/* * Copyright (C) 2014, 2017-2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * Author: Shawn Webb * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations * including the two. * * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your * version. If you delete this exception statement from all source * files in the program, then also delete it here. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "clamav-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #include #if HAVE_ICONV #include #endif #include "clamav.h" #include "others.h" #include "pdf.h" #include "scanners.h" #include "fmap.h" #include "str.h" #include "bytecode.h" #include "bytecode_api.h" #include "arc4.h" #include "rijndael.h" #include "textnorm.h" #include "json_api.h" #include "conv.h" #include "entconv.h" char *pdf_convert_utf(char *begin, size_t sz); char *pdf_convert_utf(char *begin, size_t sz) { char *res = NULL; char *buf, *outbuf; #if HAVE_ICONV char *p1, *p2; size_t inlen, outlen, i; char *encodings[] = { "UTF-16", NULL}; iconv_t cd; #endif buf = cli_calloc(1, sz + 1); if (!(buf)) return NULL; memcpy(buf, begin, sz); #if HAVE_ICONV p1 = buf; p2 = outbuf = cli_calloc(1, sz + 1); if (!(outbuf)) { free(buf); return NULL; } for (i = 0; encodings[i] != NULL; i++) { p1 = buf; p2 = outbuf; inlen = outlen = sz; cd = iconv_open("UTF-8", encodings[i]); if (cd == (iconv_t)(-1)) { char errbuf[128]; cli_strerror(errno, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); cli_errmsg("pdf_convert_utf: could not initialize iconv for encoding %s: %s\n", encodings[i], errbuf); continue; } iconv(cd, (char **)(&p1), &inlen, &p2, &outlen); if (outlen == sz) { /* Decoding unsuccessful right from the start */ iconv_close(cd); continue; } outbuf[sz - outlen] = '\0'; res = strdup(outbuf); iconv_close(cd); break; } #else outbuf = cli_utf16_to_utf8(buf, sz, E_UTF16); if (!outbuf) { free(buf); return NULL; } res = strdup(outbuf); #endif free(buf); free(outbuf); return res; } int is_object_reference(char *begin, char **endchar, uint32_t *id) { char *end = *endchar; char *p1 = begin, *p2; unsigned long n; uint32_t t = 0; /* * Object references are always this format: * XXXX YYYY R * Where XXXX is the object ID and YYYY is the revision ID of the object. * The letter R signifies that this is a reference. * * In between each item can be an arbitrary amount of whitespace. */ /* Skip whitespace */ while (p1 < end && isspace(p1[0])) p1++; if (p1 == end) return 0; if (!isdigit(p1[0])) return 0; /* Ensure strtoul() isn't going to go past our buffer */ p2 = p1 + 1; while (p2 < end && !isspace(p2[0])) p2++; if (p2 == end) return 0; n = strtoul(p1, &p2, 10); if (n == ULONG_MAX && errno) return 0; t = n << 8; /* Skip more whitespace */ p1 = p2; while (p1 < end && isspace(p1[0])) p1++; if (p1 == end) return 0; if (!isdigit(p1[0])) return 0; /* Ensure strtoul() is going to go past our buffer */ p2 = p1 + 1; while (p2 < end && !isspace(p2[0])) p2++; if (p2 == end) return 0; n = strtoul(p1, &p2, 10); if (n == ULONG_MAX && errno) return 0; t |= (n & 0xff); /* Skip even more whitespace */ p1 = p2; while (p1 < end && isspace(p1[0])) p1++; if (p1 == end) return 0; if (p1[0] == 'R') { *endchar = p1 + 1; if (id) *id = t; return 1; } return 0; } static char *pdf_decrypt_string(struct pdf_struct *pdf, struct pdf_obj *obj, const char *in, size_t *length) { enum enc_method enc; /* handled only once in cli_pdf() */ //pdf_handle_enc(pdf); if (pdf->flags & (1 << DECRYPTABLE_PDF)) { enc = get_enc_method(pdf, obj); return decrypt_any(pdf, obj->id, in, length, enc); } return NULL; } char *pdf_finalize_string(struct pdf_struct *pdf, struct pdf_obj *obj, const char *in, size_t len) { char *wrkstr, *output = NULL; size_t wrklen = len, outlen, i; unsigned int likelyutf = 0; if (!in) return NULL; /* get a working copy */ wrkstr = cli_calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!wrkstr) return NULL; memcpy(wrkstr, in, len); //cli_errmsg("pdf_final: start(%d): %s\n", wrklen, wrkstr); /* convert PDF specific escape sequences, like octal sequences */ /* TODO: replace the escape sequences directly in the wrkstr */ if (strchr(wrkstr, '\\')) { output = cli_calloc(wrklen + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!output) { free(wrkstr); return NULL; } outlen = 0; for (i = 0; i < wrklen; ++i) { if ((i + 1 < wrklen) && wrkstr[i] == '\\') { if ((i + 3 < wrklen) && (isdigit(wrkstr[i + 1]) && isdigit(wrkstr[i + 2]) && isdigit(wrkstr[i + 3]))) { /* octal sequence */ char octal[4], *check; unsigned long value; memcpy(octal, &wrkstr[i + 1], 3); octal[3] = '\0'; value = (char)strtoul(octal, &check, 8); /* check if all characters were converted */ if (check == &octal[3]) output[outlen++] = value; i += 3; /* 4 with for loop [\ddd] */ } else { /* other sequences */ switch (wrkstr[i + 1]) { case 'n': output[outlen++] = 0x0a; break; case 'r': output[outlen++] = 0x0d; break; case 't': output[outlen++] = 0x09; break; case 'b': output[outlen++] = 0x08; break; case 'f': output[outlen++] = 0x0c; break; case '(': output[outlen++] = 0x28; break; case ')': output[outlen++] = 0x29; break; case '\\': output[outlen++] = 0x5c; break; default: /* IGNORE THE REVERSE SOLIDUS - PDF3000-2008 */ break; } i += 1; /* 2 with for loop [\c] */ } } else { output[outlen++] = wrkstr[i]; } } free(wrkstr); wrkstr = cli_calloc(outlen + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!wrkstr) { free(output); return NULL; } memcpy(wrkstr, output, outlen); free(output); wrklen = outlen; } //cli_errmsg("pdf_final: escaped(%d): %s\n", wrklen, wrkstr); /* check for encryption and decrypt */ if (pdf->flags & (1 << ENCRYPTED_PDF)) { size_t tmpsz = wrklen; output = pdf_decrypt_string(pdf, obj, wrkstr, &tmpsz); outlen = tmpsz; free(wrkstr); if (output) { wrkstr = cli_calloc(outlen + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!wrkstr) { free(output); return NULL; } memcpy(wrkstr, output, outlen); free(output); wrklen = outlen; } else { return NULL; } } //cli_errmsg("pdf_final: decrypt(%d): %s\n", wrklen, wrkstr); /* check for UTF-* and convert to UTF-8 */ for (i = 0; i < wrklen; ++i) { if (((unsigned char)wrkstr[i] > (unsigned char)0x7f) || (wrkstr[i] == '\0')) { likelyutf = 1; break; } } if (likelyutf) { output = pdf_convert_utf(wrkstr, wrklen); free(wrkstr); wrkstr = output; } //cli_errmsg("pdf_final: postutf(%d): %s\n", wrklen, wrkstr); return wrkstr; } char *pdf_parse_string(struct pdf_struct *pdf, struct pdf_obj *obj, const char *objstart, size_t objsize, const char *str, char **endchar, struct pdf_stats_metadata *meta) { const char *q = objstart; char *p1, *p2; size_t len, checklen; char *res = NULL; uint32_t objid; if (obj->objstm) { if (objsize > (size_t)(obj->objstm->streambuf_len - (objstart - obj->objstm->streambuf))) { /* Possible attempt to exploit bb11980 */ cli_dbgmsg("Malformed PDF: Alleged size of obj in object stream in PDF would extend further than the object stream data.