#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ #!/usr/bin/env bash # This is called like this: # declare -A -g ARMBIAN_PARSED_CMDLINE_PARAMS=() # declare -a -g ARMBIAN_NON_PARAM_ARGS=() # parse_cmdline_params "${@}" # which fills the vars above, being global. function parse_cmdline_params() { declare -A -g ARMBIAN_PARSED_CMDLINE_PARAMS=() declare -a -g ARMBIAN_NON_PARAM_ARGS=() # loop over the arguments parse them out local arg for arg in "${@}"; do if [[ "${arg}" == *=* ]]; then # contains an equal sign. it's a param. local param_name param_value param_value_desc param_name=${arg%%=*} param_value=${arg##*=} param_value_desc="${param_value:-(empty)}" # Sanity check for the param name; it must be a valid bash variable name. if [[ "${param_name}" =~ ^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$ ]]; then ARMBIAN_PARSED_CMDLINE_PARAMS["${param_name}"]="${param_value}" # For current run. ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_PARAMS["${param_name}"]="${param_value}" # For relaunch. display_alert "Command line: parsed parameter '$param_name' to" "${param_value_desc}" "debug" else exit_with_error "Invalid cmdline param '${param_name}=${param_value_desc}'" fi elif [[ "x${arg}x" != "xx" ]]; then # not a param, not empty, store it in the non-param array for later usage local non_param_value="${arg}" local non_param_value_desc="${non_param_value:-(empty)}" display_alert "Command line: storing non-param argument" "${non_param_value_desc}" "debug" ARMBIAN_NON_PARAM_ARGS+=("${non_param_value}") fi done } # This can be called early on, or later after having sourced the config. Show what is happening. # This is called: # apply_cmdline_params_to_env "reason" # reads from global ARMBIAN_PARSED_CMDLINE_PARAMS function apply_cmdline_params_to_env() { declare -A -g ARMBIAN_PARSED_CMDLINE_PARAMS # Hopefully this has values declare __my_reason="${1}" shift # Loop over the dictionary and apply the values to the environment. for param_name in "${!ARMBIAN_PARSED_CMDLINE_PARAMS[@]}"; do local param_value param_value_desc current_env_value # get the current value from the environment current_env_value="${!param_name}" current_env_value_desc="${!param_name-(unset)}" current_env_value_desc="${current_env_value_desc:-(empty)}" # get the new value from the dictionary param_value="${ARMBIAN_PARSED_CMDLINE_PARAMS[${param_name}]}" param_value_desc="${param_value:-(empty)}" # Compare, log, and apply. if [[ -z "${!param_name+x}" ]] || [[ "${current_env_value}" != "${param_value}" ]]; then display_alert "Applying cmdline param" "'$param_name': '${current_env_value_desc}' --> '${param_value_desc}' ${__my_reason}" "cmdline" # use `declare -g` to make it global, we're in a function. eval "declare -g $param_name=\"$param_value\"" else # rpardini: strategic amount of spacing in log files show the kinda neuroticism that drives me. display_alert "Skip cmdline param" "'$param_name': already set to '${param_value_desc}' ${__my_reason}" "info" fi done } function armbian_prepare_cli_command_to_run() { local command_id="${1}" display_alert "Preparing to run command" "${command_id}" "debug" ARMBIAN_COMMAND="${command_id}" ARMBIAN_COMMAND_HANDLER="${ARMBIAN_COMMANDS_TO_HANDLERS_DICT[${command_id}]}" ARMBIAN_COMMAND_VARS="${ARMBIAN_COMMANDS_TO_VARS_DICT[${command_id}]}" # @TODO: actually set the vars... local set_vars_for_command="" if [[ "x${ARMBIAN_COMMAND_VARS}x" != "xx" ]]; then # Loop over them, expanding... for var_piece in ${ARMBIAN_COMMAND_VARS}; do local var_decl="declare -g ${var_piece};" display_alert "Command handler: setting variable" "${var_decl}" "debug" set_vars_for_command+=" ${var_decl}" done fi local pre_run_function_name="cli_${ARMBIAN_COMMAND_HANDLER}_pre_run" local run_function_name="cli_${ARMBIAN_COMMAND_HANDLER}_run" # Reset the functions. function armbian_cli_pre_run_command() { display_alert "No pre-run function for command" "${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}" "warn" } function armbian_cli_run_command() { display_alert "No run function for command" "${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}" "warn" } # Materialize functions to call that specific command. if [[ $(type -t "${pre_run_function_name}" || true) == function ]]; then eval "$( cat <<- EOF display_alert "Setting up pre-run function for command" "${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}: ${pre_run_function_name}" "debug" function armbian_cli_pre_run_command() { # Set the variables defined in ARMBIAN_COMMAND_VARS ${set_vars_for_command} display_alert "Calling pre-run function for