/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Authors: Tomasz Kojm * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #ifdef C_LINUX #include #endif // libclamav #include "clamav.h" #include "others.h" #include "str.h" // common #include "misc.h" #include "output.h" #include "actions.h" #include "optparser.h" #include "global.h" #include "manager.h" void help(void); struct s_info info; short recursion = 0, bell = 0; short printinfected = 0, printclean = 1; int _clamscan(int argc, char **argv) { int ds, dms, ret; double mb, rmb; struct timeval t1, t2; time_t date_start, date_end; char buffer[26]; #ifndef _WIN32 sigset_t sigset; #endif struct optstruct *opts; const struct optstruct *opt; if (check_flevel()) exit(2); #if !defined(_WIN32) if (!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "")) { mprintf(LOGG_WARNING, "Failed to set locale\n"); } #if !defined(C_BEOS) sigemptyset(&sigset); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGXFSZ); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigset, NULL); #endif /* !C_BEOS */ #endif /* !_WIN32 */ cl_initialize_crypto(); if ((opts = optparse(NULL, argc, argv, 1, OPT_CLAMSCAN, 0, NULL)) == NULL) { mprintf(LOGG_ERROR, "Can't parse command line options\n"); return 2; } if (optget(opts, "verbose")->enabled) { mprintf_verbose = 1; logg_verbose = 1; } if (optget(opts, "quiet")->enabled) mprintf_quiet = 1; if (optget(opts, "stdout")->enabled) mprintf_stdout = 1; if (optget(opts, "debug")->enabled) { #if defined(C_LINUX) /* njh@bandsman.co.uk: create a dump if needed */ struct rlimit rlim; rlim.rlim_cur = rlim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim) < 0) perror("setrlimit"); #endif cl_debug(); /* enable debug messages */ } if (optget(opts, "gen-mdb")->enabled) { cl_always_gen_section_hash(); } if (optget(opts, "version")->enabled) { print_version(optget(opts, "database")->strarg); optfree(opts); return 0; } if (optget(opts, "help")->enabled) { optfree(opts); help(); return 0; } if (optget(opts, "recursive")->enabled) recursion = 1; if (optget(opts, "infected")->enabled) printinfected = 1; if (optget(opts, "suppress-ok-results")->enabled) printclean = 0; if (optget(opts, "bell")->enabled) bell = 1; /* initialize logger */ if ((opt = optget(opts, "log"))->enabled) { logg_file = opt->strarg; if (logg(LOGG_INFO_NF, "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n")) { mprintf(LOGG_ERROR, "Problem with internal logger.\n"); optfree(opts); return 2; } } else logg_file = NULL; if (actsetup(opts)) { optfree(opts); logg_close(); exit(2); } memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct s_info)); date_start = time(NULL); gettimeofday(&t1, NULL); ret = scanmanager(opts); if (!optget(opts, "no-summary")->enabled) { struct tm tmp; date_end = time(NULL); gettimeofday(&t2, NULL); ds = t2.tv_sec - t1.tv_sec; dms = t2.tv_usec - t1.tv_usec; ds -= (dms < 0) ? (1) : (0); dms += (dms < 0) ? (1000000) : (0); logg(LOGG_INFO, "\n----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------\n"); logg(LOGG_INFO, "Known viruses: %u\n", info.sigs); logg(LOGG_INFO, "Engine version: %s\n", get_version()); logg(LOGG_INFO, "Scanned directories: %u\n", info.dirs); logg(LOGG_INFO, "Scanned files: %u\n", info.files); logg(LOGG_INFO, "Infected files: %u\n", info.ifiles); if (info.errors) logg(LOGG_INFO, "Total errors: %u\n", info.errors); if (notremoved) { logg(LOGG_INFO, "Not removed: %u\n", notremoved); } if (notmoved) { logg(LOGG_INFO, "Not %s: %u\n", optget(opts, "copy")->enabled ? "moved" : "copied", notmoved); } mb = info.blocks * (CL_COUNT_PRECISION / 1024) / 1024.0; logg(LOGG_INFO, "Data scanned: %2.2lf MB\n", mb); rmb = info.rblocks * (CL_COUNT_PRECISION / 1024) / 1024.0; logg(LOGG_INFO, "Data read: %2.2lf MB (ratio %.2f:1)\n", rmb, info.rblocks ? (double)info.blocks / (double)info.rblocks : 0); logg(LOGG_INFO, "Time: %u.%3.3u sec (%u m %u s)\n", ds, dms / 1000, ds / 60, ds % 60); #ifdef _WIN32 if (0 != localtime_s(&tmp, &date_start)) { #else if (!localtime_r(&date_start, &tmp)) { #endif logg(LOGG_ERROR, "Failed to get local time for Start Date.\n"); } strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S", &tmp); logg(LOGG_INFO, "Start Date: %s\n", buffer); #ifdef _WIN32 if (0 != localtime_s(&tmp, &date_end)) { #else if (!localtime_r(&date_end, &tmp)) { #endif logg(LOGG_ERROR, "Failed to get local time for End Date.\n"); } strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S", &tmp); logg(LOGG_INFO, "End Date: %s\n", buffer); } optfree(opts); return ret; } void help(void) { mprintf_stdout = 1; mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " Clam AntiVirus: Scanner %s\n", get_version()); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " By The ClamAV Team: https://www.clamav.net/about.html#credits\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " (C) 2022 Cisco Systems, Inc.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " clamscan [options] [file/directory/-]\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --help -h Show this help\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --version -V Print version number\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --verbose -v Be verbose\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --archive-verbose -a Show filenames inside scanned archives\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --debug Enable libclamav's debug messages\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --quiet Only output error messages\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --stdout Write to stdout instead of stderr. Does not affect 'debug' messages.