
139 lines
7.5 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik,
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
function prepare_kernel_config_core_or_userpatches() {
# LINUXCONFIG is set or exit_with_error
[[ -z "${LINUXCONFIG}" ]] && exit_with_error "LINUXCONFIG not set: '${LINUXCONFIG}'"
if [[ -f $USERPATCHES_PATH/$LINUXCONFIG.config ]]; then
display_alert "Using kernel config provided by user" "userpatches/$LINUXCONFIG.config" "info"
elif [[ -f "${USERPATCHES_PATH}/config/kernel/${LINUXCONFIG}.config" ]]; then
display_alert "Using kernel config provided by user in config/kernel folder" "config/kernel/${LINUXCONFIG}.config" "info"
display_alert "Using kernel config file" "config/kernel/$LINUXCONFIG.config" "info"
function kernel_config() {
# check $kernel_work_dir is set and exists, or bail
[[ -z "${kernel_work_dir}" ]] && exit_with_error "kernel_work_dir is not set"
[[ ! -d "${kernel_work_dir}" ]] && exit_with_error "kernel_work_dir does not exist: ${kernel_work_dir}"
declare previous_config_filename=".config.armbian.previous"
declare kernel_config_source_filename="" # which actual .config was used?
LOG_SECTION="kernel_config_initialize" do_with_logging do_with_hooks kernel_config_initialize
if [[ "${KERNEL_CONFIGURE}" == "yes" ]]; then
# This piece is interactive, no logging
display_alert "Starting (interactive) kernel ${KERNEL_MENUCONFIG:-menuconfig}" "${LINUXCONFIG}" "debug"
run_kernel_make_dialog "${KERNEL_MENUCONFIG:-menuconfig}"
# Export, but log about it too.
LOG_SECTION="kernel_config_export" do_with_logging do_with_hooks kernel_config_export
LOG_SECTION="kernel_config_finalize" do_with_logging do_with_hooks kernel_config_finalize
function kernel_config_initialize() {
display_alert "Configuring kernel" "${LINUXCONFIG}" "info"
cd "${kernel_work_dir}" || exit_with_error "kernel_work_dir does not exist: ${kernel_work_dir}"
# If a `.config` already exists (from previous build), store it, preserving date.
# We will compare the result of the new configuration to it, and if the contents are the same, we'll restore the original date.
# This way we avoid unnecessary recompilation of the kernel; even if the .config contents
# have not changed, the date will be different, and Kbuild will at least re-link everything.
if [[ -f "${kernel_work_dir}/.config" ]]; then
display_alert "Preserving previous kernel configuration" "${previous_config_filename}" "debug"
run_host_command_logged cp -pv "${kernel_work_dir}/.config" "${kernel_work_dir}/${previous_config_filename}"
# copy kernel config from configuration, userpatches
if [[ "${KERNEL_KEEP_CONFIG}" == yes && -f "${DEST}"/config/$LINUXCONFIG.config ]]; then
display_alert "Using previously-exported kernel config" "${DEST}/config/$LINUXCONFIG.config" "info"
run_host_command_logged cp -pv "${DEST}/config/${LINUXCONFIG}.config" "${kernel_work_dir}/.config"
run_host_command_logged cp -pv "${kernel_config_source_filename}" "${kernel_work_dir}/.config"
# Start by running olddefconfig -- always.
# It "updates" the config, using defaults from Kbuild files in the source tree.
# It is worthy noting that on the first run, it builds the tools, so the host-side compiler has to be working,
# regardless of the cross-build toolchain.
cd "${kernel_work_dir}" || exit_with_error "kernel_work_dir does not exist: ${kernel_work_dir}"
run_kernel_make olddefconfig
# Call the extensions. This is _also_ done during the kernel artifact's prepare_version, for consistent caching.
display_alert "Kernel configuration" "${LINUXCONFIG}" "info"
function call_extensions_kernel_config() {
# Run the core-armbian config modifications here, built-in extensions:
call_extension_method "armbian_kernel_config" <<- 'ARMBIAN_KERNEL_CONFIG'
*Armbian-core default hook point for pre-olddefconfig Kernel config modifications*
NOT for user consumption. Do NOT use this hook, this is internal to Armbian.
Instead, use `custom_kernel_config` which runs later and can undo anything done by this step.
Important: this hook might be run multiple times, and one of them might not have a .config in place.
Either way, the hook _must_ add representative changes to the `kernel_config_modifying_hashes` array, for kernel config hashing.
# Custom hooks receive a clean / updated config; depending on their modifications, they may need to run olddefconfig again.
call_extension_method "custom_kernel_config" <<- 'CUSTOM_KERNEL_CONFIG'
*Kernel .config is in place, still clean from git version*
Called after ${LINUXCONFIG}.config is put in place (.config).
A good place to customize the .config directly.
Armbian default Kconfig modifications have already been applied and can be overriden.
Important: this hook might be run multiple times, and one of them might not have a .config in place.
Either way, the hook _must_ add representative changes to the `kernel_config_modifying_hashes` array, for kernel config hashing.
function kernel_config_finalize() {
# Now, compare the .config with the previous one, and if they are the same, restore the original date.
# This way we avoid unnecessary recompilation of the kernel; even if the .config contents
# have not changed, the date will be different, and Kbuild will at least re-link everything.
if [[ -f "${kernel_work_dir}/${previous_config_filename}" ]]; then
# from "man cmp": Exit status is 0 if inputs are the same, 1 if different, 2 if trouble.
if cmp "${kernel_work_dir}/.config" "${kernel_work_dir}/${previous_config_filename}"; then
display_alert "Kernel configuration unchanged from previous run" "optimizing for fast rebuilds" "cachehit"
run_host_command_logged cp -pv "${kernel_work_dir}/${previous_config_filename}" "${kernel_work_dir}/.config"
display_alert "Kernel configuration changed from previous build" "optimizing for correctness" "info"
# ad: added lines; de: deleted lines; hd: header lines; ln: line numbers
# run_host_command_logged diff -u --color=always "--palette='rs=0:hd=1:ad=33:de=37:ln=36'" "${kernel_work_dir}/${previous_config_filename}" "${kernel_work_dir}/.config" "|| true" # no errors please
# either way, remove the previous file
run_host_command_logged rm -f "${kernel_work_dir}/${previous_config_filename}"
function kernel_config_export() {
# store kernel config in easily reachable place
mkdir -p "${DEST}"/config
display_alert "Exporting new kernel config" "$DEST/config/$LINUXCONFIG.config" "info"
run_host_command_logged cp -pv .config "${DEST}/config/${LINUXCONFIG}.config"
# store back into original LINUXCONFIG too, if it came from there, so it's pending commits when done.
if [[ "${kernel_config_source_filename}" != "" ]]; then
display_alert "Exporting new kernel config - git commit pending" "${kernel_config_source_filename}" "info"
run_host_command_logged cp -pv .config "${kernel_config_source_filename}"
# export defconfig
run_kernel_make savedefconfig
run_host_command_logged cp -pv defconfig "${DEST}/config/${LINUXCONFIG}.defconfig"
run_host_command_logged cp -pv defconfig "${kernel_config_source_filename}.defconfig"