\n"); return NULL; } } else { if (objsize > (size_t)(pdf->size - (objstart - pdf->map))) { /* Possible attempt to exploit bb11980 */ cli_dbgmsg("Malformed PDF: Alleged size of obj in PDF would extend further than the PDF data.\n"); return NULL; } } /* * Yes, all of this is required to find the start and end of a potentially UTF-* string * * First, find the key of the key/value pair we're looking for in this object. * Second, determine whether the value points to another object (NOTE: this is sketchy behavior) * Third, attempt to determine if we're ASCII or UTF-* * If we're ASCII, just copy the ASCII string into a new heap-allocated string and return that * Fourth, Attempt to decode from UTF-* to UTF-8 */ if (str) { checklen = strlen(str); if (objsize < strlen(str) + 3) return NULL; for (p1 = (char *)q; (size_t)(p1 - q) < objsize - checklen; p1++) if (!strncmp(p1, str, checklen)) break; if ((size_t)(p1 - q) == objsize - checklen) return NULL; p1 += checklen; } else { p1 = (char *)q; } while ((size_t)(p1 - q) < objsize && isspace(p1[0])) p1++; if ((size_t)(p1 - q) == objsize) return NULL; /* * If str is non-null: * We should be at the start of the string, minus 1 * Else: * We should be at the start of the string */ p2 = (char *)(q + objsize); if (is_object_reference(p1, &p2, &objid)) { struct pdf_obj *newobj; char *begin, *p3; STATBUF sb; uint32_t objflags; int fd; size_t objsize2; newobj = find_obj(pdf, obj, objid); if (!(newobj)) return NULL; if (newobj == obj) return NULL; /* * If pdf_handlename hasn't been called for this object, * then parse the object prior to extracting it */ if (!(newobj->statsflags & OBJ_FLAG_PDFNAME_DONE)) pdf_parseobj(pdf, newobj); /* Extract the object. Force pdf_extract_obj() to dump this object. */ objflags = newobj->flags; newobj->flags |= (1 << OBJ_FORCEDUMP); if (pdf_extract_obj(pdf, newobj, PDF_EXTRACT_OBJ_NONE) != CL_SUCCESS) return NULL; newobj->flags = objflags; if (!(newobj->path)) return NULL; fd = open(newobj->path, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { cli_unlink(newobj->path); free(newobj->path); newobj->path = NULL; return NULL; } if (FSTAT(fd, &sb)) { close(fd); cli_unlink(newobj->path); free(newobj->path); newobj->path = NULL; return NULL; } if (sb.st_size) { begin = calloc(1, sb.st_size + 1); if (!(begin)) { close(fd); cli_unlink(newobj->path); free(newobj->path); newobj->path = NULL; return NULL; } if (read(fd, begin, sb.st_size) != sb.st_size) { close(fd); cli_unlink(newobj->path); free(newobj->path); newobj->path = NULL; free(begin); return NULL; } p3 = begin; objsize2 = sb.st_size; while ((size_t)(p3 - begin) < objsize2 && isspace(p3[0])) { p3++; objsize2--; } switch (*p3) { case '(': case '<': res = pdf_parse_string(pdf, obj, p3, objsize2, NULL, NULL, meta); break; default: res = pdf_finalize_string(pdf, obj, begin, objsize2); if (!res) { res = cli_calloc(1, objsize2 + 1); if (!(res)) { close(fd); cli_unlink(newobj->path); free(newobj->path); newobj->path = NULL; free(begin); return NULL; } memcpy(res, begin, objsize2); res[objsize2] = '\0'; if (meta) { meta->length = objsize2; meta->obj = obj; meta->success = 0; } } else if (meta) { meta->length = strlen(res); meta->obj = obj; meta->success = 1; } } free(begin); } close(fd); cli_unlink(newobj->path); free(newobj->path); newobj->path = NULL; if (endchar) *endchar = p2; return res; } if (*p1 == '<') { /* Hex string */ p2 = p1 + 1; while ((size_t)(p2 - objstart) < objsize && *p2 != '>') p2++; if ((size_t)(p2 - objstart) == objsize) { return NULL; } res = pdf_finalize_string(pdf, obj, p1, (p2 - p1) + 1); if (!res) { res = cli_calloc(1, (p2 - p1) + 2); if (!