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2022-10-22 18:41:00 +08:00
* Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Sourcefire, Inc.
* Authors: Török Edvin
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef DISASM_BC_H
#define DISASM_BC_H
/** @file */
/** X86 opcode */
enum X86OPS {
OP_AAA, /**< Ascii Adjust after Addition */
OP_AAD, /**< Ascii Adjust AX before Division */
OP_AAM, /**< Ascii Adjust AX after Multiply */
OP_AAS, /**< Ascii Adjust AL after Subtraction */
OP_ADD, /**< Add */
OP_ADC, /**< Add with Carry */
OP_AND, /**< Logical And */
OP_ARPL, /**< Adjust Requested Privilege Level */
OP_BOUND, /**< Check Array Index Against Bounds */
OP_BSF, /**< Bit Scan Forward */
OP_BSR, /**< Bit Scan Reverse */
OP_BSWAP, /**< Byte Swap */
OP_BT, /**< Bit Test */
OP_BTC, /**< Bit Test and Complement */
OP_BTR, /**< Bit Test and Reset */
OP_BTS, /**< Bit Test and Set */
OP_CALL, /**< Call */
OP_CDQ, /**< Convert DoubleWord to QuadWord*/
OP_CWDE, /**< Convert Word to DoubleWord */
OP_CBW, /**< Convert Byte to Word */
OP_CLC, /**< Clear Carry Flag */
OP_CLD, /**< Clear Direction Flag */
OP_CLI, /**< Clear Interrupt Flag */
OP_CLTS, /**< Clear Task-Switched Flag in CR0 */
OP_CMC, /**< Complement Carry Flag */
OP_CMOVO, /**< Conditional Move if Overflow */
OP_CMOVNO, /**< Conditional Move if Not Overflow */
OP_CMOVC, /**< Conditional Move if Carry */
OP_CMOVNC, /**< Conditional Move if Not Carry */
OP_CMOVZ, /**< Conditional Move if Zero */
OP_CMOVNZ, /**< Conditional Move if Non-Zero */
OP_CMOVBE, /**< Conditional Move if Below or Equal */
OP_CMOVA, /**< Conditional Move if Above */
OP_CMOVS, /**< Conditional Move if Sign */
OP_CMOVNS, /**< Conditional Move if Not Sign */
OP_CMOVP, /**< Conditional Move if Parity */
OP_CMOVNP, /**< Conditional Move if Not Parity */
OP_CMOVL, /**< Conditional Move if Less */
OP_CMOVGE, /**< Conditional Move if Greater or Equal */
OP_CMOVLE, /**< Conditional Move if Less than or Equal */
OP_CMOVG, /**< Conditional Move if Greater */
OP_CMP, /**< Compare */
OP_CMPSD, /**< Compare String DoubleWord */
OP_CMPSW, /**< Compare String Word */
OP_CMPSB, /**< Compare String Byte */
OP_CMPXCHG, /**< Compare and Exchange */
OP_CMPXCHG8B, /**< Compare and Exchange Bytes */
OP_CPUID, /**< CPU Identification */
OP_DAA, /**< Decimal Adjust AL after Addition */
OP_DAS, /**< Decimal Adjust AL after Subtraction */
OP_DEC, /**< Decrement by 1 */
OP_DIV, /**< Unsigned Divide */
OP_ENTER, /**< Make Stack Frame for Procedure Parameters */
OP_FWAIT, /**< Wait */
OP_HLT, /**< Halt */
OP_IDIV, /**< Signed Divide */
OP_IMUL, /**< Signed Multiply */
OP_INC, /**< Increment by 1 */
OP_IN, /**< INput from port */
OP_INSD, /**< INput from port to String Doubleword */
OP_INSW, /**< INput from port to String Word */
OP_INSB, /**< INput from port to String Byte */
OP_INT, /**< INTerrupt */
OP_INT3, /**< INTerrupt 3 (breakpoint) */
OP_INTO, /**< INTerrupt 4 if Overflow */
OP_INVD, /**< Invalidate Internal Caches */
OP_INVLPG, /**< Invalidate TLB Entry */
OP_IRET, /**< Interrupt Return */
OP_JO, /**< Jump if Overflow */
OP_JNO, /**< Jump if Not Overflow */
OP_JC, /**< Jump if Carry */
OP_JNC, /**< Jump if Not Carry */