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --no-summary Disable summary at end of scanning\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --infected -i Only print infected files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --suppress-ok-results -o Skip printing OK files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --bell Sound bell on virus detection\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --tempdir=DIRECTORY Create temporary files in DIRECTORY\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --leave-temps[=yes/no(*)] Do not remove temporary files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --gen-json[=yes/no(*)] Generate JSON metadata for the scanned file(s). For testing & development use ONLY.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " JSON will be printed if --debug is enabled.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " A JSON file will dropped to the temp directory if --leave-temps is enabled.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --database=FILE/DIR -d FILE/DIR Load virus database from FILE or load all supported db files from DIR\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --official-db-only[=yes/no(*)] Only load official signatures\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --log=FILE -l FILE Save scan report to FILE\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --recursive[=yes/no(*)] -r Scan subdirectories recursively\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --allmatch[=yes/no(*)] -z Continue scanning within file after finding a match\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --cross-fs[=yes(*)/no] Scan files and directories on other filesystems\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --follow-dir-symlinks[=0/1(*)/2] Follow directory symlinks (0 = never, 1 = direct, 2 = always)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --follow-file-symlinks[=0/1(*)/2] Follow file symlinks (0 = never, 1 = direct, 2 = always)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --file-list=FILE -f FILE Scan files from FILE\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --remove[=yes/no(*)] Remove infected files. Be careful!\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --move=DIRECTORY Move infected files into DIRECTORY\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --copy=DIRECTORY Copy infected files into DIRECTORY\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --exclude=REGEX Don't scan file names matching REGEX\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --exclude-dir=REGEX Don't scan directories matching REGEX\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --include=REGEX Only scan file names matching REGEX\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --include-dir=REGEX Only scan directories matching REGEX\n"); #ifdef _WIN32 mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --memory Scan loaded executable modules\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --kill Kill/Unload infected loaded modules\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --unload Unload infected modules from processes\n"); #endif mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --bytecode[=yes(*)/no] Load bytecode from the database\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --bytecode-unsigned[=yes/no(*)] Load unsigned bytecode\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " **Caution**: You should NEVER run bytecode signatures from untrusted sources.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " Doing so may result in arbitrary code execution.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --bytecode-timeout=N Set bytecode timeout (in milliseconds)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --statistics[=none(*)/bytecode/pcre] Collect and print execution statistics\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --detect-pua[=yes/no(*)] Detect Possibly Unwanted Applications\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --exclude-pua=CAT Skip PUA sigs of category CAT\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --include-pua=CAT Load PUA sigs of category CAT\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --detect-structured[=yes/no(*)] Detect structured data (SSN, Credit Card)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --structured-ssn-format=X SSN format (0=normal,1=stripped,2=both)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --structured-ssn-count=N Min SSN count to generate a detect\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --structured-cc-count=N Min CC count to generate a detect\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --structured-cc-mode=X CC mode (0=credit debit and private label, 1=credit cards only\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --scan-mail[=yes(*)/no] Scan mail files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --phishing-sigs[=yes(*)/no] Enable email signature-based phishing detection\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --phishing-scan-urls[=yes(*)/no] Enable URL signature-based phishing detection\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --heuristic-alerts[=yes(*)/no] Heuristic