468 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
468 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
# https://github.com/armbian/build/
import concurrent
import concurrent.futures
import glob
import json
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
import sys
ARMBIAN_BOARD_CONFIG_REGEX_GENERIC = r"^(?!\s)(?:[export |declare \-g]?)+([A-Z0-9_]+)=(?:'|\")(.*)(?:'|\")"
log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("armbian_utils")
def parse_env_for_tokens(env_name):
result = []
# Read the environment; if None, return an empty list.
val = os.environ.get(env_name, None)
if val is None:
return result
# tokenize val; split by whitespace, line breaks, commas, and semicolons.
# trim whitespace from tokens.
return [token for token in [token.strip() for token in (tokens)] if token != ""]
def get_from_env(env_name, default=None):
value = os.environ.get(env_name, default)
if value is not None:
value = value.strip()
return value
def get_from_env_or_bomb(env_name):
value = get_from_env(env_name)
if value is None:
raise Exception(f"{env_name} environment var not set")
if value == "":
raise Exception(f"{env_name} environment var is empty")
return value
def yes_or_no_or_bomb(value):
if value == "yes":
return True
if value == "no":
return False
raise Exception(f"Expected yes or no, got {value}")
def show_incoming_environment():
log.debug("--ENV-- Environment:")
for key in os.environ:
log.debug(f"--ENV-- {key}={os.environ[key]}")
def is_debug():
return get_from_env("LOG_DEBUG") == "yes"
def setup_logging():
import coloredlogs
level = "INFO"
if is_debug():
level = "DEBUG"
format = "%(message)s"
styles = {
'trace': {'color': 'white', 'bold': False},
'debug': {'color': 'white', 'bold': False},
'info': {'color': 'green', 'bold': True},
'warning': {'color': 'yellow', 'bold': True},
'error': {'color': 'red'},
'critical': {'bold': True, 'color': 'red'}
coloredlogs.install(level=level, stream=sys.stderr, isatty=True, fmt=format, level_styles=styles)
except ImportError:
level = logging.INFO
if is_debug():
level = logging.DEBUG
logging.basicConfig(level=level, stream=sys.stderr)
def parse_json(json_contents_str):
import json
return json.loads(json_contents_str)
def to_yaml(gha_workflow):
import yaml
return yaml.safe_dump(gha_workflow, explicit_start=True, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False, allow_unicode=True, indent=2, width=1000)
# I've to read the first line from the board file, that's the hardware description in a pound comment.
# Also, 'KERNEL_TARGET="legacy,current,edge"' which we need to parse.
def armbian_parse_board_file_for_static_info(board_file, board_id, core_or_userpatched):
file_handle = open(board_file, 'r')
file_lines = file_handle.readlines()
hw_desc_line = file_lines.pop()
hw_desc_clean = None
if hw_desc_line.startswith("# "):
hw_desc_clean = hw_desc_line.strip("# ").strip("\n")
# Parse generic bash vars, with a horrendous regex.
generic_vars = {}
generic_var_matches = re.findall(ARMBIAN_BOARD_CONFIG_REGEX_GENERIC, "\n".join(file_lines), re.MULTILINE)
for generic_var_match in generic_var_matches:
generic_vars[generic_var_match[0]] = generic_var_match[1]
kernel_targets = []
if "KERNEL_TARGET" in generic_vars:
kernel_targets = generic_vars["KERNEL_TARGET"].split(",")
if (len(kernel_targets) == 0) or (kernel_targets[0] == ""):
log.warning(f"KERNEL_TARGET not found in '{board_file}', syntax error?, missing quotes? stray comma?")
maintainers = []
if "BOARD_MAINTAINER" in generic_vars:
maintainers = generic_vars["BOARD_MAINTAINER"].split(" ")
maintainers = list(filter(None, maintainers))
if core_or_userpatched == "core":
log.warning(f"BOARD_MAINTAINER not found in '{board_file}', syntax error?, missing quotes? stray space? missing info?")
board_has_video = True
if "HAS_VIDEO_OUTPUT" in generic_vars:
if generic_vars["HAS_VIDEO_OUTPUT"] == "no":
board_has_video = False
if "BOARDFAMILY" not in generic_vars:
log.warning(f"BOARDFAMILY not found in '{board_file}', syntax error?, missing quotes?")
