bsp-desktop -specific aggregated prepare script" "AGGREGATED_DESKTOP_BSP_PREPARE" "debug" eval "${AGGREGATED_DESKTOP_BSP_PREPARE}" display_alert "Done with bsp-desktop -specific aggregated prepare script" "AGGREGATED_DESKTOP_BSP_PREPARE" "debug" fakeroot_dpkg_deb_build "${destination}" "armbian-bsp-desktop" done_with_temp_dir "${cleanup_id}" # changes cwd to "${SRC}" and fires the cleanup function early }