
171 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik,
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
function compile_kernel() {
declare kernel_work_dir="${SRC}/cache/sources/${LINUXSOURCEDIR}"
display_alert "Kernel build starting" "${LINUXSOURCEDIR}" "info"
# Prepare the git bare repo for the kernel; shared between all kernel builds
declare kernel_git_bare_tree
declare git_bundles_dir="${SRC}/cache/git-bundles/kernel"
# @TODO: have a way to actually use this. It's inefficient, but might be the only way for people without ORAS/OCI for some reason.
# Important: for the bundle version, gotta use "do_with_logging_unless_user_terminal" otherwise floods logs.
# alternative # LOG_SECTION="kernel_prepare_bare_repo_from_bundle" do_with_logging_unless_user_terminal do_with_hooks \
# alternative # kernel_prepare_bare_repo_from_bundle # this sets kernel_git_bare_tree
# @TODO: Decide which kind of gitball to use: shallow or full.
declare bare_tree_done_marker_file=".git/armbian-bare-tree-done"
declare git_bundles_dir
declare git_kernel_ball_fn
declare git_kernel_oras_ref
kernel_prepare_bare_repo_decide_shallow_or_full # sets kernel_git_bare_tree, git_bundles_dir, git_kernel_ball_fn, git_kernel_oras_ref
LOG_SECTION="kernel_prepare_bare_repo_from_oras_gitball" do_with_logging do_with_hooks \
kernel_prepare_bare_repo_from_oras_gitball # this sets kernel_git_bare_tree
# prepare the working copy; this is the actual kernel source tree for this build
declare checked_out_revision_ts="" checked_out_revision="undetermined" # set by fetch_from_repo
LOG_SECTION="kernel_prepare_git" do_with_logging_unless_user_terminal do_with_hooks kernel_prepare_git
# Capture date variables set by fetch_from_repo; it's the date of the last kernel revision
declare kernel_git_revision="${checked_out_revision}"
declare kernel_base_revision_ts="${checked_out_revision_ts}"
declare kernel_base_revision_date # Used for KBUILD_BUILD_TIMESTAMP in make.
kernel_base_revision_date="$(LC_ALL=C date -d "@${kernel_base_revision_ts}")"
display_alert "Using Kernel git revision" "${kernel_git_revision} at '${kernel_base_revision_date}'"
# Possibly 'make clean'.
LOG_SECTION="kernel_maybe_clean" do_with_logging do_with_hooks kernel_maybe_clean
# Patching.
declare hash pre_patch_version
kernel_main_patching # has it's own logging sections inside
# Stop after patching;
if [[ "${PATCH_ONLY}" == yes ]]; then
display_alert "PATCH_ONLY is set, stopping." "PATCH_ONLY=yes and patching success" "cachehit"
return 0
# Stop after creating patches.
if [[ "${CREATE_PATCHES}" == yes ]]; then
display_alert "Stopping after creating kernel patch" "" "cachehit"
return 0
# patching worked, it's a good enough indication the git-bundle worked;
# let's clean up the git-bundle cache, since the git-bare cache is proven working.
LOG_SECTION="kernel_cleanup_bundle_artifacts" do_with_logging do_with_hooks kernel_cleanup_bundle_artifacts
# re-read kernel version after patching
declare version
version=$(grab_version "$kernel_work_dir")
display_alert "Compiling $BRANCH kernel" "$version" "info"
# determine the toolchain
declare toolchain
LOG_SECTION="kernel_determine_toolchain" do_with_logging do_with_hooks kernel_determine_toolchain