# Add some more vars that are not in the board file, so we've a complete BOARD_TOP_LEVEL_VARS as well as first-level
extras: list[dict[str, any]] = [
{"name": "BOARD", "value": board_id},
{"name": "BOARD_SUPPORT_LEVEL", "value": (Path(board_file).suffix)[1:]},
{"name": "BOARD_FILE_HARDWARE_DESC", "value": hw_desc_clean},
{"name": "BOARD_POSSIBLE_BRANCHES", "value": kernel_targets},
{"name": "BOARD_MAINTAINERS", "value": maintainers},
{"name": "BOARD_HAS_VIDEO", "value": board_has_video},
{"name": "BOARD_CORE_OR_USERPATCHED", "value": core_or_userpatched}
# Append the extras to the generic_vars dict.
for extra in extras:
generic_vars[extra["name"]] = extra["value"]
ret = {"BOARD_TOP_LEVEL_VARS": generic_vars}
# Append the extras to the top-level.
for extra in extras:
ret[extra["name"]] = extra["value"]
return ret
def armbian_get_all_boards_list(boards_path):
ret = {}
for file in glob.glob(boards_path + "/*.*"):
stem = Path(file).stem
if stem != "README":
ret[stem] = file
return ret
def find_armbian_src_path():
# Find the location of compile.sh, relative to this Python script.
this_script_full_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
log.debug(f"Real path to this script: '{this_script_full_path}'")
armbian_src_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(this_script_full_path), "..", "..", ".."))
log.debug(f"Real path to Armbian SRC '{armbian_src_path}'")
compile_sh_full_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(armbian_src_path, "compile.sh"))
log.debug(f"Real path to compile.sh '{compile_sh_full_path}'")
# Make sure it exists
if not os.path.exists(compile_sh_full_path):
raise Exception("Can't find compile.sh")
core_boards_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(armbian_src_path, "config", "boards"))
log.debug(f"Real path to core boards '{core_boards_path}'")
# Make sure it exists
if not os.path.exists(core_boards_path):
raise Exception("Can't find config/boards")
# userspace stuff
core_distributions_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(armbian_src_path, "config", "distributions"))
log.debug(f"Real path to core distributions '{core_distributions_path}'")
# Make sure it exists
if not os.path.exists(core_distributions_path):
raise Exception("Can't find config/distributions")
core_desktop_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(armbian_src_path, "config", "desktop"))
log.debug(f"Real path to core desktop '{core_desktop_path}'")
# Make sure it exists
if not os.path.exists(core_desktop_path):
raise Exception("Can't find config/desktop")
userpatches_boards_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(armbian_src_path, "userpatches", "config", "boards"))
log.debug(f"Real path to userpatches boards '{userpatches_boards_path}'")
has_userpatches_path = os.path.exists(userpatches_boards_path)
return {
"armbian_src_path": armbian_src_path, "compile_sh_full_path": compile_sh_full_path, "core_boards_path": core_boards_path,
"core_distributions_path": core_distributions_path, "core_desktop_path": core_desktop_path,
"userpatches_boards_path": userpatches_boards_path, "has_userpatches_path": has_userpatches_path
def read_one_distro_config_file(filename):
# Read the contents of filename passed in and return it as string, trimmed
with open(filename, 'r') as file_handle:
file_contents = file_handle.read()
return file_contents.strip()
def split_commas_and_clean_into_list(string):
ret = []
for item in string.split(","):
item = item.strip()
if item != "":
return ret
def get_desktop_inventory_for_distro(distro, armbian_paths):
ret = []
desktops_path = armbian_paths["core_desktop_path"]
envs_path_for_distro = os.path.join(desktops_path, distro, "environments")
if not os.path.exists(envs_path_for_distro):
log.warning(f"Can't find desktop environments for distro '{distro}' at '{envs_path_for_distro}'")
return ret
for env in os.listdir(envs_path_for_distro):