command" "${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}: ${pre_run_function_name}" "debug" ${pre_run_function_name} } EOF )" fi if [[ $(type -t "${run_function_name}" || true) == function ]]; then eval "$( cat <<- EOF display_alert "Setting up run function for command" "${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}: ${run_function_name}" "debug" function armbian_cli_run_command() { # Set the variables defined in ARMBIAN_COMMAND_VARS ${set_vars_for_command} display_alert "Calling run function for command" "${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}: ${run_function_name}" "debug" ${run_function_name} } EOF )" fi } function parse_each_cmdline_arg_as_command_param_or_config() { local is_command="no" is_config="no" command_handler conf_path conf_sh_path config_file="" local argument="${1}" # lookup if it is a command. if [[ -n "${ARMBIAN_COMMANDS_TO_HANDLERS_DICT[${argument}]}" ]]; then is_command="yes" command_handler="${ARMBIAN_COMMANDS_TO_HANDLERS_DICT[${argument}]}" display_alert "Found command!" "${argument} is handled by '${command_handler}'" "debug" fi # see if we can find config file in userpatches. can be either config-${argument}.conf or config-${argument}.conf.sh conf_path="${SRC}/userpatches/config-${argument}.conf" conf_sh_path="${SRC}/userpatches/config-${argument}.conf.sh" # early safety net: immediately bomb if we find both forms of config. it's too confusing. choose one. if [[ -f ${conf_path} && -f ${conf_sh_path} ]]; then exit_with_error "Found both config-${argument}.conf and config-${argument}.conf.sh in userpatches. Please remove one." exit 1 elif [[ -f ${conf_sh_path} ]]; then config_file="${conf_sh_path}" is_config="yes" elif [[ -f ${conf_path} ]]; then config_file="${conf_path}" is_config="yes" fi # Sanity check. If we have both a command and a config, bomb. if [[ "${is_command}" == "yes" && "${is_config}" == "yes" ]]; then exit_with_error "You cannot have a configuration file named '${config_file}'. '${argument}' is a command name and is reserved for internal Armbian usage. Sorry. Please rename your config file and pass its name it an argument, and I'll use it. PS: You don't need a config file for 'docker' anymore, Docker is all managed by Armbian now." elif [[ "${is_config}" == "yes" ]]; then # we have a config only display_alert "Adding config file to list" "${config_file}" "debug" ARMBIAN_CONFIG_FILES+=("${config_file}") # full path to be sourced ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_CONFIGS+=("${argument}") # name reference to be relaunched elif [[ "${is_command}" == "yes" ]]; then # we have a command, only. # sanity check. we can't have more than one command. decide! if [[ -n "${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}" ]]; then exit_with_error "You cannot specify more than one command. You have '${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}' and '${argument}'. Please decide which one you want to run and pass only that one." exit 1 fi ARMBIAN_COMMAND="${argument}" # too early for armbian_prepare_cli_command_to_run "${argument}" else # We've an unknown argument. Alert now, bomb later. ARMBIAN_HAS_UNKNOWN_ARG="yes" display_alert "Unknown argument" "${argument}" "err" fi } # Produce relaunch parameters. Add the running configs, arguments, and command. # Declare and use ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS as "${ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS[@]}" # Also ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS as "${ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS[@]}" function produce_relaunch_parameters() { declare -g -a ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS=() declare -g -a ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS=() declare hide_repeat_params=() # add the running parameters from ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_PARAMS dict for param in "${!ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_PARAMS[@]}"; do ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS+=("${param}=${ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_PARAMS[${param}]}") # If the param is not a key of ARMBIAN_PARSED_CMDLINE_PARAMS (eg was added for re-launching), add it to the hide list if [[ -z "${ARMBIAN_PARSED_CMDLINE_PARAMS[${param}]}" ]]; then hide_repeat_params+=("${param}") fi done # add the running configs for config in "${ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_CONFIGS[@]}"; do ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS+=("${config}") done # add the command; defaults to the last command, but can be changed by the last pre-run. if [[ -n "${ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_COMMAND}" ]]; then ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS+=("${ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_COMMAND}") else ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS+=("${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}") fi # These two envs are always included. ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS+=("ARMBIAN_ORIGINAL_BUILD_UUID=${ARMBIAN_BUILD_UUID}") ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS+=("ARMBIAN_HIDE_REPEAT_PARAMS=${hide_repeat_params[*]}") # Add all values from ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_ENVS dict for env in "${!ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_ENVS[@]}"; do ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS+=("${env}=${ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_ENVS[${env}]}") done display_alert "Produced relaunch args:" "ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS: ${ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS[*]}" "debug" display_alert "Produced relaunch envs:" "ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS: ${ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS[*]}" "debug" } function cli_standard_relaunch_docker_or_sudo() { display_alert "Gonna relaunch" "EUID: ${EUID} -- PREFER_DOCKER:${PREFER_DOCKER}" "debug" if [[ "${EUID}" == "0" ]]; then # we're already root. Either running as real root, or already sudo'ed. if [[ "${ARMBIAN_RELAUNCHED}" != "yes" && "${ALLOW_ROOT}" != "yes" ]]; then display_alert "PROBLEM: don't run ./compile.sh as root or with sudo" "PROBLEM: don't run ./compile.sh as root or with sudo" "err" if [[ -t 0 ]]; then # so... non-interactive builds *can* run as root. It's not supported, you'll get an error, but we'll proceed. exit_if_countdown_not_aborted 10 "directly called as root" fi fi display_alert "Already running as root" "great, running '${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}' normally" "debug" else # not root. # add params when relaunched under docker or sudo ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_PARAMS+=(["SET_OWNER_TO_UID"]="${EUID}") # Pass the current UID to any further relaunchings ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_PARAMS+=(["PREFER_DOCKER"]="no") # make sure we don't loop forever when relaunching. # We've a few options. # 1) We could check if Docker is working, and do everything under Docker. Users who can use Docker, can "become" root inside a container. # 2) We could ask for sudo (which _might_ require a password)... # @TODO: GitHub actions can do both. Sudo without password _and_ Docker; should we prefer Docker? Might have unintended consequences... get_docker_info_once # Get Docker info once, and cache it; calling "docker info" is expensive if [[ "${DOCKER_INFO_OK}" == "yes" ]]; then if [[ "${PREFER_DOCKER:-yes}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "not root, but Docker is ready to go" "delegating to Docker" "debug" ARMBIAN_CHANGE_COMMAND_TO="docker" ARMBIAN_CLI_RELAUNCH_COMMAND="${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}" # add params when relaunched under docker return 0 else display_alert "not root, but Docker is ready to go" "but PREFER_DOCKER is set to 'no', so can't use it" "warn" fi else if [[ "${DOCKER_IN_PATH:-no}" == "yes" ]]; then if [[ "${PREFER_DOCKER:-yes}" == "no" ]]; then : # congrats, don't have it, didn't wanna it. else display_alert "Docker is installed, but not usable" "can't use Docker; check your Docker config / groups / etc" "warn" exit_if_countdown_not_aborted 10 "Docker installed but not usable" fi fi fi # check if we're on Linux via uname. if not, refuse to do anything. if [[ "$(uname)" != "Linux" ]]; then display_alert "Not running on Linux; Docker is not available" "refusing to run" "err" exit 1 fi display_alert "This script requires root privileges; Docker is unavailable" "trying to use sudo" "wrn" declare -g ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS=() declare -g ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS=() produce_relaunch_parameters # produces ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS and ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS # shellcheck disable=SC2093 # re-launching under sudo: replace the current shell, and never return. exec sudo --preserve-env "${ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ENVS[@]}" bash "${SRC}/compile.sh" "${ARMBIAN_CLI_FINAL_RELAUNCH_ARGS[@]}" # MARK: relaunch done here! display_alert "AFTER SUDO!!!" "AFTER SUDO!!!" "warn" # This should _never_ happen fi }