kernel_config # has it's own logging sections inside
# Stop after configuring kernel, but only if using a specific CLI command ("kernel-config").
# Normal "KERNEL_CONFIGURE=yes" (during image build) is still allowed.
if [[ "${KERNEL_CONFIGURE}" == yes && "${ARMBIAN_COMMAND}" == "kernel-config" ]]; then
display_alert "Stopping after configuring kernel" "" "cachehit"
return 0
# build via make and package .debs; they're separate sub-steps
kernel_prepare_build_and_package # has it's own logging sections inside
display_alert "Done with" "kernel compile" "debug"
return 0
function kernel_maybe_clean() {
if [[ $CLEAN_LEVEL == *make-kernel* ]]; then
display_alert "Cleaning Kernel tree - CLEAN_LEVEL contains 'make-kernel'" "$LINUXSOURCEDIR" "info"
cd "${kernel_work_dir}" || exit_with_error "Can't cd to kernel_work_dir: ${kernel_work_dir}"
run_host_command_logged git clean -xfdq # faster & more efficient than 'make clean'
display_alert "Not cleaning Kernel tree; use CLEAN_LEVEL=make-kernel if needed" "CLEAN_LEVEL=${CLEAN_LEVEL}" "debug"
function kernel_prepare_build_and_package() {
declare -a build_targets
declare kernel_dest_install_dir
declare -a install_make_params_quoted
declare -A kernel_install_dirs
build_targets=("all") # "All" builds the vmlinux/Image/Image.gz default for the ${ARCH}
declare cleanup_id="" kernel_dest_install_dir=""
prepare_temp_dir_in_workdir_and_schedule_cleanup "kernel_dest_install_dir" cleanup_id kernel_dest_install_dir # namerefs
# define dict with vars passed and target directories
declare -A kernel_install_dirs=(
["INSTALL_PATH"]="${kernel_dest_install_dir}/image/boot" # Used by `make install`
["INSTALL_MOD_PATH"]="${kernel_dest_install_dir}/modules" # Used by `make modules_install`
#["INSTALL_HDR_PATH"]="${kernel_dest_install_dir}/libc_headers" # Used by `make headers_install` - disabled, only used for libc headers
[ -z "${SRC_LOADADDR}" ] || install_make_params_quoted+=("${SRC_LOADADDR}") # For uImage
# @TODO: Only combining `install` and `modules_install` enable mixed-build and __build_one_by_one
# We should spilt the `build` and `install` into two make steps as the kernel required
build_targets+=("install" "${KERNEL_INSTALL_TYPE:-install}")
build_targets+=("modules_install") # headers_install disabled, only used for libc headers
if [[ "${KERNEL_BUILD_DTBS:-yes}" == "yes" ]]; then
display_alert "Kernel build will produce DTBs!" "DTBs YES" "debug"
kernel_install_dirs+=(["INSTALL_DTBS_PATH"]="${kernel_dest_install_dir}/dtbs") # Used by `make dtbs_install`
# loop over the keys above, get the value, create param value in array; also mkdir the dir
local dir_key
for dir_key in "${!kernel_install_dirs[@]}"; do
local dir="${kernel_install_dirs["${dir_key}"]}"
local value="${dir_key}=${dir}"
mkdir -p "${dir}"
# Fire off the build & package
LOG_SECTION="kernel_build" do_with_logging do_with_hooks kernel_build
LOG_SECTION="kernel_package" do_with_logging do_with_hooks kernel_package
done_with_temp_dir "${cleanup_id}" # changes cwd to "${SRC}" and fires the cleanup function early
function kernel_build() {
local ts=${SECONDS}
cd "${kernel_work_dir}" || exit_with_error "Can't cd to kernel_work_dir: ${kernel_work_dir}"
display_alert "Building kernel" "${LINUXFAMILY} ${LINUXCONFIG} ${build_targets[*]}" "info"
# make_filter="| grep --line-buffered -v -e 'LD' -e 'AR' -e 'INSTALL' -e 'SIGN' -e 'XZ' " \ # @TODO this will be summarised in the log file eventually, but shown in realtime in screen
do_with_ccache_statistics \
run_kernel_make_long_running "${install_make_params_quoted[@]@Q}" "${build_targets[@]}" # "V=1" # "-s" silent mode, "V=1" verbose mode
display_alert "Kernel built in" "$((SECONDS - ts)) seconds - ${version}-${LINUXFAMILY}" "info"
function kernel_package() {
local ts=${SECONDS}
cd "${kernel_work_dir}" || exit_with_error "Can't cd to kernel_work_dir: ${kernel_work_dir}"
display_alert "Packaging kernel" "${LINUXFAMILY} ${LINUXCONFIG}" "info"
prepare_kernel_packaging_debs "${kernel_work_dir}" "${kernel_dest_install_dir}" "${version}" kernel_install_dirs
display_alert "Kernel packaged in" "$((SECONDS - ts)) seconds - ${version}-${LINUXFAMILY}" "info"