#!/usr/bin/env bash # # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com # # This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework # https://github.com/armbian/build/ function prepare_ansi_git_info_log_header() { # writes to stdout, ANSI format declare prefix_sed_cmd="/^-->/!s/^/ /;" # some spacing in front of git info cat <<- GIT_ANSI_HEADER $(echo -e -n "${bright_blue_color:-}")# GIT revision$(echo -e -n "${ansi_reset_color:-}") $(LC_ALL=C LANG=C git --git-dir="${SRC}/.git" log -1 --color --format=short --decorate | sed -e "${prefix_sed_cmd}" || true) ${dim_line_separator} $(echo -e -n "${bright_blue_color:-}")# GIT status$(echo -e -n "${ansi_reset_color:-}") $(LC_ALL=C LANG=C git -c color.status=always --work-tree="${SRC}" --git-dir="${SRC}/.git" status | sed -e "${prefix_sed_cmd}" || true) ${dim_line_separator} GIT_ANSI_HEADER } # This only includes a header, and all the .md logfiles, nothing else. function export_markdown_logs() { # check target_file variable is not empty if [[ -z "${target_file}" ]]; then display_alert "No target file specified for export_markdown_logs()" "${target_file}" "err" return 0 fi local ascii_log_file="${1:-}" display_alert "Preparing Markdown log from" "${LOGDIR} (${ascii_log_file})" "debug" cat <<- MARKDOWN_HEADER > "${target_file}"

### Armbian logs for ${ARMBIAN_BUILD_UUID} #### Armbian build at $(LC_ALL=C LANG=C date) on $(hostname || true) #### Repeat build: ${repeat_args_string:-""} #### ARGs: \`${ARMBIAN_ORIGINAL_ARGV[@]@Q}\` MARKDOWN_HEADER if [[ -n "$(command -v git)" && -d "${SRC}/.git" ]]; then # If in GHA, very unlikely there will be changes, don't waste space. if [[ "${CI}" == "true" ]] && [[ "${GITHUB_ACTIONS}" == "true" ]]; then display_alert "Gathering git info for logs" "Processing git information, GHA version" "debug" cat <<- GIT_MARKDOWN_HEADER_GHA >> "${target_file}" #### Current revision: \`\`\` $(LC_ALL=C LANG=C git --git-dir="${SRC}/.git" log -1 --format=short --decorate) \`\`\` GIT_MARKDOWN_HEADER_GHA else display_alert "Gathering git info for logs" "Processing git information, please wait..." "debug" cat <<- GIT_MARKDOWN_HEADER >> "${target_file}" #### Current revision: \`\`\` $(LC_ALL=C LANG=C git --git-dir="${SRC}/.git" log -1 --format=short --decorate) \`\`\` #### Git status: \`\`\` $(LC_ALL=C LANG=C git --work-tree="${SRC}" --git-dir="${SRC}/.git" status) \`\`\` #### Git changes: \`\`\` $(LC_ALL=C LANG=C git --work-tree="${SRC}" --git-dir="${SRC}/.git" diff -u) \`\`\` GIT_MARKDOWN_HEADER fi fi # FOOTER: Newlines are relevant here. echo -e "\n\n

\n\n" >> "${target_file}" display_alert "Preparing Markdown logs..." "Processing log files..." "debug" # Find and sort the files there, store in array one per logfile declare -a logfiles_array mapfile -t logfiles_array < <(find "${LOGDIR}" -type f | grep "\.md\$" | LC_ALL=C sort -h) # "human" sorting for logfile_full in "${logfiles_array[@]}"; do cat "${logfile_full}" >> "${target_file}" done # If running in GHA, include the ascii logs as well, side a collapsible section. if [[ "${CI}" == "true" ]] && [[ "${GITHUB_ACTIONS}" == "true" ]]; then if [[ -f "${ascii_log_file}" ]]; then # Newlines are relevant here. cat <<- MARKDOWN_LOG_HEADER >> "${target_file}"

\`\`\`bash MARKDOWN_LOG_HEADER # GHA has a 1mb limit for Markdown. 500kb of logs, max, from the end. tail --bytes 500000 "${ascii_log_file}" >> "${target_file}" || true echo -e "\n\`\`\`\n\n