alerts\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --heuristic-scan-precedence[=yes/no(*)] Stop scanning as soon as a heuristic match is found\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --normalize[=yes(*)/no] Normalize html, script, and text files. Use normalize=no for yara compatibility\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --scan-pe[=yes(*)/no] Scan PE files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --scan-elf[=yes(*)/no] Scan ELF files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --scan-ole2[=yes(*)/no] Scan OLE2 containers\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --scan-pdf[=yes(*)/no] Scan PDF files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --scan-swf[=yes(*)/no] Scan SWF files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --scan-html[=yes(*)/no] Scan HTML files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --scan-xmldocs[=yes(*)/no] Scan xml-based document files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --scan-hwp3[=yes(*)/no] Scan HWP3 files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --scan-archive[=yes(*)/no] Scan archive files (supported by libclamav)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --alert-broken[=yes/no(*)] Alert on broken executable files (PE & ELF)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --alert-broken-media[=yes/no(*)] Alert on broken graphics files (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --alert-encrypted[=yes/no(*)] Alert on encrypted archives and documents\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --alert-encrypted-archive[=yes/no(*)] Alert on encrypted archives\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --alert-encrypted-doc[=yes/no(*)] Alert on encrypted documents\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --alert-macros[=yes/no(*)] Alert on OLE2 files containing VBA macros\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --alert-exceeds-max[=yes/no(*)] Alert on files that exceed max file size, max scan size, or max recursion limit\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --alert-phishing-ssl[=yes/no(*)] Alert on emails containing SSL mismatches in URLs\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --alert-phishing-cloak[=yes/no(*)] Alert on emails containing cloaked URLs\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --alert-partition-intersection[=yes/no(*)] Alert on raw DMG image files containing partition intersections\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --nocerts Disable authenticode certificate chain verification in PE files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --dumpcerts Dump authenticode certificate chain in PE files\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-scantime=#n Scan time longer than this will be skipped and assumed clean (milliseconds)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-filesize=#n Files larger than this will be skipped and assumed clean\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-scansize=#n The maximum amount of data to scan for each container file (**)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-files=#n The maximum number of files to scan for each container file (**)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-recursion=#n Maximum archive recursion level for container file (**)\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-dir-recursion=#n Maximum directory recursion level\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-embeddedpe=#n Maximum size file to check for embedded PE\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-htmlnormalize=#n Maximum size of HTML file to normalize\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-htmlnotags=#n Maximum size of normalized HTML file to scan\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-scriptnormalize=#n Maximum size of script file to normalize\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-ziptypercg=#n Maximum size zip to type reanalyze\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-partitions=#n Maximum number of partitions in disk image to be scanned\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-iconspe=#n Maximum number of icons in PE file to be scanned\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --max-rechwp3=#n Maximum recursive calls to HWP3 parsing function\n"); #if HAVE_PCRE mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --pcre-match-limit=#n Maximum calls to the PCRE match function.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --pcre-recmatch-limit=#n Maximum recursive calls to the PCRE match function.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --pcre-max-filesize=#n Maximum size file to perform PCRE subsig matching.\n"); #endif /* HAVE_PCRE */ mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " --disable-cache Disable caching and cache checks for hash sums of scanned files.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "Pass in - as the filename for stdin.\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "(*) Default scan settings\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, "(**) Certain files (e.g. documents, archives, etc.) may in turn contain other\n"); mprintf(LOGG_INFO, " files inside. The above options ensure safe processing of this kind of data.\n\n"); }