one_env_path = os.path.join(envs_path_for_distro, env)
if not os.path.isdir(one_env_path):
log.debug(f"Processing desktop '{env}' for distro '{distro}'")
support_file_path = os.path.join(one_env_path, "support")
arches_file_path = os.path.join(one_env_path, "architectures")
if not os.path.exists(support_file_path):
log.warning(f"Can't find desktop support file for distro '{distro}' and environment '{env}' at '{support_file_path}'")
if not os.path.exists(arches_file_path):
log.warning(f"Can't find desktop arches file for distro '{distro}' and environment '{env}' at '{arches_file_path}'")
env_main_info = {
"id": env,
"support": read_one_distro_config_file(support_file_path),
"arches": split_commas_and_clean_into_list(read_one_distro_config_file(arches_file_path))
return ret
def armbian_get_all_userspace_inventory():
armbian_paths = find_armbian_src_path()
distros_path = armbian_paths["core_distributions_path"]
all_distros = []
# find and loop over every directory in distros_path, including symlinks
for distro in os.listdir(distros_path):
one_distro_path = os.path.join(distros_path, distro)
if not os.path.isdir(one_distro_path):
log.debug(f"Processing distro '{distro}'")
support_file_path = os.path.join(one_distro_path, "support")
arches_file_path = os.path.join(one_distro_path, "architectures")
name_file_path = os.path.join(one_distro_path, "name")
distro_main_info = {
"id": distro,
"name": read_one_distro_config_file(name_file_path),
"support": read_one_distro_config_file(support_file_path),
"arches": split_commas_and_clean_into_list(read_one_distro_config_file(arches_file_path)),
"desktops": get_desktop_inventory_for_distro(distro, armbian_paths)
return all_distros
def armbian_get_all_boards_inventory():
armbian_paths = find_armbian_src_path()
core_boards = armbian_get_all_boards_list(armbian_paths["core_boards_path"])
# first, gather the board_info for every core board. if any fail, stop.
info_for_board = {}
for board in core_boards.keys():
board_info = armbian_parse_board_file_for_static_info(core_boards[board], board, "core")
# Core boards must have the KERNEL_TARGET defined.
if "BOARD_POSSIBLE_BRANCHES" not in board_info:
raise Exception(f"Core board '{board}' must have KERNEL_TARGET defined")
info_for_board[board] = board_info
# Now go for the userpatched boards. Those can be all-new, or they can be patches to existing boards.
if armbian_paths["has_userpatches_path"]:
userpatched_boards = armbian_get_all_boards_list(armbian_paths["userpatches_boards_path"])
for uboard_name in userpatched_boards.keys():
uboard = armbian_parse_board_file_for_static_info(userpatched_boards[uboard_name], uboard_name, "userpatched")
is_new_board = not (uboard_name in info_for_board)
if is_new_board:
log.debug(f"Userpatched Board {uboard_name} is new")
# New userpatched boards must have the KERNEL_TARGET defined.
if "BOARD_POSSIBLE_BRANCHES" not in uboard:
raise Exception(f"NEW userpatched board '{uboard_name}' must have KERNEL_TARGET defined")
info_for_board[uboard_name] = uboard
log.debug(f"Userpatched Board {uboard_name} is already in core boards")
info_for_board[uboard_name] = {**info_for_board[uboard_name], **uboard}
return info_for_board
def map_to_armbian_params(map_params, quote_params=False) -> list[str]:
ret = []
for param in map_params:
ret.append(param + "=" + map_params[param])
if quote_params:
ret = ["'" + param + "'" for param in ret] # single-quote each param...
return ret
def armbian_run_command_and_parse_json_from_stdout(exec_cmd: list[str], params: dict):
result = None
logs = []
log.debug(f"Start calling Armbian command: {' '.join(exec_cmd)}")
result = subprocess.run(
universal_newlines=False, # universal_newlines messes up bash encoding, don't use, instead decode utf8 manually;
bufsize=-1, # full buffering
# Early (pre-param-parsing) optimizations for those in Armbian bash code, so use an ENV (not PARAM)
"CONFIG_DEFS_ONLY": "yes", # Dont do anything. Just output vars.
