/* * YARA rule parser for ClamAV * * Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Authors: Steven Morgan * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* This file was originally derived from yara 3.1.0 libyara/parser.y and is revised for running YARA rules in ClamAV. Following is the YARA copyright. */ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2013. The YARA Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ %code requires { #include "yara_compiler.h" } %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef REAL_YARA #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #else #include "yara_clam.h" #include "yara_compiler.h" #include "clamav-config.h" #include "yara_grammar.h" #include "yara_lexer.h" #include "yara_parser.h" #include "yara_exec.h" #endif #define YYERROR_VERBOSE #define INTEGER_SET_ENUMERATION 1 #define INTEGER_SET_RANGE 2 #define EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN 1 #define EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER 2 #define EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING 3 #define EXPRESSION_TYPE_REGEXP 4 #define ERROR_IF(x) \ if (x) \ { \ yyerror(yyscanner, compiler, NULL); \ YYERROR; \ } \ #define CHECK_TYPE_WITH_CLEANUP(actual_type, expected_type, op, cleanup) \ if (actual_type != expected_type) \ { \ switch(actual_type) \ { \ case EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER: \ yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( \ compiler, "wrong type \"integer\" for " op " operator"); \ break; \ case EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING: \ yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( \ compiler, "wrong type \"string\" for \"" op "\" operator"); \ break; \ } \ compiler->last_result = ERROR_WRONG_TYPE; \ cleanup; \ yyerror(yyscanner, compiler, NULL); \ YYERROR; \ } #define CHECK_TYPE(actual_type, expected_type, op) \ CHECK_TYPE_WITH_CLEANUP(actual_type, expected_type, op, ) \ #define MSG(op) "wrong type \"string\" for \"" op "\" operator" %} %expect 2 // expect 2 shift/reduce conflicts // %debug %name-prefix="yara_yy" %output "yara_grammar.c" %pure-parser %parse-param {void *yyscanner} %parse-param {YR_COMPILER* compiler} %lex-param {yyscan_t yyscanner} %lex-param {YR_COMPILER* compiler} %token _RULE_ %token _PRIVATE_ %token _GLOBAL_ %token _META_ %token _STRINGS_ %token _CONDITION_ %token _IDENTIFIER_ %token _STRING_IDENTIFIER_ %token _STRING_COUNT_ %token _STRING_OFFSET_ %token _STRING_IDENTIFIER_WITH_WILDCARD_ %token _NUMBER_ %token _TEXT_STRING_ %token _HEX_STRING_ %token _REGEXP_ %token _ASCII_ %token _WIDE_ %token _NOCASE_ %token _FULLWORD_ %token _AT_ %token _FILESIZE_ %token _ENTRYPOINT_ %token _ALL_ %token _ANY_ %token _IN_ %token _OF_ %token _FOR_ %token _THEM_ %token _INT8_ %token _INT16_ %token _INT32_ %token _UINT8_ %token _UINT16_ %token _UINT32_ %token _MATCHES_ %token _CONTAINS_ %token _IMPORT_ %token _TRUE_ %token _FALSE_ %left _OR_ %left _AND_ %left '&' '|' '^' %left _LT_ _LE_ _GT_ _GE_ _EQ_ _NEQ_ _IS_ %left _SHIFT_LEFT_ _SHIFT_RIGHT_ %left '+' '-' %left '*' '\\' '%' %right _NOT_ %right '~' %type strings %type string_declaration %type string_declarations %type meta %type meta_declaration %type meta_declarations %type tags %type tag_list %type string_modifier %type string_modifiers %type integer_set %type rule_modifier %type rule_modifiers %type identifier %type primary_expression %type boolean_expression %type expression %type regexp %type arguments_list %destructor { yr_free($$); } _IDENTIFIER_ %destructor { yr_free($$); } _STRING_IDENTIFIER_ %destructor { yr_free($$); } _STRING_COUNT_ %destructor { yr_free($$); } _STRING_OFFSET_ %destructor { yr_free($$); } _STRING_IDENTIFIER_WITH_WILDCARD_ %destructor { yr_free($$); } _TEXT_STRING_ %destructor { yr_free($$); } _HEX_STRING_ %destructor { yr_free($$); } _REGEXP_ %union { SIZED_STRING* sized_string; char* c_string; int8_t expression_type; int64_t integer; YR_STRING* string; YR_META* meta; YR_OBJECT* object; } %% rules : /* empty */ | rules rule | rules import | rules error rule /* on error skip until next rule..*/ | rules error "include" /* .. or include statement */ ; import : _IMPORT_ _TEXT_STRING_ { int result = yr_parser_reduce_import(yyscanner, $2); yr_free($2); ERROR_IF(result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } ; rule : rule_modifiers _RULE_ _IDENTIFIER_ tags '{' meta strings condition '}' { int result = yr_parser_reduce_rule_declaration( yyscanner, $1, $3, $4, $7, $6); yr_free($3); ERROR_IF(result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } ; meta : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | _META_ ':' meta_declarations { #if REAL_YARA //Meta not supported // Each rule have a list of meta-data info, consisting in a // sequence of YR_META structures. The last YR_META structure does // not represent a real meta-data, it's just a end-of-list marker // identified by a specific type (META_TYPE_NULL). Here we // write the end-of-list marker. YR_META null_meta; memset(&null_meta, 0xFF, sizeof(YR_META)); null_meta.type = META_TYPE_NULL; compiler->last_result = yr_arena_write_data( compiler->metas_arena, &null_meta, sizeof(YR_META), NULL); #endif $$ = $3; ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } ; strings : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; compiler->current_rule_strings = $$; } | _STRINGS_ ':' string_declarations { // Each rule have a list of strings, consisting in a sequence // of YR_STRING structures. The last YR_STRING structure does not // represent a real string, it's just a end-of-list marker // identified by a specific flag (STRING_FLAGS_NULL). Here we // write the end-of-list marker. YR_STRING null_string; memset(&null_string, 0xFF, sizeof(YR_STRING)); null_string.g_flags = STRING_GFLAGS_NULL; compiler->last_result = yr_arena_write_data( compiler->strings_arena, &null_string, sizeof(YR_STRING), NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); compiler->current_rule_strings = $3; $$ = $3; } ; condition : _CONDITION_ ':' boolean_expression ; rule_modifiers : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | rule_modifiers rule_modifier { $$ = $1 | $2; } ; rule_modifier : _PRIVATE_ { $$ = RULE_GFLAGS_PRIVATE; } | _GLOBAL_ { $$ = RULE_GFLAGS_GLOBAL; } ; tags : /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | ':' tag_list { #if REAL_YARA //tags not supported // Tags list is represented in the arena as a sequence // of null-terminated strings, the sequence ends with an // additional null character. Here we write the ending null //character. Example: tag1\0tag2\0tag3\0\0 compiler->last_result = yr_arena_write_string( yyget_extra(yyscanner)->sz_arena, "", NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); #endif $$ = $2; } ; tag_list : _IDENTIFIER_ { #if REAL_YARA //tags not supported char* identifier; compiler->last_result = yr_arena_write_string( yyget_extra(yyscanner)->sz_arena, $1, &identifier); #endif yr_free($1); #if REAL_YARA //tags not supported ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = identifier; #endif } | tag_list _IDENTIFIER_ { #if REAL_YARA //tags not supported char* tag_name = $1; size_t tag_length = tag_name != NULL ? strlen(tag_name) : 0; while (tag_length > 0) { if (strcmp(tag_name, $2) == 0) { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info(compiler, tag_name); compiler->last_result = ERROR_DUPLICATE_TAG_IDENTIFIER; break; } tag_name = yr_arena_next_address( yyget_extra(yyscanner)->sz_arena, tag_name, tag_length + 1); tag_length = tag_name != NULL ? strlen(tag_name) : 0; } if (compiler->last_result == ERROR_SUCCESS) compiler->last_result = yr_arena_write_string( yyget_extra(yyscanner)->sz_arena, $2, NULL); #endif yr_free($2); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = $1; } ; meta_declarations : meta_declaration { $$ = $1; } | meta_declarations meta_declaration { $$ = $1; } ; meta_declaration : _IDENTIFIER_ '=' _TEXT_STRING_ { SIZED_STRING* sized_string = $3; $$ = yr_parser_reduce_meta_declaration( yyscanner, META_TYPE_STRING, $1, sized_string->c_string, 0); yr_free($1); yr_free($3); ERROR_IF($$ == NULL); } | _IDENTIFIER_ '=' _NUMBER_ { $$ = yr_parser_reduce_meta_declaration( yyscanner, META_TYPE_INTEGER, $1, NULL, $3); yr_free($1); ERROR_IF($$ == NULL); } | _IDENTIFIER_ '=' _TRUE_ { $$ = yr_parser_reduce_meta_declaration( yyscanner, META_TYPE_BOOLEAN, $1, NULL, TRUE); yr_free($1); ERROR_IF($$ == NULL); } | _IDENTIFIER_ '=' _FALSE_ { $$ = yr_parser_reduce_meta_declaration( yyscanner, META_TYPE_BOOLEAN, $1, NULL, FALSE); yr_free($1); ERROR_IF($$ == NULL); } ; string_declarations : string_declaration { $$ = $1; } | string_declarations string_declaration { $$ = $1; } ; string_declaration : _STRING_IDENTIFIER_ '=' _TEXT_STRING_ string_modifiers { $$ = yr_parser_reduce_string_declaration( yyscanner, $4, $1, $3); yr_free($1); yr_free($3); ERROR_IF($$ == NULL); } | _STRING_IDENTIFIER_ '=' { compiler->error_line = yyget_lineno(yyscanner); } _REGEXP_ string_modifiers { $$ = yr_parser_reduce_string_declaration( yyscanner, $5 | STRING_GFLAGS_REGEXP, $1, $4); yr_free($1); yr_free($4); ERROR_IF($$ == NULL); } | _STRING_IDENTIFIER_ '=' _HEX_STRING_ { $$ = yr_parser_reduce_string_declaration( yyscanner, STRING_GFLAGS_HEXADECIMAL, $1, $3); yr_free($1); yr_free($3); ERROR_IF($$ == NULL); } ; string_modifiers : /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | string_modifiers string_modifier { $$ = $1 | $2; } ; string_modifier : _WIDE_ { $$ = STRING_GFLAGS_WIDE; } | _ASCII_ { $$ = STRING_GFLAGS_ASCII; } | _NOCASE_ { $$ = STRING_GFLAGS_NO_CASE; } | _FULLWORD_ { $$ = STRING_GFLAGS_FULL_WORD; } ; identifier : _IDENTIFIER_ { YR_OBJECT* object = NULL; YR_RULE* rule; char* id; char* ns = NULL; int var_index; var_index = yr_parser_lookup_loop_variable(yyscanner, $1); if (var_index >= 0) { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_PUSH_M, LOOP_LOCAL_VARS * var_index, NULL); $$ = (YR_OBJECT*) -1; } else { // Search for identifier within the global namespace, where the // externals variables reside. object = (YR_OBJECT*) yr_hash_table_lookup( compiler->objects_table, $1, NULL); if (object == NULL) { // If not found, search within the current namespace. ns = compiler->current_namespace->name; object = (YR_OBJECT*) yr_hash_table_lookup( compiler->objects_table, $1, ns); } if (object != NULL) { compiler->last_result = yr_arena_write_string( compiler->sz_arena, $1, &id); if (compiler->last_result == ERROR_SUCCESS) compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg_reloc( yyscanner, OP_OBJ_LOAD, PTR_TO_UINT64(id), NULL); $$ = object; } else { rule = (YR_RULE*) yr_hash_table_lookup( compiler->rules_table, $1, compiler->current_namespace->name); if (rule != NULL) { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg_reloc( yyscanner, OP_PUSH_RULE, PTR_TO_UINT64(rule), NULL); } else { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info(compiler, $1); compiler->last_result = ERROR_UNDEFINED_IDENTIFIER; } $$ = (YR_OBJECT*) -2; } } yr_free($1); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } | identifier '.' _IDENTIFIER_ { YR_OBJECT* object = $1; YR_OBJECT* field = NULL; char* ident; if (object != NULL && object != (YR_OBJECT*) -1 && // not a loop variable identifier object != (YR_OBJECT*) -2 && // not a rule identifier object->type == OBJECT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) { #if REAL_YARA field = yr_object_lookup_field(object, $3); #endif if (field != NULL) { compiler->last_result = yr_arena_write_string( compiler->sz_arena, $3, &ident); if (compiler->last_result == ERROR_SUCCESS) compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg_reloc( yyscanner, OP_OBJ_FIELD, PTR_TO_UINT64(ident), NULL); } else { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info(compiler, $3); compiler->last_result = ERROR_INVALID_FIELD_NAME; } } else { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, object->identifier); compiler->last_result = ERROR_NOT_A_STRUCTURE; } $$ = field; yr_free($3); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } | identifier '[' primary_expression ']' { if ($1 != NULL && $1->type == OBJECT_TYPE_ARRAY) { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_INDEX_ARRAY, NULL); $$ = ((YR_OBJECT_ARRAY*) $1)->items->objects[0]; } else { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, $1->identifier); compiler->last_result = ERROR_NOT_AN_ARRAY; } ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } | identifier '(' arguments_list ')' { int args_count; if ($1 != NULL && $1->type == OBJECT_TYPE_FUNCTION) { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_check_types( compiler, (YR_OBJECT_FUNCTION*) $1, $3); if (compiler->last_result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { args_count = strlen($3); compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_CALL, args_count, NULL); } $$ = ((YR_OBJECT_FUNCTION*) $1)->return_obj; } else { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, $1->identifier); compiler->last_result = ERROR_NOT_A_FUNCTION; } yr_free($3); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } ; arguments_list : /* empty */ { $$ = yr_strdup(""); } | expression { $$ = yr_malloc(MAX_FUNCTION_ARGS + 1); switch($1) { case EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER: strlcpy($$, "i", MAX_FUNCTION_ARGS); break; case EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: strlcpy($$, "b", MAX_FUNCTION_ARGS); break; case EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING: strlcpy($$, "s", MAX_FUNCTION_ARGS); break; case EXPRESSION_TYPE_REGEXP: strlcpy($$, "r", MAX_FUNCTION_ARGS); break; } ERROR_IF($$ == NULL); } | arguments_list ',' expression { if (strlen($1) == MAX_FUNCTION_ARGS) { compiler->last_result = ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS; } else { switch($3) { case EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER: strlcat($1, "i", MAX_FUNCTION_ARGS); break; case EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN: strlcat($1, "b", MAX_FUNCTION_ARGS); break; case EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING: strlcat($1, "s", MAX_FUNCTION_ARGS); break; case EXPRESSION_TYPE_REGEXP: strlcat($1, "r", MAX_FUNCTION_ARGS); break; } } ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = $1; } ; regexp : _REGEXP_ { #ifdef REAL_YARA SIZED_STRING* sized_string = $1; RE* re; RE_ERROR error; int re_flags = 0; if (sized_string->flags & SIZED_STRING_FLAGS_NO_CASE) re_flags |= RE_FLAGS_NO_CASE; if (sized_string->flags & SIZED_STRING_FLAGS_DOT_ALL) re_flags |= RE_FLAGS_DOT_ALL; compiler->last_result = yr_re_compile( sized_string->c_string, re_flags, compiler->re_code_arena, &re, &error); yr_free($1); if (compiler->last_result == ERROR_INVALID_REGULAR_EXPRESSION) yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info(compiler, error.message); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); if (compiler->last_result == ERROR_SUCCESS) compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg_reloc( yyscanner, OP_PUSH, PTR_TO_UINT64(re->root_node->forward_code), NULL); yr_re_destroy(re); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); #endif $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_REGEXP; } ; boolean_expression : expression { if ($1 == EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING) { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_SZ_TO_BOOL, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } ; expression : _TRUE_ { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_PUSH, 1, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | _FALSE_ { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_PUSH, 0, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | primary_expression _MATCHES_ regexp { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING, "matches"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_REGEXP, "matches"); if (compiler->last_result == ERROR_SUCCESS) compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_MATCHES, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | primary_expression _CONTAINS_ primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING, "contains"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING, "contains"); compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_CONTAINS, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | _STRING_IDENTIFIER_ { int result = yr_parser_reduce_string_identifier( yyscanner, $1, OP_STR_FOUND); yr_free($1); ERROR_IF(result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | _STRING_IDENTIFIER_ _AT_ primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "at"); compiler->last_result = yr_parser_reduce_string_identifier( yyscanner, $1, OP_STR_FOUND_AT); yr_free($1); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); compiler->current_rule_clflags |= RULE_OFFSETS; $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | _STRING_IDENTIFIER_ _IN_ range { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_reduce_string_identifier( yyscanner, $1, OP_STR_FOUND_IN); yr_free($1); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result!= ERROR_SUCCESS); compiler->current_rule_clflags |= RULE_OFFSETS; $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | _FOR_ for_expression _IDENTIFIER_ _IN_ { int var_index; if (compiler->loop_depth == MAX_LOOP_NESTING) compiler->last_result = \ ERROR_LOOP_NESTING_LIMIT_EXCEEDED; ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); var_index = yr_parser_lookup_loop_variable( yyscanner, $3); if (var_index >= 0) { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, $3); compiler->last_result = \ ERROR_DUPLICATE_LOOP_IDENTIFIER; } ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); // Push end-of-list marker compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_PUSH, UNDEFINED, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } integer_set ':' { int mem_offset = LOOP_LOCAL_VARS * compiler->loop_depth; int8_t* addr; // Clear counter for number of expressions evaluating // to TRUE. yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_CLEAR_M, mem_offset + 1, NULL); // Clear iterations counter yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_CLEAR_M, mem_offset + 2, NULL); if ($6 == INTEGER_SET_ENUMERATION) { // Pop the first integer yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_POP_M, mem_offset, &addr); } else // INTEGER_SET_RANGE { // Pop higher bound of set range yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_POP_M, mem_offset + 3, &addr); // Pop lower bound of set range yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_POP_M, mem_offset, NULL); } compiler->loop_address[compiler->loop_depth] = addr; compiler->loop_identifier[compiler->loop_depth] = $3; compiler->loop_depth++; } '(' boolean_expression ')' { int mem_offset; compiler->loop_depth--; mem_offset = LOOP_LOCAL_VARS * compiler->loop_depth; // The value at the top of the stack is 1 if latest // expression was true or 0 otherwise. Add this value // to the counter for number of expressions evaluating // to true. yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_ADD_M, mem_offset + 1, NULL); // Increment iterations counter yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_INCR_M, mem_offset + 2, NULL); if ($6 == INTEGER_SET_ENUMERATION) { yr_parser_emit_with_arg_reloc( yyscanner, OP_JNUNDEF, PTR_TO_UINT64( compiler->loop_address[compiler->loop_depth]), NULL); } else // INTEGER_SET_RANGE { // Increment lower bound of integer set yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_INCR_M, mem_offset, NULL); // Push lower bound of integer set yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_PUSH_M, mem_offset, NULL); // Push higher bound of integer set yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_PUSH_M, mem_offset + 3, NULL); // Compare higher bound with lower bound, do loop again // if lower bound is still lower or equal than higher bound yr_parser_emit_with_arg_reloc( yyscanner, OP_JLE, PTR_TO_UINT64( compiler->loop_address[compiler->loop_depth]), NULL); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_POP, NULL); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_POP, NULL); } // Pop end-of-list