# configuration values for the armbian-ram-logging service # # enable the armbian-ram-logging service? ENABLED=true # # size of the tmpfs mount -- please keep in mind to adjust /etc/default/armbian-zram-config too when increasing SIZE=50M # # use rsync instead of cp -r # requires rsync installed, may provide better performance # due to copying only new and changed files USE_RSYNC=true # If USE_RSYNC is true, additional options may be specified for the rsync # commands used to synchronize logs to disk from RAM (XTRA_RSYNC_TO) or from # disk to RAM (XTRA_RSYNC_FROM). These are bash arrays to make specifying # multiple arguments easy even in the presence of whitespace. # If you use log rotation programs that datestamp their logs (e.g., runit's # svlogd or daemontools' multilog), deleting log files while synchronizing is # likely a good idea. #XTRA_RSYNC_TO=(--delete) XTRA_RSYNC_FROM=() XTRA_RSYNC_FROM=()