OP_JZ, /**< Jump if Zero */
OP_JNZ, /**< Jump if Not Zero */
OP_JBE, /**< Jump if Below or Equal */
OP_JA, /**< Jump if Above */
OP_JS, /**< Jump if Sign */
OP_JNS, /**< Jump if Not Sign */
OP_JP, /**< Jump if Parity */
OP_JNP, /**< Jump if Not Parity */
OP_JL, /**< Jump if Less */
OP_JGE, /**< Jump if Greater or Equal */
OP_JLE, /**< Jump if Less or Equal */
OP_JG, /**< Jump if Greater */
OP_JMP, /**< Jump (unconditional) */
OP_LAHF, /**< Load Status Flags into AH Register */
OP_LAR, /**< load Access Rights Byte */
OP_LDS, /**< Load Far Pointer into DS */
OP_LES, /**< Load Far Pointer into ES */
OP_LFS, /**< Load Far Pointer into FS */
OP_LGS, /**< Load Far Pointer into GS */
OP_LEA, /**< Load Effective Address */
OP_LEAVE, /**< High Level Procedure Exit */
OP_LGDT, /**< Load Global Descript Table Register */
OP_LIDT, /**< Load Interrupt Descriptor Table Register */
OP_LLDT, /**< Load Local Descriptor Table Register */
OP_PREFIX_LOCK, /**< Assert LOCK# Signal Prefix */
OP_LODSD, /**< Load String Dword*/
OP_LODSW, /**< Load String Word */
OP_LODSB, /**< Load String Byte */
OP_LOOP, /**< Loop According to ECX Counter */
OP_LOOPE, /**< Loop According to ECX Counter and ZF=1 */
OP_LOOPNE, /**< Loop According to ECX Counter and ZF=0 */
OP_JECXZ, /**< Jump if ECX is Zero */
OP_LSL, /**< Load Segment Limit */
OP_LSS, /**< Load Far Pointer into SS */
OP_LTR, /**< Load Task Register */
OP_MOV, /**< Move */
OP_MOVSD, /**< Move Data from String to String Doubleword */
OP_MOVSW, /**< Move Data from String to String Word */
OP_MOVSB, /**< Move Data from String to String Byte */
OP_MOVSX, /**< Move with Sign-Extension */
OP_MOVZX, /**< Move with Zero-Extension */
OP_MUL, /**< Unsigned Multiply */
OP_NEG, /**< Two's Complement Negation */
OP_NOP, /**< No Operation */
OP_NOT, /**< One's Complement Negation */
OP_OR, /**< Logical Inclusive OR */
OP_OUT, /**< Output to Port */
OP_OUTSD, /**< Output String to Port Doubleword */
OP_OUTSW, /**< Output String to Port Word */
OP_OUTSB, /**< Output String to Port Bytes */
OP_PUSH, /**< Push Onto the Stack */
OP_PUSHAD, /**< Push All Double General Purpose Registers */
OP_PUSHFD, /**< Push EFLAGS Register onto the Stack */
OP_POP, /**< Pop a Value from the Stack */
OP_POPAD, /**< Pop All Double General Purpose Registers from the Stack */
OP_POPFD, /**< Pop Stack into EFLAGS Register */
OP_RCL, /**< Rotate Carry Left */
OP_RCR, /**< Rotate Carry Right */
OP_RDMSR, /**< Read from Model Specific Register */
OP_RDPMC, /**< Read Performance Monitoring Counters */
OP_RDTSC, /**< Read Time-Stamp Counter */
OP_PREFIX_REPE, /**< Repeat String Operation Prefix while Equal */
OP_PREFIX_REPNE, /**< Repeat String Operation Prefix while Not Equal */
OP_RETF, /**< Return from Far Procedure */
OP_RETN, /**< Return from Near Procedure */
OP_ROL, /**< Rotate Left */
OP_ROR, /**< Rotate Right */
OP_RSM, /**< Resume from System Management Mode */
OP_SAHF, /**< Store AH into Flags */
OP_SAR, /**< Shift Arithmetic Right */
OP_SBB, /**< Subtract with Borrow */
OP_SCASD, /**< Scan String Doubleword */
OP_SCASW, /**< Scan String Word */
OP_SCASB, /**< Scan String Byte */
OP_SETO, /**< Set Byte on Overflow */