(res)) return NULL; memcpy(res, p1, (p2 - p1) + 1); res[(p2 - p1) + 1] = '\0'; if (meta) { meta->length = (p2 - p1) + 1; meta->obj = obj; meta->success = 0; } } else if (meta) { meta->length = strlen(res); meta->obj = obj; meta->success = 1; } if (res && endchar) *endchar = p2; return res; } /* We should be at the start of a string literal (...) here */ if (*p1 != '(') return NULL; /* Make a best effort to find the end of the string and determine if UTF-* */ p2 = ++p1; while (p2 < objstart + objsize) { int shouldbreak = 0; switch (*p2) { case '\\': p2++; break; case ')': shouldbreak = 1; break; } if (shouldbreak) { p2--; break; } p2++; } if (p2 >= objstart + objsize) return NULL; len = (size_t)(p2 - p1) + 1; res = pdf_finalize_string(pdf, obj, p1, len); if (!res) { res = cli_calloc(1, len + 1); if (!(res)) return NULL; memcpy(res, p1, len); res[len] = '\0'; if (meta) { meta->length = len; meta->obj = obj; meta->success = 0; } } else if (meta) { meta->length = strlen(res); meta->obj = obj; meta->success = 1; } if (res && endchar) *endchar = p2; return res; } struct pdf_dict *pdf_parse_dict(struct pdf_struct *pdf, struct pdf_obj *obj, size_t objsize, char *begin, char **endchar) { struct pdf_dict *res = NULL; struct pdf_dict_node *node = NULL; const char *objstart; char *end; unsigned int in_string = 0, ninner = 0; /* Sanity checking */ if (!(pdf) || !(obj) || !(begin)) return NULL; objstart = (obj->objstm) ? (const char *)(obj->start + obj->objstm->streambuf) : (const char *)(obj->start + pdf->map); if (begin < objstart || (size_t)(begin - objstart) >= objsize - 2) return NULL; if (begin[0] != '<' || begin[1] != '<') return NULL; /* Find the end of the dictionary */ end = begin; while ((size_t)(end - objstart) < objsize) { int increment = 1; if (in_string) { if (*end == '\\') { end += 2; continue; } if (*end == ')') in_string = 0; end++; continue; } switch (*end) { case '(': in_string = 1; break; case '<': if ((size_t)(end - objstart) <= objsize - 2 && end[1] == '<') ninner++; increment = 2; break; case '>': if ((size_t)(end - objstart) <= objsize - 2 && end[1] == '>') ninner--; increment = 2; break; } if ((size_t)(end - objstart) <= objsize - 2) if (end[0] == '>' && end[1] == '>' && ninner == 0) break; end += increment; } /* More sanity checking */ if ((size_t)(end - objstart) >= objsize - 2) return NULL; if (end[0] != '>' || end[1] != '>') return NULL; res = cli_calloc(1, sizeof(struct pdf_dict)); if (!(res)) return NULL; /* Loop through each element of the dictionary */ begin += 2; while (begin < end) { char *val = NULL, *key = NULL, *p1, *p2; struct pdf_dict *dict = NULL; struct pdf_array *arr = NULL; unsigned int nhex = 0, i; /* Skip any whitespaces */ while (begin < end && isspace(begin[0])) begin++; if (begin == end) break; /* Get the key */ p1 = begin + 1; while (p1 < end && !isspace(p1[0])) { int breakout = 0; switch (*p1) { case '<': case '[': case '(': case '/': case '\r': case '\n': case ' ': case '\t': breakout = 1; break; case '#': /* Key name obfuscated with hex characters */ nhex++; if (p1 > end - 3) { if (endchar) { *endchar = end; } return res; } break; } if (breakout) break; p1++; } if (p1 == end) break; key = cli_calloc((p1 - begin) + 2, 1); if (!