"ANSI_COLOR": "none", # Do not use ANSI colors in logging output, don't write to log files
"WRITE_EXTENSIONS_METADATA": "no", # Not interested in ext meta here
"ALLOW_ROOT": "yes", # We're gonna be calling it as root, so allow it @TODO not the best option
"PRE_PREPARED_HOST": "yes" # We're gonna be calling it as root, so allow it @TODO not the best option
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# decode utf8 manually, universal_newlines messes up bash encoding
logs = parse_log_lines_from_stderr(e.stderr)
if e.returncode == 44:
# special handling for exit_with_target_not_supported_error() in armbian core.
log.warning(f"Skipped target: {' '.join(exec_cmd)}")
log.warning(f"Skipped target details 1: {'; '.join(logs[-5:])}")
return {"in": params, "out": {}, "logs": logs, "config_ok": False, "target_not_supported": True}
log.error(f"Error calling Armbian command: {' '.join(exec_cmd)}")
log.error(f"Error details 1: params: {params}")
log.error(f"Error details 2: code: {e.returncode} - {'; '.join(logs[-5:])}")
return {"in": params, "out": {}, "logs": logs, "config_ok": False}
if result is not None:
if result.stderr:
logs = parse_log_lines_from_stderr(result.stderr)
# parse the result.stdout as json.
parsed = json.loads(result.stdout.decode("utf8"))
info = {"in": params, "out": parsed, "config_ok": True}
info["logs"] = logs
return info
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
log.error(f"Error parsing Armbian JSON: params: {params}, stderr: {'; '.join(logs[-5:])}")
# return {"in": params, "out": {}, "logs": logs, "config_ok": False}
raise e
def parse_log_lines_from_stderr(lines_stderr: str):
# parse list, split by newline
lines = lines_stderr.decode("utf8").split("\n")
# trim lines, remove empty ones
logs = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip()]
# each line, split at the first ocurrence of two colons ("::")
result = []
for line in logs:
line = line.strip()
if not line:
parts = line.split("::", 1)
if len(parts) != 2:
# very probably something that leaked out of logging manager, grab it
result.append("[LEAKED]:" + line.strip())
type = parts[0].strip()
msg = parts[1].strip()
# if type begins "err" or "warn" or "wrn":
if type.startswith("err") or type.startswith("warn") or type.startswith("wrn"):
# remove some redundant stuff we don't want
if ("Exiting with error " in msg) or ("please wait for cleanups to finish" in msg):
result.append(f"{type}: {msg}")
return result
def gather_json_output_from_armbian(command: str, targets: list[dict]):
armbian_paths = find_armbian_src_path()
# now loop over gathered infos
every_info = []
use_parallel: bool = True
if use_parallel:
counter = 0
total = len(targets)
# get the number of processor cores on this machine
max_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 4 # use four times the number of cpu cores, that's the sweet spot
log.info(f"Using {max_workers} workers for parallel processing.")
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
every_future = []
for target in targets:
counter += 1
future = executor.submit(get_info_for_one_build, armbian_paths, command, target, counter, total)
log.info(f"Submitted {len(every_future)} jobs to the parallel executor. Waiting for them to finish...")
log.info(f"All jobs finished!")
for future in every_future:
info = future.result()
if info is not None:
for target in targets:
info = get_info_for_one_build(armbian_paths, command, target)
if info is not None:
return every_info
def get_info_for_one_build(armbian_paths: dict[str, str], command: str, params: dict, counter: int, total: int):
sh: str = armbian_paths["compile_sh_full_path"]
cmds: list[str] = ([sh] + [command] + map_to_armbian_params(params["vars"]) + params["configs"])
parsed = armbian_run_command_and_parse_json_from_stdout(cmds, params)
return parsed
except BaseException as e:
log.error(f"Failed get info for build '{command}' '{params}': '{e}'", exc_info=True)
return {"ARMBIAN_CONFIG_OK": False, "PYTHON_INFO_ERROR": "{}".format(e), "INPUT": params}
if counter % 10 == 0:
log.info(f"Processed {counter} / {total} targets.")