OP_SETNO, /**< Set Byte on Not Overflow */
OP_SETC, /**< Set Byte on Carry */
OP_SETNC, /**< Set Byte on Not Carry */
OP_SETZ, /**< Set Byte on Zero */
OP_SETNZ, /**< Set Byte on Not Zero */
OP_SETBE, /**< Set Byte on Below or Equal */
OP_SETA, /**< Set Byte on Above */
OP_SETS, /**< Set Byte on Sign */
OP_SETNS, /**< Set Byte on Not Sign */
OP_SETP, /**< Set Byte on Parity */
OP_SETNP, /**< Set Byte on Not Parity */
OP_SETL, /**< Set Byte on Less */
OP_SETGE, /**< Set Byte on Greater or Equal */
OP_SETLE, /**< Set Byte on Less or Equal */
OP_SETG, /**< Set Byte on Greater */
OP_SGDT, /**< Store Global Descriptor Table Register */
OP_SIDT, /**< Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register */
OP_SHL, /**< Shift Left */
OP_SHLD, /**< Double Precision Shift Left */
OP_SHR, /**< Shift Right */
OP_SHRD, /**< Double Precision Shift Right */
OP_SLDT, /**< Store Local Descriptor Table Register */
OP_STOSD, /**< Store String Doubleword */
OP_STOSW, /**< Store String Word */
OP_STOSB, /**< Store String Byte */
OP_STR, /**< Store Task Register */
OP_STC, /**< Set Carry Flag */
OP_STD, /**< Set Direction Flag */
OP_STI, /**< Set Interrupt Flag */
OP_SUB, /**< Subtract */
OP_SYSCALL, /**< Fast System Call */
OP_SYSENTER, /**< Fast System Call */
OP_SYSEXIT, /**< Fast Return from Fast System Call */
OP_SYSRET, /**< Return from Fast System Call */
OP_TEST, /**< Logical Compare */
OP_UD2, /**< Undefined Instruction */
OP_VERR, /**< Verify a Segment for Reading */
OP_VERRW, /**< Verify a Segment for Writing */
OP_WBINVD, /**< Write Back and Invalidate Cache */
OP_WRMSR, /**< Write to Model Specific Register */
OP_XADD, /**< Exchange and Add */
OP_XCHG, /**< Exchange Register/Memory with Register */
OP_XLAT, /**< Table Look-up Translation */
OP_XOR, /**< Logical Exclusive OR */
OP_FPU, /**< FPU operation */
OP_F2XM1, /**< Compute 2x-1 */
OP_FABS, /**< Absolute Value */
OP_FADD, /**< Floating Point Add */
OP_FADDP, /**< Floating Point Add, Pop */
OP_FBLD, /**< Load Binary Coded Decimal */
OP_FBSTP, /**< Store BCD Integer and Pop */
OP_FCHS, /**< Change Sign */
OP_FCLEX, /**< Clear Exceptions */
OP_FCMOVB, /**< Floating Point Move on Below */
OP_FCMOVBE, /**< Floating Point Move on Below or Equal */
OP_FCMOVE, /**< Floating Point Move on Equal */
OP_FCMOVNB, /**< Floating Point Move on Not Below */
OP_FCMOVNBE, /**< Floating Point Move on Not Below or Equal */
OP_FCMOVNE, /**< Floating Point Move on Not Equal */
OP_FCMOVNU, /**< Floating Point Move on Not Unordered */
OP_FCMOVU, /**< Floating Point Move on Unordered */
OP_FCOM, /**< Compare Floating Pointer Values and Set FPU Flags */
OP_FCOMI, /**< Compare Floating Pointer Values and Set EFLAGS */
OP_FCOMIP, /**< Compare Floating Pointer Values and Set EFLAGS, Pop */
OP_FCOMP, /**< Compare Floating Pointer Values and Set FPU Flags, Pop */
OP_FCOMPP, /**< Compare Floating Pointer Values and Set FPU Flags, Pop Twice */
OP_FCOS, /**< Cosine */
OP_FDECSTP, /**< Decrement Stack Top Pointer */
OP_FDIV, /**< Floating Point Divide */
OP_FDIVP, /**< Floating Point Divide, Pop */
OP_FDIVR, /**< Floating Point Reverse Divide */
OP_FDIVRP, /**< Floating Point Reverse Divide, Pop */
