#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function do_capturing_defs() { # make sure to local with a value, otherwise they will appear in the list... declare pre_exec_vars="" post_exec_vars="" new_vars_list="" onevar="" all_vars_array=() pre_exec_vars="$(compgen -A variable)" # run parameters passed. if this fails, so will we, immediately, and not capture anything correctly. # if you ever find stacks referring here, please look at the caller and $1 "$@" post_exec_vars="$(compgen -A variable)" new_vars_list="$(comm -13 <(echo "$pre_exec_vars" | grep -E '[[:upper:]]+' | grep -v -e "^BASH_" | sort) <(echo "${post_exec_vars}" | grep -E '[[:upper:]]+' | grep -v -e "^BASH_" | sort))" for onevar in ${new_vars_list}; do all_vars_array+=("$(declare -p "${onevar}")") done declare -g CAPTURED_VARS_NAMES="${new_vars_list}" declare -ga CAPTURED_VARS_ARRAY=("${all_vars_array[@]}") unset all_vars_array post_exec_vars new_vars_list pre_exec_vars onevar return 0 # return success explicitly , preemptively preventing short-circuit problems. }