
51 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik,
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
function cli_requirements_pre_run() {
declare -g ARMBIAN_COMMAND_REQUIRE_BASIC_DEPS="yes" # Require prepare_host_basic to run before the command.
if [[ "$(uname)" != "Linux" ]]; then
display_alert "Not running on Linux" "refusing to run 'requirements'" "err"
exit 1
if [[ "${EUID}" == "0" ]]; then # we're already root. Either running as real root, or already sudo'ed.
display_alert "Already running as root" "great" "debug"
# Fail, installing requirements is not allowed as non-root.
exit_with_error "This command requires root privileges - refusing to run"
function cli_requirements_run() {
initialize_extension_manager # initialize the extension manager.
declare -a -g host_dependencies=()
obtain_and_check_host_release_and_arch # Sets HOSTRELEASE & validates it for sanity; also HOSTARCH
host_release="${HOSTRELEASE}" host_arch="${HOSTARCH}" early_prepare_host_dependencies
LOG_SECTION="install_host_dependencies" do_with_logging install_host_dependencies "for requirements command"
declare -i -g -r prepare_host_has_already_run=1 # global, readonly. fool the rest of the script into thinking we've already run prepare_host.
if [[ "${ARMBIAN_INSIDE_DOCKERFILE_BUILD}" == "yes" ]]; then
# Include python/pip packages in the Dockerfile build.
deploy_to_non_cache_dir="yes" prepare_python_and_pip
# During the Dockerfile build, we want to pre-download ORAS/shellcheck/shfmt so it's included in the image.
# We need to change the deployment directory to something not in ./cache, so it's baked into the image.
deploy_to_non_cache_dir="yes" run_tool_oras # download-only, to non-cache dir.
deploy_to_non_cache_dir="yes" run_tool_shellcheck # download-only, to non-cache dir.
deploy_to_non_cache_dir="yes" run_tool_batcat # download-only, to non-cache dir.
# @TODO: shfmt
display_alert "Done with" "@host dependencies" "cachehit"