(key)) break; if (nhex == 0) { /* Key isn't obfuscated with hex. Just copy the string */ strncpy(key, begin, p1 - begin); key[p1 - begin] = '\0'; } else { for (i = 0, p2 = begin; p2 < p1; p2++, i++) { if (*p2 == '#') { cli_hex2str_to(p2 + 1, key + i, 2); p2 += 2; } else { key[i] = *p2; } } } /* Now for the value */ begin = p1; /* Skip any whitespaces */ while (begin < end && isspace(begin[0])) begin++; if (begin == end) { free(key); break; } switch (begin[0]) { case '(': val = pdf_parse_string(pdf, obj, begin, end - objstart, NULL, &p1, NULL); begin = p1 + 2; break; case '[': arr = pdf_parse_array(pdf, obj, end - objstart, begin, &p1); begin = p1 + 1; break; case '<': if ((size_t)(begin - objstart) < objsize - 2) { if (begin[1] == '<') { dict = pdf_parse_dict(pdf, obj, end - objstart, begin, &p1); begin = p1 + 2; break; } } val = pdf_parse_string(pdf, obj, begin, end - objstart, NULL, &p1, NULL); begin = p1 + 2; break; default: p1 = (begin[0] == '/') ? begin + 1 : begin; while (p1 < end) { int shouldbreak = 0; switch (p1[0]) { case '>': case '/': shouldbreak = 1; break; } if (shouldbreak) break; p1++; } is_object_reference(begin, &p1, NULL); val = cli_calloc((p1 - begin) + 2, 1); if (!(val)) break; strncpy(val, begin, p1 - begin); val[p1 - begin] = '\0'; if (p1[0] != '/') begin = p1 + 1; else begin = p1; break; } if (!(val) && !(dict) && !(arr)) { free(key); break; } if (!(res->nodes)) { res->nodes = res->tail = node = cli_calloc(1, sizeof(struct pdf_dict_node)); if (!(node)) { free(key); if (dict) pdf_free_dict(dict); if (val) free(val); if (arr) pdf_free_array(arr); break; } } else { node = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pdf_dict_node)); if (!(node)) { free(key); if (dict) pdf_free_dict(dict); if (val) free(val); if (arr) pdf_free_array(arr); break; } node->prev = res->tail; if (res->tail) res->tail->next = node; res->tail = node; } node->key = key; if ((val)) { node->value = val; node->valuesz = strlen(val); node->type = PDF_DICT_STRING; } else if ((arr)) { node->value = arr; node->valuesz = sizeof(struct pdf_array); node->type = PDF_DICT_ARRAY; } else if ((dict)) { node->value = dict; node->valuesz = sizeof(struct pdf_dict); node->type = PDF_DICT_DICT; } } if (endchar) *endchar = end; return res; } struct pdf_array *pdf_parse_array(struct pdf_struct *pdf, struct pdf_obj *obj, size_t objsize, char *begin, char **endchar) { struct pdf_array *res = NULL; struct pdf_array_node *node = NULL; const char *objstart; char *end; int in_string = 0, ninner = 0; /* Sanity checking */ if (!(pdf) || !(obj) || !(begin)) return NULL; objstart = (obj->objstm) ? (const char *)(obj->start + obj->objstm->streambuf) : (const char *)(obj->start + pdf->map); if (begin < objstart || (size_t)(begin - objstart) >= objsize) return NULL; if (begin[0] != '[') return NULL; /* Find the end of the array */ end = begin; while ((size_t)(end - objstart) < objsize) { if (in_string) { if (*end == '\\') { end += 2; continue; } if (*end == ')') in_string = 0; end++; continue; } switch (*end) { case '(': in_string = 1; break; case '[': ninner++; break; case ']': ninner--; break; } if (*end == ']' && ninner == 0) break; end++; } /* More sanity checking */ if ((size_t)(end - objstart) >= objsize) return NULL; if (*end != ']') return NULL; res = cli_calloc(1, sizeof(struct pdf_array)); if (!