\n\n" >> "${target_file}" fi fi return 0 } # Export logs in plain format. function export_ansi_logs() { # check target_file variable is not empty if [[ -z "${target_file}" ]]; then display_alert "No target file specified for export_markdown_logs()" "${target_file}" "err" return 0 fi display_alert "Preparing ANSI log from" "${LOGDIR}" "debug" declare dim_line_separator dim_line_separator=$(echo -e -n "${gray_color:-}")------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$(echo -e -n "${ansi_reset_color:-}") cat <<- ANSI_HEADER > "${target_file}" # Armbian ANSI build logs for ${ARMBIAN_BUILD_UUID} - use "less -SR" to view $(echo -e -n "${bright_blue_color:-}")# Armbian build at $(LC_ALL=C LANG=C date) on $(hostname || true)$(echo -e -n "${ansi_reset_color}") ${dim_line_separator} $(echo -e -n "${bright_blue_color}")# Repeat build: ${repeat_args_string:-""}$(echo -e -n "${ansi_reset_color}") $(echo -e -n "${bright_blue_color}")# ARGs: ${ARMBIAN_ORIGINAL_ARGV[@]@Q}$(echo -e -n "${ansi_reset_color}") ${dim_line_separator} ANSI_HEADER if [[ -n "${GIT_INFO_ANSI}" ]]; then echo "${GIT_INFO_ANSI}" >> "${target_file}" elif [[ -n "$(command -v git)" && -d "${SRC}/.git" ]]; then # we don't have .git inside Docker... display_alert "Gathering git info for logs" "Processing git information, please wait..." "debug" prepare_ansi_git_info_log_header >> "${target_file}" else display_alert "Gathering git info for logs" "No git information available" "debug" fi display_alert "Preparing ANSI logs..." "Processing log files..." "debug" # Find and sort the files there, store in array one per logfile declare -a logfiles_array mapfile -t logfiles_array < <(find "${LOGDIR}" -type f | LC_ALL=C sort -h) # "human" sorting declare prefix_sed_contents prefix_sed_contents=" $(echo -n -e "${ansi_reset_color}${tool_color:-}")" # spaces are significant declare prefix_sed_cmd="/^-->/!s/^/${prefix_sed_contents}/;" declare logfile_full for logfile_full in "${logfiles_array[@]}"; do [[ ! -s "${logfile_full}" ]] && continue # skip empty files declare logfile_base logfile_title logfile_base="$(basename "${logfile_full}")" [[ ! "${logfile_base}" =~ \.log$ ]] && continue # only .log files; others should be in Markdown logs # remove everything before the second dot to produce the title # shellcheck disable=SC2001 # I saw, and I can't logfile_title="$(echo "${logfile_base}" | sed -e 's/^[^.]*\.[^.]*\.//')" # shellcheck disable=SC2002 # cats, not useless, I like. cat <<- ANSI_ONE_LOGFILE >> "${target_file}" $(echo -e -n "${bright_blue_color}")### ${logfile_title} $(echo -e -n "${ansi_reset_color}") $(cat "${logfile_full}" | sed -e "${prefix_sed_cmd}") ${dim_line_separator} ANSI_ONE_LOGFILE done declare target_relative_to_src target_relative_to_src="$(realpath --relative-to="${SRC}" "${target_file}")" if [[ "${show_message_after_export:-"yes"}" != "skip" && "${ARMBIAN_INSIDE_DOCKERFILE_BUILD:-"no"}" != "yes" ]]; then display_alert "ANSI log file built; inspect it by running:" "less -RS ${target_relative_to_src}" # @TODO: compress... declare paste_url="${PASTE_URL:-"https://paste.next.armbian.com/log"}" if [[ "${SHARE_LOG:-"no"}" == "yes" ]]; then display_alert "SHARE_LOG=yes, uploading log" "uploading logs" "info" declare logs_url="undetermined" logs_url=$(curl --silent --data-binary "@${target_relative_to_src}" "${paste_url}" | xargs echo -n || true) # don't fail display_alert "Log uploaded, share URL:" "${logs_url}" "" # set output for GitHub Actions github_actions_add_output logs_url "${logs_url}" else display_alert "Share log manually (or SHARE_LOG=yes):" "curl --data-binary @${target_relative_to_src} ${paste_url}" fi fi return 0 } function export_raw_logs() { display_alert "Exporting RAW logs from" "${LOGDIR}" "info" if [[ -z "${target_file}" ]]; then display_alert "No target file specified for export_raw_logs()" "${target_file}" "err" return 0 fi # Just tar the logs directory into target_file tar -C "${LOGDIR}" -cf "${target_file}" . }