#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ #!/usr/bin/env bash # Stuff involving dialog # rpardini: dialog reports what happened via nonzero exit codes. # we also want to capture the stdout of dialog. # this is a helper function that handles the error logging on/off and does the capturing # then reports via exported variables, which the caller can/should test for later. # warning: this will exit with error if stdin/stdout/stderr is not a terminal or running under CI, or if dialog not installed # otherwise it will NOT exit with error, even if user cancelled. # This is a boring topic, see https://askubuntu.com/questions/491509/how-to-get-dialog-box-input-directed-to-a-variable function dialog_if_terminal_set_vars() { declare -g DIALOG_RESULT="" declare -g DIALOG_EXIT_CODE=0 [[ ! -t 0 ]] && exit_with_error "stdin is not a terminal. can't use dialog." "dialog_if_terminal_set_vars ${*}" "err" [[ ! -t 1 ]] && exit_with_error "stdout is not a terminal. can't use dialog." "dialog_if_terminal_set_vars ${*}" "err" [[ ! -t 2 ]] && exit_with_error "stderr is not a terminal. can't use dialog." "dialog_if_terminal_set_vars ${*}" "err" [[ "${CI}" == "true" ]] && exit_with_error "CI=true. can't use dialog." "dialog_if_terminal_set_vars ${*}" "err" [[ ! -f /usr/bin/dialog ]] && exit_with_error "Dialog is not installed at /usr/bin/dialog" "dialog_if_terminal_set_vars ${*}" "err" set +e # allow errors through set +o errtrace # do not trap errors inside a subshell/function set +o errexit # disable exec 3>&1 # open fd 3... DIALOG_RESULT=$(dialog "$@" 2>&1 1>&3) # juggle fds and capture. DIALOG_EXIT_CODE=$? # get the exit code. exec 3>&- # close fd 3... set -e # back to normal set -o errtrace # back to normal set -o errexit # back to normal # clear the screen after dialog exits; that way we can see the log output that comes after it? clear return 0 # always success, caller must check DIALOG_EXIT_CODE and DIALOG_RESULT } # Myy : Menu configuration for choosing desktop configurations dialog_menu() { declare -g DIALOG_MENU_RESULT="" provided_title=$1 provided_backtitle=$2 provided_menuname=$3 dialog_if_terminal_set_vars --title "$provided_title" --backtitle "${provided_backtitle}" --menu "$provided_menuname" $TTY_Y $TTY_X $((TTY_Y - 8)) "${@:4}" DIALOG_MENU_RESULT="${DIALOG_RESULT}" return $DIALOG_EXIT_CODE } # Almost identical, but is a checklist instead of menu dialog_checklist() { declare -g DIALOG_CHECKLIST_RESULT="" provided_title=$1 provided_backtitle=$2 provided_menuname=$3 dialog_if_terminal_set_vars --title "${provided_title}" --backtitle "${provided_backtitle}" --checklist "${provided_menuname}" $TTY_Y $TTY_X $((TTY_Y - 8)) "${@:4}" DIALOG_CHECKLIST_RESULT="${DIALOG_RESULT}" return $DIALOG_EXIT_CODE } # Other menu stuff show_developer_warning() { local temp_rc temp_rc=$(mktemp) # @TODO: this is a _very_ early call to mktemp - no TMPDIR set yet - it needs to be cleaned-up somehow cat <<- 'EOF' > "${temp_rc}" screen_color = (WHITE,RED,ON) EOF local warn_text="You are switching to the \Z1EXPERT MODE\Zn This allows building experimental configurations that are provided \Z1AS IS\Zn to developers and expert users, \Z1WITHOUT ANY RESPONSIBILITIES\Zn from the Armbian team: - You are using these configurations \Z1AT YOUR OWN RISK\Zn - Bug reports related to the dev kernel, CSC, WIP and EOS boards \Z1will be closed without a discussion\Zn - Forum posts related to dev kernel, CSC, WIP and EOS boards should be created in the \Z2\"Community forums\"\Zn section " DIALOGRC=$temp_rc dialog_if_terminal_set_vars --title "Expert mode warning" --backtitle "${backtitle}" --colors --defaultno --no-label "I do not agree" --yes-label "I understand and agree" --yesno "$warn_text" "${TTY_Y}" "${TTY_X}" [[ ${DIALOG_EXIT_CODE} -ne 0 ]] && exit_with_error "Error switching to the expert mode" SHOW_WARNING=no } # Stuff that was in config files function distro_menu() { # create a select menu for choosing a distribution based EXPERT status local distrib_dir="${1}" if [[ -d "${distrib_dir}" && -f "${distrib_dir}/support" ]]; then local support_level support_level="$(cat "${distrib_dir}/support")" if [[ "${support_level}" != "supported" && $EXPERT != "yes" ]]; then : else local distro_codename distro_fullname distro_codename="$(basename "${distrib_dir}")" distro_fullname="$(cat "${distrib_dir}/name")" local expert_infos="" [[ $EXPERT == "yes" ]] && expert_infos="(${support_level})" options+=("${distro_codename}" "${distro_fullname} ${expert_infos}") fi fi } function distros_options() { for distrib_dir in "config/distributions/"*; do distro_menu "${distrib_dir}" done }