(res)) return NULL; begin++; while (begin < end) { char *val = NULL, *p1; struct pdf_array *arr = NULL; struct pdf_dict *dict = NULL; while (begin < end && isspace(begin[0])) begin++; if (begin == end) break; switch (begin[0]) { case '<': if ((size_t)(begin - objstart) < objsize - 2 && begin[1] == '<') { dict = pdf_parse_dict(pdf, obj, end - objstart, begin, &begin); begin += 2; break; } /* Not a dictionary. Intentionally fall through. */ case '(': val = pdf_parse_string(pdf, obj, begin, end - objstart, NULL, &begin, NULL); begin += 2; break; case '[': /* XXX We should have a recursion counter here */ arr = pdf_parse_array(pdf, obj, end - objstart, begin, &begin); begin += 1; break; default: p1 = end; if (!is_object_reference(begin, &p1, NULL)) { p1 = begin + 1; while (p1 < end && !isspace(p1[0])) p1++; } val = cli_calloc((p1 - begin) + 2, 1); if (!(val)) break; strncpy(val, begin, p1 - begin); val[p1 - begin] = '\0'; begin = p1; break; } /* Parse error, just return what we could */ if (!(val) && !(arr) && !(dict)) break; if (!(node)) { res->nodes = res->tail = node = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pdf_array_node)); if (!(node)) { if (dict) pdf_free_dict(dict); if (val) free(val); if (arr) pdf_free_array(arr); break; } } else { node = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pdf_array_node)); if (!(node)) { if (dict) pdf_free_dict(dict); if (val) free(val); if (arr) pdf_free_array(arr); break; } node->prev = res->tail; if (res->tail) res->tail->next = node; res->tail = node; } if (val != NULL) { node->type = PDF_ARR_STRING; node->data = val; node->datasz = strlen(val); } else if (dict != NULL) { node->type = PDF_ARR_DICT; node->data = dict; node->datasz = sizeof(struct pdf_dict); } else { node->type = PDF_ARR_ARRAY; node->data = arr; node->datasz = sizeof(struct pdf_array); } } if (endchar) *endchar = end; return res; } void pdf_free_dict(struct pdf_dict *dict) { struct pdf_dict_node *node, *next; node = dict->nodes; while (node != NULL) { free(node->key); if (node->type == PDF_DICT_STRING) free(node->value); else if (node->type == PDF_DICT_ARRAY) pdf_free_array((struct pdf_array *)(node->value)); else if (node->type == PDF_DICT_DICT) pdf_free_dict((struct pdf_dict *)(node->value)); next = node->next; free(node); node = next; } free(dict); } void pdf_free_array(struct pdf_array *array) { struct pdf_array_node *node, *next; if (!(array)) return; node = array->nodes; while (node != NULL) { if (node->type == PDF_ARR_ARRAY) pdf_free_array((struct pdf_array *)(node->data)); else if (node->type == PDF_ARR_DICT) pdf_free_dict((struct pdf_dict *)(node->data)); else free(node->data); next = node->next; free(node); node = next; } free(array); } void pdf_print_array(struct pdf_array *array, unsigned long depth) { struct pdf_array_node *node; unsigned long i; for (i = 0, node = array->nodes; node != NULL; node = node->next, i++) { if (node->type == PDF_ARR_STRING) cli_errmsg("array[%lu][%lu]: %s\n", depth, i, (char *)(node->data)); else pdf_print_array((struct pdf_array *)(node->data), depth + 1); } } void pdf_print_dict(struct pdf_dict *dict, unsigned long depth) { struct pdf_dict_node *node; for (node = dict->nodes; node != NULL; node = node->next) { if (node->type == PDF_DICT_STRING) { cli_errmsg("dict[%lu][%s]: %s\n", depth, node->key, (char *)(node->value)); } else if (node->type == PDF_DICT_ARRAY) { cli_errmsg("dict[%lu][%s]: Array =>\n", depth, node->key); pdf_print_array((struct pdf_array *)(node->value), depth); } else if (node->type == PDF_DICT_DICT) { pdf_print_dict((struct pdf_dict *)(node->value), depth + 1); } } }