/* * (bytecode) events * * Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Sourcefire, Inc. * * Authors: Török Edvin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "clamav.h" #include "events.h" #include "others.h" #include "7z/7zCrc.h" #include "str.h" #include struct cli_event { const char *name; union ev_val u; uint32_t count; enum ev_type type : 8; enum multiple_handling multiple : 8; }; struct cli_events { struct cli_event *events; struct cli_event errors; uint64_t oom_total; unsigned max; unsigned oom_count; }; cli_events_t *cli_events_new(unsigned max_event) { struct cli_events *ev = cli_calloc(1, sizeof(*ev)); if (!ev) return NULL; ev->max = max_event; ev->events = cli_calloc(max_event, sizeof(*ev->events)); if (!ev->events) { free(ev); return NULL; } ev->errors.name = "errors"; ev->errors.type = ev_string; ev->errors.multiple = multiple_chain; return ev; } void cli_events_free(cli_events_t *ev) { if (ev) { /* TODO: free components */ free(ev->events); free(ev); } } void cli_event_error_oom(cli_events_t *ctx, uint32_t amount) { if (!ctx) return; ctx->oom_total += amount; ctx->oom_count++; /* amount == 0 means error already reported, just increment count */ if (amount) cli_errmsg("events: out of memory allocating %u bytes\n", amount); } int cli_event_define(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id, const char *name, enum ev_type type, enum multiple_handling multiple) { struct cli_event *ev = &ctx->events[id]; if (id >= ctx->max) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_define: event id out of range"); return -1; } if (multiple == multiple_sum && (type != ev_int && type != ev_time && type != ev_data_fast)) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_define: can only sum ev_int, ev_time, and ev_data_fast"); return -1; } if (type == ev_data_fast && multiple != multiple_sum) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_define: ev_data_fast can only be sumed"); return -1; } if (multiple == multiple_concat && type != ev_data) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_define: only ev_data can be concatenated"); return -1; } /* default was ev_none */ ev->type = type; ev->name = name; ev->type = type; ev->multiple = multiple; if (type == ev_data_fast) ev->u.v_int = CRC_INIT_VAL; return 0; } static inline struct cli_event *get_event(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id) { if (!ctx) return NULL; if (id >= ctx->max) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "event id out of range"); return NULL; } return &ctx->events[id]; } static inline void ev_chain(cli_events_t *ctx, struct cli_event *ev, union ev_val *val) { union ev_val *chain; uint32_t siz = sizeof(*chain) * (ev->count + 1); chain = cli_realloc(ev->u.v_chain, siz); if (!chain) { cli_event_error_oom(ctx, siz); return; } ev->u.v_chain = chain; ev->u.v_chain[ev->count] = *val; ev->count++; } const char *cli_event_get_name(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id) { struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); if (!ev) return NULL; return ev->name; } void cli_event_int(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id, uint64_t arg) { struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); if (!ev) return; if (ev->type != ev_int) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_int must be called with ev_int type"); return; } switch (ev->multiple) { case multiple_last: ev->u.v_int = arg; ev->count++; break; case multiple_sum: ev->count++; ev->u.v_int += arg; break; case multiple_chain: { union ev_val val; val.v_int = arg; ev_chain(ctx, ev, &val); break; } default: // TODO: Consider if we should handle multiple_concat cases. break; } } void cli_event_time_start(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id) { struct timeval tv; struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); if (!ev) return; if (ev->type != ev_time) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_time* must be called with ev_time type"); return; } gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ev->u.v_int -= ((int64_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000000) + tv.tv_usec; ev->count++; } void cli_event_time_nested_start(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id, unsigned nestedid) { struct timeval tv; struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); struct cli_event *evnested = get_event(ctx, nestedid); if (!ev || !evnested) return; if (ev->type != ev_time || evnested->type != ev_time) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_time* must be called with ev_time type"); return; } gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ev->u.v_int -= ((int64_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000000) + tv.tv_usec; ev->u.v_int += evnested->u.v_int; ev->count++; } void cli_event_time_stop(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id) { struct timeval tv; struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); if (!ev) return; if (ev->type != ev_time) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_time* must be called with ev_time type"); return; } gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ev->u.v_int += ((int64_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000000) + tv.tv_usec; } void cli_event_time_nested_stop(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id, unsigned nestedid) { struct timeval tv; struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); struct cli_event *evnested = get_event(ctx, nestedid); if (!ev || !evnested) return; if (ev->type != ev_time || evnested->type != ev_time) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_time* must be called with ev_time type"); return; } gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); ev->u.v_int += ((int64_t)tv.tv_sec * 1000000) + tv.tv_usec; ev->u.v_int -= evnested->u.v_int; } static void event_string(cli_events_t *ctx, struct cli_event *ev, const char *str) { if (!str) str = ""; switch (ev->multiple) { case multiple_last: ev->u.v_string = str; ev->count++; break; case