/* * Header file for public domain tar (tape archive) program. * * @(#)tar.h 1.20 86/10/29 Public Domain. * * Created 25 August 1985 by John Gilmore, ihnp4!hoptoad!gnu. * * $Id: is_tar.h,v 1.2 2007/02/11 00:41:13 tkojm Exp $ # checkin only */ /* * Header block on tape. * * I'm going to use traditional DP naming conventions here. * A "block" is a big chunk of stuff that we do I/O on. * A "record" is a piece of info that we care about. * Typically many "record"s fit into a "block". */ #define RECORDSIZE 512 #define NAMSIZ 100 #define TUNMLEN 32 #define TGNMLEN 32 union record { char charptr[RECORDSIZE]; struct header { char name[NAMSIZ]; char mode[8]; char uid[8]; char gid[8]; char size[12]; char mtime[12]; char chksum[8]; char linkflag; char linkname[NAMSIZ]; char magic[8]; char uname[TUNMLEN]; char gname[TGNMLEN]; char devmajor[8]; char devminor[8]; } header; }; /* The magic field is filled with this if uname and gname are valid. */ #define TMAGIC "ustar " /* 7 chars and a null */ /** * @brief Figure out whether a given buffer is a tar archive. * * @param buf Pointer to the buffer * @param nbytes Size of the buffer * @return int 0 if the checksum is bad (i.e., probably not a tar archive), * 1 for old UNIX tar file, * 2 for Unix Std (POSIX) tar file. */ int is_tar(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int nbytes);