marker. yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_POP, NULL); // At this point the loop quantifier (any, all, 1, 2,..) // is at the top of the stack. Check if the quantifier // is undefined (meaning "all") and replace it with the // iterations counter in that case. yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_SWAPUNDEF, mem_offset + 2, NULL); // Compare the loop quantifier with the number of // expressions evaluating to TRUE. yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_PUSH_M, mem_offset + 1, NULL); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_LE, NULL); compiler->loop_identifier[compiler->loop_depth] = NULL; yr_free($3); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | _FOR_ for_expression _OF_ string_set ':' { int mem_offset = LOOP_LOCAL_VARS * compiler->loop_depth; int8_t* addr; if (compiler->loop_depth == MAX_LOOP_NESTING) compiler->last_result = \ ERROR_LOOP_NESTING_LIMIT_EXCEEDED; if (compiler->loop_for_of_mem_offset != -1) compiler->last_result = \ ERROR_NESTED_FOR_OF_LOOP; ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_CLEAR_M, mem_offset + 1, NULL); yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_CLEAR_M, mem_offset + 2, NULL); // Pop the first string. yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_POP_M, mem_offset, &addr); compiler->loop_for_of_mem_offset = mem_offset; compiler->loop_address[compiler->loop_depth] = addr; compiler->loop_identifier[compiler->loop_depth] = NULL; compiler->loop_depth++; } '(' boolean_expression ')' { int mem_offset; compiler->loop_depth--; compiler->loop_for_of_mem_offset = -1; mem_offset = LOOP_LOCAL_VARS * compiler->loop_depth; // Increment counter by the value returned by the // boolean expression (0 or 1). yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_ADD_M, mem_offset + 1, NULL); // Increment iterations counter. yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_INCR_M, mem_offset + 2, NULL); // If next string is not undefined, go back to the // beginning of the loop. yr_parser_emit_with_arg_reloc( yyscanner, OP_JNUNDEF, PTR_TO_UINT64( compiler->loop_address[compiler->loop_depth]), NULL); // Pop end-of-list marker. yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_POP, NULL); // At this point the loop quantifier (any, all, 1, 2,..) // is at top of the stack. Check if the quantifier is // undefined (meaning "all") and replace it with the // iterations counter in that case. yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_SWAPUNDEF, mem_offset + 2, NULL); // Compare the loop quantifier with the number of // expressions evaluating to TRUE. yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_PUSH_M, mem_offset + 1, NULL); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_LE, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | for_expression _OF_ string_set { yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_OF, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | _NOT_ boolean_expression { yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_NOT, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | boolean_expression _AND_ boolean_expression { yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_AND, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | boolean_expression _OR_ boolean_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN, "or"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_OR, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | primary_expression _LT_ primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "<"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "<"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_LT, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | primary_expression _GT_ primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, ">"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, ">"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_GT, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | primary_expression _LE_ primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "<="); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "<="); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_LE, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | primary_expression _GE_ primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, ">="); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, ">="); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_GE, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | primary_expression _EQ_ primary_expression { if ($1 != $3) { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, "mismatching types for == operator"); compiler->last_result = ERROR_WRONG_TYPE; } else if ($1 == EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING) { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_SZ_EQ, NULL); } else { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_EQ, NULL); } ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | primary_expression _IS_ primary_expression { if ($1 != $3) { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, "mismatching types for == operator"); compiler->last_result = ERROR_WRONG_TYPE; } else if ($1 == EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING) { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_SZ_EQ, NULL); } else { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_EQ, NULL); } ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | primary_expression _NEQ_ primary_expression { if ($1 != $3) { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, "mismatching types for != operator"); compiler->last_result = ERROR_WRONG_TYPE; } else if ($1 == EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING) { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_SZ_NEQ, NULL); } else { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_NEQ, NULL); } ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } | primary_expression { $$ = $1; } |'(' expression ')' { $$ = $2; } ; integer_set : '(' integer_enumeration ')' { $$ = INTEGER_SET_ENUMERATION; } | range { $$ = INTEGER_SET_RANGE; } ; range : '(' primary_expression '.' '.' primary_expression ')' { if ($2 != EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER) { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, "wrong type for range's lower bound"); compiler->last_result = ERROR_WRONG_TYPE; } if ($5 != EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER) { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, "wrong type for range's upper bound"); compiler->last_result = ERROR_WRONG_TYPE; } ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } ; integer_enumeration : primary_expression { if ($1 != EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER) { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, "wrong type for enumeration item"); compiler->last_result = ERROR_WRONG_TYPE; } ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } | integer_enumeration ',' primary_expression { if ($3 != EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER) { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info( compiler, "wrong type for enumeration item"); compiler->last_result = ERROR_WRONG_TYPE; } ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } ; string_set : '(' { // Push end-of-list marker yr_parser_emit_with_arg(yyscanner, OP_PUSH, UNDEFINED, NULL); } string_enumeration ')' | _THEM_ { yr_parser_emit_with_arg(yyscanner, OP_PUSH, UNDEFINED, NULL); yr_parser_emit_pushes_for_strings(yyscanner, "$*"); #ifdef YARA_PROTO compiler->current_rule_clflags |= RULE_THEM; #endif } ; string_enumeration : string_enumeration_item | string_enumeration ',' string_enumeration_item ; string_enumeration_item : _STRING_IDENTIFIER_ { yr_parser_emit_pushes_for_strings(yyscanner, $1); yr_free($1); } | _STRING_IDENTIFIER_WITH_WILDCARD_ { yr_parser_emit_pushes_for_strings(yyscanner, $1); yr_free($1); } ; for_expression : primary_expression | _ALL_ { yr_parser_emit_with_arg(yyscanner, OP_PUSH, UNDEFINED, NULL); #ifdef YARA_PROTO compiler->current_rule_clflags |= RULE_ALL; #endif } | _ANY_ { yr_parser_emit_with_arg(yyscanner, OP_PUSH, 1, NULL); #ifdef YARA_PROTO compiler->current_rule_clflags |= RULE_ANY; #endif } ; primary_expression : '(' primary_expression ')' { $$ = $2; } | _FILESIZE_ { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_FILESIZE, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } | _ENTRYPOINT_ { #ifndef YARA_PROTO yywarning(yyscanner, "Using deprecated \"entrypoint\" keyword. Use the \"entry_point\" " "function from PE module instead."); #else compiler->current_rule_clflags |= RULE_EP; #endif compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_ENTRYPOINT, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | _INT8_ '(' primary_expression ')' { CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "int8"); compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_INT8, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | _INT16_ '(' primary_expression ')' { CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "int16"); compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_INT16, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | _INT32_ '(' primary_expression ')' { CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "int32"); compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_INT32, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | _UINT8_ '(' primary_expression ')' { CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "uint8"); compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_UINT8, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | _UINT16_ '(' primary_expression ')' { CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "uint16"); compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_UINT16, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | _UINT32_ '(' primary_expression ')' { CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "uint32"); compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_UINT32, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | _NUMBER_ { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_PUSH, $1, NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | _TEXT_STRING_ { #if REAL_YARA SIZED_STRING* sized_string = $1; #endif char* string = NULL; #if REAL_YARA compiler->last_result = yr_arena_write_string( compiler->sz_arena, sized_string->c_string, &string); #endif yr_free($1); if (compiler->last_result == ERROR_SUCCESS) compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg_reloc( yyscanner, OP_PUSH, PTR_TO_UINT64(string), NULL); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING; } | _STRING_COUNT_ { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_reduce_string_identifier( yyscanner, $1, OP_STR_COUNT); yr_free($1); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | _STRING_OFFSET_ '[' primary_expression ']' { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_reduce_string_identifier( yyscanner, $1, OP_STR_OFFSET); yr_free($1); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); compiler->current_rule_clflags |= RULE_OFFSETS; $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | _STRING_OFFSET_ { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit_with_arg( yyscanner, OP_PUSH, 1, NULL); if (compiler->last_result == ERROR_SUCCESS) compiler->last_result = yr_parser_reduce_string_identifier( yyscanner, $1, OP_STR_OFFSET); yr_free($1); ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); compiler->current_rule_clflags |= RULE_OFFSETS; $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | identifier { if ($1 == (YR_OBJECT*) -1) // loop identifier { $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } else if ($1 == (YR_OBJECT*) -2) // rule identifier { $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_BOOLEAN; } else if ($1 != NULL) { compiler->last_result = yr_parser_emit( yyscanner, OP_OBJ_VALUE, NULL); switch($1->type) { case OBJECT_TYPE_INTEGER: $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; break; case OBJECT_TYPE_STRING: $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_STRING; break; default: assert(FALSE); } } else { yr_compiler_set_error_extra_info(compiler, $1->identifier); compiler->last_result = ERROR_WRONG_TYPE; } ERROR_IF(compiler->last_result != ERROR_SUCCESS); } | primary_expression '+' primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "+"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "+"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_ADD, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | primary_expression '-' primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "-"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "-"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_SUB, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | primary_expression '*' primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "*"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "*"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_MUL, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | primary_expression '\\' primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "\\"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "\\"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_DIV, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | primary_expression '%' primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "%"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "%"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_MOD, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | primary_expression '^' primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "^"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "^"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_XOR, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | primary_expression '&' primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "^"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "^"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_AND, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | primary_expression '|' primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "|"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "|"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_OR, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | '~' primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($2, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "~"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_NEG, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | primary_expression _SHIFT_LEFT_ primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "<<"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, "<<"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_SHL, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | primary_expression _SHIFT_RIGHT_ primary_expression { CHECK_TYPE($1, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, ">>"); CHECK_TYPE($3, EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER, ">>"); yr_parser_emit(yyscanner, OP_SHR, NULL); $$ = EXPRESSION_TYPE_INTEGER; } | regexp { $$ = $1; } ; %%