use gif::{ColorOutput, Decoder, Encoder, Frame}; #[test] fn encode_roundtrip() { const ORIGINAL: &'static [u8] = include_bytes!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/samples/2x2.gif")); round_trip_from_image(ORIGINAL); } fn round_trip_from_image(original: &[u8]) { let (width, height, global_palette); let frames: Vec = { let mut decoder = Decoder::new(original).unwrap(); width = decoder.width(); height = decoder.height(); global_palette = decoder .global_palette() .unwrap_or_default() .to_vec(); core::iter::from_fn(move || { decoder.read_next_frame().unwrap().cloned() }).collect() }; let mut encoder = Encoder::new(vec![], width, height, &global_palette).unwrap(); for frame in &frames { encoder.write_frame(frame).unwrap(); } let buffer = encoder.into_inner().unwrap(); { let mut decoder = Decoder::new(&buffer[..]).expect("Invalid info encoded"); assert_eq!(decoder.width(), width); assert_eq!(decoder.height(), height); assert_eq!(global_palette, decoder.global_palette().unwrap_or_default()); let new_frames: Vec<_> = core::iter::from_fn(move || { decoder.read_next_frame().unwrap().cloned() }).collect(); assert_eq!(new_frames.len(), frames.len(), "Diverging number of frames"); for (new, reference) in new_frames.iter().zip(&frames) { assert_eq!(new.delay, reference.delay); assert_eq!(new.dispose, reference.dispose); assert_eq!(new.transparent, reference.transparent); assert_eq!(new.needs_user_input, reference.needs_user_input); assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(new.left, reference.left); assert_eq!(new.width, reference.width); assert_eq!(new.height, reference.height); assert_eq!(new.interlaced, reference.interlaced); assert_eq!(new.palette, reference.palette); assert_eq!(new.buffer, reference.buffer); } } } #[test] fn encode_roundtrip_few_colors() { const WIDTH: u16 = 128; const HEIGHT: u16 = 128; // Build an image with a single red pixel, that NeuQuant won't // sample, in order to check that we do appropriatelyq specialise the // few-colors case. let mut pixels: Vec = vec![255; WIDTH as usize * HEIGHT as usize * 4]; // Top-left pixel is always sampled, so use the second pixel. pixels[5] = 0; pixels[6] = 0; // Set speed to 30 to handily avoid sampling that one pixel. // // We clone "pixels", since the parameter is replaced with a // paletted version, and later we want to compare the output with // the original RGBA image. let frames = [Frame::from_rgba_speed(WIDTH, HEIGHT, &mut pixels.clone(), 30)]; let mut buffer = vec![]; { let mut encoder = Encoder::new(&mut buffer, WIDTH, HEIGHT, &[]).unwrap(); for frame in &frames { encoder.write_frame(frame).unwrap(); } } { let mut decoder = { let mut builder = Decoder::<&[u8]>::build(); builder.set_color_output(ColorOutput::RGBA); builder.read_info(&buffer[..]).expect("Invalid info encoded") }; // Only check key fields, assuming "round_trip_from_image" // covers the rest. We are primarily concerned with quantisation. assert_eq!(decoder.width(), WIDTH); assert_eq!(decoder.height(), HEIGHT); let new_frames: Vec<_> = core::iter::from_fn(move || { decoder.read_next_frame().unwrap().cloned() }).collect(); assert_eq!(new_frames.len(), 1, "Diverging number of frames"); // NB: reference.buffer can't be used as it contains the palette version. assert_eq!(new_frames[0].buffer, pixels); } }