multiple_chain: { union ev_val val; val.v_string = str; ev_chain(ctx, ev, &val); break; } default: // TODO: Consider if we should handle multiple_sum, multiple_concat cases. break; } } void cli_event_error_str(cli_events_t *ctx, const char *str) { if (!ctx) return; cli_warnmsg("events: %s\n", str); event_string(ctx, &ctx->errors, str); } void cli_event_string(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id, const char *str) { struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); if (!ev) return; if (ev->type != ev_string) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_string must be called with ev_string type"); return; } event_string(ctx, ev, str); } void cli_event_data(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id, const void *data, uint32_t len) { struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); if (!ev) return; if (ev->type != ev_data) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_string must be called with ev_data type"); return; } switch (ev->multiple) { case multiple_last: { void *v_data = cli_realloc2(ev->u.v_data, len); if (v_data) { ev->u.v_data = v_data; memcpy(v_data, data, len); ev->count = len; } else { cli_event_error_oom(ctx, len); } break; } case multiple_concat: { void *v_data = cli_realloc2(ev->u.v_data, ev->count + len); if (v_data) { ev->u.v_data = v_data; memcpy((char *)v_data + ev->count, data, len); ev->count += len; } else { cli_event_error_oom(ctx, ev->count + len); } break; } default: // TODO: Consider if we should handle multiple_sum, multiple_chain cases. break; } } void cli_event_fastdata(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id, const void *data, uint32_t len) { struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); if (!ev) return; if (ev->type != ev_data_fast) { cli_event_error_str(ctx, "cli_event_fastdata must be called with ev_data_fast"); return; } ev->u.v_int = CrcUpdate(ev->u.v_int, data, len); ev->count += len; /* when we are done we should invert all bits, but since we are just * comparing it doesn't matter */ } void cli_event_count(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id) { cli_event_int(ctx, id, 1); } void cli_event_get(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id, union ev_val *val, uint32_t *count) { struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); if (!ev) return; memcpy(val, &ev->u, sizeof(*val)); *count = ev->count; } static inline void ev_debug(enum ev_type type, union ev_val *val, uint32_t count) { switch (type) { case ev_string: cli_dbgmsg("\t(%u): %s\n", count, val->v_string); break; case ev_data: { char *d = cli_str2hex(val->v_data, count); cli_dbgmsg("\t%d bytes\n", count); cli_dbgmsg("\t%s\n", d); free(d); break; } case ev_data_fast: cli_dbgmsg("\t%08x checksum, %u bytes\n", (uint32_t)val->v_int, count); break; case ev_int: cli_dbgmsg("\t(%u): 0x%llx\n", count, (long long)val->v_int); break; case ev_time: cli_dbgmsg("\t(%u): %d.%06us\n", count, (signed)(val->v_int / 1000000), (unsigned)(val->v_int % 1000000)); break; default: // TODO: Consider if we should handle ev_none cases. break; } } static inline const char *evtype(enum ev_type type) { switch (type) { case ev_string: return "ev_string"; case ev_data: return "ev_data"; case ev_data_fast: return "ev_data_fast"; case ev_int: return "ev_data_int"; case ev_time: return "ev_time"; default: return ""; } } void cli_event_debug(cli_events_t *ctx, unsigned id) { const char *tstr; struct cli_event *ev = get_event(ctx, id); if (!ev) return; tstr = evtype(ev->type); if (ev->multiple == multiple_chain && ev->type != ev_data) { unsigned i; cli_dbgmsg("%s: ev_chain %u %s\n", ev->name, ev->count, tstr); for (i = 0; i < ev->count; i++) ev_debug(ev->type, &ev->u.v_chain[i], i); } else { cli_dbgmsg("%s: %s\n", ev->name, tstr); ev_debug(ev->type, &ev->u, ev->count); } } void cli_event_debug_all(cli_events_t *ctx) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < ctx->max; i++) { if (ctx->events[i].count) cli_event_debug(ctx, i); } } static int ev_diff(enum ev_type type, union ev_val *v1, union ev_val *v2, uint32_t count) { switch (type) { case ev_data_fast: case ev_int: return v1->v_int != v2->v_int; case ev_string: return strcmp(v1->v_string, v2->v_string); case ev_data: return memcmp(v1->v_data, v2->v_data, count); case ev_time: return 0; default: // TODO: Consider if we should handle ev_none cases. break; } return 0; } int cli_event_diff(cli_events_t *ctx1, cli_events_t *ctx2, unsigned id) { int diff = 0; struct cli_event *ev1, *ev2; ev1 = get_event(ctx1, id); ev2 = get_event(ctx2, id); if (!ev1 || !ev2) return 1; if (ev1->type != ev2->type || ev1->multiple != ev2->multiple || ev1->name != ev2->name) { cli_warnmsg("cli_event_diff: comparing incompatible events"); return 1; } if (ev1->count != ev2->count) { cli_dbgmsg("diff: %s count %u vs %u\n", ev1->name, ev1->count, ev2->count); return 1; } diff = 0; if (ev1->multiple == multiple_chain && ev1->type != ev_data) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < ev1->count; i++) { unsigned di = ev_diff(ev1->type, &ev1->u.v_chain[i], &ev2->u.v_chain[i], ev1->count); if (di) { if (!diff) cli_dbgmsg("diff: %s\n", ev1->name); ev_debug(ev1->type, &ev1->u.v_chain[i], i); ev_debug(ev2->type, &ev2->u.v_chain[i], i); } diff += di; } } else { diff = ev_diff(ev1->type, &ev1->u, &ev2->u, ev1->count); if (diff) { cli_dbgmsg("diff: %s\n", ev1->name); ev_debug(ev1->type, &ev1->u, ev1->count); ev_debug(ev2->type, &ev2->u, ev2->count); } } if (!diff) return 0; return 1; } int cli_event_diff_all(cli_events_t *ctx1, cli_events_t *ctx2, compare_filter_t filter) { unsigned i, diff = 0; if (ctx1->max != ctx2->max) { cli_dbgmsg("diffall: incompatible event maximums %u vs %u\n", ctx1->max, ctx2->max); return 1; } for (i = 0; i < ctx1->max; i++) { struct cli_event *ev1 = &ctx1->events[i]; if (filter && filter(i, ev1->type)) continue; diff += cli_event_diff(ctx1, ctx2, i); } return diff ? 1 : 0; } int cli_event_errors(cli_events_t *ctx) { if (!ctx) return 0; return ctx->errors.count + ctx->oom_count; }