#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function cli_docker_pre_run() { if [[ "${DOCKERFILE_GENERATE_ONLY}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "Dockerfile generation only" "func cli_docker_pre_run" "debug" return 0 fi case "${DOCKER_SUBCMD}" in shell) # inside-function-function: a dynamic hook, only triggered if this CLI runs. function add_host_dependencies__ssh_client_for_docker_shell_over_ssh() { declare -g EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS="${EXTRA_BUILD_DEPS} openssh-client" } declare -g DOCKER_PASS_SSH_AGENT="yes" # Pass SSH agent to docker ;; esac # make sure we're not _ALREADY_ running under docker... otherwise eternal loop? if [[ "${ARMBIAN_RUNNING_IN_CONTAINER}" == "yes" ]]; then exit_with_error "asking for docker... inside docker. how did this happen? Tip: you don't need 'docker' to run armbian-next inside Docker; it's automatically detected and used when appropriate." fi } function cli_docker_run() { # Docker won't have ${SRC}/.git, so precalculate the git-info header so it can be included in the inside-Docker logs. # It's gonna be picked up by export_ansi_logs() and included in the final log, if it exists. declare -g GIT_INFO_ANSI GIT_INFO_ANSI="$(prepare_ansi_git_info_log_header)" # Same stuff for BUILD_REPOSITORY_URL and BUILD_REPOSITORY_COMMIT. if [[ -d "${SRC}/.git" && "${CONFIG_DEFS_ONLY}" != "yes" ]]; then # don't waste time if only gathering config defs set_git_build_repo_url_and_commit_vars "docker launcher" fi LOG_SECTION="docker_cli_prepare" do_with_logging docker_cli_prepare # @TODO: and can be very well said that in CI, we always want FAST_DOCKER=yes, unless we're building the Docker image itself. if [[ "${FAST_DOCKER:-"no"}" != "yes" ]]; then # "no, I want *slow* docker" -- no one, ever LOG_SECTION="docker_cli_prepare_dockerfile" do_with_logging docker_cli_prepare_dockerfile if [[ "${DOCKERFILE_GENERATE_ONLY}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "Dockerfile generated" "exiting" "info" exit 0 fi LOG_SECTION="docker_cli_build_dockerfile" do_with_logging docker_cli_build_dockerfile fi LOG_SECTION="docker_cli_prepare_launch" do_with_logging docker_cli_prepare_launch ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_PARAMS+=(["SET_OWNER_TO_UID"]="${EUID}") # fix the owner of files to our UID ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_PARAMS+=(["ARMBIAN_BUILD_UUID"]="${ARMBIAN_BUILD_UUID}") # pass down our uuid to the docker instance ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_PARAMS+=(["SKIP_LOG_ARCHIVE"]="yes") # launched docker instance will not cleanup logs. case "${DOCKER_SUBCMD}" in shell) display_alert "Launching Docker shell" "docker-shell" "info" docker run -it "${DOCKER_ARGS[@]}" "${DOCKER_ARMBIAN_INITIAL_IMAGE_TAG}" /bin/bash ;; purge) display_alert "Purging unused Docker volumes" "docker-purge" "info" docker_purge_deprecated_volumes ;; *) # this does NOT exit with the same exit code as the docker instance. # instead, it sets the docker_exit_code variable. declare -i docker_exit_code docker_produced_logs=0 docker_cli_launch # MARK: this "re-launches" # Set globals to avoid: # 1) showing the controlling host's log; we only want to show a ref to the Docker logfile, unless it didn't produce one. # If it did produce one, it's "link" is already shown above. if [[ $docker_produced_logs -gt 0 ]]; then declare -g show_message_after_export="skip" # handled by export_ansi_logs() fi # 2) actually exiting with the same error code as the docker instance, but without triggering an error. declare -g -i global_final_exit_code=$docker_exit_code # handled by .... @TODO ;; esac }