OP_FFREE, /**< Free Floating Point Register */
OP_FIADD, /**< Floating Point Add */
OP_FICOM, /**< Compare Integer */
OP_FICOMP, /**< Compare Integer, Pop */
OP_FIDIV, /**< Floating Point Divide by Integer */
OP_FIDIVR, /**< Floating Point Reverse Divide by Integer */
OP_FILD, /**< Load Integer */
OP_FIMUL, /**< Floating Point Multiply with Integer */
OP_FINCSTP, /**< Increment Stack-Top Pointer */
OP_FINIT, /**< Initialize Floating-Point Unit */
OP_FIST, /**< Store Integer */
OP_FISTP, /**< Store Integer, Pop */
OP_FISTTP, /**< Store Integer with Truncation */
OP_FISUB, /**< Floating Point Integer Subtract */
OP_FISUBR, /**< Floating Point Reverse Integer Subtract */
OP_FLD, /**< Load Floating Point Value */
OP_FLD1, /**< Load Constant 1 */
OP_FLDCW, /**< Load x87 FPU Control Word */
OP_FLDENV, /**< Load x87 FPU Environment */
OP_FLDL2E, /**< Load Constant log_2(e) */
OP_FLDL2T, /**< Load Constant log_2(10) */
OP_FLDLG2, /**< Load Constant log_10(2) */
OP_FLDLN2, /**< Load Constant log_e(2) */
OP_FLDPI, /**< Load Constant PI */
OP_FLDZ, /**< Load Constant Zero */
OP_FMUL, /**< Floating Point Multiply */
OP_FMULP, /**< Floating Point Multiply, Pop */
OP_FNOP, /**< No Operation */
OP_FPATAN, /**< Partial Arctangent */
OP_FPREM, /**< Partial Remainder */
OP_FPREM1, /**< Partial Remainder */
OP_FPTAN, /**< Partial Tangent */
OP_FRNDINT, /**< Round to Integer */
OP_FRSTOR, /**< Restore x86 FPU State */
OP_FSCALE, /**< Scale */
OP_FSIN, /* Sine */
OP_FSINCOS, /**< Sine and Cosine */
OP_FSQRT, /**< Square Root */
OP_FSAVE, /**< Store x87 FPU State */
OP_FST, /**< Store Floating Point Value */
OP_FSTCW, /**< Store x87 FPU Control Word */
OP_FSTENV, /**< Store x87 FPU Environment */
OP_FSTP, /**< Store Floating Point Value, Pop */
OP_FSTSW, /**< Store x87 FPU Status Word */
OP_FSUB, /**< Floating Point Subtract */
OP_FSUBP, /**< Floating Point Subtract, Pop */
OP_FSUBR, /**< Floating Point Reverse Subtract */
OP_FSUBRP, /**< Floating Point Reverse Subtract, Pop */
OP_FTST, /**< Floating Point Test */
OP_FUCOM, /**< Floating Point Unordered Compare */
OP_FUCOMI, /**< Floating Point Unordered Compare with Integer */
OP_FUCOMIP, /**< Floating Point Unorder Compare with Integer, Pop */
OP_FUCOMP, /**< Floating Point Unorder Compare, Pop */
OP_FUCOMPP, /**< Floating Point Unorder Compare, Pop Twice */
OP_FXAM, /**< Examine ModR/M */
OP_FXCH, /**< Exchange Register Contents */
OP_FXTRACT, /**< Extract Exponent and Significand */
OP_FYL2X, /**< Compute y*log2x */
OP_FYL2XP1 /**< Compute y*log2(x+1) */
/** Access type */
ACCESS_NOARG, /**< arg not present */
ACCESS_IMM, /**< immediate */
ACCESS_REL, /**< +/- immediate */
ACCESS_REG, /**< register */
ACCESS_MEM /**< [memory] */
/** for mem access, immediate and relative */
enum DIS_SIZE {
SIZEB, /**< Byte size access */
SIZEW, /**< Word size access */
SIZED, /**< Doubleword size access */
SIZEF, /**< 6-byte access (seg+reg pair)*/
SIZEQ, /**< Quadword access */
SIZET, /**< 10-byte access */
SIZEPTR /** ptr */
/** X86 registers */
enum X86REGS {
/** disassembly result, 64-byte, matched by type-8 signatures */
uint16_t real_op;
uint8_t opsize;
uint8_t adsize;
uint8_t segment;
uint8_t arg[3][10];
uint8_t extra[29];