90 lines
4.7 KiB
90 lines
4.7 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
# Copyright (c) 2013-2023 Igor Pecovnik, igor@armbian.com
# This file is a part of the Armbian Build Framework
# https://github.com/armbian/build/
function run_kernel_make_internal() {
set -e
declare -a common_make_params_quoted common_make_envs full_command
# Prepare distcc, if enabled.
declare -a -g DISTCC_EXTRA_ENVS=()
declare -a -g DISTCC_MAKE_J_PARALLEL=()
"CCACHE_BASEDIR=\"$(pwd)\"" # Base directory for ccache, for cache reuse # @TODO: experiment with this and the source path to maximize hit rate
"CCACHE_TEMPDIR=\"${CCACHE_TEMPDIR:?}\"" # Temporary directory for ccache, under WORKDIR
"PATH=\"${toolchain}:${PATH}\"" # Insert the toolchain first into the PATH.
"DPKG_COLORS=always" # Use colors for dpkg @TODO no dpkg is done anymore, remove?
"XZ_OPT='--threads=0'" # Use parallel XZ compression
"TERM='${TERM}'" # Pass the terminal type, so that 'make menuconfig' can work.
# If CCACHE_DIR is set, pass it to the kernel build; Pass the ccache dir explicitly, since we'll run under "env -i"
if [[ -n "${CCACHE_DIR}" ]]; then
# Add the distcc envs, if any.
# @TODO: introduce O=path/to/binaries, so sources and bins are not in the same dir; this has high impact in headers packaging though.
"${DISTCC_MAKE_J_PARALLEL[@]}" # Parallel compile, "-j X" for X cpus; determined by distcc, or is just "$CTHREADS" if distcc is not enabled.
"ARCH=${ARCHITECTURE}" # Key param. Everything depends on this.
"LOCALVERSION=-${BRANCH}-${LINUXFAMILY}" # Change the internal kernel version to include the family. Changing this causes recompiles # @TODO change hack at .config; that might handles mtime better
"CROSS_COMPILE=${CCACHE} ${DISTCC_CROSS_COMPILE_PREFIX[@]} ${KERNEL_COMPILER}" # added as prefix to every compiler invocation by make
"KCFLAGS=-fdiagnostics-color=always -Wno-error=misleading-indentation ${KERNEL_EXTRA_CFLAGS:-""}" # Force GCC colored messages, downgrade misleading indentation to warning
"SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=${kernel_base_revision_ts}" # https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch/ and https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/kbuild/reproducible-builds.html
"KBUILD_BUILD_TIMESTAMP=${kernel_base_revision_date}" # https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/kbuild/kbuild.html#kbuild-build-timestamp
"KBUILD_BUILD_USER=armbian" # https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/kbuild/kbuild.html#kbuild-build-user-kbuild-build-host
"KBUILD_BUILD_HOST=next" # https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/kbuild/kbuild.html#kbuild-build-user-kbuild-build-host
"KGZIP=pigz" "KBZIP2=pbzip2" # Parallel compression, use explicit parallel compressors https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20200901151002.988547791@linuxfoundation.org/ # @TODO: what about XZ?
# last statement, so it passes the result to calling function. "env -i" is used for empty env
full_command=("${KERNEL_MAKE_RUNNER:-run_host_command_logged}" "env" "-i" "${common_make_envs[@]}"
make "${common_make_params_quoted[@]@Q}" "$@" "${make_filter}")
"${full_command[@]}" # and exit with it's code, since it's the last statement
function run_kernel_make() {
KERNEL_MAKE_RUNNER="run_host_command_logged" KERNEL_MAKE_UNBUFFER="unbuffer" run_kernel_make_internal "$@"
function run_kernel_make_dialog() {
KERNEL_MAKE_RUNNER="run_host_command_dialog" run_kernel_make_internal "$@"
function run_kernel_make_long_running() {
local seconds_start=${SECONDS} # Bash has a builtin SECONDS that is seconds since start of script
KERNEL_MAKE_UNBUFFER="unbuffer" run_kernel_make_internal "$@"
display_alert "Kernel Make '$*' took" "$((SECONDS - seconds_start)) seconds" "debug"
function kernel_determine_toolchain() {
# compare with the architecture of the current Debian node
# if it matches we use the system compiler
if dpkg-architecture -e "${ARCH}"; then
display_alert "Native compilation" "target ${ARCH} on host $(dpkg --print-architecture)"
display_alert "Cross compilation" "target ${ARCH} on host $(dpkg --print-architecture)"
toolchain=$(find_toolchain "$KERNEL_COMPILER" "$KERNEL_USE_GCC")
[[ -z $toolchain ]] && exit_with_error "Could not find required toolchain" "${KERNEL_COMPILER}gcc $KERNEL_USE_GCC"
kernel_compiler_version="$(eval env PATH="${toolchain}:${PATH}" "${KERNEL_COMPILER}gcc" -dumpfullversion -dumpversion)"
display_alert "Compiler version" "${KERNEL_COMPILER}gcc ${kernel_compiler_version}" "info"